Half marathon - Support and Motivation!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Welcome brendastallings! That's quite a half marathon goal! Very impressive!

    Did some crosstraining yesterday on the stationary bike. Today would normally be a running day, but as I really want to get 2 runs in this week, and want one of them to be a long one (to make up for my 10K race instead of an 11-miler on Sunday), I'll have to delay it until tomorrow when I have some more time to run that long. Today's a long workday. Plan to take a long lunch and get at least 45 min on the elliptical in instead. Tomorrow I hope to get the long run in, will do something minimal (walk, maybe some weights) on Thursday, and a 5-miler on Friday. We'll see if I get it all done!
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Welcome Brenda. That's quite a goal. LOL, my poor body can only take one or 2 halfs a year, max, lol.

    Anyway, 5.15 mi run at 10:20 pace. I feel like I'm just counting down the days until the half because I'd really like to take a break.

    Tomorrow is speedwork and I'm really not thrilled about it.

    see you all later.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    skipped speedwork yesterday and did it early this morning. I really don't like doing it early, because i have to do it on an empty stomach and that makes it even harder. but on the bright side, I'm done for the day, lol.

    total of 5.3 miles

    1 mi w/u @ 5.5 mph
    4x400 @ 6.4 mph
    8x400 @ 6.5 mph
    1 mi c/d at 5.6 mph

    recoveries at 4 mph, except for the last 2 which were at 3.5 mph. @ 1 min each
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    10 miles today at a 10minute pace. Felt okay. Had a fuel belt on that kept bouncing around and distracting me. My legs feel tight today. Took a warm bath and might try some stretching and yoga later, we'll see. Have to work on my long run day next week so I might just do a quick shorter run before work that day and skip the really long run for the week. We'll see. 3 weeks until race. Starting to get a little nervous.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Last really long run before the half next weekend. 10.7m at a 13:44 pace. I'm a bit perturbed, because I didn't map it out beforehand, but took some longer routes and had my relatively newly purchased nike+. I was going for a little over 11m. When I mapped out when I ran on dailymile and mapmyrun, they gave me around 10.7/10.8miles. My nike+? 12.3m. Talk about inaccuracy! I mean I might have gone a bit over what was mapped, but not that much. I would have gone at least that extra quarter mile to get me over 11, if I knew that I hadn't gone that far yet. ARGH. Still proud of myself for getting out there, as I had to do my long run during the week. I don't know how people do it. I'm exhausted after work, especially this late in the week, so I was definitely dragging and am feeling it. Stretched out well, and in a while, taking the dog out for a very SLOW walk.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Great job on your runs everyone!!! I have yet to incorporate speed work - maybe next year.

    I'm on a working vacation in Phoenix and managed to run 8 miles at 14:45 pace and loved seeing the mountains. Sunday I'll do 11. Only 9 more days until the race!!!
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    5.5 miles today. 3 miles was supposed to be at pace. Because i did my speedwork yesterday and not on Wednesday, I was really worried about this run. My legs felt SOOOO dead at the beginning and i really thought it was going to be a struggle. plus, it was windy.

    first mile was 10:43 which i was more than happy with. but miles 2-4 were supposed to be at race pace and i didn't think i had it in me. by some miracle, it all came together and mile 2 was 10:04, mile 3 was 10:03 and mile 4 was 9:35!!!!!! I backed it off for the rest of the run finished with 10:25 for mile 5 and 10:21/mi pace for the last .5. it came to an avg 10:10 for the whole run. I was shocked.

    Sunday is supposed to be 12, but that's not going to be possible because i don't have anyone to watch my kids, plus I'm not risking 4 double digit runs in a row. I'll try for 7-8 on the treadmill and call it good. Plus, it's my birthday and i think that you should only run as far as you want on your birthday. It's a good rule, lol.

    Nice runs Curly, Victoria and Kristina! I'm excited for all of us :)
  • runnerBee
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  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    1 more week until the race. I ran 11 miles this morning at a 14:06 pace. I feel ready - bring on Detroit!!!!
  • runnerBee
    Happy 10/10/10 Everyone!

    I signed up for the Mardi Gras Rock n' roll Half marathon Feb 13, 2011. Especially since I saved $20 with the discount code. Yesterday, I ran 12 miles. . . I've been doing 12 miles every Saturday since September 4th -- I'm ready to take a break. This week I'm cutting back and give my body a rest.

    Have a great day,
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Took a rest day Friday and I was up sick all night Friday night so I was so exhausted Saturday that I didn't do any work out. Oh well... I felt better sunday so I got my 5 miles in and walked a mile for cool down/warm up. I really think that running a lot on the treadmill is what makes my legs hurt more. Sometimes there's just no choice with kids and all. Anyway, I helped haul pumpkins for 2 hours after that and my shoulders and arms are tired today. Did get on the elliptical for 55 minutes at a good clip. I think the cross training has helped keep me from getting so stiff. I might just need to work on more stretching, especially now that I am in the home stretch.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Well, I don't know if I'll be running on Sunday. (and this post contains a little bit of TMI, sorry in advance).

    Yesterday i was having a great run. I was about 4.5 miles in when suddenly, my left calf seized/cramped like you can not believe. there was no warning pains/niggles. One minute everything was fine, and then the next, I was literally bent over on the side of the road. I have not had a cramp like that since charley horses when i was pg with my first child. i tried rubbing it on the side of the road, walking for five minutes, running slow, walking again, rubbing again, walking, etc. I wound up walking most of the 2+ miles home.

    A little background. Saturday night I had a couple of drinks. woke up somewhat hungover on Sunday Not naseaus but when I went to the bathroom, I basically had the runs but no stomach cramping. Did much of nothing on Sunday except go out for dinner. had some salad bar and a couple of ribs and a couple of onion rings. Yesterday morning, got up and had some coffee, went to the bathroom and kinda had the runs again. Not as bad as Sunday--again no stomach cramps. I wrote it off as being from the onion rings. Not something i normally eat, fried food, etc. Had coffee and breakfast (baked oatmeal and milk) around 8:30 and at 10:30, i left for my run. did not take water with me because i was only planning on being out there for an hour and it was cool out...don't even think it was much over 60 degrees.

    Later, my MIL took me to lunch for my bday. had salad bar and a little lf ice cream at Jason's Deli. I was not home for five minutes and had to go to the bathroom and literally EVERYTHING came out. So, now I'm thinking that i've got some kind of stomach/intestinal bug and I'm dehydrated and that's what caused the cramp in my calf (and everything else )

    My calf is still SO sore. sore to the touch. Hurts when I walk on it. spoke with a couple of people at school and there is a bug going around. No vomiting, just the runs. I've taken Advil. I've iced. A friend gave me a Potassium supplement. I'm drinking water like no tomorrow and using the foam roller, but it seems to be sore more on the side of the calf than the large calf muscle in the back.

    I CAN NOT believe that I've gone the whole training period with almost no issues and then yesterday (which technically wasn't even a run day for me) this happens. Does anyone have any other suggestions on getting relief?? I don't know if I damaged myself more by trying to run on it (or even walk home). I figure I'll wait until thursday and if the pain is gone, try to get 4 or 5 miles out and see if it cramps up on my again or not. It's a little better today than yesterday, but it's still sore. Off to ice, again.

    Lisa (who is trying to stay positive but really is freaking out at this point).

  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    I just found this thread, and am starting half training next monday (18th)
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Folks!

    I need some advice! Is it crazy to register for a half marathon in early Nov (13th) if I am only at 6-7 mile long runs right now?

    I just found the thread, but I'm planning on running my first half in Austin on Feb 20th
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I have to say, with my parents visiting in town, I've been lax on my last week of training. I did get an 11 mile training run in late last week, and a 5 miler on Saturday morning, but haven't run since. We've been on the go all day (at least a lot of walking for me), but I didn't get my planned 4 miler in. I'll either do that tomorrow or hit the gym, with a final 2-miler on Thursday, with 2 rest days before the half on Sunday. Supposed to be sunny! Yes!
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member

    Lisa (who is trying to stay positive but really is freaking out at this point).


    Wow, Lisa, I am sorry about your muscle cramp and digestive issues. I have also been having the runs, I'm not sure what from. I have been so tired the last couple of days and I am trying to keep plenty of fluid in and decrease my fiber, which feels odd. I think I am some better today, but this weekend was terrible.

