Half marathon - Support and Motivation!



  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Speedwork day for me. 5.6 miles total

    1 mi w/u @ 11mm
    8 x .25 @ 9:31mm (6.3mph)
    2 x .25 @ 9:05mm (6.6mph)
    1.4 mi c/d @ 10:45 mm

    rest intervals walked @ 4mph for 40-75 seconds.

    Kristina, great job getting the elliptical in today. Can't wait to hear about your 4 miler tomorrow.

    I can't do books on tape when i run. Walking...okay. Mowing the lawn...fantastic...running-i get too sucked in and pay no attention to my form, my breathing, what's around me, etc. :blushing:

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I could just float away. Yep, I love the high after running. This morning I got in a nice 7 mile jog at 13:40 pace. Yesterday was cross training with 60 min bike ride. Sat I up my distance to 8 miles. I cant believe how the summer is flying by. Race days will be here before we know it.

    Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- wow. That's some serious distance and nice time for it! 8 miles already this weekend? That's still like 3-4 weeks away for me!

    Got up this morning (painfully) and did my 4-miler. My legs were a bit rubbery, and wasn't super into it, but felt great afterwards for doing it. Did it in 50 min (avg 12:13 pace), which is pretty good considering I thought I was moving a lot slower than I did on my 4-miler on Tuesday. Wow- those Fresh Air podcasts really get me moving. Haha!

    Today is a rest day. My mom's in town this weekend so I'm not sure how much I'll get done. Saturday is crosstraining, and I think I might go on a hike around the Arb or Botanical Gardens. Sunday morning I'll do my long run. Up to 6 miles- the longest distance I've ever run. Eeep!

    But proud that I got both my morning runs in in full this week after sort of aborting or not doing them completely the past couple of weeks.

    Can't wait to hear how everyone else is doing!
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Well, looks like the race I (and Amy_B) signed up for probably isn't going to happen... Apparently city officials are not getting along with the race organizers, and it's turnning into a big mess. I don't remember how much I spent to register for the race, but I'm sure it was around $50. I wonder if I'll see that money again?

    Anyway, JessiJean, looks like I might sign up for the Monumental in downtown Indy instead (I'm going to give this a couple days, to see if anything changes).

    What a bummer!
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    That is a bummer LHuffman!!! If you are doing the monumental I would love to have you join me! I've never done a race and I tend to panic around crowds.

    I am getting so much faster on my runs! I got the Ipod and sports kit and used it yesterday. It said I did about 4.25 miles with an average of 9 minute miles!!! That was including warm up and cool down! :noway: Today is crosstraining, so maybe swimming. Then Friday is a rest day and Sat will be my 5 miles!~
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I hope that you are all well and happy today. One day closer to Friday. :wink:

    Yesterday was a really bad day for me emotionally and eating wise. I did not follow my menu and did not workout. My boss put me down to part time and with just 2 1/2 weeks till my wedding. So, I had a feeding frenzy. I am now having to drastically cut things from the wedding, namely, the reception. So everyone that I had sent out an invitation to I had to let them know about the change. That is not an easy task.

    Today may not be a better day emotionally, but I am going to make it a better physical and eating day. There are 24 days left until the wedding and I need to lose a few pounds and feel better about myself after all this. So here is what my plan is to keep me on track. Every time that I even start to think about driving to get any food not on my menu I will drop down and do 5 good pushups (mind you my normal pushups are easier, I can do 20 of them compared to 5 good ones). Then I am thinking of doing jumping jacks. I figure when I start to get my heartrate up I will start to feel better and not want to put bad things in my body.

    This morning has been good so far and it is about time for my morning snack. Tonite I will be talking to my cake lady about making a much smaller cake and when I get home I will eat my dinner. I will be doing an Insanity workout tonite for my crosstraining. I can't decide whether to go with MCC or PCC. Either one is an awesome workout.

    Here is to a good food and physcial day. Happy Friday Eve!!! :bigsmile:
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    That is a bummer LHuffman!!! If you are doing the monumental I would love to have you join me! I've never done a race and I tend to panic around crowds.

    I am getting so much faster on my runs! I got the Ipod and sports kit and used it yesterday. It said I did about 4.25 miles with an average of 9 minute miles!!! That was including warm up and cool down! :noway: Today is crosstraining, so maybe swimming. Then Friday is a rest day and Sat will be my 5 miles!~

    I'm definitely thinking about it! We'll see what happens this week... That would be fun to meet up and at least start the race together.

