

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I bought out the light and fit Greek toasted marshmallow today. It’s the last of a limited run. I love to dip my apple slices in it.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Grnwoodtree - If you use any icon other than the ones under the smiley face at the top of the writing oblong the post will cut off. Any phone icon will cut it off.

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Lisa, I have to admit I'm kind of surprised by your daughter's reaction to the news that you and Corey will be moving on once her hubby gets back. She had to have known that would happen, that you weren't going to stay indefinitely. I guess she's gotten very used to you being there and doesn't want to have to get used to you not being there again.
    Kerri, what part of Canada are you in? I'm on Vancouver Island. There are a few of us here!
    Had a post done up last night, put my tablet down, it turned sideways and went back a page so I lost my post! Annoying to say the least, but oh well.
    Yesterday morning when I got up my lower back was so sore I could barely walk, had to spend 20 min sitting on my heating pad just to be able to get mobile. It wouldn't have been so bad but I had to go to work. I survived. When I got home, I spent more time on the heating pad, then after supper for a few hours. Found some ibuprofen that I forgot I had (brand new bottle!), took one of those and headed for bed. Well!!! I did notice that the heating pad had loosened things up considerably and then when I woke up around 3 a.m. I realized I had no pain! It was wonderful! I have a bit of pain this a.m., took another ibuprofen before I left for work, but I'm feeling almost normal! Course, this means I don't have any excuse to not exercise, but that's okay too. I will be taking it easy, and just pushing the envelope ever so lightly! Sure don't want to re-injure, that really sucked.
    I like the electrolysis for getting rid of unwanted hair. It does hurt a bit, but there are two products out there, one is called Emla, the other is Maxilene (not sure of the spelling for that one), they are topical numbing agents. My upper lip is very sensitive, so I put Emla on 30-45 min before my app't and it all goes fine. Most of it I don't feel at all. The chin ones are bearable, for the most part. The pain is also very fleeting, it's just while the probe is actually delivering the electric blast to the hair follicle that you feel anything and that's only for a quick second. I have been getting some on my lower legs done as well. I don't have enough hair on my legs to bother waxing or anything like that, there's just the odd one here and there, so getting them zapped works for me. It stings a bit also, but again, it's bearable. I don't think the same hairs are growing back, but there are a lot of hair follicles on the average skin, so it does take time to get all the little devils! I have noticed that I do occasionally get one that appears out of nowhere too! It's like they wait until the day after I've gone for treatment and then pop out! lol My gal doesn't charge huge amounts, I only do 10 min appointments and it's just over $20. Compared to my chiro and massage therapist, she's a real bargain!
    I have to agree with other posters, while I find I prefer the elliptical trainer to the treadmill and have found that it gives me more bang for my buck, the best exercise for burning calories is the one that you will enjoy doing!
    Wow! This post got really long really quickly! lol Did not mean for it to be, but....
    Anyway, hope everyone has a great day/night! "Talk" to you soon!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,576 Member
    Allie - Either TomCat did not pay her or he never had one.

    I've been suspecting this for a while. My ex-husband was an attorney, and this was common. Attorney's won't do work without pay, generally speaking.

    Hang in there, Allie. I am frustrated for you. This has dragged on way too long.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    MARY trying the 5 week KB workout but don't have a pull up bar, do you, if not what do you do instead. I'm using the heaviest for the squats and swings but a lighter one for the press. Any advice would be great.

    MARSHA welcome to this group, you are one of our younger girls I think. I'm 73 in May, Heather is 68, not sure about anyone else's age :D

    Kate UK <3
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member
    Didn't go back to bed. Thought rain was going to stop, but not.... so, playing on computer for now and watching TV.
    RV Rita
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited February 2018
    Granny hair is that what you would call the three to five hairs that pop out on my chin, seemingly have titanium screws in their roots ( so take tremendous force to pluck) and are much darker than the hair on my head? lol- first started noticing these in my twenties. Every two months or so I’ll feel one on my chin again and am obsessive about plucking it ASAP. My lack of three dimensional vision makes plucking these a challenge - but I always (eventually) overcome!

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    I'm in love with Dannon's Light and Fit Strawberry Cheese Cake yogurt! Just saying.... :)

    My DH and I have been doing the heavy meal at lunch after a light breakfast. I have lost 1 lb which for me is great!


    I LOVE their Pumpkin Pie yogurt they have in the fall, I buy a bunch at once lol. CONGRATS on the pound. Good job. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I bought out the light and fit Greek toasted marshmallow today. It’s the last of a limited run. I love to dip my apple slices in it.


    OH YEH, I love it too lol

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Kelly - arrgggghhh you just gave me the shivers all the way to my toes. That's the most painful story.

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    MARY trying the 5 week KB workout but don't have a pull up bar, do you, if not what do you do instead. I'm using the heaviest for the squats and swings but a lighter one for the press. Any advice would be great.

    Kate UK <3

    Here are alternatives to pull ups.

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    mjwackerly wrote: »
    Hello all, I am 63, so I guess I qualify. Maybe overqualified - HA! Just joined this site yesterday as I start on my journey to a healthier and skinnier me. Currently weigh 190 with goal of 140. I was there 18 years ago. Doc has me on a low carb, high protein diet. All new to me. I did weight watchers about 5 years ago - it didn't stick but a bad hip got in the way. That was replaced in 12/17 so no excuses anymore. Nice to meet you all! Marsha (in Asheville NC) PS - lived in Jackson WY for 7 years prior to this location. I miss it but while we are having 71 degree weather today and they are still buried in snow, I just smile!

    Marsha, welcome! I’m 63 young too.
