Half marathon - Support and Motivation!



  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Ran 5 miles this morning at 13:27 pace. YEAH!!! 3 more days until my race.

    Jennifer - I think your idea to run your own race on Thanksgiving is great!!! Running with the group sounds like the better investment. The info and encouragement will be priceless.

    Great job on your run this morning. Believe me I know how rewarding it is to start and finish. You are doing AWESOME!!!

    Ya, I am excited about starting up with them and seeing what I can accomplish with a little help. I ran 4 miles this morning at 11:13 pace, which is not bad, but I sure would like to knock that down to 11:00 or even 10:45 before my Half. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    So, like I said in my earlier post, I ran 4 miles this morning. It went really well considering my last few runs. My stitch showed up and I slowed down and took some deep breathes and it slowly went away and I was able to run the entire 4 miles without much walking at all. Only to take a few sips of my water. Other than that, all the way through. I was smiling when I was finished. I always like that feeling.

    I believe tonite's workout is Fire 55 EZ and Stretch 10 with TurboFire. I am looking forward to it. Oh yeah and strength training. Today is one of my longer workout days.

    Have a beautiful Friday Eve everyone. :bigsmile:
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Jennifer, great job with the running. By the way, if you want an easy way to cook a pot roast, just throw it in the crock pot, vegetables and all and cook on low for 8 hours and it will be tender and tasty when you are done. I like to brown mine first and throw in some soup mix, broth and a can of cream of mushroom soup, then the grave is practically made as well. Just an idea.

    I had to work early so I skipped the long run this week and did 4 on the treadmill. I did 1.75 at about a 9:15 pace and then 2.25 at an 8:30 pace, felt good. I think that's the longest I've ran at that speed since highschool. May have to try for 3 miles at that pace in the future. It seems funny to say that I did a short run of 4 miles, ha, a year ago that would have been murder. Hope to stick with it even after the half marathon. 3 more weeks until mine.

    Lisa, I hope you are feeling better.

    Victoria, you are doing so good. I bet you are excited about this weekend. Hope you can post a picture post race!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Curly-Thanx for the suggestion on the pot roast. I am actually looking forward to it. I have not had my mom's pot roast in years and I will have her make it. :happy: Since she is so good at it. But in the meantime, I will keep your suggestion for when I feel brave enough to try it.

    Great job on your run this morning. I sure would love to run that fast for that long. Maybe someday. :wink:

    Have a great evening. :bigsmile:
  • fitreporter
    Is there a certain weight that would be considered too big to start jogging??? I want to start but feel like I need to lose weight first before I can start.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Is there a certain weight that would be considered too big to start jogging??? I want to start but feel like I need to lose weight first before I can start.

    I think certainly if you weigh less, you will have less impact on your feet and joints, but you can certainly be pretty big when you start running. I was around 215-ish when I started the Couch to 5K program. I've certainly noticed that as weight has come off me, there's been a difference in the impact, but I think as long as you take it slow, it's worth a shot. Just listen to your body!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Did my last training run this evening: 2.6m at a 10:30 pace. Can you believe it?? Super fast for me. It felt good, but I was definitely pretty spent. I could not have run 5 miles at that pace, but it's nice to know that I can get under 11 min/mile if it's shorter distances.

    Definitely looking forward to running the half marathon with Victoria this weekend. We'll try to get pics!

    Everyone is doing great!
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Is there a certain weight that would be considered too big to start jogging??? I want to start but feel like I need to lose weight first before I can start.

    I think you do what your body can handle. I have seen people a lot heavier than me kick my but at runs before, so if your body (joints and heart and lungs) can handle it, go for it. Do start slow, walk and see how it goes, then when that is getting easier, add in some slow jogging. Hopefully as you lose weight you will simultaneously be able to run farther and faster. Just take it slow, by that I mean, don't try to go run three miles if your body is used to a more sedentary lifestyle. You can do it! It would also be a good idea to see a doctor who can give you advice. Sometimes when you have someone like that tell you it's a good idea, or not, it takes the stress off and you know what direction to go in.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Is there a certain weight that would be considered too big to start jogging??? I want to start but feel like I need to lose weight first before I can start.

    I think certainly if you weigh less, you will have less impact on your feet and joints, but you can certainly be pretty big when you start running. I was around 215-ish when I started the Couch to 5K program. I've certainly noticed that as weight has come off me, there's been a difference in the impact, but I think as long as you take it slow, it's worth a shot. Just listen to your body!

    I agree with this post. If you just start out with a good program like Couch to 5k it will definitely be easier for you just starting out. I wish you the best of luck with your running. Keep coming back and let us know how you are doing and if you have anymore questions. We are all here for you. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Did my last training run this evening: 2.6m at a 10:30 pace. Can you believe it?? Super fast for me. It felt good, but I was definitely pretty spent. I could not have run 5 miles at that pace, but it's nice to know that I can get under 11 min/mile if it's shorter distances.

    Definitely looking forward to running the half marathon with Victoria this weekend. We'll try to get pics!

    Everyone is doing great!

