Half marathon - Support and Motivation!



  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Had a good 5.5 mile run yesterday, but towards the end, my left calf started bothering me again. That should have been a big clue, because by 4:30, I was back in the bathroom with Round 2 of the stomach virus. Grrr.

    So between my calf being sore, haveing a cold/cough and not being able to eat, it looks like I'm taking a few days or a week off and seeing if I can heal the body. LOL, you don't have to hit me with a 2x4 more than once or twice before I get a clue.

    Hope everyone is having a good week!

    Awww, hope you'll feel better soon Lisa.
    Yes, my advice is to taking at least one week off. let your body recharge and heal up..
    sending you big hugs.
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    I am hoping onto this board, because I am 11 weeks out on my first half. I am running the Carlsbad Half Marathon on January 23, 2011 (San Diego, CA). Is anyone else running that one, by chance?? Anyone else live in So Cal?? I just ran my first 10K the beginning of Oct. and am building up my mileage. I ran 4 miles Saturday and ran in the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure 5K yesterday. Both felt really good and I found a good pace, although still quite slow, but my goal is just to finish. I would love words of wisdom from any of you who are training or have already run a few halves...need all the help I can get, as I am still quite new to getting back into running. Ran my first 2 miler in March, first 5K in May, and first 10K in Oct., so this will be a challenge for me, but I am loving it so far.
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    I am hoping onto this board, because I am 11 weeks out on my first half. I am running the Carlsbad Half Marathon on January 23, 2011 (San Diego, CA). Is anyone else running that one, by chance?? Anyone else live in So Cal?? I just ran my first 10K the beginning of Oct. and am building up my mileage. I ran 4 miles Saturday and ran in the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure 5K yesterday. Both felt really good and I found a good pace, although still quite slow, but my goal is just to finish. I would love words of wisdom from any of you who are training or have already run a few halves...need all the help I can get, as I am still quite new to getting back into running. Ran my first 2 miler in March, first 5K in May, and first 10K in Oct., so this will be a challenge for me, but I am loving it so far.

    Hi Tamcrit
    i live in Long beach. Yes I am doing the Carlsbad full in January and I am doing the Malibu Full next Sunday.
    The carlsbad is so much fun and is a great run. It is all along the coast and since you live there, i would advice that you train on that route as it has couple of "rolling hills". You start at the big mall on Marron road, via oceanside and go all the way to the end of camp-ground on 101 going south then turn back on the other side of 101 (as if you are driving, you have few rolling hills here) back to the start.
    Just add 2 miles each week from now on and try to run at least 12.5 miles twice 3 weeks prior to the race. two weeks from the race, start going down in mileage. You'll be fine:)
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Douniap - Thanks for the advice...I am looking forward to it.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Took 8 days off...whew. cold is gone, cough is pretty much all gone and I've been doing a lot of stretching. Nice, easy 4.7 mi run today (10:39/mi pace) with no lingering calf pain. Yeah!!!!

    Going to try and take it nice and easy and get some pain free runs in for the rest of the year. :)
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Hi everyone!

    Took 8 days off...whew. cold is gone, cough is pretty much all gone and I've been doing a lot of stretching. Nice, easy 4.7 mi run today (10:39/mi pace) with no lingering calf pain. Yeah!!!!

    Going to try and take it nice and easy and get some pain free runs in for the rest of the year. :)

    Hi Lisa
    I am glad you are feeling much better.. Yes, i think that taking it easy is the best waw to fully recover and stay injury free is the priority;)
    I usually do tons of yoga between races, then get back slowly to it by doing easy short runs just as you are doing.
    To your health
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Hi everyone...hope the running has been going well.

    been foam rolling, doing some PT exercises and some Pilates and I think it's helping a little. Did 4.55 on my tm late today. almost bagged the run, but knew I'd regret it more if i skipped it.

    I have a job interview tomorrow morning. wish me luck please...i really NEED to be working.

  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Best of luck Lisa. Hope all goes well.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    I have a job interview tomorrow morning. wish me luck please...i really NEED to be working.


    Hope the interview went well Lisa.

