

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Got to the Y a bit late and then talked to the instructor so didn't walk on the treadmill too much before the class. Then took the Power Hour class. This one is pretty good. Walked on the treadmill after the class. I'm thinking of doing the 20-40-60 workout tomorrow.

    Joyce - $50 a person? What makes that lunch so special?

    Allie - Tom "can't afford it"?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I would think your attorney would do something about all these delays. That's her time that's being used up. Of course, she's still getting paid. But she could be getting a new client and getting paid from them.

    Machka - congrats on those medals. You guys deserve them

    Ann - welcome back!

    jl - welcome. I almost wrote "KJ"...lol

    After exrcise I was going to check out the Salvation Army down here. I couldn't understand why I couldn't find it. Good reason...they closed so the sign is gone. Now home. I went to Aldi yesterday. Do you think Vince would have told me that we were low on his cereal? when does he tell me. Today. Well, I want to stop at the ceramic place anyway. She said she has a shell so maybe Vince will go with me. He's much better at judging size of something than I am.

    Rye - I certainly would be hurt, angry, humiliated, thirsty if I'd been swimming. I'm apalled that they left before you finished.

    Michele now in FL
    who realized she never read the paper yesterday
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Rye - I brought in the hummingbird feeder last night so it wouldn't freeze and break the glass. Plus, the birdies like it kind of warm when they take their first sip. 21 degrees here this morning! We have the same hummers that Katla gets. Fun to see them in the winter - they do eat insects such as gnats and when the day gets warm there are plenty of them flying around. What a shame about that charity swim. Seems like a lot of liability there for the organizers to pack up and leave like that. Don't blame you for crossing them off your list!

    - you were busy! No wonder we didn't hear from you! Wow, it really hits home how active you are when you see those medals. Thank you for sharing.

    Beth and Allie - loved the story about the shepherd taking care of the extra lamb. o:) ((HUGS)))

    - no wonder they need teachers in AZ if they make it so hard on them. Don't blame you for wanting to get out of that situation! Glad your DH has a better school environment. Shep is probably glad to have Mom home with him more. <3

    Janetr - perfectly gorgeous photo of you. Love those boots - very classy!

    - I don't think we've seen a recent photos of Mozart and Melody. So glad he worked out well in your household. We are SO GLAD to have you back! Loved the photo of the girls by the way!!! <3

    It's sunny and the outside thermometer now says 32.3f. Time to get crackin! Have a wonderful day all!

    SW WA State
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    allie (((( <3 ))))

    hang in there everyone struggling, I am sending you good thoughts and peace.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    csofled wrote: »

    Cheri, I've been meaning to tell you my 10 year old grandson was diagnosed last Friday with Asperger's Syndrome. I've been telling my daughter that for a couple of years.

    Janetr OKC
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited February 2018
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Terry , sorry I was unclear about "the ex", I was referring to Jack's ex wife. She has not been easy to deal with. Now I speak and am polite and don't hang around long enough for her to make any snide/rude comment. Ten years later we actually avoid her when possible.

    Janetr OKC

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Happy birthday Terry!
    Penny-I loved your post! Congrats on the Requiem success! I, too, would have been laughing at Martha Stewart's reaction. If there is one thing social media and Youtube has taught me is this; the world is filled with wonderfully gifted, skilled, talented people. Before the internet, we would be astounded by the few who were "discovered" and then profiled in papers, news, etc. Now...talent is everywhere. I think that is a great thing and speaks to the intricacy of our brains and bodies. We should not be surprised that we would find talent anywhere. I think it would be much more surprising, and sad, to find a life that hadn't found a gift, talent, or skill.
    Carol- Glad to hear your son is doing well on his recovery. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers for continued success.
    Heather- I would have to agree with you on your DIL making your son, her husband accountable for his actions/choices. I am sure they will figure it all out. She may take no nonsense, but she seems a very fair and humane person. Everyone deserves a second chance. Sometimes even thirds. And do our kids even know how much we care? lol I think they do, they would rather we just care a little less, sometimes. (at least that is how my kids come across, to me).
    Mary- So sorry to hear that the teaching position didn't work out. fingers crossed if you look in the same area/district that your hubby is in. Hope you feel better soon!
    Becca- So glad your DH's surgery went well! Happy you are home safe! Look both ways, check your mirrors!
    Allie- hugs, hugs, hugs! If you ask that they hold him in contempt this time, you need to voice what this is costing you in terms of your work/vacation hours wasted and money wasted because he can't seem to get his s**t together. Shame on him and the courts that allow him to do this! >:)

    Happy Mardi Gras! The kids and I made a King Cake this morning. I just pulled it out of the oven. I forgot the recipe makes two cakes (why would they write it that way?!?) So...I made the kiddos their cake (putting the baby in now), and I made mini cakes (cinnamon roll style) for DH and DYS. I had one small one. They are yummy! I will send them to work with DYS tonight after they each have one. I did substitute whole wheat flour and flax meal for the white flour. I cut the sugar out of the filling. I ate my piece with out the icing. So they are pretty healthy; I just shouldn't be having the bread.