    I hope the muscle gets better. Are you sure you didn't do more than just get a cramp? I know I have had charlie horses that are sore for a couple of days, but just be careful. I know I am not helpful. I think you are right to take it slow and do plenty of stretching. Hopefully the stomach bug will pass and your leg will feel better in time for this weekend. You still have several days left. Even if you don't get any major running in over the next few days you should still be okay for race day as much as you have been doing before hand. I wouldn't run if that leg is bothering you though, you don't want to make an injury worse if you have one.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I guess I have not been on here for a while, but I just read through several posts and it looks like everyone is doing great. Some people are running their Half's this month and I wish you all the best of luck.

    Welcome to the newbies.

    I can say that I am still really new at this myself. I was finally able to re-start my HM training and I am now on week 3 of Hal Higdon's Novice program. I am doing pretty good, but obviously I want to get better. I am trying to decide what to do with my $50.00 birthday money I received. So, here is what I posted in my blog earlier, if anyone could help I would really appreciate it.

    Okay, I am in a little delema, hoping my friends can help me out here. I found this running group out of Burlington called The Beast and they are a group of about 60 people who get together and help each other out with training for any type of endurance. It is $45.00 every six months, which really is rather inexpensive. I would really like to join so I can find someone who would be willing to work with me and my running technique. Then on the other hand I have a 5k that I want to run Thanksgiving Morning that is $20.00 and my Half-Marathon in December which is $35.00. Should I sign up for the help or save the money for my two runs?

    I have been averaging about 11:30 min miles, which is not bad for me, but I would really like to get down to 10:30 at least. With the proper training, I could more than likely do it.

    Lisa-I really don't know how to answer that question for you. Maybe it was just the combination of foods that did your stomach in. I hope you are feeling better today. :bigsmile:
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Jennifer, is the $45 due right up front? If not, then maybe you can do all three?! Just wondering. I think to pick up speed you should do speed work drills. I know the runnersworld.com training plan includes a day or two of it a week. I do one from the biggest loser book which can be modified for fitness levels. Good to do on a treadmill. it is
    3 minutes at level 3-4 (a pace where you can talk easily)
    5 minutes at level 5-6( a pace where it takes a little effort to talk)
    1 minute at level 3-4
    3 minutes at level 6-7( a pace where it is more difficult to talk)
    1 minutes level 3-4
    3 minutes at level 7-8(a pace where it takes some more effort to talk)
    1 minute level 3-4
    3 minutes level 8-9(a pace where it is starting to get challenging to talk)
    1 minute at level 3-4
    3 minutes at level 8-9
    1 minute level 3-4
    1 minute as fast as you can
    2 minutes at level 3-4

    I have to say when I started doing it it was very hard, I always did the lower end on all the levels, but now I can do the upper end and for the 1 minute cool downs I usually just slow jog at level 5, but it's just an example. You can adjust the levels to your needs and capabilities. A lot of people do laps on a track at certain speed, but it is difficult for me to know how fast I am running out side. Sometimes I think I am doing great and then I look at my time and think "what?" ha ha. Anyway, hope it helps. Marcie.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Curly, thanx so much for the suggestion. I wish I had a treadmill and it would probably make it easier, but I don't at this time. I just have the rugged outdoors. I may try this at some time next week, but not this morning. As I will be out in a few minutes to run my next 4 miles.

    The $45 is up front, so I really don't see how I can do all three. So, I will just (unfortunately) skip the 5k on Thanksgiving and sign up with the group this week and save for my half. It makes the most sense. I told my husband that we will run our own 5k Thanksgiving morning before we start to cook our meal for the day. We are not turkey eaters so we are looking to having a pot roast. My mom will be here so she will help with that, since I have not ever made one. It will be fun.

    I will come back later and let you know how my run went. Have a beautiful day everyone. :bigsmile:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Ran 5 miles this morning at 13:27 pace. YEAH!!! 3 more days until my race.

    Jen - I think your idea to run your own race on Thanksgiving is great!!! Running with the group sounds like the better investment. The info and encouragement will be priceless.

    Marcie - way to keep at it!!!

    Lisa - hope you're feeling better.

    Kristina - see you in 3 days... I can't wait...