Half marathon - Support and Motivation!



  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    yay! Congrats!!! :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sorry about your half ladies....If I had to run by corn for 13.1 miles, I'd really be hoping that a baseball player would pop out like in Field of Dreams, lol.

    "Is this heaven?" "No, it's Iowa."

    I could quote Field of Dreams all day long. Love that movie!

    I'm thinking I'm not doing a half-marathon this fall... Found out I'm 5 weeks pregnant!! Glad I didn't sign up for the Mini (Indy) next May!

    First off - Congrats Lhuffman!!!!!

    Second - that reminds me that Kirk Gibson has a vacation home 5 miles from me. I may need to map out my longer routes to "jog by" his home... I'd really laugh if he came out of a corn field...

    I've been lazy today and I blame it on meteors!!! I was up and outside from 2:40 to 3 am watching the meteor shower and it was so worth it as I saw 20 shooting stars!!!! I didn't get back to bed until after 4. I skipped the morning workout and just did 15 min of stretches....
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member

    I'm thinking I'm not doing a half-marathon this fall... Found out I'm 5 weeks pregnant!! Glad I didn't sign up for the Mini (Indy) next May!

    Congratulations Lindsey! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months. :flowerforyou:
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Cross train day for me. Kinda slacked, but at least i got something done.

    Walked 20 min outside
    15 min interval program on tm
    25 min weights
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Got my long run done, a day early. 7.4 mi @10:38 pace.

    I'm off for the weekend. I'll try to check in tomorrow, but will definitely "see" you all Monday

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Great run Lisa!!!

    Despite the rain (which actually kept me cool and hydrated), I got in 8 miles this morning at 13:45 pace. Hopefully my shoes dry out before tomorrow's 2 mile run. I'm off to stretch and shower.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I failed on getting in the 2 mile run but did walk 4 miles at slow 2.5mph pace with my mom and her friend. My mom wants to walk the Mackinaw Bridge over Labor Day weekend and I promised her we'd take some longer practice walks to get her ready for it. My intention was to get up early an run the 2 miles before the walk but stayed up to late helping little bro turn 40 last night. It was too hot and humid when we finished walking at 10...

    So running summary for week 7 - 16 miles completed. 9 weeks until my race. Next week is an easy week for me with 3 runs each 4 miles.

    I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Just a quick update to everyone. I started week 3 today and am feeling pretty darn good. My arms are feeling strong. Can't wait to see what they look like in my dress. 12 days left until my 10k and wedding day. I know I can do it.
    I ran 4 miles last nite and it went fairly well. My last mile was my best, my breathing felt really good and I just had more confidence in that last mile. Today was strength training and core. I am starting to feel like I am back into a good routine. I do love working out in the morning, so I have time to be with friends when I get off work, rather than having to workout. Also, getting the finishing touches done for the wedding. I think I am there. Flowers, check. Cake, check. Dress, check. Park rental, check. Bridesmaids dress, check. Shoes, check. Oh, get Jon's pants and shirt dry cleaned. Reservations for reception, check. Guitar player with equipment for special song, check. Working on my own vows. Confirm hotel rooms. I think that about covers it. Anything else anyone else can think of?

    I hope everyone is doing well. Here is to another AWESOME week. :bigsmile:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I keep on forgetting to check in here. I'm still alive, and still training.

    I had a run in with weather over the weekend and my long run (6 miles) didn't happen. The humidity was close to 100% and the air was so thick and disgusting. And I was pissed, cause I got up early on a Sunday and everything... for nothing. Okay, I did 2.6 miles... but it was nothing like what I wanted. Shows you have far I've come when 2.6 miles is a piddly run.

    Anyways, hoping this week goes better. The weather has broken this week and I hope it lasts through the weekend. Come on Fall.. get here soon. Got back from my "short run" for the week. 4.5 miles at a 12:39 pace. I felt like I was moving pretty slow through a lot of it, so I know I can improve upon that time. The weather was perfect though. 60 degrees and low humidity. If only it would always stay that way! Yesterday, I did an hour on the stationary bike- the gym was uber cold yesterday (problems with the cooling). It.was.glorious. So good start to the week in terms of training. Let's hope it continues that way.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Nice run Kristina!!!

    Oh Jen - I feel for you... It sounds like your organized. Just make sure to take time to enjoy life. I'm glad your feel great with your workouts.

    I too love this cool weather. I slept in and am now running late but wanted to check-in. I couldn't seem to pick up any speed today - my body just feels fatigued but I got in 4 miles at 15 min pace. Maybe I should have picked a flatter run or listened to music. The book I'm listening to isn't my fav but it's for bookclub tomorrow so I have to finish it (*sighs*)... Only an hour and 12 min left now.

    Enjoy your day and RUN RUN RUN :wink:
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope you all had a good weekend. I've recovered from two days in the sun listening to music. Dang, I'm not as young as i used to be, lol.

    took an unscheduled day off yesterday-it was strength & stretch day, and i believe i can make it up this week. back to running today. decided to do a different loop today because out and back just wasn't doing it for me, and i misjudged the distance.

    So, I stopped at 6 miles and walked about 1/2 mile back to my car which was at my kids school.

    ok, off to do errands and to watch Sunday's True Blood :)
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Thanx Victoria. I am feeling amazing. I am ready for my wedding and can't wait to see Jon's face when I walk up to him in my dress. It will be an exciting day for sure. Everything is starting to fall into place.

    I ran another 4 miles this morning and it felt AWESOME. I shaved off another 1:09. So in the last 2 runs I have shaved off 2:59 mins on my last timed 4 mile run. I can't believe it. I am finally starting to feel like a runner. I am still slow, but I can make it with no problem. Maybe someday I will work on speed, but for now being able to cross the finish line with a smile and standing up will be a good thing. :bigsmile:
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Speedwork today. Sometimes, I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate Wednesdays.

    5.4 mi total. It looked like this:

    1 mi w/u @ 5.5 mph
    4x400 @ 6.3mph
    4x400 @ 6.6 mph
    2x400 @ 7mph
    1 mi c/d @ 5.7 mph

    recoveries were 35-45 seconds at 4mph

    (and at the very end, i walked another .5 at 3.8-4mph)

    Jennifer, I can't remember--is it this weekend you're getting married or next? Not often I read a race report and a wedding report on the same day, lol. :happy:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hello all! I'm proud of myself for hitting all my training days so far this work week. As long as I hit my long run on Sunday, I'll be a perfect 7/7, which is great, as for the past few weeks there's always bees something not on point... either missing a day, or having to cut a run short, etc.

    Anywho, yesterday was a crosstraining day. As it was a long workday, I took a long lunch at ellipticaled for about 40ish minutes (3.7 miles). Felt good.

    This morning was another "short" run- 4.5 miles in 56 min (12:26 pace). Pleased with it. Weather was nice as well! The Sunday- 7 miles. EEP- that sounds like crazy talk, but it's only about 3/4 mile more than I've done before. I know I can do it.

    Best of luck to everyone on their training. Keep it up!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm being lazy today - slept in and skipped my run. My body needed a break and it storming pretty bad outside. If it's nice weather tonight, I may try to get the 4 mile run in.

    Great job to all that managed runs in the last few days!!!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    LIsa-It is next weekend. 9 days and counting. LOL I am looking forward to the run in the morning. That will probably be the only us time all day. I did have one friend suggest that after the wedding we take 5 mins to ourselves to revel in the fact of what we just did. hehe

    I have been doing really good with my eating this last week and am very proud of myself for that. I really have not lost any weight, but I can definitely see a difference in my body. I put on a shirt this morning for work and it is too big. I wore it just a couple weeks ago and it looked fine. So, I may not being losing on the scale, but I am otherwise and it feels great. I guess I am pretty happy with where I am at. After the wedding I will concentrate a little harder and try to get down to the 155 goal I set for myself.

    Keep up the AWESOME work everyone and have a beautiful Friday Eve!!! :bigsmile:
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    X-train day for me.

    20 min interval program on the tm (about 1.25mi) & @ 30 min weights.

    Kind of in a funk. Not wanting to do much of anything.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    5.21 miles today at 10:31/mi pace. It is HOT out there.

    No long run for me this weekend. Last week's schedule called for a 5K on Sunday and I switched weeks. This weekend, I'm doing the Warrior Dash, which is a little over 5K, but has 10 or so obstacles on the course (climb over cars, climb thru tunnels, run thru water, jump over fire, etc.). So, I'm really not going for time, I'm racing for fun and the hope that I don't injure myself, lol, or get any burns on my legs (*JOKING* ~ they are really little flames). It's up at Copper Mountain and while i live at 1 mile high, I'm sure the altitude there is going to kick my butt..i think the race is at 8000 ft or so.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Lisa - have fun at the warrior dash!!! That sounds sooooo cool. I looked on-line and there are none in my area. Maybe I'll plan a vacation to one someday.

    Kristina - good luck tommorrow. You can do it!!!

    Jennifer - I'm getting excited for you.

    I'm with you on the getting tired of everything. I skipped Thurs run so added that 4 miles to today's 4 miles and ran 8 at leisurely pace of 14:30. I just want the race to be over but alas I have 7 more weeks for training. Total running for this week 12 miles. Next week my long run increases to 9 miles.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Made it through an entire week or training without skipping or copping out on something! *twirls*

    This morning did my longest run yet: 7.01miles at a 13:28 pace. I'll take it. Body was definitely tired during the last couple miles. I think part of it was due to that last week's long run didn't happen due to the high humidity, so it had been 2 weeks since I'd run 6 miles even, so it was a bit painful. Next week I'm supposed to go up to 8, but I might repeat this week's long distance to feel a bit more comfortable. I have a bit of wiggle room, as I picked a 12-week training plan for like a 15-week time period, and haven't repeated a week yet.

    My legs are tired. Shall now have a lazy day. Hope everyone is doing well!