Half marathon - Support and Motivation!



  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member

    What is core camp? The waterpark workout sounds like a lot of fun. I hope you had a great time. :bigsmile:

    Core Camp is my favorite class at my gym. It's a lot of drills/stations set up with cardio and strength mixed in. We run suicides, do plyometrics, jump rope, run tire, do mountain climbers, inchworms, etc. It's different every time. I love it! And thanks to the new HRM, I know I burned 495 calories doing it!

    Water Walking is great too. Walking with the current adds some good resistance, but turning around and walking against the current is SO HARD!! My friend and I did 2 laps with, 2 against, and so on, for an hour. And yes, I wore the HRM and burned 400 calories!

    I'm going to run 2-3 miles today, and then I'm doing a TRX Suspension Training class. Lots of body weight exercises using these straps that are suspended from the ceiling. Super hard stuff. I going to hit the running a bit harder next week (I have to test out all of my favorite classes with the HRM first...).
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Day 3, speedwork. I'm tinkering a little with HH Intermediate plan because he has less miles on it then i'm used to running and i don't want to lose that. So, today wound up being:

    1 mi w/u @ 5.5mph
    .25mi x 2 at 6mph
    .25mi x 2 at 6.2mph
    .25 x 4 at 6.4 mph
    1 mi c/d @ 5.5mph

    walk intervals after each .25 done at 4mph for @ 1 min = 4.65 mi total

    8 min walk c/d @ 3.8mph
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member

    Wow, you have an amazing pace. I have been there before, but can not stay consistant. Someday. :tongue:

    Are you new to running or have you been doing it for a while. I know when it tells me to do 3 miles, that is all I do. Running an extra mile is not an option for me unless it is on the schedule. :laugh: You are doing amazing, keep up the great work.

    I have posted my dress pic. :bigsmile:

    Jennifer, your wedding dress is gorgeous! you look fantastic.

    i do not always run the same pace for every mile, but i have a garmin and it tells me what my average pace was for the entire run. My first mile or so is ususally a bit slower and then i get into my groove, but there are times when my mile splits are 30 seconds apart. So, I'm not always consistent, lol.

    I started running again in 2004 and have run pretty consistently since then, except for when i was injured in late 2005/early 2006. When that happened, i was not running for about 3 months and then ran very low mileage for a long, long time. I set a resolution this year (in order to try and be consistent for the whole year) to run 80 miles a month and if i was super lucky, to get 1000 miles for the year. I was pretty close to averaging 80/month so far, but for the first time EVER, I may hit 100 miles this month!

    i am sometimes running more than the schedule calls because that's what i've been running since the beginning of the year. also, HH's Intermediate plan calls for running 5x a week and i can't do that with my knee. So, since i'm used to more miles and dropping one of his days, I'm kind of splitting the difference of the lost day and adding the miles onto my slower run days (if that makes sense).
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning Running Pals!!!

    Jen - your dress is beautiful...

    I managed to drag myself out of bed and got 6 miles in this morning at a very leisurely 15 min/mile pace. I took a new route and was enjoying the flowers, birds and trees. I'm off now to work...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member

    Had a running fail this morning, as I woke up with some tummy troubles, still tried to go out, but with all that movement up and down, I was not feeling so hot, and had to turn back. Only ran 1.1 of my planned 3.5 miler. The issues seem to have passed, so I would like to get in another jog this evening, depending on the weather. If not running, I'll hit up the gym for some elliptical, cause 14 min of cardio just isn't going to cut it for me. My hopes are to get another 2.5 run in to get to my 3.5 total for the day. Ideally, it would be to run the full 3.5 miles this evening. We'll see.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Core Camp is my favorite class at my gym. It's a lot of drills/stations set up with cardio and strength mixed in. We run suicides, do plyometrics, jump rope, run tire, do mountain climbers, inchworms, etc. It's different every time. I love it! And thanks to the new HRM, I know I burned 495 calories doing it!

    Water Walking is great too. Walking with the current adds some good resistance, but turning around and walking against the current is SO HARD!! My friend and I did 2 laps with, 2 against, and so on, for an hour. And yes, I wore the HRM and burned 400 calories!

    I'm going to run 2-3 miles today, and then I'm doing a TRX Suspension Training class. Lots of body weight exercises using these straps that are suspended from the ceiling. Super hard stuff. I going to hit the running a bit harder next week (I have to test out all of my favorite classes with the HRM first...).

