

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    I'll post my stats tomorrow, it was over 1k burned
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Good evening all!

    I had a busy day; went to the Women’s Breast Center for a mammogram. They were quick and by the time I got back home they called with the results: Normal! That’s good to know. It used to be two weeks before I would find out by regular mail.

    On the way to the mammo, we dropped off Dolly at the vet’s office. She is a sick pup! Even though we’ve been giving her probiotics and diarrhea medication she was not improving much. The vet kept her overnight since she lost 5 lbs. I feel so bad for her. I don’t know what she could of gotten into although there are lizards, snakes, terrapins, and bugs! But it could be a virus too. We will be picking her up tomorrow afternoon probably a $350 bill too. Ouch!

    DH went for a walk as usual and the neighbors were asking where was Dolly!

    Marcelyn Diving with sharks! How exciting, thrilling and scary too. Do you dive all the time or did you get certified before your trip?

    Penny Your dinner looks very good! My dad was a hunter and I remember eating elk meat. It was tasted like beef but leaner and my mother always fixed roasted vegetables with it. Delicious!

    Katla I hope you get your car trouble resolved. Nothing worse!! I have a 2010 Toyota RAV4 which I bought new and is PAID OFF! It has 76K miles on it and it is the best vehicle ever! It gets good mileage and it’s great for road trips. I even hauled a king size headboard in back!

    Lanette I knew a guy that worked at a composting yard and they took in carcasses of livestock. He told me that once they were buried in the mounds of compost that it was so hot that carcasses would be disintegrated in three days. That is amazing! The yard sold compost commercially by truckloads by the way.

    Wendy A round pen! That is cool. I used to love to lunge my horses in the corral. They would always trot up to me when done to get a well deserved stroke on the neck and I would pet their forehead. Aww.. I miss those days!

    I stayed within my goals, but I need to drink more water. It was 92f today!

    Have a great evening,
    Dana in Arkansas
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Dana State College in Pennsylvania has a huge composting operation, and they also bury the carcasses of livestock in the piles. The compost pile gets extremely hot, which kills off any weed seeds that might be in there. When people refer to it as black gold, they are only slightly exaggerating.

    Karen in Virginia
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    Kim - The memory board is a great idea and one way of "revisioning" your brother for you. <3

    I had a sleepless night. Started off ok, but woke up with house moving thoughts chasing round my head for hours. I moved into the spare room and Googled "happiness". Read some stuff and concentrated on gratitude. Smiled a lot. Felt much better and went back to sleep for a couple of hours. DH had to wake me up! :D

    Yoga today. It's just dawned on me, with next week as our half term break, I won't be able to get to yoga for four weeks after that. I miss three for the cruise :o and the Tuesday before that is DH's nephew's wedding. :o I will ask the teacher if I can just pay for the last two of the term. I hope nobody steals my spot in the room while I'm gone!

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    morning ladies~
    slept pretty well.. and woke up at 5:15 , which is fine.. got the dog out quick but he peed on the bathroom rug before I could get him out..oh well I cleaned it up and got him outside quick..
    working 10-5 today and they are coming to do appraisal for the condo tomorrow, they called work yesterday looking for HR about work and fax number for them, I am guessing that is again the mortgage company doing what they need to do. supposedly the closing is June 14th.. I am getting a bit nervous as this will be my responsibility for the next 30 yrs
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did hula hoop for 5 minutes, held my plank for 3 minutes then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Kathy Smith Power Walk for Weight Loss DVD.

    Kim – your goddaughter sounds amazing

    Penny – your meal look scrumptious

    Went to ceramics tonight. When we go tomorrow I should be able to finish my portion of the mushroom and finishing up one of the seahorses. Then I guess I’ll start on my snail. I already have one but this is a different mold. I really wish there were more large ceramics to be able to do.

    Tuesday here: Did Kathy Smith’s Power walk for Weight Loss DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to take the deep water class.

    Plan to go out and spread mulch today. Rummikub tonight

    Heather – what a mess this selling your house has been! I do hope it works out this time

    KJ – this is the first time I’ve ever heard of pizza at a wedding. Guess anything is possible. I couldn’t believe someone from Pete’s family wore flip flops (the kind you buy at WalMart for 98 cents) to their wedding! So I guess anything’s possible.

    Last night at mahjongg one lady brought some of this chocolate truffle pie. It WAS very rich, Vince will love it. I only had ½ a piece. A brought chocolate beet muffins since one of the gals gave us beets. You can’t even taste the beets in them so I’ll probably make them for Vince and just not tell him that there are beets in them.

    Trish – I’m trying to go thru as much as I can and get rid of things exactly because I know the kids won’t care about some of the things

    Marcelyn – congrats, congrats, and more congrats on your anniversary and good news

    Corachos – welcome

    Dana – I hope Dolly gets better fast. When our furbabies are sick, we are sick

    NYKaren – feel better fast

    Kate – gorgeous view!

    Better post this before I run out of time. Off to put down more mulch

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Kim I bought two composting bins at Aldi's last year. I put in mostly kitchen scraps some leaves and grass. Never any meat some egg shells though. I am using the stuff at the bottom this year. I also make a huge pile of our leaves. I try to mulch some of them with our lawn mower before putting them in. I used the compost from my leaves last year along this hedge I am trying to save. If a weed has gone to seed I do not put it in my compost I toss the seed head in the trash. I do try to get them before they go to seed. Not always possible. My piles are not hot enough. I do this with creeping charlie too even if it has not gone to seed because it propagates by runners.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited May 2018
    Gardening, mulch, compost etc. To me that all means dirt/soil. Dirt/soil means black dirt underneath my fingernails that won’t clean out even with soaking. I’m like that Charles Shultz peanuts character: Pig Pen. I seem to be a dirt magnet. I am constantly washing my hands, yet they always seem to be dirty.


    Doing that Fast Mimicking diet again this week. My third round this year. (I plan on two more times in 2018). These ‘fasts’ are hopefully to improve my health - for me weight loss is an appreciated side effect. Essentially a FMV is (eating a strictly controlled diet for 5 days at under: 725 calories, with 9% protein (16 grams), 44% fat (35 grams), and 47% carbohydrates (85 grams).)

    Victor Longo’s (longevity researcher out of some Calif University) book “The Longevity Diet” recommends these ‘fasts’ (2 to 6 a year) and a Mediterranean diet the rest of the time for people under the age of 70 who are looking to support healthier old age.

    My diet contains too much red meat and potatoes to quality as Mediterranean. But other than those two staples which I will not give up without better proof that they are bad for me (like cigarette smoking is bad for you level proof) it is pretty close.

    Our Mother’s day dinner went well even though I managed everything badly beforehand. The sliced up thumb injury will keep me out of the pool for some time while it heals, tho. MiL and BiL mostly put their bickering aside for the day, thank heavens.

    I have some enterprise level mandatory training before my regular work shift today, so on the run now.

    Have a good day all.

    Rye in TX

    (Hoping Yvonne is well)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    Went out with DH to buy fruit and vegetables and stopped by at the fish shop. Amongst other things I bought a frozen octopus to cook! I have never cooked one before, but I know I can do it in the IP. An adventure. It's in the freezer right now, waiting for a day I feel strong.
    In the pub after yoga my teacher, a friend and I all talked about my book and the abuse they had suffered as children all came out. My teacher is thinking of confronting her abuser (a family member). Time's up!!
    Beautiful day here, but Kate's pool looks mighty fine.
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    yesterdays stats

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.56min, 131mhr, 12.1amph. 1.5mi= 72c
    apple watch- 60c
    ROWING MACHINE- 20min, 50aw, 96ahr, 113mhr, 3136meters= 100c
    apple watch- 144c
    STAIRSTEPPER- 20min, 75floors, lvl6, 1194steps, 116ahr, 125mhr= 147c
    apple watch- 174c
    floor exerc- 14.44min, 4sets of 10ea, 84ahr, 98mhr, 8diff exercises= 52c
    apple watch- 82c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.06min, 126mhr, 17.3amph, 1.4mi= 42c
    apple watch- 46c
    bike ride puy to sumn sta- 14.08min, 12.9amph, 119ahr, 147mhr, 3mi= 138c
    apple watch- 117c
    jog sumn sta 2 wk- 4.41min, 155mhr, 145ahr, 9.04min mi, .5mi= 58c
    apple watch- 53c
    jog wk 2 sumn sta- 4.18min, 9.29min mi, 150mhr, .4mi= 69c
    apple watch- 59c
    bike ride puy 2 hm- 51.28min, 11.5amph, 151mhr, 9.8mi= 516c
    apple watch- 456c

    total cal 1194
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2018
    Heather: "In the pub after yoga my teacher, a friend and I all talked about my book and the abuse they had suffered as children all came out. My teacher is thinking of confronting her abuser (a family member). Time's up!!"

    I hope your yoga teacher finds a very good advisor to help her if she goes forward with confronting her abuser. I think she should have someone with her for her support during the confrontation. I picture both denial and anger from the abuser as likely possibilities. I think your book has the potential of helping thousands of men & women who've suffered with similar situations when they were too young to defend themselves. I can't say how much I admire your courage to write and share the story.