    Can't wait to hear all about it. Good luck and remember to have fun. :drinker:
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    happy halfs to all who are running this weekend...its supposed to be beautiful weather to run in MI for the detroit half :) have fun and i can't wait to get reports!!!!! :)
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Good luck racers! :flowerforyou: Enjoy and I want to hear all about them in the next couple of days.

    I've accepted that I'm not going to have the race I planned for or trained for :( My calf is doing a little better, but I don't expect it to hold for the half. So, I'm going to run and if the pain gets worse, well, that's when I'll start walking. I've decided to walk because i want my medal, i want to say that i finished so that i can wear my shirt and i want to get my free beer, lol.

    There will be other races for me.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Well, today was 5 miles for me and I did it, even with my foot hurting. It is weird because after a while the pain goes away, but I can just feel it. I would say between miles 3 & 4 I realized that I was breathing normally and at a pretty good pace. I was absolutely amazed by how that felt. I don't recall that feeling before, it was wonderful. drinker Then when I just passed to start my last mile I twisted my left ankle, my sore foot. I had to walk for several minutes. I stopped and stretched it a little and was able to continue walking and then I just pushed myself to start running again and I realized I was fine. When I got home and stretched I seemed fine until I did my quad stretch and for some reason that one kinda hurt. Then putting any pressure on it really hurt. Now, it is just kinda sore after not moving it for a while. I am still confused on how this happened and wish it would just go away, because I don't want to sit back and let it heal. I want it to heal overnite. :laugh:
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Lisa's Denver Half Marathon Report

    .I find it ironic that the half that I best trained for and had some of the best runs was the absolute worst half I've run and a PW by like 7 1/2 minutes.

    BUT, given my calf and the stomach virus, I AM happy with my time...well, not my time so much, more the fact that I got to run it and that I finished it. I know that having a bad race is a possibility and I was so pissed that I might not have even had that option.

    I don't have splits because once again, my Garmin went backwards in the first mile. It's kind of discouraging to hit .40 miles three times Next year when i run this, I think i'm going to go Garmin-less. Yes, I do plan on running it again.

    The first 8-9 miles weren't that bad. I was keeping a decent pace and I was actually way happy that my calf didn't get any worse than "just" sore. Miles 9-10 were bad, lol. by mile 10, the wheels fell off the bus and I had to do a lot of negotiating with myself to keep going. between miles 10-12, I did a bit of walking. walk 1 minute, run 3 or 4, walk 1 or 2 minutes, etc. by this point, my calf is way sore, my bad knee has started to speak to me and my quads have started to tighten up. I have never had a race....or even a long run in which I felt so horrible.

    I was so happy that the last 1.5 miles or so is a gradual downhill. At least I was able to run that and I gave it my all to cross the finish line as strong as i could because every step was an effort.. I went straight into the med tent and had them tape a bag of ice to my calf.

    After the race yesterday was pretty bad. I was sick to my stomach (not sure if it was the stomach virus making another occurrence or the sugar from the gel and gel shots I ate) shortly after the race and again when I got home. I didn't even consider having my free beer...and didn't even think about giving it to someone else. It took until 2:00 for me to eat anything of substance and I looked like a cripple trying to go up and down my stairs. I'm much better today...I'm expecting the appetite to come back full force and I think I'm going to go for a short walk because if I keep moving, I seem to get some relief that way.

    So, not the race report I was hoping to write but oh well. Thanks so much for cheering me on. Rock 'n Roll did a fun race, I have to say and if you register early, it's not as pricey as it could be.

    thanks for reading.
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Lisa's Denver Half Marathon Report

    .I find it ironic that the half that I best trained for and had some of the best runs was the absolute worst half I've run and a PW by like 7 1/2 minutes.

    BUT, given my calf and the stomach virus, I AM happy with my time...well, not my time so much, more the fact that I got to run it and that I finished it. I know that having a bad race is a possibility and I was so pissed that I might not have even had that option.

    I don't have splits because once again, my Garmin went backwards in the first mile. It's kind of discouraging to hit .40 miles three times Next year when i run this, I think i'm going to go Garmin-less. Yes, I do plan on running it again.

    The first 8-9 miles weren't that bad. I was keeping a decent pace and I was actually way happy that my calf didn't get any worse than "just" sore. Miles 9-10 were bad, lol. by mile 10, the wheels fell off the bus and I had to do a lot of negotiating with myself to keep going. between miles 10-12, I did a bit of walking. walk 1 minute, run 3 or 4, walk 1 or 2 minutes, etc. by this point, my calf is way sore, my bad knee has started to speak to me and my quads have started to tighten up. I have never had a race....or even a long run in which I felt so horrible.

    I was so happy that the last 1.5 miles or so is a gradual downhill. At least I was able to run that and I gave it my all to cross the finish line as strong as i could because every step was an effort.. I went straight into the med tent and had them tape a bag of ice to my calf.

    After the race yesterday was pretty bad. I was sick to my stomach (not sure if it was the stomach virus making another occurrence or the sugar from the gel and gel shots I ate) shortly after the race and again when I got home. I didn't even consider having my free beer...and didn't even think about giving it to someone else. It took until 2:00 for me to eat anything of substance and I looked like a cripple trying to go up and down my stairs. I'm much better today...I'm expecting the appetite to come back full force and I think I'm going to go for a short walk because if I keep moving, I seem to get some relief that way.

    So, not the race report I was hoping to write but oh well. Thanks so much for cheering me on. Rock 'n Roll did a fun race, I have to say and if you register early, it's not as pricey as it could be.

    thanks for reading.

    Hi Lisa,
    great job for finishing it as strong as you could be given the circumstances .:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: . Make sure to stay hydrated and have some chicken noodle soup as it helps with the stomach bug.. I know exactly how you are feeling. I had a stomach bug during the San Diego marathon in June and i was literrally running from Porter-potty to the next.. It was horrible and i don't wish it on anyone.
    Yesterday was a fun race. I did it with my husband and few friends too (1:43:10)..
    As for your muscles, try taking an Epsom Salt bath as it helps with the recovery and then by tomorrtow go for a sports massage.
    to your health
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Lisa-so sorry to hear about your calf, knee and stomach problems during the race. But Kudos to you for finishing. :drinker:

    Douniap-Great job on your half. AWESOME time and it must have been really fun running with your husband and friends. :bigsmile:

    This morning was another 4 mile run and it went pretty well. It is weird how my foot was throbbing when I woke up this morning and while walking around the house, but as soon as I put on my running shoes and started to warm up, it started to subside and then once I started running it did not hurt at all. I guess that is a good thing, because I don't want to have to go to the doctor and he tell me to stop running, because I will not stop. I have exactly 9 weeks of training left and exactly 9 weeks till my half, no time to stop. I will do a TurboFire HIIT workout tonite and tomorrow will be my rest day. :bigsmile:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I completed my first half-marathon yesterday!!

    The Detroit Free Press Half-Marathon was great overall. Couldn't have found a better day to run. The weather was perfect. Going into the race, my only real goal was to finish (met), but I really wanted to run the whole thing (met!), and a bonus goal of being under 3 hours (met!!!). I finished in 2hr53min, which I'm pleased with, especially considering there were a few bottlenecks of runners on the course, most notably on the Ambassador Bridge, where we stopped to a halt for a while. Bummer! But the sun rising over the US/Canada border was gorgeous. Definitely recommend the race-- it was flat most of the race except for the bridge and the tunnel crossing the borders. My only real complaint was that the tunnel was definitely hot and stuffy, so that mile underwater was pretty painful. I felt good throughout the race. I had a few times where I felt the distance, but was able to finish strong.

    Best of all, I was able to run the vast majority of it with Victoria (pinbotchick), here on the thread. It was great to have a running buddy, and she was able to help me keep up the tempo and not fade very much. Plus, our parents were able to come, which was great to have that extra support. I'm sure she'll have more to add, but just wanted to say it was a great race. You've all been a great support and I can't wait to hear from others as they run their halfs!!
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Well, did 5 miles today at 10:15 pace, pretty good considering I was pushing the baby in a stroller. I was tempted to get on the treadmill, but I really hate to do that when it is so nice outside, and I think the treadmill causes my legs to hurt sometimes. Maybe because varied movement is restriced, I don't know. Anyway, long run on Thursday then that's all the long running until my half next week. I got an iphone and have been using the free mapmyrun app which worked nicely today, giving me time, distance, pace, elevation. Pretty neat, plus I can look it up on the computer later. Anyway, hope everyone has a good week.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey gang - wow the feeling of finishing your first half is priceless!!! I may not have had the fastest time but I loved the race. I came in at 2 hrs 56 min for a pace of 13:26!!! Running the first 10 miles with Kristina was awesome!!! I too recommend the race - beautiful sunrise on the Ambassador Bridge, hot Canadian mounties, support of friends, family and the crowd - awesome... I loved wearing the medal all day yesterday - I may wear it all week (blushes)...All the long runs and sleepless mornings were worth it.

    Great job on your run Lisa - at least you finished!!!

    Kristina - thanks for a super time!!! It wouldn't have been the same without you. I can't wait to plan our next run...
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Kristina-WOW fantastic time and finish. Congrats to you. :drinker:

    Curly-Good job on your 5 miles with a great pace. Keep up the good work. :bigsmile:

    Victoria-Congrats to you also on the Half. That is so AWESOME that you and Kristina were able to run it together. I would wear the medal ALL week. :wink:

    Well, today is my rest day and I am taking full advantage of it and glad for it. For this week I am switching up Wednesday and Thursday's workouts due to an interview Thursday morning. So I will be running 4 miles with strength training and TurboFire 55 EZ tomorrow.

    I am taking in my paperwork to the running program tonite and I am really excited about it. I actually talked to someone today about possibly helping me find the proper running shoes for me. I know I am in terrible need for new ones. I emailed a guy that currently runs marathons and I know that he will definitely give me good advice. Can't wait. It will be great to finally run with other people on ocassion.

    Have a beautiful afternoon everybody. :bigsmile: