Half marathon - Support and Motivation!



  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Hello everyone
    hope you all having a great week.
    Was wondering if any of you are doing the LA half this weekend. October 24th It is a new one in the R&R series.

    if you have not registered yet here is a nice discount for it:

    You can still register for this weekend's Dodge Rock 'n' Roll Los Angeles Half Marathon. Visit the Expo at the LA Convention Center on Friday or Saturday, and a spot at the start line is yours.

    LA Marathon participants - know the secret code and receive $25 Off Expo Registration. Don't you love it!

    SAVE $25

    Expo Secret Code: ILOVELA

    *valid at expo only

    I will be running it with my husband and few friends and the great thing is that my kids will be at the finish line with my mom.. So i am excited
    Good luck to you all
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Well got my last long run done today. Just ran around town, but there were a couple of pretty steep hills, luckily they weren't that long. My knee bothered me a little, so I kept running on the wrong side of the street in the quieter areas to balance out the strain on it. You know how the roads are slanted and you end up running with your left leg lower than your right leg the whole time. Also ran in the middle when it was a really slow street, I know I am such a rebel. ha ha. Anyway, did 11.25 miles at 9:30 pace, felt pretty good. Stomach is a little off right now, but not bad. I think I ate more fiber than I meant to yesterday. I will be more careful next time. Anway, hope everyone is doing good. Anyone got their halfs coming up soon? Marcie
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Douniap-Good luck this weekend on your Half. Can't wait to hear all about it.

    Curly-Great job on your run yesterday. When is your half?
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Dounia, good luck on our half this weekend.

    Marcie, nice job on the long run. fwiw, i try to alternate miles or blocks when i'm running on the street and the camber is really bad. i tend to run opposite of traffic to start with, but there are a couple of streets that I can't do that, so it all balances out.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    my half is next weekend, the 30th in New Orleans. Did a 5 k today at local fair. Ran pretty good for me. Got 4th in my age group. Really I think I got third, but then later when I went up to look at the boards someone had changed their time and put themselves ahead of me. It wasn't a huge race, but I think they might need to rethink how they do the scorekeeping. They give you a sticker and your right your time and name on it then put it on the board yourself. Would have been nice to have a medal, even though that may be juvenile. Maybe she really was ahed of me and I just didn't see her. Oh well. I ran the 3.2 miles in 26:09 which is very good for me. Last year a few months after I had had my baby I did that same race in 33 minutes, so it was more to prove to myself that I have made good progress anyway. Felt pretty good during the race, but was pretty spent towards the end, so I don't think I could have run any faster without a lot more speed training. We'll see what I feel like doing after this half marathon next week. Happy running everyone. Marcie
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Lisa-I have read and heard from several sources that runners do need to run against traffic to keep control of your situation. I am like you in that there are times that running with traffic is inevitable, but as long as it is most of the time, you should be safe. I also wear a bright pink hat so people can't miss me. LOL

    Curly-AWESOME job on your run yesterday. You have improved so much. I know you will do great on your half next weekend. :bigsmile:

    Deciding to take it a little slow this morning. I will get my workout in later today. Have a wonderful day ladies. :flowerforyou:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good luck on your runs next weekend. I took a whole week off of running!! I actually missed it, so I went out for a 5.5 mile run yesterday. I've decided to sign up for a 1/2 marathon in April in Toledo where I went to college. The run actually goes through the campus. My run this weekend was in the town I grew up in a I was flooded with memories of my youth. Have a great Monday!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't checked in much since the half.

    Like Victoria, I took a pretty easy week off. I only ran once- 3 miles, which went okay. My legs were stiff, but my time actually wasn't too bad. I plan to get back in the swing of things this week. I would like to keep the same schedule as when I was training for the half, with 2 shorter runs and 1 longer run a week--- just not as much mileage.

