Minimalists Unite



  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,507 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    As an aside...I found it very easy to get rid of my stuff. Was way harder to get rid of my parents things. Took me a series of paring down to do it. Last things that went were their high school annuals. I dreaded it, but once done I didnt look back.

    I tell myself I’m anxious to get rid of my parents’ things but I’m sure in the moment it’ll be way more complicated than that.

    You know, a fire could take all those decisions out of your hands :D

    My dad is married to a hoarder. I don’t think he’s changed the lint trap since 1987.

    Lint can be very sentimental.
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    As an aside...I found it very easy to get rid of my stuff. Was way harder to get rid of my parents things. Took me a series of paring down to do it. Last things that went were their high school annuals. I dreaded it, but once done I didnt look back.

    I tell myself I’m anxious to get rid of my parents’ things but I’m sure in the moment it’ll be way more complicated than that.

    You know, a fire could take all those decisions out of your hands :D

    My dad is married to a hoarder. I don’t think he’s changed the lint trap since 1987.

    Lint can be very sentimental flammable.

    Yes. Yes it can.
  • Just_Mel_
    Just_Mel_ Posts: 3,992 Member
    After my divorce, I moved into a small 2 bedroom place. Both my daughters share a small bedroom and we all share one bathroom. I hated it at first and it took a long time to get used to, but we are still here and I actually prefer a smaller place. Way easier to keep clean and my utilities are cheap. It's what I can afford and I'm glad we've learned to embrace the smaller home. A 2nd bathroom would be awesome though.

    I find the minimalist thing intriguing. I hope to purge more junk. And I totally need to delete all the thousands of photos I'm hoarding on my phone.
  • xFunctionalStrengthx
    xFunctionalStrengthx Posts: 4,928 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    You know what’s weird? The week before our fire I was visiting my friend to help her mom declutter. She (my friend) teases me about being a minimalist so I sent her a picture of my wardrobe when I got back because I had finally gotten it exactly how I wanted it. I still have the pic.


    I now have three times as many clothes thanks to friends gifting me things. I have to resist the urge every day to donate a bunch of it.

    I like this. I'm in the process of going through clothes and other items I have which I don't need and donating most of it. Mostly clothes I've accumulated, books, and items related to hobbies I'm active in. Some stuff I'll sell. It really isn't a lot of stuff when it comes down to it, especially compared to people who have so much crap they can't put cars in garages or rent big storage units.

    Ideally, I'd like to get down to where aside from furniture, the rest of it would fit in my car. Or, on it such as bicycles on bike racks.

    I've been in a number of hoarder homes, and it's just gross to see so much stuff and to conditions most of them live in.
  • xFunctionalStrengthx
    xFunctionalStrengthx Posts: 4,928 Member
    After my divorce, I moved into a small 2 bedroom place. Both my daughters share a small bedroom and we all share one bathroom. I hated it at first and it took a long time to get used to, but we are still here and I actually prefer a smaller place. Way easier to keep clean and my utilities are cheap. It's what I can afford and I'm glad we've learned to embrace the smaller home. A 2nd bathroom would be awesome though.

    I find the minimalist thing intriguing. I hope to purge more junk. And I totally need to delete all the thousands of photos I'm hoarding on my phone.

    It's interesting if you look back at the homes built prior to the 1960's. Most of them were smaller, two bedrooms and a small bathroom. Maybe three if they were a little more well off, or had a very large family. But, kids shared a room, possessions were minimal and modest. Then, I'd say that once the baby boomers started to grow up, and TV became much more prevalent, is when the "need" to have more stuff took off.

    I live alone in a two bedroom, single floor townhome with a one car garage. I could easily go back to a 1BR apartment. But, it's more a matter of convenience for me as the location is perfect and the second bedroom is used as my home office/guest room for when my parents come to visit. I give them my room since it has a queen bed, and I sleep on a cot while they're here.

