Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 40



  • gmiller725
    gmiller725 Posts: 147 Member
    Round 40/My Round 1

    SW- 172
    Round 40 GW- 170
    Ultimate GW- 155

    5/08: 172.0; stayed within my calorie goal and exercised! Carbs were a little high though
    5/09: 170.6; hip hop Zumba yesterday killed me! Stayed within my calorie goal and drank lots of water. Also was able to avoid the temptation of Carby snacks in the teachers lounge. Hooray for NSV!
    5/10: 170.6; I’m just happy I didn’t gain! Did T25 in the morning and drank all my water. Went out to eat for dinner and had a very hard time trying to find something within my calorie limit and was pressured (not really lol) to have a beer. NSV: got a lite beer and only drank half and saved half my meal for lunch the next day
  • lesliewynn1
    lesliewynn1 Posts: 104 Member
    Stats: Female, 5’4”
    Round 37 (1st round) SW: 166.8 EW: 164.2 (-2.6)
    Round 38 (2nd round) SW: 164 EW: 160.8 (-3.2)
    Round 39 (3rd round) SW: 160.8 EW: 162.6 (+1.8)
    Round 40 (4th round) SW: 162.6 EW:
    Round 40 Goal -1lbs
    UGW: 125
    5/08 162.6
    5/09 162.6
    5/10 162.6
    5/11 162.6
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    Round 40
    My 5th round!

    Round 36 - SW 167 EW 168
    Round 37 - SW 168.2 EW 166.6
    Round 38 - SW 166.6 EW 165.2
    Round 40 - SW 165.2 EW 163.6

    SW - 172 on 1/14/18
    CSW - 163.6
    CEW - 161.6
    UGW - 130


    5/08 - 163.8 - A little bit of an increase but I was expecting it, I always gain a little when I don't drink enough water and the past couple days I haven't. Going to up my water intake today and get a walk in this evening. Wasn't able to walk yesterday like I wanted to, husband came home from work with a trailer full of mulch so I spent the evening weeding and laying mulch instead. Granted that's a work out of its own. Looking forward to this new round and getting that much closer to my ultimate goal weight.

    5/09 - 163.8 - Been around this weight for quite a few days now so I'm hoping to see a drop soon. I've been getting well over my steps goal (10,000) the past few days and my food has been good, haven't been eating back any of my exercise calories. My water intake is down still though, for some reason I've been having a hard time drinking as much as I was which I find weird, you'd think I'd want to drink more as it's getting very warm out.

    5/10 - 164.4 - Well crap! I wanted the scale to move and that it did but it went in the wrong direction... I think it's because I've been bad with drinking water the past few days, was a lot better drinking my water today though and my food has been good, even though I had to mentally slap my hand away from grabbing unhealthy snacks yesterday. Kicked myself out of the house so I wouldn't munch. I'm hoping this number won't stick around too long, fingers crossed. Getting a walk in this evening and and have a healthy dinner planned out.

    5/11 - 162.6 - There's the drop! Glad yesterday's weight didn't decide to stick around and hopefully doesn't reappear. Drank lots of water yesterday, got a 40 minute walk in while the kids had soccer practice and enjoyed my healthy dinner. Starting to plan weekend meals now so I don't ruin my hard work and and can meet my goal for this round.

  • Sparx_81
    Sparx_81 Posts: 403 Member
    marcvb35 wrote: »
    1988 high school graduation 185-190lbs
    weight on 1/29/18 = 234.5
    round 33 - start=215lbs end 202lbs
    round 34 - start = 202 end 192.8lbs stomach empty and bone dry
    round 35 - start = 192 end 196lbs
    round 36 – 195lbs no change.
    Round 37 194lbs start and finish but did see 192 for a couple days
    Round 38 –196lbs starting – 194lbs end. I went into this round kinda heavy. Not really counting this as a loss
    Round 39 goal – would like to see at least one morning weigh in less than 190# - goal obtained but maybe went a little to far. 187.8lbs ending weight.

    Round 40 goal. – consistency

    5/8 – 187lbs – this is the second day at this weight. Had fried chicken for lunch in hopes of upping my calories. Ended up fishing instead of having dinner.
    5/9 188lbs – had Asian buffet to make up for missing dinner. Also had beer instead of whisky. I think this is a good number. Hope it’s the same tomorrow
    5/10 – A very good life long friend (almost my twin) who has the same tendency’s to over indulge in all of life’s vices passed away last night of a heart attack. Only 50 years old. All I can think about is our habits of over eating, Drinking, and smoking.

    5/11 – 189 – so much for consistency. 20.5% body fat. I would like to be in the teens.

    Sorry for the loss of your friend! Hope you are doing ok! <3