

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Went to the ceramics place here. Got this seahorse that I think will look good down here. The other day I got one to put on our pergola. Then went to CVS to get toothpaste for free. Vince said he needed some. Then to Aldi to get Vince his cereal. He didn't want to go all these place so I reminded him that he's the one who told me we need to consolidate trips and if he'd told me yesterday when I went to Aldi, I would have gotten his cereal then. Then went bowling. I did find a bowling ball that I think is pretty. Mine is about 40 years old. There was a part of me that didn't want to spend the $$, but Vince said that I've lived so long with the old ball, I can get the new one. Also got a bag since mine from 40 years ago is continuing to rip. Now home to have dinner. I guess I shouldn't feel bad about spending the $$. He's bought himself 2 bowling balls and a new bag since we started bowling.

    Laura - welcome. Boy, you've sure had your share of medical issues. Glad you're here now

    Pat - what a wonderful experience you had at the duathalon.

    Denise was saying how she and Pete would fly down here this weekend, spend time with Pete's father then drive to Titusville. We told her this was the weekend of the 500. This may be mean to say, but I'm glad it's the weekend of the 500. I really don't care to entertain his father. Now I'm a person who is very open to entertaining just about anyone, but I don't care to entertain him

    The other day I got this kale salad. I threw out the dressing, or so I thought. Today I found these 2 packets and at first thought it was more dressing. Turns out one of them is the dried cranberries and the other is sesame seeds Now that I'll eat

    Jess called while we were bowling. She's going to get NC residency. Since she'll be in St. Kitts for 3 years, her auto insurance etc will be cheaper in NC than in VA.

    Michele who loves FL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Penny at the Pole: I have missed your posts! I am soooo happy to see your comments & your picture. :flowerforyou: PS Martha Stewart sounds like a bit of an @ss. :ohwell:

    Laura from Saskatchewan: Welcome. It sounds like you and your DH have had more than your fair share of medical issues recently. I hope the situation improves for you both. :star:

    DL in TX: Welcome to a great group of women. The system here at MFP is calorie counting. MFP gives you a target calorie goal based on what you tell it about your weight. You add the calories you eat and subtract the calories you burn though exercise each day. It works, but it isn't a quick fix. Instead, it is a lifestyle change. Stick around for the good advice, support and friendship. :smiley:

    Michelle: It sounds like you're having a great time in Florida. Good for you!!! :flowerforyou:

    My doctor sent me a message that I need to get a pneumonia vaccination, so I went into the pharmacy to get it done. The pharmacist asked me to come on a day that he is not there. He messed up a vaccination for me once in the past and I had shoulder pain for more a few years because of it. That eventually healed, but I'll be happy enough to have someone else give me the pneumonia vaccine.

    I have a city committee meeting this evening and I need to spend some time reviewing the packet before the meeting. So far it seems straight forward, and I have hopes that the meeting will not turn out to run into the late hours of the night.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." - Arthur Ashe
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,584 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »

    It's funny how every time I'm there at my island paradise, I think there's no better place on earth, and while I'm here at the north pole, I can't imagine being truly happy anywhere else.

    I'm truly lucky! :heart:
    /Penny, privileged at the t07190.gif

    That's true contentment. We should all strive for that.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Penny No way! Martha Stewart with an entourage at the North Pole? It suspends disbelief! Thank you so much for telling the story, I am still chuckling and shaking my head. :D:D:D
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited February 2018
    Janetr- thanks! Your picture looks awesome! I'm glad you are having great results. You are doing a fantastic job and you should be very proud of yourself! The more you keep it up and slowly increase the weight you will not believe what is possible.


    Mary from Arizona
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • DebCountsAll
    DebCountsAll Posts: 471 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Still busy-busy-busy.

    Just popping in to say we performed Mozart's Requiem Saturday evening.

    The dress rehearsal Friday provided a little tickle of smug enjoyment. There we were, rehearsing, when who should sneak in through the door but Martha Stewart and a couple dozen others in her entourage. She's had some kind of competition in which a ten dollar donation to the Crop Trust earns you a lottery ticket for a trip with Martha to my home town, where the planned activities included a visit to the Global Seed Vault, snowmobiling, visiting and ice cave, dogsledding, and a gourmet dinner.

