Half marathon - Support and Motivation!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I survived my longest run yet - 9 miles at 14:40 pace!!! I did tons of stretches when I finished. I see a soak in the hottub in my near future.

    Jen - good luck today!!! I wish you the best of luck and years of happiness with your marriage...

    Marcie - it does suck to run in the heat. I complain if it gets to 80 here. I keep on task with the running since I have the schedule and a goal and with friends that keep asking how it's going. I don't want to say I skipped it. I agree with Lisa that after 2 miles, you just get in a groove and it's much easier. The hardest part is putting the shoes on to get out the door - I can come up with tons of excuses to skip but generally talk myself into 2 miles and then just keep going.

    Lisa - good luck on the long run tomorrow.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    When I run on the treadmill I usually cover the distance and time readout. I just set my pace and count songs, like if I want to do 3 miles I will count 7 or 8 songs before I look how far I've gone. Sometimes it is more than I thought and if not, I usually don't have far to go. Like the other day, I was going to do 3 and when I looked I had gone 3.75 so why not one more lap to make it 4. Anyway, only did 2 fairly slow miles today because the kids were with me on their bikes and by the time we got started it was already 10:30 and I had to push the baby stroller as well. Ugh. It is murder to push that thing up hills. It is a jogging stroller, but still. Well, I survived then did some push mowing and burned a few more calories by the time I had to pull start the mower, weedeater, and hedgetrimmer a few hundred times. At least it felt like a hundred. It was probably more like 30 or so. My arms will be sore tomorrow, but at least the weeds are cut back some. Needless to say, it has been awhile since anyone weedeated that particular part of the yard. On to tomorrow!
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    8.15 mi at 10:40 pace. At least that's done with. left a little afte 7 am and it was already getting warm out. Heading up to the massage school to get a massage from a student. they're running a special for $20 for 50 minutes and my legs are screaming for some TLC, lol.

    have a great day.

    Good run Victoria!

    Jen, hope your day is INCREDIBLE! Wishing you and dh many years of happiness! :heart:
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Where is everybody????

    4.35 mi at 10:11 pace. Little bit cooler, and happy to do a shorter run today.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Nice run Lisa!!! Sorry I've been busy with company. I finally got a run in this morning. 3 miles at 13 min pace.
  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    Where is everybody????

    4.35 mi at 10:11 pace. Little bit cooler, and happy to do a shorter run today.

    We're out running :laugh: . I didn't think I would make my 100 miles in August since I started the challenge (from a different group) about a 9 days into the month, I've done 41 miles in the last 8 days and I'm taking a few days off :happy: . I have a 5K the next 2 Saturdays and am doing a half at the end of the month, hopefully the weather will let up a little. Good Job to everyone out there!!!!!
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Well, I haven't been feeling well the last couple of days, so I thought I would just take it easy and walk with the baby stroller, but once I got out there, I ended up running, not running fast, maybe more like a jog. But it was with the stroller, so I must burn a few extra calories going up those hills. Felt okay. Of course I am tired this afternoon. I was going to do a long run tomorrow, but I'm not sure. Maybe a couple more doses of antibiotic will perk me up. We'll see. 3 miles today.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    5.25 mi speedwork

    1 mi w/u @ 5.5 mph
    2x400 @ 6.4mph
    2x400 @ 6.5 mph
    4x400 @ 6.8 mph
    2x400 @ 7.2 mph
    1 mi c/d @ 5.8 mph

    recoveries betw 40 sec - 1 min @ 4mph.

    Very tough today. The last 2 at 7.2mph nearly killed me. I usually jump on the tm right after i take the kids to school, but errands got in the way, then i got a call that my son had a problem and i had to go back to the school. So a few hours later and not fueled properly = not a fun speedwork day.
  • pinbotchick
    9 mile run at 14:09 pace... I have 10K race planned for Sat so I had to get the long run in today... I actually felt pretty good with distance today. Listened to music the last 2 miles and could feel myself picking up speed. It was nice to run in cool 50 to 60 degree weather. The sun rise was beautiful (I had to leave by 6:30 this morning to get the distance in before work)...

    Lisa - great job on the speed work. I'm too lazy to be that precise with speed work. Glad you didn't fall on those fast clips...

    Curlytop - take it easy and rest. Hope you feel better soon.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Thursdays are supposed to be mile distance day, so I am trying to work up on that. It's the only day I can take the baby to daycare and then go for a run without the stroller or treadmill. Went 5 miles today at 10:30 pace. Felt pretty good. Some hills, but not too steep like around my house and running in town I think helped me keep my pace up. I didn't want to to look like I was going too slow to passerbys, ha ha. Anyway, felt pretty good. I may repeat my 5 next week or go to six, we'll see. Will probably just do the elliptical this weekend, and either rest or just walk tomorrow. Sounds like everyone is doing great.

    Lisa- I hear you on the speed work. It is murder, but it sure helps you pick up the pace. I didn't even think I could run that fast until I did it one day, of course maintaining that speed is something for me to work on.

    Pinbotchick- Wow, 9 miles! and then a 10K on Saturday. You are doing great. Are you training for a half marathon that is coming up soon? Looks like you are on your way.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    9 mile run at 14:09 pace...

    Great job getting your long run out of the way Victoria! Good luck on your 10K this weekend.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Went 5 miles today at 10:30 pace. Felt pretty good.

    Nice job!
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Cross train day for me. Walking about a mile and then doing weights, since i've been slacking. I'm figuring about 45 min Upper Body + Back.

    having internet problems at home again, so I'm posting from the library. Hope it resolves itself soon...don't want to lose my streak here on MFP.
  • pinbotchick
    Pinbotchick- Wow, 9 miles! and then a 10K on Saturday. You are doing great. Are you training for a half marathon that is coming up soon? Looks like you are on your way.

    6 more weeks until the Oct 17th, Detroit 1/2 Marathon!!! I'm starting to get excited.

    PS great job on your 5 mile run!!
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    6.85 mi, 10:29 mi/pace + .7 mi walk c/d

    on my schedule, Sunday's run is supposed to be a 10K race. I'm not racing, and I didn't want to do a longer run on the tm on Sunday, so I made today my sixish mile run and then Sunday, I'll run 4-5 on the tm before going out with my kids. I tried to make it like it was race conditions, and my first couple of miles were all around 10:16 a mile, but them mile 4 was uphill for almost the entire mile and I can't hold that pace. Also, it was freezing in my house this morning, so i put on a pair of shorts and a long sleeve shirt and went out for my run with no water. well, let's just say that it was much warmer OUTSIDE than it was inside. Ok, 9 miles next Sunday...I'll be ready for it :)
  • clarkecolin
    clarkecolin Posts: 34 Member
    Visit www.32marathons.com if you like to look at a few training programmes for half & full marathon.
    Click on training tab & look at bottom right for training programmes.

    I took part in this marathon challenge during the year & ran two marathons in a month even though I never ran one before.

    Hope this helps,

  • pinbotchick
    Well gang - I rocked out the 10K today. I cut about 2 min a mile off my training time!!!! Took me 76 min to finish for pace of 12:15... YEAH!!! It was cold - 48 degrees outside when the race started. It was beautiful run through the woods and back roads of my home town!!! Tomorrow is a rest day, Monday is a slow walk over the Mackinaw Bridge and I resume training Tues... See you then.

    Thanks for the info colin. I'll look at the site later. It's too late to change training schedules for the 1/2 marathon I plan to run.

    Nice pace on your run Lisa!!!
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Wow, great job on the 10K. Sure makes running go by faster when there is nice scenery.
    I cross trained on the elliptical this morning for 40 minutes. then took the kids for a bike ride this afternoon. Had my 9 and 11 year old ride their bikes and put the baby on the back of mine. We had fun. I went 8 miles, but most of them were at what I'd call a leisurely pace because of the kids. They did pretty good, they went 7 miles and actually biked most of them. We might have to make this a regular thing. There is a path about a half hour from my house that is nice, then I don't have to worry about traffic and what not. We'll see about tomorrow. Had a rest day yesterday and am trying not to let this sinus infection hold me back too much. I got a steroid injection yesterday, so I hope that doesn't increase my appetite too much or keep me up at night.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Okay, I thought I would pick up the pace a little today on my run, since I cross trained yesterday. I did an easy mile at 10:20 then picked up the pace a little for the rest another 2.5 miles at just under a 9 minute pace. Pretty good for me. Probably the fastest I've run that distance in I can't remember when. Guess I'll do something else tomorrow. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member

    6 more weeks until the Oct 17th, Detroit 1/2 Marathon!!! I'm starting to get excited.

    i almost did the detroit 1/2 marathon!!! are you from MI? i'm from kalamazoo and instead of the detroit i'm doing the park2park 1/2 in holland, MI on september 25th :) 3 more weeks to go and i am getting excited as well...i ran 11.02 miles on friday in 121 minutes...the cooler weather was a welcome treat for that run!!! best of luck to everyone :)