Half marathon - Support and Motivation!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    It sounds like everyone is doing so well!!

    Jen- I'm so glad you could run 2 miles without pain.

    Somehow I managed to get sick tues and missed my Thurs run. I'm back to 100% today. I started my day with an hour long bike ride. I have a buddy that rides with me MWF mornings. I was so happy my last client cancelled so I had an extra hour and got 3 miles in on the treadmill varying my speed (fartlek training).

    DH just got home so we're off for yard work.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Cross train day for me....36 min cardio program tm and @30 min UB weights. I have to go check the schedule...i can't remember if half training starts tomorrow or next week. If it starts tomorrow, I may put it off one day and get one more long run before officially starting.

    Victoria, glad you're feeling better.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    6.05 mi at 10:31 pace. Half marathon training officially starts tomorrow....with strength and stretching as the first workout, lol.

    hope everyone is having a good weekend.
  • aero00
    aero00 Posts: 5
    So I did it! I ran 4 miles only walking one block. Which is simply amazing! I have never run this much with walking so little. I even did it in less than 47 minutes. I am so proud of myself!

    That's awesome and such a wonderful feeling isn't it!

  • aero00
    aero00 Posts: 5
    So, yesterday was supposed to be a 5 mile run since this week eased up on my mileage slightly. It was so HOT at 6:30 am. I took the "rest" to heart and stopped at 3 miles and did the remaining 2 this morning. I just didn't feel comfortable running for almost an hour in that heat. Plus, I want to work on adding in another running day so it actually worked out really well. In the past, I found running an easy 2-3 miles the day after my long run was helpful in getting rid of soreness.

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Finished week 4 of 16 for training with a 4 mile run this morning - 10 miles for the week. Pace 14 min/mile. I had the dog and he pottied twice and we were enjoying the scenery not to mention the hills. I run much faster on the treadmill with no incline. So far, I'm very happy with my training and it's going so much better than anticipated it would go..

    Great job everyone.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Everyone is doing great!

    I'm still moving along nicely with my training. Just finished week 3. I missed one run last week due to feeling uber crappy, but Sunday I still got my long run in. 5.25 miles, with a 13:00/mile pace. Would like to be faster, but that's pretty reasonable for me considering the distance. It was only the second time I'd run over 5 miles, and I can tell you, this was much easier on me than the last time I ran it a couple of months ago, so I am getting in better shape and more fit.

    This week's training plan is the same as last, with 2 shorter 3.5 mile runs, and a long 5 milers on Sunday. Today's a strength day, so will do some weights, and might do one of my dvds. We'll see.

    Good luck everyone!!
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Training starts today for me! However, I love my Monday class at the gym (one hour of butt-kicking Core Camp class), so I'll probably only get in 2.33 miles before class starts (and that's if I set the treadmill at 7.0 mph), which I did last week.

    Took my husband on a 4 mile run on Sunday morning. It's the first time we've run over 2 miles together. I hope we can keep it up, although he has no distance running aspirations... So, I guess he could do my mid-week runs with me.

    Keep up the hard work everyone! Remember that running is FUN!! :flowerforyou:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Everybody is doing so great, keep up the AWESOME work.

    I started my week yesterday with a 3 mile run and I will do another tonite. It went really well. My pace was 11:30/mile, which is really good for me. Maybe tonite I will make it 11/mile. I am running a nite 5k this Friday and am really excited. Have not done one like this before. At least I know I will be ready for it. Then I will start my HM training back up on Monday next week. WHOOOHOOO!!! It is about time. LOL

    Have a beautiful week everyone. :bigsmile:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy Tuesday!!! How sad is that I'm disappointed that I only had to run 2 miles today. I kept up a 12 min pace - excellent for . Remind me of this on Thurs when I'm scheduled for 6 miles. I cont with cross training riding my bike on non running days for 60 min...

    Jen - great job on the 3 miles but take it easy so you don't re-injure that calf.

    LHuffman - at least your DH runs some. Mine tried to bribe me last week and said he'd take a run. When I told him we'd go 5 miles, he said well you might be ahead of me for 4.9... He didn't even try for one...

    Great job on your run this morning Kristina!!! I'm proud of you for getting up early. I know it's hard...
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Another 3 miles in the books. It was another good run. I did slow down by 1:30 min/mile just because I usually don't run two days in a row, especially 3 miles. I am pretty proud of myself. Sunday nite was 11:00 min/mile and last nite was 13:00 min/mile. For someone who is still learning, I can't complain. I sure slept better last nite. LOL :yawn:

    I ate 100% better yesterday and will do even better today. I had one birthday cupcake last nite for dessert, since Sunday was Jon's birthday. We celebrated last nite. Today will be 100% clean. If we don't have band practice I will get to play softball. I will only be the catcher and they may put me up to bat, but at least it is something. Then I will get in my strength training and core workout. I think I will do Cardio Abs tonite, I just won't do the jumping around warmup at the beginning. After this week if my ankle is doing good, I can start with Plyo work again. I am excited about that. I sure miss jumping around and hearing Shaun T yell at me. LOL :laugh:

    I will be posting my wedding dress pic today.

    Have a beautiful day. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!! How sad is that I'm disappointed that I only had to run 2 miles today. I kept up a 12 min pace - excellent for . Remind me of this on Thurs when I'm scheduled for 6 miles. I cont with cross training riding my bike on non running days for 60 min...

    Jen - great job on the 3 miles but take it easy so you don't re-injure that calf.

    You are doing amazing, keep up the great work.

    Thank you so much for the concern. My doctor actually told me to run 3 miles this week and if everything is okay this week, I can start my HM training back up next week. So far so good. I am feeling really good. :bigsmile:
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    I will be posting my wedding dress pic today.

    Have a beautiful day. :bigsmile:

    I LOVE wedding dress pictures! Bring them on!

    I started training last night. Was supposed to do 3 miles, but since my Core Camp class started at 5:40, and I didn't get on the treadmill until 5:19, I had to settle for 2+ miles... Oh well, our instructor ran our butts off in class so I'm sure I made up the difference and then some.

    I'm supposed to do 4 miles today, but I have a "workout date" with a friend instead. Our local waterpark opens up the lazy river for Water Walking, so we go and walk against the current (super hard workout) for an hour instead. Just bought a heart rate monitor, so I'm going to wear that to the session and see how many calories it burns. Can't wait! Wednesday is supposed to be my rest day, but I'll probably run a little and go to a class at the gym.

    Have a nice day everyone!
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Technically, day 2 of half training. Yesterday was day 1 - and strength and stretch was on the schedule. i did Power Yoga 1 and some lower body stuff.

    Anyway, today was supposed to be 3 miles and i did 4 miles at 10:12 pace.

    Jennifer, can't wait to see your wedding dress.

    Nice work everyone!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Week 4 of training has kicked into gear. Yesterday was a strength/stretch, so I did some arm weights, so wasn't a big calorie burner, but I at least did something.

    Got up early this morning (still sort of struggling with it, but feels better having workout done) before work and did my 3.5 (well, 3.6) mile run, at about a 12:30 pace, which isn't terrible for me. Felt pretty good throughout. I'll walk home from work today, which will add another half mile, AND i need to pick my car up at the dealor, and I decided to walk there versus being picked up, so that'll be another 2 miles of walking in for the day, which is good, as I can use all the calorie burning I can get.

    Tomorrow is a cross-training day. I think I'll probably do bike, but possibly elliptical- MAYBE swimming, but then it's so hard to get up the next morning and run, so we'll see.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I started training last night. Was supposed to do 3 miles, but since my Core Camp class started at 5:40, and I didn't get on the treadmill until 5:19, I had to settle for 2+ miles... Oh well, our instructor ran our butts off in class so I'm sure I made up the difference and then some.

    I'm supposed to do 4 miles today, but I have a "workout date" with a friend instead. Our local waterpark opens up the lazy river for Water Walking, so we go and walk against the current (super hard workout) for an hour instead. Just bought a heart rate monitor, so I'm going to wear that to the session and see how many calories it burns. Can't wait! Wednesday is supposed to be my rest day, but I'll probably run a little and go to a class at the gym.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    What is core camp? The waterpark workout sounds like a lot of fun. I hope you had a great time. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Week 4 of training has kicked into gear. Yesterday was a strength/stretch, so I did some arm weights, so wasn't a big calorie burner, but I at least did something.

    Got up early this morning (still sort of struggling with it, but feels better having workout done) before work and did my 3.5 (well, 3.6) mile run, at about a 12:30 pace, which isn't terrible for me. Felt pretty good throughout. I'll walk home from work today, which will add another half mile, AND i need to pick my car up at the dealor, and I decided to walk there versus being picked up, so that'll be another 2 miles of walking in for the day, which is good, as I can use all the calorie burning I can get.

    Tomorrow is a cross-training day. I think I'll probably do bike, but possibly elliptical- MAYBE swimming, but then it's so hard to get up the next morning and run, so we'll see.

    Good luck everyone!

    It sounds like you are doing an amazing job. Keep up the great work. If I were to choose between what you have available for your cross training, I would go with swimming. Since it has been so hot, swimming sounds like a lot of fun. That is just me though. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Technically, day 2 of half training. Yesterday was day 1 - and strength and stretch was on the schedule. i did Power Yoga 1 and some lower body stuff.

    Anyway, today was supposed to be 3 miles and i did 4 miles at 10:12 pace.

    Jennifer, can't wait to see your wedding dress.

    Nice work everyone!

    Wow, you have an amazing pace. I have been there before, but can not stay consistant. Someday. :tongue:

    Are you new to running or have you been doing it for a while. I know when it tells me to do 3 miles, that is all I do. Running an extra mile is not an option for me unless it is on the schedule. :laugh: You are doing amazing, keep up the great work.

    I have posted my dress pic. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Yesterday was strength training and core work. I decided to go with Insanity Cardio Abs, I did not do any of the warmup due to what my doctor told me. Next week I should be able to. I had Jon tweek my strength training a little. I looked at myself in my dress and really don't like the looks of my arms. They look flabby. UGH!!!! I am my own worst critic. :laugh: So, I have 9 more strength training days before the wedding and really want to tone up the best I can before then. He is having me do more reps with a lower weight. I thought, oh, this won't be a problem, I was wrong. It was still hard, which is good. I do feel it this morning, I am sure I will feel it more tomorrow. LOL

    Tonite I will be running again. Not sure how long though, depending on when band practice lets out. I want to do 3 miles, but may not be able to. As long as I get something in, it is better than nothing. :bigsmile:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Didn't end up doing anything else yesterday after running in the morning. Had flirted with the idea of swimming, but I knew I would be exhausted otherwise this morning.

    Today, as my car needed to be picked up from the dealer, I decided to walk there- 3 miles down. Averaged abotu a 3.5mph walking pace, which is fine with me. Plus it was hot and humid! Ugh! It's a crosstraining day and I while I think I could swing the walk as it for the day, I'm planning on going to the gym after work. It's a good day to swim, but as I have an early morning run, I think it might wipe me out too much not getting out of the pool until 9 and then getting up at 5:30 to run, so I'll probably do the bike... maybe the elliptical. At least 45 minutes. Get in a good burn for the day hopefully. Tomorrow morning it's another 3.5-miler!

    Keep it up everyone!