Half marathon - Support and Motivation!

Hi everyone!

I'm just starting my first week with Hal Higdon's 12-week training program for a half marathon. Today, I am running 3 miles. It'll be a feat since I haven't done more than two yet, but I'm determined! Even if it's slow, I'm gonna do it!

I'm excited to kick off my training! How's everyone else doing?


  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I had started my half-marathon training a while back and have unfortunately become de-railed due to an achillies tendon injury. I am also using the same training program you are. I wish you the best of luck with your training. I am not at all trying to discourage you, but I ask that you be careful and listen to your body. If you have not run more than 2 miles at a time, just remember you are now upping your miles considerably compared to what you have done in the past. Please just be careful. I don't want what happened to me happen to you.

    I am going to my doctor this afternoon and hope that he will clear me to start over. I really want to do a HM in October and want to finish my training before then and get some Insanity in the mix before the big day.

    I can't wait to hear how you do tonite. I am sure you will do great. :bigsmile:
  • sbarham
    sbarham Posts: 44 Member
    I am so excited for you!!!! This is one of my future fitness goals. Hopefully the near future! Glad you're in a training program, hopefully that will help with any difficulties if they arise. There's a lot of good info on the web about training for your first marathon, do's and don'ts, etc. Good luck to you!!!!
  • czar1978
    czar1978 Posts: 83

    I just started training for a half marathon today as well. Good luck to you! :smile:
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    I have been trying to train but with little success! I want to run a full marathon by the end of the year but I am having foot problems!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm still in. I've finished 2 of 16 weeks training for the Detriot 1/2 marathon on October. I run on Tues, Thurs and one day one the weekend. Today was cross training and I rode my bike for 65 min.

    Dreamhazer - is this the thread you want us to post to now? Should we put a link on your post from last week so everyone can find this??
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    Pinbotchick- Congrats on keeping with the training! And yes, this will be the thread. Good idea about the link, I'll go do that now. :)

    Kangababy- Good luck with your goal! I know how discouraging injuries can be, but listen to your body and don't get down!

    Czar- Are you using a specific training program?

    Jjtonic75- Thanks for the advice and concern. About two days ago I did 5 sets of 20 reps of squats, and my legs are still sore! So, I couldn't really run today. But, I didn't want to miss my first day, so instead I just did a brisk walk and even though my legs gave a few times. But, from what I've read, my legs should feel better tomorrow.
    So, three 13-minute miles today. I'd like to do at least 10-minute miles while training, but not a bad first day overall! Afterall, I moved and burned 475 calories!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Starting my official training the first full week of August. I've got a few smaller races in there too.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    Can I join? I"m going to do my second half marathon on Sept 12th. I used Hal Higdon for my first one, and this one i'm kind of modifying my own with cross training/weights and long runs. I just did 6 last weekend and plan to add a mile a week, then taper off for the last 2 weeks. I have a 5 K planned for this weekend, but nothing beyond that. I might fit in a 10K the week before the half. My only issues running so far have been asthma related - but I started a new med and hope that will help.
  • tiptoe6
    tiptoe6 Posts: 68 Member
    Exactly two months from today is my first half marathon in PA. It's going to come up fast!!!! Wishing everyone luck- I know I'll need it ;)
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    My training doesn't start until the last week of July, but thought i'd pop in now. I'll probably be running 5.5-6 miles 3x a week and one longer run on the weekends until training starts. Today, however, I'm taking the day off, lol. Went hiking for the first time in a LONG time on Saturday and ran just under 5 yesterday and my legs are TOAST. And on top of that, i took my kids to the amusement park/water park yesterday in Denver and was walking around/standing around/climbing stairs All. Day. Long. Probably shouldn't have run yesterday morning, but oh well.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just started week 2 of training for the Detroit half-marathon. Even though it's really 14ish weeks away, I'm still working off of the 12-week novice Hal Higdon plan, as I figure there will be a week or two that I could repeat. On the schedule for today: strength and stretch. Going to do a pilates dvd and some arm weights. Will need to get up early again tomorrow (ugh- darn heat) and do a 3-miler. The run shouldn't be bad. The getting up will be. Let's hope the weather holds out... otherwise it'll be a treadmill run at the gym, and I'm not so much a fan of them.