    Sounds like a lot of fun. :drinker:

    I understand wanting to know numbers on your workouts. I am the same way. Keep up the AWESOME work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 3, speedwork. I'm tinkering a little with HH Intermediate plan because he has less miles on it then i'm used to running and i don't want to lose that. So, today wound up being:

    1 mi w/u @ 5.5mph
    .25mi x 2 at 6mph
    .25mi x 2 at 6.2mph
    .25 x 4 at 6.4 mph
    1 mi c/d @ 5.5mph

    walk intervals after each .25 done at 4mph for @ 1 min = 4.65 mi total

    8 min walk c/d @ 3.8mph

    Great job!!! :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Jennifer, your wedding dress is gorgeous! you look fantastic.

    i do not always run the same pace for every mile, but i have a garmin and it tells me what my average pace was for the entire run. My first mile or so is ususally a bit slower and then i get into my groove, but there are times when my mile splits are 30 seconds apart. So, I'm not always consistent, lol.

    I started running again in 2004 and have run pretty consistently since then, except for when i was injured in late 2005/early 2006. When that happened, i was not running for about 3 months and then ran very low mileage for a long, long time. I set a resolution this year (in order to try and be consistent for the whole year) to run 80 miles a month and if i was super lucky, to get 1000 miles for the year. I was pretty close to averaging 80/month so far, but for the first time EVER, I may hit 100 miles this month!

    i am sometimes running more than the schedule calls because that's what i've been running since the beginning of the year. also, HH's Intermediate plan calls for running 5x a week and i can't do that with my knee. So, since i'm used to more miles and dropping one of his days, I'm kind of splitting the difference of the lost day and adding the miles onto my slower run days (if that makes sense).

    Thank you :blushing:

    Wow, 80 miles a month and to top it off 100 miles this month? That is amazing. I am lucky to get 40 miles a month. I am working on it though. I really do enjoy running and love the runners high. I am just really having a hard time with my shoulders tensing up and breathing. If I push too hard, my shoulders start to tense up really bad and then I have to slow way down because of it. I think if I could figure out how to work that out, I could do so much better. But when I start hurting I just want to slow down or stop. I don't ever stop, I talk myself into pushing through. Do you have any suggestions for this? Since you seem to know what you are talking about, I would truly appreciate any input. Thanx so much. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Good morning Running Pals!!!

    Jennifer - your dress is beautiful...

    I managed to drag myself out of bed and got 6 miles in this morning at a very leisurely 15 min/mile pace. I took a new route and was enjoying the flowers, birds and trees. I'm off now to work...

    Sounds like you had a nice run this morning. It is always nice to slow things down and enjoy your surroundings. Enjoy a beautiful day.

    Thanx, btw :blushing:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member

    Had a running fail this morning, as I woke up with some tummy troubles, still tried to go out, but with all that movement up and down, I was not feeling so hot, and had to turn back. Only ran 1.1 of my planned 3.5 miler. The issues seem to have passed, so I would like to get in another jog this evening, depending on the weather. If not running, I'll hit up the gym for some elliptical, cause 14 min of cardio just isn't going to cut it for me. My hopes are to get another 2.5 run in to get to my 3.5 total for the day. Ideally, it would be to run the full 3.5 miles this evening. We'll see.

    Good luck everyone!

    Glad your tummy is feeling better. It definitely can be hard on your running when having an upset tummy. Good luck tonite, I know you can do it. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Last nite I was driving home from band practice and was starting to get a splitting headache. I was thinking, really can this be happening? So I remembered that I had Ibuprofen in my purse grabbed my water and downed my pills to alleviate the pain. My plan was to run and get a little more practice in before Friday's 5k run. I was not about to let a headache hold me back. It was already ten after 9 when I got home, so I decided to get in at least a 20 min run. I was going to try and run some intervals. Mind you, I am not really good at intervals and want to give up and stay at my normal pace after maybe two intervals. I made Jon (my fiancé') go with me so he could push me along the way, just for the fact I want to give up. Of course, that is what I did, I wanted to give up, but honestly I don't think I did. I never really got back down to my pace because Jon was with me. I was trying to keep up with him. I am pretty sure he was running a head of me to push me and it worked. I could not believe that I ran 2 miles in 20 mins. That is a record for me. Now if I can just do that tomorrow nite at the run. I will try and think of Jon in front of me and I have to catch him.

    Okay, I am also going to confess. For the last couple of weeks I had been eating really badly. not journalising all my food, eating as much as I wanted. I was kidding myself, just because it was on my menu doesn't mean I can eat the whole box of Wheat Thins in one sitting. In all I gained about 8 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I found my willpower this week and have been doing an awesome job. I think mostly because my wedding is coming up and I want to look amazing for Jon. He already says that I am amazing, but I don't buy that. I am truly my own worst critic. If you look on my Sparkpage at my wedding pic, I actually hate it. My arm looks so fat and flabby. UGH!!! I can't handle that. So, I had Jon tweak my upper body workouts to tone up more. I am also more committed than ever to start my HM training again on Monday. Since my Achilles Tendon is doing well now, I can start back up and also mix in cross training. I am really excited to incorporate Insanity and TurboFire back into the mix. I sure have missed jumping around and yelling at Shaun T.

    The good news? This week so far I have lost 5 of the 8 pounds I gained in the last 2 weeks. I am almost back to where I was before my Achilles Tendon injury. I really want to be at 155 by my wedding date. I will take 160 though. Almost there. :bigsmile:
  • jturquand
    jturquand Posts: 7
    Just go at your pace!!! time doesnt matter, finishing does! Good Luck!

    Ok still getting the hang of all this and haven't had the time to play with it..I was replying to someone's post but that didn't work out!
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    5.55 miles at 10:54 pace. (Jennifer, my paces were ALL over the place today, lol. I thought of you while i was running and my Garmin was beeping off very different mile times)

    off to take the kids to Pirate's Cove (small water parK) and then my parents leave and head by NY later tonight. I'll check in later with comments.
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    Hi all! Can I join? I am starting Hal Higdon's 12 week program today. I have roughly 13 weeks until my first ever running event (HALF MARATHON) I am super excited! I will catch up on all of the posts tonight. My 16 month old is trying to play with the key board :laugh:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Jessijean.

    Powered through my long run - 7 miles - in 1 hour 36 min (13:51 pace). That makes 15 miles for the week.

    Great job everyone on sticking with it and running.

    Jen - how was the 5K run?
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome JessiJean, glad you've joined us!

    Victoria-nice run. Good job getting out there today and getting it done!

    7.31 miles at 10:57 pace. Really looking forward to some yoga tomorrow. Some parts of me NEED to be stretched.

    Everyone else----check in and let us know how you're doing!
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Did my first long run of training on the treadmill (5 miles). I just couldn't get motivated to go out running in the morning, and before I knew it, it was too hot... Oh well, I got it in!

    Week 2 here I come!
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    You are all doing so great!!!! I did my 4 mile run on Saturday. Tonight is officially day 1 for me, so I am doing 3 miles tonight :smile: I am so excited to train and complete this race. 14 weeks until GOAL!!!!! Thanks for being soooo supportive!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Welcome JessiJean!

    Hey everyone! It's been a few days since I've checked in. I had a run!fail on Sunday, which I'm still pissed at myself about. I was supposed to do a 5-miler, but allowed myself to sleep in, which I did longer than planned and then it was too hot for me to be outside running for that long. Plus, my TOM had just arrived, and it wasn't pretty. I was basically making excuses for myself.

    The thing is, I get so hard on myself later when I don't do what I committed to, that I at least did something yesterday. Saturday I punked out on exercising, when it was supposed to be a crosstraining day, so I really needed to do something yesterday. I ended up swimming for an hour, which felt really good and I know that it was a good workout. I'm planning on hitting up the gym after work today to do some more crosstraining to make up for the lack of anything on Saturday.

    This week on the plan is another increase in distance. My short runs (Tues/Thur) have increased to 4 miles and my long run on Sunday is 6 miles, which will be my longest distance ever. Let's hope I can hit it okay... that's why I really wanted to get my 5 miler in this weekend, because I wanted to be a bit more comfortable at that distance (though last week's 5 miles weren't bad).

    I will commit to this this week! If I seriously think I'll be ready for the half in October, I need to k ick it into high gear.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    My run Friday nite was actually a 4 miler. I know that isn't much difference from a 5k, but for a beginner, it is a lot and I was not really ready for that. We ran around a little part in the park 5 times. I was kinda bummed about that, I was hoping for a nice scenic run. We did have a creek at one side of the trail. It was an all concrete/road run. We did start in the rain, it was fun. Once you got wet it wasn't so bad. It was just the first initial drops that you worried about. Then, once I was soaked, it was no big deal. It did stop after about 1 1/2 laps around and it stayed pretty nice. The start of the run was down hill and the end of each lap was uphill. Next time, I think they should turn it around. Oh, now that I think about it either way it would have been the same. LOL :laugh: I did finish in 44:59 mins. I shaved off about 1:30 mins from my last 4 miler in October. So, I would have to say that I am getting better. So, that was an 11:15 min/mile pace. I will take that. Next time will be even better. I did beat 9 people. WHOOOHOOO!!! It was a lot of fun and maybe I will do it again next year.

    Now, starting today I am starting my Half-Marathon training over. I did have to shorten it by one week in order to get all my miles in before my race on October 16th. I am really excited about doing this and actually finishing a Half-Marathon.

    So, here we go. Have a great week. :bigsmile: