Why most dieters get it wrong



  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Vague post is vague
    SAMBALLS1 Posts: 19 Member
    Sometimes make it seem like that! these are just facts!

  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    Site your sources ?

    Why would I need sources when it works over a vey long period? Boy, you sound like FBI director Mearing from Transformers III who just thinks about paperwork in a crisis!

    How this works is not rocket science. It’s logic and based on personal, empirical data -experience. And it’s backed up from here all the way to Washington DC! If you don’t believe me, I’m willing to do a lie-detector test!

    Maybe you’re cravin for an example. Let’s have one. Suppose you eat chicken curry every day for supper. I do. I love it. I know what you’re thinking, eating the same every day is boring. My wife agrees with you and she’s gaining. I’m not. And who cares when the food is delicious! Eating the same meals everyday has another advantage. After a while, you know exactly what effect the amount of ingredients has on your body. If you eat different meals every day, you don’t know what to blame if you discover that you have gained a pound.

    Now, let’s say you’ve been throwing 500 grams of chicken in your daily supper, 150 mm of coconut milk (the full one, trimmed coconut milk just gives you diarrhea), 2 spoons of olive oil, some vegetables and half a packet of curry sauce. The food is so delicious that when you finish you still can eat more, so you have an ice cream after.
    You now feel energized! so you go out for a 30 minute walk. When you come back you do some stuff on the computer.

    Okay, this has made you gain a pound. So what do you do tomorrow? Just eat vegetables? No! You eat 400 grams chicken. Your body’s not going to know the difference. For the rest you eat like yesterday: 150 mm of coconut milk, a sauce with a different flavor for some variation, 2 spoons of olive oil and, oh heck, some other vegetables (oh, those veggies they’re all the same, it doesn’t matter what kind you pick it will hardly have any effect on your weight!) and an ice cream after. You go out for a 30 minute walk and surf the net for celebrities who are even fatter than you!

    Next morning the scale tells you you gained 400 grams. You panic!

    No, I’m just kidding, you never panic. You actually now are on the right track. You lost 100 grams less than yesterday! Victory! To celebrate that, you go back to eating 500 grams of chicken tomorrow night, and your body will thank you for it so that the next morning your scale says that you lost 500 grams and you’re back at my starting weight. No kidding, it works just like that. Now put in some extra potatoes and walk an hour instead of 30 minutes, I’m sure the weight comes of even more. But you don’t want that, otherwise you’ll end up looking scrawny. Come on, you’re a man. Or a woman with curves!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Lowering your daily calorie intake makes you think about food. A lot. Thinking about food a lot makes you hungry. And since your body just loves all that fat you’ve been feeding it all those years it now wants to hold onto it, and it is going to resist against your plans. If you fight it, you’re going to lose.

    You can’t blame your body though, it doesn’t know you are just trying to shed a few pounds. It might actually believe you’re starving and so tries to protect you from your ignorant self (or in some cases: your ignorant dietician). Your mind knows better, but that one just plays along with your body. It’s a pact. So blame your mind? Maybe, but then again, the poor little thing is just victim to all kinds of bodily processes that are a result of your deficiency: cortisol exhaustion, adrenal fatigue, metabolic imbalance. You name it.

    So if you’re not going to win by fighting, what to do? Join it? No. Then what? The answer is simple...

    Trick it!

    Yup, you heard right. You must trick your body into believing nothing weird is going on. It will make you feel a hell of a lot better too, and the absence of food stress will even boost your results!

    Most dieters get it all wrong. They think: the less I’ll eat, the more I’ll lose. Ha! Just read the zillion posts about failure on this forum. “Eating 1200 calories and not losing.” “What am I doing wrong?” “I’m about to give up” “I don’t get it anymore” “How come I’m on this plateau?” And then you’ve got the poor souls who write comments like “Eat less” “Exercise more” “It’s water weight, don’t worry” and my personal favorite: “You’re probably gaining muscle”.

    Your own dietician (if you have one) probably belongs to this last group. Start by throwing him and his method overboard and start tricking your body. It has helped me to perfectly keep my weight for years, so something must be right about it. I’m never hungry. I can go to McDonald's, Pizza hut, KFC. I eat ice cream, chocolate, snickers. I refuse to have my body or mind control me, but I control them. Be that devious trickster! You'll be rewarded.

  • LeanAmbitions
    I don't know where you get your info, but you are very incorrect... You can train your body to not be hungry by eating less.(THE DOWNFALL IS YOU GAIN WAIT).. If you change your eating habbits and eat often, ie.. every 3 hrs, you will be hungry sooner than later..... Tricking you body comes from putting the right food in your system... The only thing you could trick you body into would be Keotosis. But that comes with a very strict low car diet and systematically increasing carbs. The only downfall to this diet (There has yet to be a person to prove Dr. Atkins incorrect - That's why it's still used in every hospital in the U.S. Today!) is the loss of muscle along with fat. The Atkins diet is probably one of the easiest diets to do and you loose extreme amount of weight. Eating correctly and often keeps your body from going into starvation. Loosing weight is easy... The formula easy... garbage in, garbage out... and making the necessary caloric adjustments for any exercise in between. People need to stop setting GOALS. YES I SAID IT....SETTING GOALS ARE STUPID. What happens 90% of the time when you get to a goal....YOU QUIT WHEN YOU ACHIVE IT.. Being healthy is A LIFE STYLE. For those of us who do not have the genetics for it and have to constantly work at it... Being thin for us is a complete life style change.
    Do you know why people gain wait from eating out????? Because of all the **** that the FDA has been feeding us for YEARS....Yes... I said it.. it's not a conspiracy... Its fact! Why is it that in the early 40-50-60's it was healthy to eat bread? Why because MAN had not touched it...and what I mean by touched it is Genentically Engineering it to produce more crop.... Did you people know that the WHEAT plant has about 53 extra chromozones that GOD (or the maker of the heavens and earth is - who ever that person is to you) did not intend for our bodys to process...These are called SYNTHETICS. They are items that are synthesized and are not naturally produced.. for ie... all food that is processed.... canned beans,corn . . . everything. The body up digesting these synthetics CAN NOT process these items efficiently and what happens is you body starts concentrating all its efforts in trying to process that food.. What does that do... Makes you gain weight because it's expensing all it's energy trying to rid of the **** you put into it... Why is it that all athlete or models or fitness guru's eat healthy... Because they know this... If you people really want to loose weight... Stop eating out and start making your own meals from food that you get from farmers markets ect... you want food that doesn't have all the junk in it... If you just changed that. . . .. .JUST YOUR FOOD.... you will loose weight... YOU DONT HAVE TO WORK OUT TO LOOSE WEIGHT...YES I SAID IT....all trainers try to do is make $$$$$$ off us by feeding us **** about how important working out is... IT'S BULL****.... YES I SAID IT BULL****! the real formula for having the model phsyique and being cut is 90% DIET 10% EXCERSIZE!.......

    I invited any educated challege to disprove post..



    SAMBALLS1 Posts: 19 Member
    Oh.. Did I find the Grammar Nazi?????! lol... You understand what i'm trying to say... lol...



    I fixed most of your grammar errors. I understand your frustration but please CALM DOWN before you start typing, or you'll look stupid.
  • ravicrm
    ravicrm Posts: 1 Member
    dumbest post ever
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Y U No finish thread?

    Ey Prol Trollinn

    I was just tagging with hope and the strong possibility of entertaining gifs.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    I'm sorry that you don't have any willpower but there's no need to blame food for all your problems.
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    Site your sources ?

    Why would I need sources when it works over a vey long period? Boy, you sound like FBI director Mearing from Transformers III who just thinks about paperwork in a crisis!

    How this works is not rocket science. It’s logic and based on personal, empirical data -experience. And it’s backed up from here all the way to Washington DC! If you don’t believe me, I’m willing to do a lie-detector test!

    Maybe you’re cravin for an example. Let’s have one. Suppose you eat chicken curry every day for supper. I do. I love it. I know what you’re thinking, eating the same every day is boring. My wife agrees with you and she’s gaining. I’m not. And who cares when the food is delicious! Eating the same meals everyday has another advantage. After a while, you know exactly what effect the amount of ingredients has on your body. If you eat different meals every day, you don’t know what to blame if you discover that you have gained a pound.

    Now, let’s say you’ve been throwing 500 grams of chicken in your daily supper, 150 mm of coconut milk (the full one, trimmed coconut milk just gives you diarrhea), 2 spoons of olive oil, some vegetables and half a packet of curry sauce. The food is so delicious that when you finish you still can eat more, so you have an ice cream after.
    You now feel energized! so you go out for a 30 minute walk. When you come back you do some stuff on the computer.

    Okay, this has made you gain a pound. So what do you do tomorrow? Just eat vegetables? No! You eat 400 grams chicken. Your body’s not going to know the difference. For the rest you eat like yesterday: 150 mm of coconut milk, a sauce with a different flavor for some variation, 2 spoons of olive oil and, oh heck, some other vegetables (oh, those veggies they’re all the same, it doesn’t matter what kind you pick it will hardly have any effect on your weight!) and an ice cream after. You go out for a 30 minute walk and surf the net for celebrities who are even fatter than you!

    Next morning the scale tells you you gained 400 grams. You panic!

    No, I’m just kidding, you never panic. You actually now are on the right track. You lost 100 grams less than yesterday! Victory! To celebrate that, you go back to eating 500 grams of chicken tomorrow night, and your body will thank you for it so that the next morning your scale says that you lost 500 grams and you’re back at your starting weight.

    No kidding, it works just like that. Now put in some extra potatoes and walk an hour instead of 30 minutes, I’m sure the weight comes of even more. But you don’t want that, otherwise you’ll end up just looking scrawny. Come on, you’re a man. Or a woman with curves!
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Sometimes make it seem like that! these are just facts!


    I would like for you to inform me how your body using more energy to process/digest food would actually cause people to gain weight. That's ignoring all of your other conspiracy theories/pseudoscience.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Site your sources ?

    Why would I need sources when it works over a vey long period? Boy, you sound like FBI director Mearing from Transformers III who just thinks about paperwork in a crisis!

    How this works is not rocket science. It’s logic and based on personal, empirical data -experience. And it’s backed up from here all the way to Washington DC! If you don’t believe me, I’m willing to do a lie-detector test!

    Maybe you’re cravin for an example. Let’s have one. Suppose you eat chicken curry every day for supper. I do. I love it. I know what you’re thinking, eating the same every day is boring. My wife agrees with you and she’s gaining. I’m not. And who cares when the food is delicious! Eating the same meals everyday has another advantage. After a while, you know exactly what effect the amount of ingredients has on your body. If you eat different meals every day, you don’t know what to blame if you discover that you have gained a pound.

    Now, let’s say you’ve been throwing 500 grams of chicken in your daily supper, 150 mm of coconut milk (the full one, trimmed coconut milk just gives you diarrhea), 2 spoons of olive oil, some vegetables and half a packet of curry sauce. The food is so delicious that when you finish you still can eat more, so you have an ice cream after.
    You now feel energized! so you go out for a 30 minute walk. When you come back you do some stuff on the computer.

    Okay, this has made you gain a pound. So what do you do tomorrow? Just eat vegetables? No! You eat 400 grams chicken. Your body’s not going to know the difference. For the rest you eat like yesterday: 150 mm of coconut milk, a sauce with a different flavor for some variation, 2 spoons of olive oil and, oh heck, some other vegetables (oh, those veggies they’re all the same, it doesn’t matter what kind you pick it will hardly have any effect on your weight!) and an ice cream after. You go out for a 30 minute walk and surf the net for celebrities who are even fatter than you!

    Next morning the scale tells you you gained 400 grams. You panic!

    No, I’m just kidding, you never panic. You actually now are on the right track. You lost 100 grams less than yesterday! Victory! To celebrate that, you go back to eating 500 grams of chicken tomorrow night, and your body will thank you for it so that the next morning your scale says that you lost 500 grams and you’re back at your starting weight.

    No kidding, it works just like that. Now put in some extra potatoes and walk an hour instead of 30 minutes, I’m sure the weight comes of even more. But you don’t want that, otherwise you’ll end up just looking scrawny. Come on, you’re a man. Or a woman with curves!

    Grams ? You mean lbs.
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    Site your sources ?

    Why would I need sources when it works over a vey long period? Boy, you sound like FBI director Mearing from Transformers III who just thinks about paperwork in a crisis!

    How this works is not rocket science. It’s logic and based on personal, empirical data -experience. And it’s backed up from here all the way to Washington DC! If you don’t believe me, I’m willing to do a lie-detector test!

    Maybe you’re cravin for an example. Let’s have one. Suppose you eat chicken curry every day for supper. I do. I love it. I know what you’re thinking, eating the same every day is boring. My wife agrees with you and she’s gaining. I’m not. And who cares when the food is delicious! Eating the same meals everyday has another advantage. After a while, you know exactly what effect the amount of ingredients has on your body. If you eat different meals every day, you don’t know what to blame if you discover that you have gained a pound.

    Now, let’s say you’ve been throwing 500 grams of chicken in your daily supper, 150 mm of coconut milk (the full one, trimmed coconut milk just gives you diarrhea), 2 spoons of olive oil, some vegetables and half a packet of curry sauce. The food is so delicious that when you finish you still can eat more, so you have an ice cream after.
    You now feel energized! so you go out for a 30 minute walk. When you come back you do some stuff on the computer.