    All of the kids are napping now. I am kind of stunned. I will get some pics of our craft and cake and share them with you all. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • UtDiane
    UtDiane Posts: 5 Member
    edited February 2018
    I'm hoping I'm in the right place for some help. First let me say that I'm 66, retired and need to lose 40 lbs. I had a bad fall about 10 years ago and I don't have the best knees. I'm looking for advice on losing weight for someone in my age bracket. My metabolism is slower than someone in their 30's.

    When I was working it was easier to control my weight because food wasn't as accessible. Now that I'm home, I've discovered that I'm what I feel is the worse kind of eater. I'm a snacker! I don't eat big meals because I've been snacking all day. Sweets are my downfall. I actually get the shakes if I don't have at least a small piece of candy during the day. I'm not diabetic. My sugar levels are surprising good when I go to the doctor. I don't like the good fruit, like any type of berries, but I have found I can drink them in a smoothy. Although smoothies still leave me feeling hungry. I enjoy good food.

    Please don't tell me about cauliflower recipes. I've tried them and don't like them. I love pasta. I do try to buy the ones with some fiber. I don't like the grittiness of the whole grain pastas. I buy bread with fiber, but I'm not a big bread eater. In fact, most of the time I end up throwing away half of the loaf. Most of the time I eat only one main meal a day. By the time I get up, most of the morning is gone, so I have oatmeal or cereal with coffee. I'm usually snacking during the first part of the afternoon, while getting ready or running errands, etc and then we usually eat dinner around between 4-5. By the evening, around 8pm, I'm looking for a snack.

    Sleeping is not a problem. I usually go to bed around midnight and can easily sleep until 10am. I have been looking through youtube, trying to find some exercises for seniors. My knees keep me from doing anything too strenuous.

    Snacking is my biggest issue. So now that you know a little about me, any advice on how to kick start my energy, snack less and eat better?

    DL in TX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Penny - That choir looks like fantastic fun! And nice to get a bit of extra attention. <3

    Congrats Pat on the 2 lbs. :D

    My dinner of duck legs and turnips (with broccoli ) was amazing today. I think I've invented a whole new recipe. If any of you like spicy food, I spread Korean Gochugan paste on the duck legs before roasting in a small square tin. (I put in a few potatoes for DH next to the legs) Then in a separate square tin I put in some peeled and halved little mauve and white turnips, just lightly tossed in a bit more of the sauce and a drip of olive oil. I roasted everything in an oven 180 ° C for 90 mins. Heaven! Quite spicy, but DH loved it and he doesn't like really hot.

    New series of Shetland starting tonight. :D

    I am currently watching the latest series of Great American Railroad which takes us all around the US by rail. We are in California at the moment. Very enjoyable and I hope it will persuade DH to visit one day.
    The only vacation we have planned for this year is the cruise in June. It's hard to plan when you might be moving. Plus we are both finishing books and wouldn't welcome distraction at the moment. Nose to the grindstone. I would like a quick spring jaunt though, just for a few days to France. Usually it's up to me to book these things. :/

    Got to sign the Valentine's card and wrap the presents in a bit. I've got him my favourite chocolate truffles and a hardback crime novel by my favourite author. >:) (his too) :) Also his favourite stem ginger biscuits. <3<3<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Penny - I just love Google translate, there are always some lovely gotchas... It translated the caption under your picture as "Longyearbyen mixed cakes performed Requiem at the house on Saturday night. " Gave me a wonderful giggle.

    Lisa in NC
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    It's Fat Tuesday! Laissez les bon temps rouler!

    Pat - Wow, your new scale really does sound smart! Or at least its app does.

    Felicia - Wishing you all the best. That's definitely some freaky finger coloring there!

    Terry - Well, whether or not the helmet works, it certainly makes for a futuristic photo!

    Cheri - I'm thinking about a trip to College Station in March. Maybe we can meet up!

    Janet - My office/crafting/exercise room makes yours look positively ship-shape!

    Katla - I watched some snowboarding and speed skating too. But I can't ever seem to catch the figure skating, which is the only event I really want to watch!

    Okie - Woohoo for a vacation with no consequences on the scale!

    Allie - My cousin gave me some good advice in December when Dad died. He said, "Just give yourself some time. You'll feel like you have to do everything right now, but you actually have plenty of time to deal with the estate so take as much as you need." So far he's been right... I really would like to have it all wrapped up as soon as possible, but I'm only human and I have a job as well as other people whose responses affect the process in ways I can't always change. As for your attorney, why in the heck should you have to talk to Tom? That's what your attorney is paid for!

    Well, I took a break from work to slog through some more estate paperwork. Dad wasn't rich by any means, but he worked hard and saved all his life, and my share of his estate will be enough to make a significant difference for Philip and me. At the very least, we don't have to worry quite so much about retirement... Philip jokes that we might be able to upgrade to a premium brand of cat food while we're living under a bridge!

    Anyhow, papers are signed and in the mailbox (one of the few bits that did not require a special trip to find a notary or a "medallion signature guarantee"), so I'd better get back to work now.

    Everybody have a guilt-free virtual beignet on me!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    edited February 2018
    Yvonne ~ i so wish you were right but we have until march 21st to pay off dads $65,000 reverse mortgage.. was in court today for at least 5 1/2 hrs at 385.00 an hour ,which just ate up was left on the retainer if not more, and we will be going back for divorce trial April 20th... I am mentally exsausted right now, I want to take a name though I should not...and all of this is on me, we did go up in front of the judge and Tom looks worn out, and I am too..