Half marathon - Support and Motivation!



  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    5.55 miles at 10:54 pace. (Jennifer, my paces were ALL over the place today, lol. I thought of you while i was running and my Garmin was beeping off very different mile times)

    off to take the kids to Pirate's Cove (small water parK) and then my parents leave and head by NY later tonight. I'll check in later with comments.

    It is good to know that I am not the only one that has problems with times for my runs. LOL :laugh: You are doing great, keep up the good work.

    Sounds like a good time at Pirate's Cove. Hope you had a good weekend. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hi all! Can I join? I am starting Hal Higdon's 12 week program today. I have roughly 13 weeks until my first ever running event (HALF MARATHON) I am super excited! I will catch up on all of the posts tonight. My 16 month old is trying to play with the key board :laugh:

    Welcome, glad to have you here with us. How are you doing so far with the training? When is your HM? Can't wait to hear all about your training. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Powered through my long run - 7 miles - in 1 hour 36 min (13:51 pace). That makes 15 miles for the week.

    Jennifer - how was the 5K run?

    Nice job, keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member

    7.31 miles at 10:57 pace. Really looking forward to some yoga tomorrow. Some parts of me NEED to be stretched.

    Nice pace!!! :drinker:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Did my first long run of training on the treadmill (5 miles). I just couldn't get motivated to go out running in the morning, and before I knew it, it was too hot... Oh well, I got it in!

    Week 2 here I come!

    At least you did it, whether outside or inside, you did it. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hey everyone! It's been a few days since I've checked in. I had a run!fail on Sunday, which I'm still pissed at myself about. I was supposed to do a 5-miler, but allowed myself to sleep in, which I did longer than planned and then it was too hot for me to be outside running for that long. Plus, my TOM had just arrived, and it wasn't pretty. I was basically making excuses for myself.

    The thing is, I get so hard on myself later when I don't do what I committed to, that I at least did something yesterday. Saturday I punked out on exercising, when it was supposed to be a crosstraining day, so I really needed to do something yesterday. I ended up swimming for an hour, which felt really good and I know that it was a good workout. I'm planning on hitting up the gym after work today to do some more crosstraining to make up for the lack of anything on Saturday.

    This week on the plan is another increase in distance. My short runs (Tues/Thur) have increased to 4 miles and my long run on Sunday is 6 miles, which will be my longest distance ever. Let's hope I can hit it okay... that's why I really wanted to get my 5 miler in this weekend, because I wanted to be a bit more comfortable at that distance (though last week's 5 miles weren't bad).

    I will commit to this this week! If I seriously think I'll be ready for the half in October, I need to k ick it into high gear.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. You can only do what you can do. "Do your best and forget the rest." Tony Horton of P90X That is all you can do. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    My HM is scheduled 11-6-2010!!!! 14 more weeks to go :smile: I am LOVING it so far. Saturday I did a 4 mile run (even went a little over to make it 45 minutes of running) LOL I'm OCD. My legs are kinda sore, but I have been running between 2 and 3 miles a few times a week, so this was not much of a stretch. I modified the schedule to have my long runs on Saturday and my S&S day on Sunday. I can't wait to see if I can make it to 5 miles on Saturday. 3 miles tonight, do or DIE!!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Got my short run in this morning. Whew! Crazy now that my short runs are now 4 miles, when that used to be a longer distance for me. Ran just a little over 4 miles in 49 minutes, which is just a little over 12min/mile, which is a pretty speedy pace for me, especially at that distance. I'm hoping to increase my speed, or at least not lose too much of it as I increase my distance. Mostly, so I'm not having to run for hours in order to hit my distance goals. haha.

    Good luck everyone on their Tuesday!
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Did a quick 2.25 miler before my Core Camp class again last night. Once again, I think we made up the difference (I was supposed to run 3 miles) and then some with all the running we did in class!

    Running 4 miles tonight. I'll be glad when fall hits, so I can start doing these runs outside. I'm kind of a wimp when it comes to heat, so those of you that run outside during the summer are my heroes!

    To those of you that use a iPod or other music while running, what is your favorite song to run to? Mine is:

    "Lose Yourself" by Eminem
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thankfully my "short run" was only 2 miles today :wink: which I completed at 12:30 pace. The humidity is off the charts today and I'm sweating more than with the 7 mile run. Thank goodness, It's supposed to cool down by Thurs...

    I listen to books on tape while I run. Right now, I'm on the last part of "An Echo in the Bone" by Diana Gabaldon.

    I need to get "Life is a Highway" and listen to that. It was playing as I ran my first 5K this year and helped up my speed...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    My go to song to pump myself up while working out is Rihanna's "Please Don't Stop the Music." I don't even like her very much, but that song for some reason always gets me going. Another goodie is The Donna's "Take it Off"- short and sweet!

    Since I've been doing longer run times, I've been listening to podcasts and audiobooks to make the time go by. Just finished Anthony Bourdain's new book "Medium Raw" and always have a fair number of NPR podcasts that I'm behind on. Nothing like Ira Glass to get me moving. Bwhaha.
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    What a great idea to listen to books on tape! I don't know why I never thought of doing that... One time my sister and I drove 3 hours to an amusement park and I made her read the sixth Harry Potter book aloud to me while I drove. She did all of the voices too! Unfortunately, she didn't have much of a voice left for the drive home... It did make the drive seem a lot faster. I'll have to look into the books at the library and see how I like it.
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    My MP3 player broke about 2 weeks ago, so I am running in the 90 degree heat with no tunes!!! It's just me and God until I get my IPOD.

    LHuffman: I live in Indiana too! I am preparing for the Monumental race now. I am in love with Eminem and can't wait to upload Recovery to the IPOD I buy and run to my future husband. (My husband thinks that is too funny when I tell him I'm gonna marry Eminem) :laugh:
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    My MP3 player broke about 2 weeks ago, so I am running in the 90 degree heat with no tunes!!! It's just me and God until I get my IPOD.

    LHuffman: I live in Indiana too! I am preparing for the Monumental race now. I am in love with Eminem and can't wait to upload Recovery to the IPOD I buy and run to my future husband. (My husband thinks that is too funny when I tell him I'm gonna marry Eminem) :laugh:

    My running buddy is running that one too! What part of Indiana do you live in? I'm in Lafayette.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Nice runs everyone! Good to see all the updates.

    5.51 mi@ 10:54 pace (treadmill). My kids go back to school tomorrow (!!!) so i can start doing some of my runs outside again, as long as it isn't too hot. they don't start until 9:30, so sometimes, it's to hot by that point...and it's back to the treadmill.

    JessiJean, so sorry to hear about your mp2 player. that's horrible, lol. the only time i don't mind running w/o mine is if i'm running way early in the morning, like 5 am.

    I was thinking about asking what people like to run to. I have both Lose Yourself and Don't Stop the Music on one of my playlists. When i'm in the mood for dance/hip hop when i run (faster beats per minute/bpm makes me run faster sometimes) I also like Taio Cruz's Break Your Heart and Kanye West's Stronger. I have a Dance/hip hop play list and an "angry" (metal/80s hair bands) play list if anyone wants me to PM them to you. (and that's if i can figure it out how to do it, lol)

    have a great day everyone!
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Went to the library at lunch today and picked up a few "chick lit" books on CD to load onto my iPod. They had so many books on tape, I couldn't believe it! I'm going to start with some sappy Jennifer Weiner stuff, then maybe do some non-fiction next time around. Thanks for making this suggestion, I'm sure it will help the time fly by!
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    The library!!! :huh: What an idea!!! I'm getting my Ipod tomorrow and will need to take a trip and pick up some tunes and books on CD!!!!! :tongue: Thanks for the ideas.

    I swam about 50 minutes and I don't even feel like I worked out!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    www.audible.com is the best for books in MP3 format!!!! If you really like books, you can buy a year "contract" for 24 books and it averages out to less than $10 a book for 24 books. I hate to admit I'm a book-a-holic and that's part of the reason I gained weight... Sitting around reading books. Books on my ipod are the best way to exercise/clean/garden/move and get my book fix!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh, I did want to say that listening to books does slow you down with time. Music is more tempo inducing to go faster but my I get involved in the books and slow down during the slow and intense parts...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I have noticed that sometimes my pace is slower when I'm listening to books/podcasts, but the runs go by faster than when listening to music for me. So it's a give and take.

    Crosstraining day today. Was worried about when I would get it in. Had planned to get up before work and go to the gym,but that just wasn't happening after a late night, and I am working a long day at work today, and knew I wouldn't want to go after work, so took a long lunch and did 45 min on the elliptical. Success! Tomorrow is another short-run. 4 miles, which really I can't wrap my brain about being a short run yet. Need to get it done, as for the past 2 weeks something or another has either stopped me or cut at least one of my three runs for the week short. Not this week! *cracks whip on self*