    I used to use the iPod Sport kit thing too. I found that the distance was about 1/10 of a mile off for every mile I ran... So, when I was supposed to run 6 miles, I would set it for 6.6 miles, etc. I'm a big fan of www.mapmyrun.com for planning out routes though, so I always sort of had an idea of how far I was going anyway. The distance discrepency will also affect your speed. Mine was telling me I was running 8:20 minute miles, and I couldn't really believe that. Once I discovered the distance thing though, I was able to figure out my "real" pace, which was right around my normal 9 minute mile.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Just like LHuffman said, it looks like our half will be canceled. I don't think I'm going to sign up for another one this year because it just won't work with my schedule. I'm going to make a mileage goal each month instead and probably do my first half in April. Good luck, everyone!!!
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    How am I supposed to rest? I am so pumped and motivated. I KNOW that rest is as important as the run, but man I WANNA RUN :tongue:

    Anyone have any tips on psyching yourself into resting???
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    How am I supposed to rest? I am so pumped and motivated. I KNOW that rest is as important as the run, but man I WANNA RUN :tongue:

    Anyone have any tips on psyching yourself into resting???

    Just remember that your body needs the rest just like it needs the run. It is okay to push to your limits, but remember your body has limits and when it says it wants to rest, let it. You will have a better run the next day after a rest day. That is just my opinion, of course. :bigsmile: I do understand not wanting to take a rest day though. Just listen to your body and you will be fine.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I signed me and my fiance' up for a 10k run the morning of our wedding. Can't wait to do it. Talking to Jon last nite he said, are you ready to run at my pace? I said, no way!!! I am still pretty slow, but can pick it up for short spirts. It will be my longest run to date. We are even having t-shirts made with Bride & Groom on them with our wedding date on the back. It makes it even more special since we will be spending quality yelling time together before the big day turns into chaos. LOL What I mean by yelling is, he will push me to the point that I will want to walk and he will continue to push until the end. Yes, I will yell at him, but will be glad that he is there to get me going. :bigsmile:

    Yesterday was cross training and I decided to do Insanity PCC. Boy, I forgot how hard it was. Got through it though and my body is talking to me today. BURN BABY BURN!!! :laugh: Tonite will be a 3 mile run plus strength training. 7 more strength training days till the wedding. I want my arms to look amazing. We shall see.

    Have a beautiful Friday everyone. Talk to you again soon. :bigsmile:
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    5.25 miles today on the tm. Had so much stuff to do this morning that by the time I got a chance to run, it was like 90 degrees. It was NOT a happy treadmill run.

    LHuffman and Amy, that's too bad about your half marathon :(

    Jennifer...can't wait to hear about your wedding 10K. That's great that your dh-to-be runs also. :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Jen - I'm happy for you on the wedding run. Good luck.

    Lhuffman and Amy - sorry to hear about your half marathon.

    Lisa - I hate running in the heat!!! I feel for you. I've been so thrilled that the early mornings have been in the 50s. I may actually wear long pants for my long run tomorrow.

    Today is a rest/yard work day for me. I did my cross training yesterday with an hour long 11 mile bike ride. My biking partner's DH came along. He will also be running the Detroit 1/2. So, we had lots of great running talk. He ran 10 miles last weekend.

    Welcome to the group Wendy:flowerforyou: I don't eat for short runs of 4 miles or less but I try to eat a banana and hard boiled egg about a half hour before longer runs. I wear a water belt that has 4 bottles each 8 ounces and go through all of it when running 7 miles. I've been thinking of getting a belt that holds 8 bottles. I haven't been able to find anyone to run at my speed so I run alone and enjoy nature. Not sure how I'd do running 7 miles on a treadmill. If I were you, I'd go for it. I'll be running the Detroit 1/2 on Oct 17th.
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Great job everyone.
    For belt bottles, you can get now 4 bottles each being 10oz instead of the old 8 oz.

    Try eating some carbs the day before (if you are going on a long run) as well as keeping fully hydrated.
    The morning of the run, i usually eat half a bagel with peanut butter & jelly and drink a full bottle of water & gatorade mixed about an hour before i hit the trails.
    I try to drink every 4 miles of running (or less depending on the humidity level & temperature of course)..

    happy running everyone
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    The 8 mile run today did not happen sadly.... I think it's because I had a beer last night and didn't drink enough water when I got home. I had no stamina and only did 2 miles but then I did a P90X workout DVD so that was a little redemption.