    Good luck everyone! I look forward to reading more about your trainings over the next few weeks!
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Kangababy - I came down with plantar fasciaitis (sp?) while I was training for the Chicago Marathon in 2006. It was the worst pain I've ever been in (I don't have kids yet!)... I don't know what your specific foot pain is, but I talked with a guy that worked in a running store, and he helped me out a lot. I bought some inserts for my shoes, as well as this knubby ball that I still use to help rub the knots out of the bottom of my feet and heels. If you have a running store nearby, they might be able to help you out. Don't push it though. You definitely don't want to hurt them any worse!

    Akasullengal - I'm totally with you on the treadmills. I hate them, but sometimes they are a necessary evil...

    I don't start my training schedule until July 26. I'm running the "Home of Purdue" half marathon in Lafayette, Indiana. It's the first year for this race, so we'll see how it goes. It looks REALLY hilly...

    I did a 4ish mile run Sunday morning with a friend, and I'm planning on running Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member

    I just started training for a half marathon today as well. Good luck to you! :smile:

    What program are you training with?:bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I have been trying to train but with little success! I want to run a full marathon by the end of the year but I am having foot problems!

    How long have you been having the foot problems? If it has been a few weeks, I highly recommend going to a foot doctor. You don't want to injur them worse than they already are. You don't want to have to lose ground for a longer period of time. I sure do hope it is nothing serious. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I'm still in. I've finished 2 of 16 weeks training for the Detriot 1/2 marathon on October. I run on Tues, Thurs and one day one the weekend. Today was cross training and I rode my bike for 65 min.

    How are you doing and feeling so far? I got in 3 weeks before I got injured. I hope all is well with you. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Jjtonic75- Thanks for the advice and concern. About two days ago I did 5 sets of 20 reps of squats, and my legs are still sore! So, I couldn't really run today. But, I didn't want to miss my first day, so instead I just did a brisk walk and even though my legs gave a few times. But, from what I've read, my legs should feel better tomorrow.

    So, three 13-minute miles today. I'd like to do at least 10-minute miles while training, but not a bad first day overall! Afterall, I moved and burned 475 calories!

    You don't really think that squats are really going to do too much until after you are done and then you say to yourself, "what did I just do?" LOL At least you got to moving this afternoon. Good for you. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Starting my official training the first full week of August. I've got a few smaller races in there too.

    What are you doing until then? :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Can I join? I"m going to do my second half marathon on Sept 12th. I used Hal Higdon for my first one, and this one i'm kind of modifying my own with cross training/weights and long runs. I just did 6 last weekend and plan to add a mile a week, then taper off for the last 2 weeks. I have a 5 K planned for this weekend, but nothing beyond that. I might fit in a 10K the week before the half. My only issues running so far have been asthma related - but I started a new med and hope that will help.

    How did you do on your first HM? Sounds like you have a good plan. Can't wait to hear how it comes out for you. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Exactly two months from today is my first half marathon in PA. It's going to come up fast!!!! Wishing everyone luck- I know I'll need it ;)

    What training program are you using? :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    My training doesn't start until the last week of July, but thought i'd pop in now. I'll probably be running 5.5-6 miles 3x a week and one longer run on the weekends until training starts. Today, however, I'm taking the day off, lol. Went hiking for the first time in a LONG time on Saturday and ran just under 5 yesterday and my legs are TOAST. And on top of that, i took my kids to the amusement park/water park yesterday in Denver and was walking around/standing around/climbing stairs All. Day. Long. Probably shouldn't have run yesterday morning, but oh well.

    You sound like a busy lady. Can't wait to hear how your training goes for you. :bigsmile: