March 2018 Running Challenge



  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,022 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    *insert frownie face*

    Playing with Marathon Pace Predictors... according to all of them I am still to fat and slow to have a good shot at breaking 4 hours. Grrr.

    What kind of predictors are you using??? You are totally going to CRUSH that goal.

    These are some I tried:

    Thing is I need figure out what pace to START the race so was hoping a predictor would help. Instead, it just made me all frownie.

    Wow, those were really accurate for me. I used September's HM and a 10k from a few weeks ago, and it was all within a few minutes of my actual January marathon time. Calculators I've used previously were predicting times that were way too fast.
  • penko47
    penko47 Posts: 236 Member
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    *insert frownie face*

    Playing with Marathon Pace Predictors... according to all of them I am still to fat and slow to have a good shot at breaking 4 hours. Grrr.

    What kind of predictors are you using??? You are totally going to CRUSH that goal.

    These are some I tried:

    Thing is I need figure out what pace to START the race so was hoping a predictor would help. Instead, it just made me all frownie.

    Wow, those were really accurate for me. I used September's HM and a 10k from a few weeks ago, and it was all within a few minutes of my actual January marathon time. Calculators I've used previously were predicting times that were way too fast.

    That is not making me feel better! :lol:
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    noblsheep wrote: »
    0305-5.5k Total-10.5k Goal-80k

    Weather's been awful, only the second run of the month! The skies cleared up a bit late last night but by then I didn't really want to venture too far, and ended up running loops around the block. Well, a short run is infinitely better than no run at all.

    Stumbled on a copy of a book called "Running on Air" in the bookstore yesterday, skimmed through it and got the gist of it pretty quick. I found the idea of using levels of breathing like gears on a car quite interesting and tried it out last night (mostly to alleviate the boredom). I dunno if it's just me, but I found the pattern of breathing in two steps and out one step quite impossible to use. Could only do it for a few hundred meters before the breathlessness of the whole thing got to me and I'd switch back to 2:2. Maybe has something to do with having a higher cadence.

    Anyone heard of the book or its methodologies and tried it out? Am I doing something wrong?

    Other note to self: need some new shoes.

    Upcoming races:
    03.18 HM Chengdu

    Not familiar with that book, but many decades ago when I was in High School and running track we talked about the 2:1 breathing pattern and others. Personally I have found that it is best to ignore your breathing and let your body regulate it. The only time I actually switch to manual breathing is for hard full out sprints, which is so rare that it might as well be never. IME and YMMV and all that :)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    Guess whose back...back again...Jessica is back, and she's terrible at juggling multiple social media accounts while training :dizzy:

    @PastorVincent get out of your own head my dude, you know you can run the pace so just do it. Getting caught up in the metrics is a trap imo- believe in yourself

    Welcome back!! :D

    And you are probably right, I just need figure out the pace to hit for the first 20. By the time I hit 20 miles I will know if I can kick it up a notch, or hold back. That is what all this metric looking at is about. I also REALLY need get some 20+ mile runs in. Hopefully this coming weekend.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Hi All,

    Jumping in a bit late!

    I am trying to get myself back to running after completing a Marathon in 2015 and pretty much sitting down since then! i also have gained about 20lbs which needs losing.

    I am supplementing running with some yoga, gym sessions and walks so my running goal is 25 miles for this month.

    Completed so far: 2.2m

    Welcome! You're not late, this party's just getting started! Love your yoga/gym cross training. Smart. :wink:
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    March goal: Run END-SURE well, stay healthy and enter the final stages of Zumbro training
    Nominal mileage goal: Let's say 140? I really don't know. Real plan is to follow training and coach's advice well.

    3/1- REST
    3/2- 4.3
    3/3- 13.3
    3/4- 14.3
    3/5- REST
    3/6- 7.4
    3/7- 6.7

    Total: 46.0

    Today's notes: 6.7 on the road. Run felt pretty good, despite having eaten fast food last night. I really need to remember that I can tell the difference when I don't eat as well.

    2018 races
    3/24- END-SURE 50k
    4/13- Zumbro Endurance Race 100 Mile
    7/28- Minnesota Voyageur 50
    9/8- Superior Trail 50 mile
    10/20- Wild Duluth 50k
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    HRKinchen wrote: »
    Short run day. No real news, other than I'm currently debating whether to sign up for a half in December and force myself to commit to training for it. Still teetering on the fence between it feeling scary and feeling doable. But maybe that's the sweet spot for motivation....


    Goals for 2018:
    Stretch Goal: Run/walk a HM

    I say pull the trigger. Sign up, train smart. You'll rock that HM! (I'ma little jealous).

    I agree! You've got plenty of time to train. Find a plan that works with your schedule and go for it!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    HRKinchen wrote: »
    Short run day. No real news, other than I'm currently debating whether to sign up for a half in December and force myself to commit to training for it. Still teetering on the fence between it feeling scary and feeling doable. But maybe that's the sweet spot for motivation....


    Goals for 2018:
    Stretch Goal: Run/walk a HM

    I say pull the trigger. Sign up, train smart. You'll rock that HM! (I'ma little jealous).

    yup. This. Sign up. A goal is a great motivator, and you'll be amazed at how much better you do at it than you think you can now.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @cburke8909 Garmin records my slow treadmill runs shorter than the treadmill says just as much as my faster treadmill runs.