    Once I no longer have a need to remain here, I'll downsize into a small 1BR apartment if I can find one. Or, once I get closer to retirement, I'd design and build a small house to my liking.
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    JerSchmare wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    You know what’s weird? The week before our fire I was visiting my friend to help her mom declutter. She (my friend) teases me about being a minimalist so I sent her a picture of my wardrobe when I got back because I had finally gotten it exactly how I wanted it. I still have the pic.


    I now have three times as many clothes thanks to friends gifting me things. I have to resist the urge every day to donate a bunch of it.

    I can appreciate this. I think it’s cool when one can live this way. I really do. But, I want to ask, because I really do struggle with this...I have a professional job. I have to dress up. At the same time, the dress policy at work has relaxed so I can now dress down a bit, but due to my responsibilities, I still have to sometimes dress up. In addition to that, I work out everyday. In addition to that, I also wear home clothes, pajamas, and weekend clothing. So, I have dress shoes, casual shoes, workout shoes (both running and flat for squatting and stuff), cool shoes for bar hopping, boots for rain or motorcycle riding, etc.

    I really don’t get how one can just have such a small amount given the variety of life. Again, I am not criticizing, it’s more of a matter of interest.

    I don’t feel criticized at all and it’s a good question. I’m self-employed, so I don’t have a dress code requirement to meet. I don’t wear overly professional attire like suits. I have found that when I wear skirts, people frequently ask why I’m so dressed up, so it works well in an office setting. Most of my clothes are basics, so I could just as easily wear them sledding as I could to the office. Mixing and matching basics satisfies my desire for variety. I also stuck mostly to black/gray tones rather than including brown so I didn’t have to have double the shoes.

    What you don’t see hanging are my lounge clothes and active wear which are in the dresser. I had several capri pants and leggings that doubled as both. I had three each of running shorts, sports bras, and shirts, which was adequate because I typically do laundry every day. All my undergarments were in the dresser as well.

    I try to stick to layers so that the majority of my things can be worn year round. There were, however, a few things I couldn’t use in the winter. A water resistant skort and crop pants as well as three pairs of sandals: flip flops, merrells, and some dress sandals.

    I also had two down jackets, one heavy and one light, a pair of ski pants, and snow boots.

  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    JerSchmare wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    You know what’s weird? The week before our fire I was visiting my friend to help her mom declutter. She (my friend) teases me about being a minimalist so I sent her a picture of my wardrobe when I got back because I had finally gotten it exactly how I wanted it. I still have the pic.


    I now have three times as many clothes thanks to friends gifting me things. I have to resist the urge every day to donate a bunch of it.

    NVM. Had some questions, but you explained this later on. So, I edited my post to say nvm.

    Haha! Oops. Well pardon the repeat
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    denny_mac wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    You know what’s weird? The week before our fire I was visiting my friend to help her mom declutter. She (my friend) teases me about being a minimalist so I sent her a picture of my wardrobe when I got back because I had finally gotten it exactly how I wanted it. I still have the pic.


    I now have three times as many clothes thanks to friends gifting me things. I have to resist the urge every day to donate a bunch of it.

    You don't have a winter coat? I call shenanigans.

    You wouldn't need a winter coat either if you spent most of your time standing next to raging structure fires.

    I didn’t see this til now :joy:
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    I like to think of myself as a minimalist. Having a lot of "stuff" stresses me out. I considered getting rid of my dining table and chairs because I never use them, and my couch. I was just going to buy one of those huge floor pillows from Ikea. If I want somewhere comfy to sit, I have a bed.

    I like the idea that if I wanted to move tomorrow, or run away and join the circus I could move all my stuff by myself in one afternoon.

    I got stuck going through my stuff at jewelry and handbags and clothes and shoes. I don't have a lot, but I have a lot more than I use. Also cutlery/flatware (not sure what the right word is) person doesn't need 20 knives/forks etc. I also have an old computer and a few phones that I don't know what to do with.

