

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    morning ladies~
    I am up and staggering... my ankles and feet still hurt,I didn't think I was able to be able to go to sleep
    I did thank goodness. I am hoping upon hope that I can stay at the local office today, dont think my feet could handle another day..
    Have a couple loads of laundry in and will walk Alfie and walk Homer and Chester ,feed my DFIL ,working at 10..
  • terrillscott
    terrillscott Posts: 13 Member
    edited June 2018
    Machka of Oz :)
    Thanks for the fascinating article on ‘where does the fat go’. Really offered a wider view on what we are all trying to do here.
    Terrill from BC
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Lanette & Lisa: DH has a couple of men friends in our neighborhood that are generous with their time and inclined to reach out to him. I am thrilled about that. He spends too much time sitting, IMHO, but he has health problems that create difficulty. He has was not very social during the years that our kids were growing up because he worked long days and didn't seem to click with many the men in that neighborhood. He did have some work friends. I have been luckier. I have horseback riding friends and yoga friends, and I'm actively involved in our city, plus I have all of you as good cyber friends. I feel like a very lucky woman. :flowerforyou:

    (((Rye))) Inviting your DH's friends for diner seems like a good idea. I hope it all works out and you are able to feel comfortable and enjoy yourself. :heart:

    Rebecca: Sorry that you're still having problems with vertigo. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I love the photo of the painted Chapel! Thanks so much for it and the others you've shared. You and your DH look very fine in your evening clothes. :star:

    (((Dr. Katie)))

    We recently bought a motor home to fill the spot that sailing has occupied in our lives. We loved to cruise in our boat, and hope to enjoy cruising in our motor home. Right now were getting it set up. There is one mechanical concern that needs to be addressed and then we're heading to DH's sister's house for a short visit. That will be a 400 mile trip each way--an ambitious starter, perhaps, but mostly easy freeway driving once you escape Portland. I hope we turn out to like this big vehicle. DH says he'd rather have me drive than him. This is the first time he's ever said anything like that & we've been married a long time. It is more than a little concerning.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    My husband over the last couple of years has been getting me to do most of the driving when we go anywhere. We only have a car, not a trailer thankfully. He used to drive long haul truck for years, then has done a lot of city driving as a courier/delivery. He says he just doesn't have the patience for it anymore. He sure has changed about it, used to be I refused to drive with him as a passenger because he was such a backseat driver. I wish you luck.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    janetr: I love the new message that you posted, "When you believe in yourself you have 100%of he people you need on your side." I like it, and may add it to my quotations, if you don't mind. :star: Regarding the motor home, I am surprised to have heard DH say that he wants me to be the driver. I've driven it once, and the road was chosen by me because it is rather narrow and windy. Did okay. For now we are not planning to tow anything behind the motor home. Perhaps that will change after we gain a bit of confidence. We have two trips in mind that will be coming up soon. The first is a trip to visit DSIL as soon as the RV is ready to go. She will be having a shoulder replacement in July and wants to see our rig before then. The second is a trip of twenty miles or so to a campground away from home so that we can get our dog out of town for the Fourth of July fireworks display. We have reserved a campsite in a county park that has electricity and sewer services available. Hopefully we will be away from the barrage of blasting noises that the neighboring state allows right across the river. The fireworks the city here puts on are not too difficult for him to handle, but the week long war of loud blasts and booms set off by people across the river in WA are not. With tranquilizers and a thunder coat he may be able to do okay on the fourth itself.

    Allie: Good shoes are essential for a person who is on her feet all day. The definition of "good" is different for everyone. I hope you'll find "good" shoes if you're going to be doing so much standing on a regular basis. I need firm soles, and soft wrecks my knees. Others prefer shoes with some cushion. Both DH and DD need compression socks to keep their lower legs from swelling when they do a lot of standing and the socks seem more important in their situations than the shoes. WEBMED has an article about compression stockings. (((HUGS))) PS: DH gets his compression socks online at compressionsale.c--.

    Terrill from BC: Welcome! Book mark our page by clicking on the hollow star at the top of the thread. It will turn yellow. You'll be able to find us again by clicking the yellow star. :flowerforyou:

    We have loads of errands to do today, starting with taking our recycling in to the recycle center and donations to the food bank. Then we need to see about taking the RV to have its front suspension looked at, among other ongoing projects.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
    edited June 2018
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    My DH is the social extrovert, he will chat to anyone. He has lots of "friends" but not on an emotional level, I think that's where I come in. He is not too close to family either, only his younger brother. He is my best best friend, but I think I could cope if anything happened to him, not sure how he would cope in reverse situation. When I was ill few years ago DD said he was distraught. I have 2 or 3 close friends from my working life, we see each other every few months.
    DH loves our kids and grands to bits but it's me who has to communicate with them, he'll ask if I've rung them but doesn't often ring them himself, I think it's our role to provide the glue to keep family together.

    Welcome to newbies, hugs for everyone with health problems.

    HEATHER you 2 look great

    Off to do KB workout and Leslie Sansone video

    Kate UK <3

    I believe that is a woman's role as well. My husband is the same as yours, I have to do all of the communicating, even with his family. Funny story, on Sunday I was to pick my daughter and Grands up to come visit for the day. One of their cars is broke down right now. Hubby comes to wake me up and asks what time I'm leaving. I said when I get there. He tells me it is 20 to 10 and our daughter has texted me, he can see it on the screen on my phone. One message is "Are you getting my texts", I asked him if he had answered her. He said, "no, I don't know how to use your phone", (he owned an iphone for a long time). I said Ok, but you could have texted her from your phone. He said, "Oh, I never even thought about that". His first thought was to wake me up to deal with it LOL

    Tracey in Edmonton (who never remembers to put my name the first time)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2018
    janetr: I love the new message that you posted, "When you believe in yourself you have 100%of he people you need on your side." I like it, and may add it to my quotations, if you don't mind. :star: Regarding the motor home, I am surprised to have heard DH say that he wants me to be the driver. I've driven it once, and the road was chosen by me because it is rather narrow and windy. Did okay. For now we are not planning to tow anything behind the motor home. Perhaps that will change after we gain a bit of confidence. We have two trips in mind that will be coming up soon. The first is a trip to visit DSIL ASAP. She will be having a shoulder replacement in July and wants to see our rig before then. The second is a trip of twenty miles or so to a campground away from home so that we can get our dog out of town for the fourth of July fireworks display. We have reserved a campsite in a county park that has electricity and sewer services available. Hopefully we will be away from the barrage of blasting noises that the neighboring state allows right across the river. The fireworks the city here puts on are not too difficult for him to handle, but the week long war of loud blasts and booms set off by people across the river in WA are not. With tranquilizers and a thunder coat he may be able to do okay on the fourth itself.

    Allie: Good shoes are essential for a person who is on her feet all day. The definition of "good" is different for everyone. I hope you'll find "good" shoes if you're going to be doing so much standing on a regular basis. I need firm soles, and soft wrecks my knees. Others prefer shoes with some cushion. Both DH and DD need compression socks to keep their lower legs from swelling when they do a lot of standing and the socks seem more important in their situations than the shoes. WEBMED has an article about compression stockings. (((HUGS))) PS: DH gets his online at compressionsale.com.

    Terrill from BC: Welcome! Book mark our page by clicking on the white star at the top of the thread. It will turn yellow. You'll be able to find us again by clicking the yellow star. :flowerforyou:

    We have loads of errands to do today, starting with taking our recycling in to the recycle center and donations to the food bank. Then we need to see about taking the RV to have its front suspension looked at, among other ongoing projects.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    Katla I agree on the shoes. Once I got better shoes my knee improved quickly!. Arch support number 1 for me.

    Lisa congrats on the house!

    Heather love the dress.

    Sitting and enjoying a bouquet of peonies I bought at the farmer's market. I tried to take a picture, but it does not capture their true colors. Our yard is too shady for them. I got the fuschia red ones. Spectacular.

    :heart: Margaret
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hello all ... thanks for posting and inspiring me! I am 61, mother and grandmother, wife and librarian. Not quite retired, but have had a health related reality check, so am working toward that curve in my life’s path.
    I am a returnee, and really like Myfitpal and it’s communities. I have lost over 35 lbs towards my 100 lb. weight loss goal and would really like a partner or 2 to share with here. Looking forward to “hanging”with you all!
    Terrill, from BC Canada

    Welcome back Terrill! I am at 239 presently, and my goal is to get to 180 lbs. I was 250 for many years, so it's nice to see some downward movement. We live in Whidbey Island in Washington state, just living the island life. We are retired, due to my husband getting a liver transplant back in 2014. We might be poor, but we are rich in appreciating life's blessings. We are retired Navy, and share a huge home with active duty eldest son. It makes sense to us!

    Use all of these ladies knowledge, we might be old, but many don't look it, and have wisdom up the wazoo! My phrase of the day!
    Welcome again, pull up a chair, pop a squat, and sit a spell!
    Whidbey island