

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Happy birthday Penny!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy Birthday Penny. Whenever we travel to foreign countries I always have a hard time choosing food. Usually I will just get what DH gets. Happy Mother’s Day to all. I hope it was a restful and peaceful day for you all. We went to church then came home and made a big salad. Went to the Y to work out, now we are watching golf on TV.
    Terry- love the pots.
    Suebdew in TX
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
    Happy mothers day all! Worked in flower beds all morning, sealed cement statues, vases, and bird bath, had cake and ice cream with now 15yo grand daughter, dinner at cracked barrel. Feeling accomplished and peaceful looking at the beds. :)
    I am catching up, but slower than ya'll type.

    Kylia still kicking in Ohio!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Did 30 minutes on the recumbant bike then 20 minutes of yoga. The plan for tomorrow is to do some hula hoop, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Barbie – I’m not exactly sure how much mulch I got, I would guess about 7 or 8 yards. No, this guy right around the block from us delivered it to us. Didn’t charge any delivery charge, probably since we’re so close. At least that’s what I think. We estimated that we’d need 10 yards, but that was a rough estimate and didn’t take into account the fact that some areas don’t need mulch (like where a bush is). So we might be able to get by with the 7 or 8 yards. I’m thinking that this morning I’ll go out and start to just pile the mulch, not spread it out yet. How much did you get?

    Penny – do you make a pattern of something for you to crosstitch? Is it very expensive to do? I like crosstitching and there are some things that I’d like but I can’t find a pattern for. Your bread looks so appetizing, glad I don’t have it on my table right now. Happy Birthday

    Terry – lovely craft

    Spread some of the mulch today. After putting down 20 tons of riverrock this is a piece of cake! Then went in the pool. Perhaps tonight we’ll get some of my ceramics up on the pergola. Now who could ask for a better Mother’s Day than this???? Happy Mother’s Day to everyone Update: ceramics didn't get up. Why does Vince procrastinate the way he does....unless it's something he wants. Like when we closed the pool we knew that the covers for the handrails needed to be replaced. We threw out the old ones. Did he order new ones then. NOOOOO So now the handrails are really hot. BUT....he ordered a cantilever umbrella that he wanted.

    Jess and Denise called

    Katla – so sorry about the car. Hope you can get it taken care of

    Michele in NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,888 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all mothers or not. Have had a good day, Dson came over for a little while and brought flowers and candy. We are going out to dinner at another time when my DGD can come with us. DD and I went to the nursery and bought plants for the gazebo area. Will try to get those planted later this evening. It is hot out there now. We found some evening sky petunias. They are purple but when exposed to the right amount of heat they get little white spots on them like stars in an evening sky.

    Happy birthday Penny!!

    Terry - Cute project.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :)Michele, I got three yards of fine bark delivered by a guy with a small truck for a fairly reasonable price. Last year I got about half that much in bags from Wal Mart and it was a pain to load them into the back of the car. I wanted more last year, so this year Jake suggested getting more and having it delivered from the bark, soil, and rock dealer nearby. I weed by hand and lay the bark one handful at a time so this will keep me busy for awhile. But this year, I won't run out and I won't wish I had more. Our yard is small. We moved here six years ago when Jake decided that he was finished with yard work and wanted a house with almost no yard.

    :'(Katla, what distressing news about your car.

    <3 Barbie
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Dana: Happy Mothers Day! Thanks for the sympathy about the car. We aren't sure it can be saved. We'll have it towed to the VW dealer in Beaverton and see what happens next. Keep your fingers crossed for a good outcome. :star:

    Barbie: Thanks for your good wishes, too. DH thinks the car is not fixable and is trying to figure out what to buy next. He's already thinking of other possible cars, and that worries me. I hope he is mistaken and the car can be fixed. We will see what happens.

    I got to talk to my kids and grandkids as my Mother's Day gifts. It was so nice! DH also bought a new fuchsia for the house and we solved a drainage problem on our deck. The watering system is on a timer system and turns on and off automatically. The plants are happy. Unfortunately, water was dribbling onto our deck from the plant pots rather going into the soil. We found a good solution, and now when we water our plants, it goes into the pot and then down into the yard.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    edited May 2018
    Katla - So sorry about the car! What a pain. :'(:#

    I'm going to see my friend as arranged and hope I can go for a walk/run for a bit.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Morning ladies
    Slept pretty well, had to get up to use the restroom at few times,went to sleep early ..work from 11-5 today.
    Happy Belated birthday Penny ..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,182 Member
    I'm up to 547.41 km of walking & running this year.

    To this date on ...
    May 2017, I had done 491.75 km
    May 2016, I had done 388.45 km
    May 2015, I had done 371.90 km

    I'm a bit surprised by my total this year but I've been walking every single day since March 19 ... mainly to and from the hospital with a bit of university walking thrown in. In other words, most of that has been transportational walking.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,182 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    The dinner went well last night. The permafrost lump came out tender and flavorful and only a tiny bit pink. Our friend the newspaper editor commented especially on the oven-roasted root veggies. Despite being in her late 50s, she'd never encountered that prep method before. Channeling Instagram enthusiasts, I took a picture of the main dish before it went onto the table.

    Well, it actually doesn't look too bad ... much better than I had imagined. :)

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Good morning! Lying in bed catching up.
