Less Alcohol - March 2018- One day at a Time



  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    salleewins wrote: »
    Just found a Virgin Pina Colada recipe on Allrecipes. Has anyone tried this recipe or similar? https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/17565/virgin-pina-colada/

    Yum that used to be a favorite. Id luv to try it one day.
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,465 Member
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,465 Member

    I just had to try it:)
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,465 Member

  • fabkarma
    fabkarma Posts: 10 Member
    Had a fat glass of red wine tonight and enjoyed it... the difference now is that I'm seeing it as a weekend treat and not a nightly routine.

    @islandbeez LMAO. Speaking of how you can't say the a-word on here... The first few times I saw the AF acronym on this thread, I read it "as f*".
  • islandbeez
    islandbeez Posts: 162 Member
    fabkarma wrote: »
    Had a fat glass of red wine tonight and enjoyed it... the difference now is that I'm seeing it as a weekend treat and not a nightly routine.

    @islandbeez LMAO. Speaking of how you can't say the a-word on here... The first few times I saw the AF acronym on this thread, I read it "as f*".

    Hahaha, all this *kitten* stuff is cracking me up this morning! Also, it took me forever to stop saying "as eff" in my head! On another dry board I am on someone said they were AFAF, so I guess that covers it :-) Happy Sunday to y'all!! <3
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,513 Member
    @julieAL1969 Is that a new picture? I like it! I need to update, mine is ancient. @islandbeez I agree, I can't believe you can't use certain words on here and they sub it with "kitten". What is up with that?! Agree with the general thoughts of the last few posts that the less often you have alcohol, then suddenly have it again, you don't feel well at all. Maybe it is our bodies reminding us, "yeah, this is toxic". Who knows. I for one will avoid temptation entirely on St. Pat's Day, which used to be be my favorite holiday, by staying in and going to bed early.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    The kitten filter started a few years back on April 1 as an April Fools joke, and then they just left it.
  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    I guess Easter won't be easy either. :(
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,239 Member
    salleewins wrote: »
    Thank you that I don't drink on St. Patty's Day. That is one easier one. Good Friday--March 30th will be my next hardest then Easter. April 3rd will be my next hardest after those--the day my son passed. He did pass on Good Friday that year of 2015(I am glad that I did not drink that day), which was April 3rd that year. Then May for Mother's Day and his birthday of May 23rd. I want to be successful this year in my mind.....Help me God. I am glad for this group. It is almost 2 months now dry.

    I am so sorry for your loss! That is awful. My heart is hurting for you.

    Two months dry- amazing!!!!
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    fabkarma wrote: »
    @islandbeez LMAO. Speaking of how you can't say the a-word on here... The first few times I saw the AF acronym on this thread, I read it "as f*".

    Hahaha. The first few? Over two months in this group and I still read that as “as f***” EVERY SINGLE TIME
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,513 Member
    @salleewins Sending love. <3
  • islandbeez
    islandbeez Posts: 162 Member
    @salleewins Hugs to you, so very heartbreaking.

    @JulieAL1969 Your new picture is super cute and I hear ya on the buzzed pic. In my FB profile pic I am half in the bag and I hate it, gotta change that sucker!
  • BuffMom84
    BuffMom84 Posts: 180 Member
    I had two glasses of wine on Friday night and woke up with a hangover/headache yesterday! I used to be able to drink like 10 beers or a bottle and a half of wine or 6 mixed drinks and wake up and feel not as bad as I did yesterday. Like others were saying, I think I wasn't as "fine" as I thought when I woke up on those days. And also my body isn't as used to the poison anymore.

    I'm going to a concert tonight and even though it's a Sunday, everyone I'm going with will be in "party mode" because they took off of work tomorrow. I still have to adult tomorrow and get things done so I will be drinking very minimally. Also, my mom is watching my kids tonight and even though I'm in my mid-30's, I still hate coming home from whatever and being drunk or even buzzed around her so that's more motivation to drink even less. I'll probably have one or two at most (good thing I'm broke right now so I can't afford $12 concert beers lol).
  • PhotogirlTX
    PhotogirlTX Posts: 85 Member
    donimfp wrote: »
    OK, I have my boarding pass, so I guess Italy is really happening. I met my goal of packing carry-on only. Yay! My next goal is to enjoy a beautiful country and very moderately taste the wines they are famous for. I wish everyone a successful St. Patrick's Day, whatever your intentions. I know I have Wifi in the places I'm staying so hopefully can check in a time or two. Arrivederci! and thanks for being here. I'm in for a dry April! One of these months I'll make it the whole way through AF.

    Have a fantastic trip and just enjoy yourself! I can't wait to hear from you about the amazing time you are having!
  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    Beware the gigantic wine glasses! We went to a gallery opening last night and I bought a gorgeous wine glass to benefit a kids' art charity. They filled it about 2/3 of the way full. I was wondering why I woke up in the middle of the night, thirsty and with a headache. This morning, I measured how much it would hold - a pretty shocking 22 oz. So, yes, that "one" glass of wine was a whole lot more like three. No wonder I felt like *kitten* this a.m.

    Have wine glasses gotten bigger? I just Googled it and saw this from the British Medical Journal:
    Wine glass capacity increased from 66 ml (2.2 ounces) in the 1700s to 417 ml (14 ounces) in the 2000s, and the mean wine glass size in 2016-17 was 449 ml (15 ounces).