    I am doing okay. I am kinda lost without my Half to train for. I am leary about doing anything in the cold weather though because I can't get the baby out in the cold weather in the stroller. I might stick to shorter runs for the coldest part of the year and start back toward something in the spring. I might try to build up my speed a little. I did 3 miles on the treadmill in 24 minutes the other day, but I sure was whipped after. Plus, it is more difficult to hold a certain speed off the treadmill when it is so much easier to just slow down a little bit. I will have to work on it. The next half marathon I run I would definitely like to break the 2 hour mark.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Thank you Dounia & Marcie. The interview went well...so well that they offered me the position at the end of the interview :bigsmile: . i start 11/29, which means i'll have health insurance at the 1st of the year! Woohoo!

    5.15 mi run today at 10:17 pace. first true non-crappy run in a while.
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Thank you Dounia & Marcie. The interview went well...so well that they offered me the position at the end of the interview :bigsmile: . i start 11/29, which means i'll have health insurance at the 1st of the year! Woohoo!

    5.15 mi run today at 10:17 pace. first true non-crappy run in a while.

    Congratulations. That is fabulous Lisa:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Morning everyone.

    We have a saying here in Colorado. If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes.

    When I started my run, there was a decent snow going on. In about 10 minutes it had lightened up, and a few minutes later, it stopped snowing and the sun was shining---brightly. So bright that I wished I would have worn my visor, lol. By the time i got home (@55 minutes after I started) most of the snow on my lawn had melted and I was holding my gloves in my hands because it was too warm to wear them.

    5.35 mi/10:40 paced

    Have a great day.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Wow lisa, you sure are dedicated to be running in the snow. I don't even want to get my shoes wet, ha ha. Seems like they never feel the same after. Anyway, are you planning on running any races any time soon?

    I am trying to keep up a moderate amount of running and 45 minutes at least on the cross train days. I am not putting in any long runs over 6 or 7 miles though. I think I am mostly working on keeping my pace up a bit more. I ran 6 miles in 53 minutes today, so that is a big improvement, but I have yet to get outside and run since my half 2 weeks ago, ugh! Maybe thursday. Happy running everyone. Marcie
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good evening ladies!!! Glad to see your all keeping up so well. I managed my first run in about 2 weeks yesterday. 3 miles at 13:40 pace. I started P90X Nov 1st and it just takes so much time, that I haven't figured out how to keep up with the running. I want to keep a base of 3 to 6 mile runs several times a week so that Feb 1st (when P90X is done), I can start 12 weeks of training for my second 1/2 marathon - The Glass Bowl in Toledo, OH April 17th...

    Congrats on the job Lisa...
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Hey everyone! I just saw this thread. I'm interested in starting the training for a half-marathon.

    Mind if one more joins?

  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    hot pickles, I think anyone can join the group. Seems like we all kinda come and go depending on what we have coming up soon.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Hi pickles, glad you joined us! What race are you looking at (and when is it?)

    Marcie, there's no accumulation so it's not that bad when it's snowing right now. you can always put duct tape on your sneakers if it's that wet out, lol. I'm registered for the Colorado Colfax Marathon on May 15th. Trying to redeem myself, lol.
    Good luck w/P90X. I'll be honest with you, the first time I did it, I had a hard time running consistently. the program took a lot of energy out of me and to try and run on top of it was a challenge. I've done a modified version of it a couple of times in which i switched the cardio days (plyo, yoga, kenpo) with runs, but did the strength training as planned.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I'm not doing a specific race just yet. I actually just found a training program and thought I'd give it a try. I might re-evaluate in the New Year, see where I am, and go from there.

  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Lisa are you doing a full marathon in May? I was actually thinking about doing a full some time next year. I felt pretty good training for the half and completing it this go around. I am really leary about running in the summer mississippi heat though, so I would probably do one in the fall after my husband gets back from Afghanistan so I will have more help with the kids on long run days and race day for that matter. It would be nice to say I ran a marathon. I might try another half in the spring, we'll see.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Whoops, no Marcie, I'm doing the half marathon (accidentially left that word out, lol). I have knee issues (chronic PFS) and there is no way my left knee could take 4 1/2 - 5hrs of pounding on pavement. Come to think of it, as much as I like to run, I don't think i want to run for that long.