    My 2 friends and co-workers want to train for a full marathon and would like me to join in. One of them just ran ther Detroit half and the other has run a marathon before. I don't know if I'm really ready for that, but I think my plan would be to start training with them, and if the mileage gets to be too much, I'll run the half instead. It'll still give me a goal to work on. I'd like to improve my time.

    Once again, it looks like Victoria and I might be in the same race! Either running the half again together or me running the full and her the half. Either way, another MFP race reunion! I'm also thinking, I would love to run the Detroit race again next year. It was a great course (minus a couple of bottlenecks) and great views, though not sure which race I would sign up for.

    I've missed running and am definitely ready to get back into it this week!
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Good morning Fellow runners

    hope you all had a fabulous weekend(racing or not)..
    I am here to report that i had the best race yesterday in so many years. I broke my PR by 2 min and i am beyond happy.. I think that knowing that both my kids and my mom will be at the finish line gave me the boost to power it during the last 3 miles.. I just went for it and left my husband behind..hearing them call for me at mile 13 just made me want to fly.. and i sort of did:)
    I am beyond sore today but it was so worth.. the good thing i have the day off work today so i am going to take the kids and go for a nice walk by the beach and just get that lactic acid moving out..I took an ep;som Salt bath last night too..
    I want to thank each one of you for all your support and inspirations.. You guys are amazing..
    Happy Monday everyone
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Pinbo-Great job on your run yesterday. Congrats on signing up for a half. You will do great.

    Kristina-Don't blame you to take a week off after your race. I am sure whatever you decide to do with your co-workers will be great for you. Having people to train with would be motivation to me. If even to just run with them on occasion is good stuff.

    Dounia-WHOOOHOOO!!! Congrats to you.

    I did 4 miles this morning at 9:59 min mile pace. When I was done and walking back to the house I was jumping up and down and dancing to one of my songs. LOL I really didn't care what people were thinking of me at that moment. It was a really great run this morning. TurboFire tonite. Life is great right now.

    Keep up the great work everybody. :bigsmile:
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Dounia-Congrats on your PR!!! That's fantastic and I"m glad all of your hard work paid off! ;)

    I also took a week off from running to let my calf (and the rest of my body) heel. tho by Thursday I was jonesing for a run, lol. I actually waited until today and hit the treadmill for 3.5 easy miles. Hoping i can get a couple of miles a day until the end of the month, and then try to get back into my "every other day" (a/k/a NOT training) plan.

    See you all later

    PS...my reason for running against traffic is that I like to see if a car is coming at me. i figure i have a better chance of getting out of the way than if it's behind me and headed straight for me.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    LIsa-I have read several places that running against traffic is the best for runners, that way we have control of what is coming at us and getting out of the way if necessary. It works for me as well. Did you get a run in today?
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Got up at 5am and started Fire 55 EZ at 5:30am ate breakfast at 6:30am started my 4 miler at 7:30am done before 8:30am. WHEW!!! Busy morning, but am glad it is all done for the day. My pace was at 9:47 and that is my fastest to date. I am so excited about that. Slowly getting faster, plus I was running in my new shoes that are lighter than my other ones. I don't know, maybe that makes a big difference. It was a good run in 41 degree weather with wind gusts up to 50mph. I would have started running earlier, but I needed to wait for more light. I don't have any reflective gear yet, but am working on that. I just ordered a Helium 4 from my local sporting good store and will be able to pick it up anytime. Can't wait to try it out. Now the only other thing I need is some sunglasses that won't slide around my nose. Then I will be completely set for my race. Oh yeah, and I have officially signed up for my half. It is on December 19th in Springfield, Missouri. I picked this one since my in-laws live there and I won't need to get a hotel. Plus Peter (Father-in-Law) likes to cook and after my race I will eat whatever he cooks me. I will definitely deserve it that day.

    Keep up the great work everybody. :bigsmile:
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Hi everyone!

    5.5 mi on the tm today. can't wait to run outside again...my children are home on Fall Break, so I won't get to run outside until Saturday.

    Feeling a little sick. Not sure if it's a cold or going to be worse, but i have the feeling like I've smoked a pack of cigarettes. May have to break out the inhaler.

    Nice run today Jennifer! So glad you signed up for the half.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hi everyone!

    5.5 mi on the tm today. can't wait to run outside again...my children are home on Fall Break, so I won't get to run outside until Saturday.

    Feeling a little sick. Not sure if it's a cold or going to be worse, but i have the feeling like I've smoked a pack of cigarettes. May have to break out the inhaler.

    Nice run today Jennifer! So glad you signed up for the half.

    I hope you are feeling better today. :flowerforyou:

    Thanx. :blushing:
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    4.85 mi run done. bit of a challege with all this congestion. used my inhaler before I ran and I think it helped, but now my voice is pretty much gone, i think from all the mouth breathing.

    Well, i signed up for another half marathon (and hoping I'm not hit with a stomach virus and a charley horse 6 days before this one, lol) on May 15th. So, I'll have a couple of months of junk miles/base building and then will start offficial training again in mid/late Feb. I'm going to stick with HH's Intermediate program again and hopefully I'll have a better race. In the meantime, I'm going to try try a little harder with my weight loss efforts. I've been hovering around the same weight since July (cry!!!!....but then again, as I get further into a training cycle, it's harder for me to lose weight).

    have a good weekend and Happy Halloween. Don't eat too much candy!
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Lisa I know what you mean about not losing too much weight while training. Last time I think I might have gained a pound or two. This time I lost most of my weight beforehand and some during training. Sure makes running easier.

    Anyway, my jazz half in New Orleans went well. I was hoping toget 10 minute miles or better and I did it in2:02:55. For a 9:30 pace. Wahoo! I guess my next goal might be to break the 2 hour barrier. I might try building speed at shorter distances for a while. We'll see. I might do a 10 k on Easter weekend. I can't sign up for too much because my husband is overseas and I don't have any family around to keep my 3 kids while I race. My inlaws drove 6 hours to watch the kids this time and I don't want to pose on them too much. What are everyone else's plans?
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member

    Anyway, my jazz half in New Orleans went well. I was hoping toget 10 minute miles or better and I did it in2:02:55. For a 9:30 pace. Wahoo! I guess my next goal might be to break the 2 hour barrier. I might try building speed at shorter distances for a while. We'll see. I might do a 10 k on Easter weekend. I can't sign up for too much because my husband is overseas and I don't have any family around to keep my 3 kids while I race. My inlaws drove 6 hours to watch the kids this time and I don't want to pose on them too much. What are everyone else's plans?

    Congratulations! You rocked your half!!! So happy you had such an awesome race and I'm sure you'll come in under 2 hours soon!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Congratulations Curleytop on your half :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    That is a great achievement and i am certain you'll say goodbaye to the 2 hours mark very soon :bigsmile:

    Lisa i hope you'll feel better soon.. try doing some eucalyptus steam with the towel over your head.. it helps.. I use it on my kids too when they are getting congested.. and have some fresh squeezed lemon with warm water and honey.. it helps getting rid of all the mucus build up..

    I am taking it easy right now, just nice easy runs and tons of yoga to stretch all my muscles.. I have a full coming up in two weeks.

    Happy halloween everyone.. I can't wait for it to go away, i've been eating too much candy lately.. Every office at work has candy and i can't help it but dig in :cry:

    cheers and happy running
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Had a good 5.5 mile run yesterday, but towards the end, my left calf started bothering me again. That should have been a big clue, because by 4:30, I was back in the bathroom with Round 2 of the stomach virus. Grrr.

    So between my calf being sore, haveing a cold/cough and not being able to eat, it looks like I'm taking a few days or a week off and seeing if I can heal the body. LOL, you don't have to hit me with a 2x4 more than once or twice before I get a clue.

    Hope everyone is having a good week!