Half marathon - Support and Motivation!



  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Good luck to every one on your training today. i ran my 10 miles on friday and it felt amazing!
    I have rubbish feet though and they get blistered quite easily, luckly this time i just got a small one on one of my toes. i do a lot of cross training to keep them in check so i only do a long run once a week max. Seems to work for me though and i'm starting to get decent times now too.
    keep up the good work :smile:

    That is great!!! I knew you could do it. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Morning all. Just got back from my long run for the week. 4.06 miles in 49 minutes (average of a 12:06 pace), which I'll totally take. It's a good time for me, and better because my distance is increasing. Still on track with my crosstraining days and eating is pretty good. Overall, a successful week. Weeks 1 and 2 were the same in terms of training. I up this week to 3.5 short runs and a 5 miler and next weekend. I know I can do it!

    Good luck everyone!

    Slow and steady wins the race. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Oops, completely missed this thread and was wondering where everyone went in the other one :) Now I really need to play catch up here.

    Did a slow 6 miles his morning. It was so humid but at least it was kinda cloudy. Still, 75 and humid is rough. I really need to work on core strength though as I noticed my back was getting sore and tired. More planks for me :)


    Good job on your 6 miles. I know what you mean about running in the humidity, it is rough. Great job pushing through. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Well I did the 4 miles but did have to walk on and off. The heat was just too much for me. But I did it in 50:20! Which was great!

    Great job!!! :bigsmile:
  • MissAmandax
    Goodluck! You can do it! I hope to run a half marathon soon too :)
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I did get in my 1 mile Saturday morning and it was a good run. Then I got in my strength training and core workout.

    Tonite will be 2 miles. My achillies is doing very well, no pain here so I am moving on. I am really excited. Can't wait to get out there. I did sign up for a 5k that will be held next Friday evening. It will be my first nite run, it sounds like it will be a lot of fun.

    Keep up the awesome work everyone. Have a beautiful week. :bigsmile:
  • allim
    allim Posts: 21
    My Training starts the first full week of August as well....
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Forgot to post earlier today, but it was 5.51 miles for me, and yes, as crappy as I felt thanks to AF showing up a few days early, I am going to claim that 1/100th of a mile, lol.

    My parents are coming in Wednesday night for like 9 days, so I'll be cleaning and then dealing with them...and my children's birthdays (one is the 23rd, the other the 28th). I'll try to post my runs, but otherwise, I'll be back at the beginning of August.

    have a great night.

    ETA: Jacqueline, good job getting your 4 miler done in the heat.
    Jennifer, how did your 2 miles go? Hopefully, no pain!
  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    Have you been to a running store that will make sure that you have the proper shoes for your arch type? This can make a difference and prevent possible injuries.
  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    I'm hoping to do that one also. I'm not a morning person, so most of my running is done later in the day so this is perfect. Also, it's a pretty flat course which is very exciting. What a great place to run!
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    I'm currently training for a 1/2 Marathon that I have signed up for December 5 in Dallas. I'm currently not following any program but have been running. Saturday was my longest so far. I didn't look at my pace and just went out and ran as far as I could. I ended up running 1hr 25 minutes which got me 7.1 miles. My plan is to be able to about 2 hours without stopping by the end of August then I will work a little more on pace. I'm currently doing more cycling for cross training because of the heat and humidity here in Texas.

    I have not read all the messages, so please friend me if you like. Also does anyone here use dailymile.com to track their exercise?

    1. Weight to be about 180 (30 more pounds)
    2. Finish without walking other than a few water breaks.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sometimes you have to love the rain - it forced me to use the treadmill. I started with pushing myself to run at 6.0mph for 10 min (yep - it was for a mile). The next 2 miles I tried fartlek training to work on speed. Jogging at 4.5 mph until I'd resume normal breathing then pushing it for 60 sec at 7 to 7.5 mph and repeat. I'm still breathing hard but it felt good to really push myself. I tend to enjoy the scenery and jog slow when running outside.

    Everyone is doing so well. Keep up the great work and thanks for the encouragement.

    Jen - I hope you got your 2 miles in.
  • roadchic18
    roadchic18 Posts: 128
    I didn't notice this post unti this morning and I'd love to join and discuss training with everyone. My hubby and I start our HM training on July 27th. This will be our 3rd Half Marathon, and I'm hoping to do a lot better than last year. I look forward to reading about everyone's training and all the ups and downs that come with it. HM training is tough, it takes dedication for sure, but it's all so worth it in the end! If I can do better this year my plan is to register for a full marathon in March. Good luck to everyone! Keep running!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Forgot to post earlier today, but it was 5.51 miles for me, and yes, as crappy as I felt thanks to AF showing up a few days early, I am going to claim that 1/100th of a mile, lol.

    My parents are coming in Wednesday night for like 9 days, so I'll be cleaning and then dealing with them...and my children's birthdays (one is the 23rd, the other the 28th). I'll try to post my runs, but otherwise, I'll be back at the beginning of August.

    have a great night.

    ETA: Jacqueline, good job getting your 4 miler done in the heat.
    Jennifer, how did your 2 miles go? Hopefully, no pain!

    I did not run last nite like I should have. There is no excuse good enough for me not doing it. When I get home from band practice tonite and as long as it is not pouring down rain I will get out there and do it. I really have not had any pain, so I think it will be good. Looking forward to running and getting my anger out with it. Thanx for checking on me.

    I don't blame you for claiming that extra 1/100 mile. I would do the same thing. Keep up the great work and I hope you have a wonderful week with your mom and dad. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I'm currently training for a 1/2 Marathon that I have signed up for December 5 in Dallas. I'm currently not following any program but have been running. Saturday was my longest so far. I didn't look at my pace and just went out and ran as far as I could. I ended up running 1hr 25 minutes which got me 7.1 miles. My plan is to be able to about 2 hours without stopping by the end of August then I will work a little more on pace. I'm currently doing more cycling for cross training because of the heat and humidity here in Texas.

    I have not read all the messages, so please friend me if you like. Also does anyone here use dailymile.com to track their exercise?

    1. Weight to be about 180 (30 more pounds)
    2. Finish without walking other than a few water breaks.

    Welcome, it sounds like you are doing great already without using a program. I wish I could do it like that, but I feel I need structure. You have great goals set, and I know you can do it. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Sometimes you have to love the rain - it forced me to use the treadmill. I started with pushing myself to run at 6.0mph for 10 min (yep - it was for a mile). The next 2 miles I tried fartlek training to work on speed. Jogging at 4.5 mph until I'd resume normal breathing then pushing it for 60 sec at 7 to 7.5 mph and repeat. I'm still breathing hard but it felt good to really push myself. I tend to enjoy the scenery and jog slow when running outside.

    Everyone is doing so well. Keep up the great work and thanks for the encouragement.

    Jen - I hope you got your 2 miles in.

    When I see that you ran at 6.0 for an entire mile, that scares me. I have used a treadmill before and could get up to 6.0 for only a short time. I guess I am just afraid to push myself. Then you did 7.0 and 7.5, WOW!!! That is amazing. Way to go for pushing yourself.

    I did not run last nite like I should have. There is no excuse good enough for me not doing it. When I get home from band practice tonite and as long as it is not pouring down rain I will get out there and do it. I really have not had any pain, so I think it will be good. Looking forward to running and getting my anger out with it. Thanx for checking on me. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I didn't notice this post unti this morning and I'd love to join and discuss training with everyone. My hubby and I start our HM training on July 27th. This will be our 3rd Half Marathon, and I'm hoping to do a lot better than last year. I look forward to reading about everyone's training and all the ups and downs that come with it. HM training is tough, it takes dedication for sure, but it's all so worth it in the end! If I can do better this year my plan is to register for a full marathon in March. Good luck to everyone! Keep running!!

    Welcome, glad you are here with us. I am with you on getting in a full marathon next year. That is my goal as well. I figure, if I can do 13 miles, why not 26? LOL Wishing you the best of luck. Please keep us updated. :bigsmile:
  • aero00
    aero00 Posts: 5
    Just finished a 3mile run. Gotta love it being 90 degrees at 8pm...bleh. Overall a good run though. I can only hope I'll speed up once the temp gets a little cooler. Did some planks and upper body weights as well so all is good

    Keep up with the great runs everyone!

  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Did a 5-miler last night (on the treadmill, boring!) in 45 minutes. I'm so inspired by all of you that are able to run outside in the summer! I just don't handle the heat very well, so I resort to going to the gym... I do run with a friend on Sunday mornings, but I don't have time to do that on weekdays, so it's the gym for me.

    Training begins on Monday for me. Should be fine, since my first long run (July 31) is set for 5 miles and I already did that last night. Keep it up everybody!
  • owno9700
    owno9700 Posts: 24
    I started training this week as well for a half marathon; this will be my third and I'm hoping, my best. I have the same problem with the heat, the only time I can run is early morning or late in the evening. With the heat wave we've been having here, I've opted to run on the treadmill the majority of the time. Weekends are different, I usually run outside so that II can come home and take my time cooling off. One thing I do like about the treadmill is when I get to the part in my training schedule that calls for interval running; I find it easier to maintain the faster pace when I have to keep up with the treadmill rather than trying to maintain it on my own when running outside.
    best of luck to all of you who have started your training!