    Okay, this has made you gain a pound. So what do you do tomorrow? Just eat vegetables? No! You eat 400 grams chicken. Your body’s not going to know the difference. For the rest you eat like yesterday: 150 mm of coconut milk, a sauce with a different flavor for some variation, 2 spoons of olive oil and, oh heck, some other vegetables (oh, those veggies they’re all the same, it doesn’t matter what kind you pick it will hardly have any effect on your weight!) and an ice cream after. You go out for a 30 minute walk and surf the net for celebrities who are even fatter than you!

    Next morning the scale tells you you gained 400 grams. You panic!

    No, I’m just kidding, you never panic. You actually now are on the right track. You lost 100 grams less than yesterday! Victory! To celebrate that, you go back to eating 500 grams of chicken tomorrow night, and your body will thank you for it so that the next morning your scale says that you lost 500 grams and you’re back at my starting weight. No kidding, it works just like that. Now put in some extra potatoes and walk an hour instead of 30 minutes, I’m sure the weight comes of even more. But you don’t want that, otherwise you’ll end up looking scrawny. Come on, you’re a man. Or a woman with curves!

    Sooo if I eat McDonalds for.breakfast,taco bell for lunch,pizza hut for dinner followed by a pint
    Of Ben and jerrys,totaling 3-5 thousand calories,and then walk everyday I'll lose weight because Im eating the same thing?
  • sunfirelynn
    sunfirelynn Posts: 186 Member
    One time I tricked my body in to pooping twice in one day

  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    So your secret is eating chicken curry every night?

  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Site your sources ?

    Why would I need sources when it works over a vey long period? Boy, you sound like FBI director Nearing from Transformers III who just thinks about paperwork in a crisis!

    How this works is not rocket science. It’s logic and based on personal, empirical data -experience. And it’s backed up from here all the way to Washington DC! If you don’t believe me, I’m willing to do a lie-detector test!

    Maybe you’re craving for an example. Let’s have one. Suppose you eat chicken curry every day for supper. I do. I love it. I know what you’re thinking, eating the same every day is boring. My wife agrees with you and she’s gaining. I’m not. And who cares when the food is delicious! Eating the same meals everyday has another advantage. After a while, you know exactly what effect the amount of ingredients has on your body. If you eat different meals every day, you don’t know what to blame if you discover that you have gained a pound.

    Now, let’s say you’ve been throwing 500 grams of chicken in your daily supper, 150 mm of coconut milk (the full one, trimmed coconut milk just gives you diarrhea), 2 spoons of olive oil, some vegetables and half a packet of curry sauce. The food is so delicious that when you finish you still can eat more, so you have an ice cream after.
    You now feel energized! so you go out for a 30 minute walk. When you come back you do some stuff on the computer.

    Okay, this has made you gain a pound. So what do you do tomorrow? Just eat vegetables? No! You eat 400 grams chicken. Your body’s not going to know the difference. For the rest you eat like yesterday: 150 mm of coconut milk, a sauce with a different flavor for some variation, 2 spoons of olive oil and, oh heck, some other vegetables (oh, those veggies they’re all the same, it doesn’t matter what kind you pick it will hardly have any effect on your weight!) and an ice cream after. You go out for a 30 minute walk and surf the net for celebrities who are even fatter than you!

    Next morning the scale tells you you gained 400 grams. You panic!

    No, I’m just kidding, you never panic. You actually now are on the right track. You lost 100 grams less than yesterday! Victory! To celebrate that, you go back to eating 500 grams of chicken tomorrow night, and your body will thank you for it so that the next morning your scale says that you lost 500 grams and you’re back at my starting weight. No kidding, it works just like that. Now put in some extra potatoes and walk an hour instead of 30 minutes, I’m sure the weight comes of even more. But you don’t want that, otherwise you’ll end up looking scrawny. Come on, you’re a man. Or a woman with curves!

    Sooo if I eat McDonald's for.breakfast,taco bell for lunch,pizza hut for dinner followed by a pint
    Of Ben and Jerry's ,totaling 3-5 thousand calories,and then walk everyday I'll lose weight because I'm eating the same thing?

    If only we could dream !
    SAMBALLS1 Posts: 19 Member
    READ THIS NON BELIEVER http://www.organicwish.com/could-eating-organic-food-help-you-lose-weight.html
    Sometimes make it seem like that! these are just facts!


    I would like for you to inform me how your body using more energy to process/digest food would actually cause people to gain weight. That's ignoring all of your other conspiracy theories/pseudoscience.
  • Symonep
    Symonep Posts: 181 Member
    My brain hurts...
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    You trick your body into thinking it's eating the same thing every day, by actually eating the same thing every day.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    This thread gave me a migraine.