Half marathon - Support and Motivation!



  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Hope everyone is doing okay.

    7.2 miles on Wednesday....because i dropped my cell phone and didn't realized it until @ 3.15 miles and then had to run my course in reverse, plus i missed a turn adding on an extra miie. I took a couple days off after that because my right knee was bothering me a little. Found my cellphone, thank God. Funny thing is, I NEVER run with my phone...I only did because i was expecting a call from my new job, plus the school moms yelled at me, lol, for not carrying one. I think i'll leave it at home from now on, unless I'm planning on a long run.

    4.2 miles on the tm today.

    have a great weekend.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Waving to Wendy :drinker:

    5.3 miles today. Ran on the treadmill...it's been so windy lately and I just didn't have it in me to run in 38 degrees and 20 mile winds.

    Hope everyone is doing well and has a wonderful Thanksgiving. (my motto is 8 miles justifies pie, so i will be going for a long run Thursday morning, lol)

  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    I know what you mean lisa. I unfortunately have had the opposite problem, I can't seem to get off the treadmill. I haven't run out side in two weeks at least. Maybe this weekend, my mother is coming over so I might be able to sneak out for a jog outside. we'll see. I'm interested to see how fast...or slow I go on a regular road. Seems easier to slow down to me sometimes, because that belt is not there keeping the pace for you.
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Found your thread through another post. I'm new to the website, mind if I join? I walked/jogged the Kentucky Derby mini marathon this year and wanted to run it next year. I am struggling to find time to train with my kids hectic schedules so I think I will be walking/jogging again and try running the following year. I am a little bummed out about that. Oh well..Hope every one has a Happy Turkey Day!! :flowerforyou:
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope everyone had a good day with family and/or friends.

    Babygurl, glad you joined us here.

    7.8 miles at 10:32 pace today. Was a pretty darn good run, although i was tired at the end. Got lucky...it was supposed to be single digits and i think it was actually closer to 40. Wore my capris, so i was happy.

    taking it easy tomorrow and will back out there (hopefully...either that or the tm) on Saturday.

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I've only 1/2 deserted you ladies for P90X. I really miss running and can't wait for the 90 days to be over so I train for another 1/2. Thurs, I did squeeze in a 3 mile treadmill run at 5.0 mph. That's excellent time for me. Winter is here and I just don't see me running outside in the near future. Hopefully, the local community center will open for exercise - they have a small track where 32 laps makes a mile. I think I run for a certain time and not try to count laps. I'll try to keep you posted when I manage to run.

    In the mean time. 26 days P90X done and 64 days to go.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Did five hilly miles at just under a 10 minute pace. Felt good. I could have run a little harder, but I was just enjoying being outside and the nice breeze. Wish I could do that more. Lisa you sound like you are doing great with your running. I guess your knee is holding up. I have managing 5 miles or so. I could do more I think, but it gets old on the treadmill and then I usually have the baby waiting on me. Maybe I can get back to my long run Thursdays when I take him to daycare. We will see. Keep at it Victoria. I know that 5 mph is a big improvement for you. That P90x must be helping. I think it is good to do different things so you don't get bored.
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Hello everyone
    hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving..
    I have not been running much lately, sort of took a little break. Been mainly swimming and biking and doing Yoga..

    Lisa, great to see you running again.. glad you are back.
    Good job everyone on your running accomplishments..

    I am starting back this week. Registetred for the Palm Springs half in February:)
  • 20carrots
    20carrots Posts: 279 Member
    Hello! I was hoping I could jump in. I did my first half marathon a few weeks ago and LOVED it! I read that after a big/first race, you can go through something akin to a post partum depression and that's what I feel right now. It's way too dark to run after work so I'm really only squeezing runs in on the weekends. I cannot stand the treadmill anymore now that I've felt the sun on my face and the pavement under my feet.

    I finished the half in 2:49 and would love to break 2:30 for the next one...looking for a good option, maybe Disney? Hoping to get out of my slump soon. Oh, and for all the running I'm doing at 9 or 10mph, why am I not losing weight?!? :explode:
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member

    I too ran a half marathon, in the dead of summer no less, a couple of years ago. I not only didn't lose weight, but I gained a couple pounds. I have read in several places, that training for a half isn't really a good way to lose weight. This year, I did lose weight while training for a half, but I had to make real effort on the diet portion. You really have to get plenty of protein to help repair your muscles after those running sessions and you need carbs for energy. It is possible, but don't expect the weight to come flying off, I loss a pound every week or two, but I wasn't too upset about it. Gradual is better they say. I have found it so much easier to run and to improve my speed now that I have lost that last 20 pounds or so, so keep trying. I did the hal higdon's novice training, which I liked much better than the runner's world regime. I only ran about 3 days a week and cross trained about 45-60 minutes on my cross train days, and rested two days. I think it kept me from getting an injury and getting burnt out like last time. I would really like to do another, but I am waiting for the weather to warm up and looking forward to spring. Keep up the good work.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    welcome carrots :) I also don't lose weight when i'm training for a half. it's a very fine line between fueling your body enough to run, giving it enough food to survive and trying to lose weight. i personally find that if running is the only thing i'm doing, I have to run over 25 miles/week to see the scale move and that's a lot for me because i ususally run every other day (although if i'm in a training cycle, i will do a back-to-back once in the week).

    ok, 5.68 miles for me today on the tm. it's been a rough week with the new job, getting up at the crack of dawn and trying to get me and the kids out the door by 6:30. i haven't been sleeping the greatest either...waking up a couple of times in the night, even though i've been really tired. And i started drinking regular coffee at work (1 or 2 cups in the morning) on top of the cup of 1/2 caf i have at home, so i'm sure that's causing some of the sleep problems.