    Well the gourmet dinner was downstairs from the concert hall where we were rehearsing. When we arrived for the dress rehearsal, the Stewart gang had just started sipping their before-dinner champagne in the lobby. We pushed our way through (politely, of course) and got to work. But the singing carried and soon we saw people peeking through the doorway. Then they ventured in. Then they poured in. And listened. And took photos and videos with their cell phones. And applauded whenever we got to the end of a section. :grumble:

    Martha herself stood there looking totally gobsmacked, her mouth hanging open, shaking her head in disbelief, as though an orangutan had abruptly started reciting a sonnet by John Donne. Apparently she hadn't expected to find any culture this far away from civilization. I've filed the episode in the mental drawer I keep for truly bizarre experiences.

    Saturday's performance, went well. Here's the article about it in Svalbardposten, with a big picture. I'm in the front row, second from the left, with the black pearl necklace. http://svalbardposten.no/nyheter/requiem-for-full-hals/19.9399
    /Penny at the t07190.gif

    I think Martha just found unexpected beauty. We all look a little gobsmacked when that happens.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Penny - That choir looks like fantastic fun! And nice to get a bit of extra attention. <3

    Congrats Pat on the 2 lbs. :D

    My dinner of duck legs and turnips (with broccoli ) was amazing today. I think I've invented a whole new recipe. If any of you like spicy food, I spread Korean Gochugan paste on the duck legs before roasting in a small square tin. (I put in a few potatoes for DH next to the legs) Then in a separate square tin I put in some peeled and halved little mauve and white turnips, just lightly tossed in a bit more of the sauce and a drip of olive oil. I roasted everything in an oven 180 ° C for 90 mins. Heaven! Quite spicy, but DH loved it and he doesn't like really hot.

    New series of Shetland starting tonight. :D

    I am currently watching the latest series of Great American Railroad which takes us all around the US by rail. We are in California at the moment. Very enjoyable and I hope it will persuade DH to visit one day.
    The only vacation we have planned for this year is the cruise in June. It's hard to plan when you might be moving. Plus we are both finishing books and wouldn't welcome distraction at the moment. Nose to the grindstone. I would like a quick spring jaunt though, just for a few days to France. Usually it's up to me to book these things. :/

    Got to sign the Valentine's card and wrap the presents in a bit. I've got him my favourite chocolate truffles and a hardback crime novel by my favourite author. >:) (his too) :) Also his favourite stem ginger biscuits. <3<3<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Ohh, I love Shetland series too! Some of his cases take 4 episodes to resolve, and the shows writers keep you guessing. I love mystery shows where you find out who done it, at the end. Not those kind where they show who did it in the beginning, and you patiently wait for the darn actors to figure it out!
    The dinner sounded heavenly!!!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    KJ (Kelly), yes ma'am! I shall check my mirrors more!!
    New old driver in
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    Afternoon beautiful ladies. I am taking it one day at a time. Have to get back on track. Thanks for being here. Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE

    *hands you your train ticket* shouts, " ALL ABOARD!!!!"
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 8.08min, 145mhr, 11.1amph. 1.5mi= 93c
    apple watch- 68c
    manual* TREADMILL- walk, 28.10min, 133mhr, 1.5mi = 168c
    apple watch- 166c
    ROWING MACHINE- 10min, 100aw, 129ahr, 144mhr, 1975meters= 108c
    apple watch- 102c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.30min, 13.7amph, 135mhr, 1.4mi= 70c
    apple watch- 55c
    RIDE BIKE PUY 2 SUMN STA- 15.41min, 150mhr, 11.7amph, 3mi= 168c
    apple watch- 119c
    jog sta 2 wk- 5.21min, 151mhr, 10.10min mi, .5mi= 62c
    apple watch- 53c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.31min, 9.57min mi, .4mi= 44c
    apple watch- 49c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 18.06min, 8.7amph, 155mhr, 2.6mi = 201c
    Apple Watch- 154c

    total cal 914
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Yep tonight its Lasagna!!!!