    Maybe I was distracted thinking about my cell phone which fell in the toilet last night at the bar where I had the beer. That will teach me! Also I meant to have a large glass of water when I got home and forgot//was too lazy when I remembered after i was already in bed.

    I find any amount of alcohol the night before really interferes with the quality of my work outs the next day...I think I need to give it up while training for the half...

    Great job on doing the P90X:wink:
    Drinking alcohol dehydrates you and unless you are drinking a sip of water for every sip of alcohol you are consuming, then it becomes hard.. Especially if you are planning a longer run..
    However, drinking a darker beer after your long run is beneficial for u (just one small beer) as it provides your muscles with B vitamins and helps with recovery:)
    So plan on having your beer after your long run..
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Hi Wendy, glad you've joined us.

    Sorry your run didn't work out. I definitely stay out of bars when i have a long run the next day. I say this laughing, but "I'm too old for that!"

    Let's see, if i am running for an hour or less, i do not normally have water on me, EXCEPT in the summer. I have a handheld Nathan waterbottle and i ususally put that in the freezer with a mixture of half power ade zero and half water (i'm a bit weird, i dilute sports drinks, ice tea, crystal lite, etc.). that way, it's still cold/icy thru a good portion of my run I also have a fuel belt with the 4 bottles and i don't use it at all. It bounces too much on me. I definitely prefer the handheld. the other option is to "plant" water bottles on your route beforehand, or do trails/paths in which you know there are water fountains around. A couple of my runs go thru parks which have water fountains (and port-o-potties too...you never know when you'll need one, lol!), so sometimes, i even fill up my handheld.

    I eat something light about an hour before i run. mini bagel w/pb, piece of baked oatmeal...something approximately 200 cals, give or take. If i'm running way early in the morning (5 or 6am) i can do it on an empty stomach, but not if i'm running for more than an hour.

    Also, i don't run with anyone, lol. i've trained and run 3 half marathons so far by myself. I've met a couple of friends before and after the races, but I tend to run my own pace and by myself. i make friends as i'm running :)

    My conputer access has been a little spotty lately, so hopefully I can get back on later to post my run. Hoping for 6 miles minimum, but i'm on the tm today and that's a bit torturous.

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I managed to get my 8 miles in this morning. Had to start on the treadmill due to rain and thunderstorms but ran the last 6 outside in a light sprinkle. Total run time 114 min for a pace of 14:30. That makes 17 miles total for the week. 6 weeks down 10 to go... Next week, I bump up to running 4 days.

    I ordered 2 extra 8 ounce bottles that attach to my Fuel Belt. That should get me through the longer runs.

    Wendy - speed isn't always the most important thing. Hopefully you'll be able to run farther.

    Lisa - hope you got your run in.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Whew, 6.31 miles done on the treadmill. I was scheduled for 6 this week, but got a little more.

    23.67 miles last week. this week is going to be a bit of a challenge because i have to do my long run (7 miles this week) on Friday because I have tickets with friends to the Mile High Music Fesstival, which runs pretty much all day Saturday and Sunday. Call me crazy, but i don't think i'm going to want to run 7 miles on Sunday morning after being at a concert all day/night on Saturday. i may try to do Friday's 4 miles on Sunday, but we'll see.

    Nice run Victoria! Great job getting out there and getting it done!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Ran my long run for the week- 6.18 miles in 1hr23min. I'll take it! Longest run I've ever done and it didn't feel too shabby! I am still working on how best to pace myself for these longer runs, because I think I was moving a bit slower than I needed to begin with, and kicked it up in the second half of the run. Might have been able to make it and still not overdo it with myself if I'd started out a little faster. I'll have plenty of practice these upcoming weeks!

    Great job everyone!
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Still can't decide if I'm going to sign up for another race this fall... I know I should, but since it doesn't look like I'm going to get my money back from the other one... We'll see!

    Did 6 miles this morning with the book on tape playing on the iPod. LOVED IT! Made the time go by a lot faster (especially the first half of the run). Ran it in just under 54 minutes, so my normal 9 minute miles. Thanks for the tip on the books on tape, I'll have to get a few more for the coming months from the library.