    It's kinda funny, the handbags, jewelry, computer and phones are in a pile in the middle of my living room...I refuse to put them "away" somewhere until I've sorted them out...I know I should just pack them up and bring them to the Goodwill, I haven't looked at them in years, but just keep procrastinating.
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Minimalism is undeniably trendy these days but there are lots of people in whom minimalism just seems to have been ingrained from a young age. What’s it like being a minimalist in a world where stuff is king? What’s your minimalist story? Is minimalism going to go out of style or is this a renaissance of sorts that transforms us forever? How about that tiny house business? Could you? Would you?

    In not so many words, dish about minimalism.

    I only have like 12 suits and 3 sport coats. I have to double up every month. Sad, I know. :sad:

    Wait. You wear a suit every day?
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Minimalism is undeniably trendy these days but there are lots of people in whom minimalism just seems to have been ingrained from a young age. What’s it like being a minimalist in a world where stuff is king? What’s your minimalist story? Is minimalism going to go out of style or is this a renaissance of sorts that transforms us forever? How about that tiny house business? Could you? Would you?

    In not so many words, dish about minimalism.

    I only have like 12 suits and 3 sport coats. I have to double up every month. Sad, I know. :sad:

    Wait. You wear a suit every day?

    No, not at all. Rarely more than one a week. I could wear shorts and tees to work if I wanted to.

    Whaaaat. What do you do?
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Minimalism is undeniably trendy these days but there are lots of people in whom minimalism just seems to have been ingrained from a young age. What’s it like being a minimalist in a world where stuff is king? What’s your minimalist story? Is minimalism going to go out of style or is this a renaissance of sorts that transforms us forever? How about that tiny house business? Could you? Would you?

    In not so many words, dish about minimalism.

    I only have like 12 suits and 3 sport coats. I have to double up every month. Sad, I know. :sad:

    Wait. You wear a suit every day?

    No, not at all. Rarely more than one a week. I could wear shorts and tees to work if I wanted to.

    Whaaaat. What do you do?

    Independently wealthy playboy. What about you?

  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Minimalism is undeniably trendy these days but there are lots of people in whom minimalism just seems to have been ingrained from a young age. What’s it like being a minimalist in a world where stuff is king? What’s your minimalist story? Is minimalism going to go out of style or is this a renaissance of sorts that transforms us forever? How about that tiny house business? Could you? Would you?

    In not so many words, dish about minimalism.

    I only have like 12 suits and 3 sport coats. I have to double up every month. Sad, I know. :sad:

    Wait. You wear a suit every day?

    No, not at all. Rarely more than one a week. I could wear shorts and tees to work if I wanted to.

    Whaaaat. What do you do?

    Independently wealthy playboy. What about you?


    We should set up a play date

    My people will call your people, you know the drill
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    I only have one table in my house and I just move it around to where I need.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I feel like minimalists must not have the same sort of hobbies I have. I make things and enjoy learning new creative skills. The stuff involved expands to fill all available space, and it's simply not true that if I haven't touched it in a year I never will - I recently made a quilt using fabric from thirty years ago. Question for the minimalists gathered here: where do you store tools pertaining to your hobbies? Or are all your hobbies ones that require no equipment?
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Minimalism is undeniably trendy these days but there are lots of people in whom minimalism just seems to have been ingrained from a young age. What’s it like being a minimalist in a world where stuff is king? What’s your minimalist story? Is minimalism going to go out of style or is this a renaissance of sorts that transforms us forever? How about that tiny house business? Could you? Would you?

    In not so many words, dish about minimalism.

    I only have like 12 suits and 3 sport coats. I have to double up every month. Sad, I know. :sad:

    Wait. You wear a suit every day?

    No, not at all. Rarely more than one a week. I could wear shorts and tees to work if I wanted to.

    Whaaaat. What do you do?

    Independently wealthy playboy. What about you?


    We should set up a play date

    My people will call your people, you know the drill

    That doesn't seem very minimalist

    Who are you to judge, mr twelve suits?