Half marathon - Support and Motivation!



  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    I did 4.25 miles on Saturday. Yesterday was S&S and MAN do I hurt today!!!! I haven't made myself sore in ages! Tonight is a 3 mile run. I am loving the Nike sport kit!

    Wendy: Welcome! I can't run in the morning because I HAVE to have some fuel in me and by then I have to be at work. I run about 8-9pm and I carry a water bottle in my hand. My longest run (as you can see) has only been 4.25 miles, so I am amazed by those that can go 1 mile without water!
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Today was "Stretch & Strengthn" day, so I did 30 min weights and Bryan Kest's Power Yoga 1. My kids decided to ride their bikes to school today, so i rode with them and went back and forth 2x. On the way back from school this morning, I took the greenbelt trail home instead of the street--I'd say I rode for 25 min total.

    Hoping it's not too hot tomorrow at 9:30 for me to run. Hmm, maybe i should freeze my waterbottle just in case.

    Have a great night.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I ran 2 miles this morning at 13 min pace. I had grand ideas of incorporating sprints into the run but the girls were sore from TOM issues... It was all I could do just to jog. I may have to try a 3rd bra for my longer run on Thurs. Yesterday, I got my cross training in with a 60 min bike ride.

    Great job on the runs everyone!!!
  • zoeco33
    zoeco33 Posts: 22 Member
    What a great message board...I am training for a half ob Oct. 31st. I run very slow but I am getting better in distance. The only bad thing is that I am afraid of alligators and I saw 3 in my development today....ugh
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Nice work everyone!

    Yesterday, was my strength & stretch, and I did some hand weights for my arms and upper body. Was hoping to do a bit more, but I was exhausted. I think my 6-miler on Sunday and my lack of sleep this weekend had caught up with me.

    This morning I got up (ugh- still painful) and did one of my short runs for the week 4.06m at a 12:18 avg pace, which is right on par for me. I felt like I was actually moving faster than that, but I'm still in the same one minute window I've been for the past couple of weeks at that distance.

    Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    I am soooo sore!!!!!! Today is either 2mile or cross-train. I don't wanna do either!!!! :ohwell: Someone please motivate me!

    Welcome Zoe!!! Watch out for the gators! :noway: Those things are MEAN!!!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Yesterday was Day 8 and I did strength training and Insanity Cardio Abs. It was a great workout. My Maid of Honor, Katrina came over and did the strength training with me. She is new to it and I hope she had a good experience with it. I will be checking in with her after I send this post. It did take a little longer, due to her being with me, but I still made sure to do good form and 15 to 20 reps, 3 sets. I do love to feel the burn. I actually did the warm up for Cardio Abs last nite and my ankle was fine with it. I think I am really good to go now and I love that. I tried concentrating harder on keeping my bootie in place while doing the high plank and low plank oblique moves. I am pretty sure I did better this time than last week. Feeling good about the workout.

    Today was/is Day 9 and I did a 3 mile run this morning. Since I am now part-time at work, I don't go in until 1pm. I decided to get the run in early, so after work I can go get my flowers ordered for the wedding and then head out for a softball game. It was a good run. I ran 11:21 miles. I am so wanting to go faster, but don't really know my limits yet. Some day though, I just need to be patient. It was nice this morning, there was a breeze to keep me going with the sun up high in the sky. We are having a heat advisory starting at noon today, so it was good to get it in early.

    I hope everyone is doing well and have an AWESOME day. :bigsmile:
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member

    5.1 miles. It was already 75 at 9:30 and I should have just hit the treadmill where i have a little more temperature control, lol.

    Mowed my neighbors' very overgrown backyard, which should count as a strength workout or something, lol.

    Great runs everyone! Seems like we're doing pretty well with getting those runs done :):drinker:
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    P.S. I'm looking at the Adirondack Half Marathon Sept. 26 if anyone is considering that one...

    Hi there :) I am new here but wanted to let you know that i am walk/running the Adirondack Half Marathon! Congrats on the 7 mile run!

    -- Adkwatergal
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Did 4 miles last night on the treadmill. I was feeling a little sluggish at the beginning, but once I passed the 2 mile mark and knew I was more than halfway done, things felt better. I can't wait for cooler weather to set it, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen any time soon. Have a great day everyone!
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    It is sooo hot here in Indiana!!! I sooo didn't cross train yesterday and went over on calories, but today is a new day and I am gonna run my 3.5 miles tonight and strength.

    Do you all do your strength training before or after your runs? I have been doing it before, but I don't want to wear myself out before the run.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Despite the fog, heat and humidity, I managed to run 6 miles this morning at a 13:45 pace. My mistake was listening to a book that constantly talked about food. I came home and ate!!! I did see 2 beautiful Pileated Woodpeckers... I am looking for suggestions on sweat bands - it's been so humid the sweat just pours into my eyes as I run. Has any one found any good brands and do they work?

    jessijean - I am bad and have not been doing "strength training" although I do a fair amount of exercise working with my clients each day when I demonstrate the exercises I want them to do (I even join a few in doing some). My cross training is hour long bike rides on non running days. I think I'd run first then strength train - your muscles will fatigue quicker so you made to decrease weight or reps.
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    The drama of the "Home of Purdue" Half-Marathon continues... Today in the paper, the race organizer is quoted saying that the race WILL go on, even if they have to move it to another community. Um, the only reason I signed up for it is because it was going to be in my hometown!

    Their website stipulates that there are NO REFUNDS, which I'm starting to be fine with, however, I don't really want to run 13.1 miles in another town nearby (especially if its in a cornfield somewhere - this IS Indiana afterall...).

    Just my rant. I will continue training with my friend, but who knows what's going to happen.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    The drama of the "Home of Purdue" Half-Marathon continues... Today in the paper, the race organizer is quoted saying that the race WILL go on, even if they have to move it to another community. Um, the only reason I signed up for it is because it was going to be in my hometown!

    Their website stipulates that there are NO REFUNDS, which I'm starting to be fine with, however, I don't really want to run 13.1 miles in another town nearby (especially if its in a cornfield somewhere - this IS Indiana afterall...).

    Just my rant. I will continue training with my friend, but who knows what's going to happen.

    I feel for you. I hope it all works out. I am ROFL about the corn. For 13 years the field that surrounds my house has been hay. This year they planted corn and it's 15 ft tall. I feel like I'm living in a corn field!!! It's ruining my view (*sighs*). I would not want to run 13.1miles along rows and rows of corn either.... I'm tired of the 1/2 mile of it that I have to run by.
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    The drama of the "Home of Purdue" Half-Marathon continues... Today in the paper, the race organizer is quoted saying that the race WILL go on, even if they have to move it to another community. Um, the only reason I signed up for it is because it was going to be in my hometown!

    Their website stipulates that there are NO REFUNDS, which I'm starting to be fine with, however, I don't really want to run 13.1 miles in another town nearby (especially if its in a cornfield somewhere - this IS Indiana afterall...).

    Just my rant. I will continue training with my friend, but who knows what's going to happen.

    I feel for you. I hope it all works out. I am ROFL about the corn. For 13 years the field that surrounds my house has been hay. This year they planted corn and it's 15 ft tall. I feel like I'm living in a corn field!!! It's ruining my view (*sighs*). I would not want to run 13.1miles along rows and rows of corn either.... I'm tired of the 1/2 mile of it that I have to run by.

    I enjoy running along the corn (maybe I am just excited to run my first race)! The corn fields really smell funny (like pee :laugh: ), but at least it's not car exhaust or tobacco smoke!!! I find that the corn fields are cooler than the surrounding area, too!

    I hope that you get to run your half where you WANT to run it!!
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    for those of you who run in agricultural areas, do you monitor when (if) they spray pesticides on the field? I wouldnt want to be running in the area, sucking in all those poisons, when they are... Something to consider, if you haven't already

    ps: my corn "field" in my yard consists of about 20 stalks of corn LOL! Its wedged in there with the rest of my veggies, which i have been enjoying for the last month or so ;)
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    5.6 miles today.

    Missed yesterday's speedwork because I spent over 4 hrs with my 8 year old daughter in the ER. She's fine, thankfully, but it was a crazy day. I have tickets to a music festival this weekend, not to mention, the schedule has me for a 5K race on Sunday (not happening). I am doing the Warrior Dash next weekend, and since that's 3.3ish miles, i flipped weeks as far as the long run goes.

    So, without confusing anyone more because I'm already confusing myself, I did 5.6 miles today, which included strides at 6mph for the last .15 of each mile.

    The plan is to get up and do my long run (7 miles) on Saturday morning way early instead of Sunday and before the concerts start. I may be tired for a part of Saturday, but at least i won't miss another run.


    JessJean, I normally do my cardio first, then will do weights if that's what's planned.

    Sorry about your half ladies....If I had to run by corn for 13.1 miles, I'd really be hoping that a baseball player would pop out like in Field of Dreams, lol.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    i am planning on running my first half september 25th in michigan :) i've been loosely following a training schedule for the past few weeks...i ran 8.04 hilly miles today in about 90 minutes...i'm trying to increase my long run milage by a mile each week...so with about 6 more weeks til the race i'm hoping i'll be good!!! :) i may not be fast...but i want to finish and run the whole thing! :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome to the group A1!!! Where in MI is your 1/2? I live in Northen MI and am aiming to run the Detroit 1/2 on Oct 17th.

    Thankfully, the majority of the area I run in is beautiful forests. If 10 cars drive by while I'm jogging, I call it a heavy traffic day. I think I saw 3 cars in my 82 min this morning. At least the corn field didn't obstruct my view of the meteor shower tonight. 20 shooting stars in 20 min - beautiful. Now I need to get back to sleep.
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Sorry about your half ladies....If I had to run by corn for 13.1 miles, I'd really be hoping that a baseball player would pop out like in Field of Dreams, lol.

    "Is this heaven?" "No, it's Iowa."

    I could quote Field of Dreams all day long. Love that movie!

    I'm thinking I'm not doing a half-marathon this fall... Found out I'm 5 weeks pregnant!! Glad I didn't sign up for the Mini (Indy) next May!