Less Alcohol - March 2018- One day at a Time



  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,239 Member
    Chiming in. Haven't time to read all 20 pages in this topic but just wanted to post that I am taking a break. Got kinda' stupid Super Bowl Sunday and had the typical remorseful feelings the next day. So I decided to take a break. Really wanted to celebrate on my birthday just recently but willpower and determination kicked in. Next test St. Patrick's Day!

    Welcome ! Happy you are chiming in! Xo
  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    Not much to say at this point, I just know that drinking too much is making me fat and I also don't feel like exercising when I'm hungover. I need a lifestyle change :)

    Glad you're here. There's lots of support and tips here. This is a great group! I'm cutting back, Or trying to, others are cutting it out completely. Either way you'll have support. :)
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    After a very tough week at work, I kept thinking about having a shot of TQ, however... lucky for me I can still remember that it would not have stopped at 1! I don't moderate well, so best for me not to indulge.
    Feeling good this morning about my choice:)

    Well done, your honest and brave enough to tell us, thats three ticks to you. :)
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    donimfp wrote: »
    Playing cards with my husband last night I decided to have some wine . . . practice for Italy. I had 2 glasses (not 4 oz. glasses) and feel horrible today. It seems like I used to drink much more and not feel so horrible, but maybe I just ignored it and worked through it and didn't realize how bad drinking makes me feel. Yuck. I don't want to feel this way in Italy, so I'll need to be very moderate. Acqua minerale seems much more inviting now. I don't understand why I do this to myself. It's not nice.

    Im with u here.. xo. I dropped out as well.. and feel shocking too. I have to say, after not having it for so long u do forget how it really make u feel.