August 2018 Running Challenge



  • LaDispute57
    LaDispute57 Posts: 371 Member
    edited August 2018
    August goal: 180 miles

    8/1...................Rest.............. 000.00/180.00
    8/2...................Rest.............. 000.00/180.00
    8/3...................Rest.............. 000.00/180.00

    Upcoming Races:
    August 25, 2018 Bubble Run 5K (Pittsburgh, PA)
    October 20, 2018 Sinnemahone Ultra MarathonTrail Run 50K (Emporium, PA)

    Just went back and double checked my training program and discovered I had to bump up my monthly goal by another 10 miles... sucks when math works against you.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Upcoming Races:
    August 25, 2018 Bubble Run 5K (Pittsburgh, PA)
    October 20, 2018 Sinnemahone Ultra MarathonTrail Run 50K (Emporium, PA)

    So is that a no on Two Face?

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member

    A question I meant to ask a while ago: does anyone ever get a sensation of pressure between their shoulders after a long or hard run? It’s happened to me a couple of times now and it’s a little unsettling, though not exactly painful. The first time it happened was immediately after a longer run maybe a month ago and it actually felt like something was pushing me from behind. It only lasted a minute that time but lingered this morning.


    If the sensation is what I think it is, you likely were too tense in your upper body for too long while running, and your upper back is telling you about it. Try paying attention to how tense you are when you run, and deliberately relaxing when you notice yourself tensing up. Think, loose hands instead of clenched fists. (Yes, this is more of a continuum than a binary on/off.) Arms swinging freely in time with your pace, not pumping frantically. Anything else that makes psychological sense to you for relaxing and being less tense while moving.

    As far as new sensations, I've been a bit sore in the lower back this week. It didn't feel hurt, just like I did too much with strength training targeting the erector spinae. After a while, I figured out it was likely from holding myself upright while running (and later walking) down ski slopes at Bristol last Saturday. Once I understood it, it stopped bothering me. A few days of normal activity, and it's fine.
  • LaDispute57
    LaDispute57 Posts: 371 Member
    Upcoming Races:
    August 25, 2018 Bubble Run 5K (Pittsburgh, PA)
    October 20, 2018 Sinnemahone Ultra MarathonTrail Run 50K (Emporium, PA)

    So is that a no on Two Face?

    That is not a no... Lol... I just need time to get online to register
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Upcoming Races:
    August 25, 2018 Bubble Run 5K (Pittsburgh, PA)
    October 20, 2018 Sinnemahone Ultra MarathonTrail Run 50K (Emporium, PA)

    So is that a no on Two Face?

    That is not a no... Lol... I just need time to get online to register

    If you show there is a slightly used bag of Berry Tailwind in it for you. :lol:
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Monthly Question?

    macros. Do you target them? And where's your personal "sweet" spot?

    First, let me say that I like the monthly question early in the month instead of at month end where it used to be. This way, I see more responses and people have more time to think about it and respond.

    Long roundabout answer: I took off most of the weight, then became a runner. On the path to weight loss, before even starting to run, I was targeting percentages of carbs, fat, and protein. I noticed in particular that getting enough protein was key for satiety when I was losing weight. All this, before I even started running.

    When I moved into weight maintenance, I initially targeted the same broad percentage ranges. Then I had a bit of history of variable activity, ranging from wearing a boot and unable to walk 10K steps per day, all the way up to rather intense marathon training peaking at 68 miles per week. That drove the total calories for weight maintenance up and down by a considerable amount. Moved from where I was to MFP because the food tracker here is easier to use, and lost the target ranges I had before. So now . . .

    I target total calories per day, and adjust the level up or down when I see the number on the scale (daily weight, first thing in the morning, dehydrated, in my underwear) trend down or up. I have some standard adjustment numbers I use for how much I run. I ignore the calorie burn numbers MFP uses, and use my own calorie goal instead of the canned goal MFP puts out.

    I target a minimum of 150 grams of protein and 60 grams of fat each day. I don't worry about carbs, I always get enough of those. In heavy marathon training, when the calorie need goes up there, I try to stay around 50 grams of fiber; if I get up to 60 grams, my body tells me about it. Being told about it in the middle of a long run isn't much fun. Being told about it in the middle of a race is not acceptable, so I deliberately eat less fiber (and hence, more processed carbs) the day before a half or the 3 days before a marathon.

    Total calorie number not disclosed, but let's just say that it's pretty generous when I'm in marathon training.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Happy Birthday @AprilRN10 and @quilteryoyo!!
    @eleanorhawkins - Welcome! Love your profile picture :) so much I saved it! What @elise4270 said about shin splints! I would also add doing some calf stretches or rolling them out on a foam roller as tight calves can often result in shin pain.
    @skippygirlsmom - I can't get over how grown up the Skippygirl is! Fantastic find on the bike!
    @RunsOnEspresso - I always take a coffee with me when I have those fasting tests along with a bar or something to eat right afterwards. That tides me over until I can get real food!
    @MegaMooseEsq - I was going to say what @mobycarp said... @skippygirlsmom told us a while back that the Skip's coach told her to think about carrying potato chips in your hands and you don't want them to break. In my case they would be soggy but you get the idea :lol: When I feel my shoulders tensing my posture is typically off too so I try to square my shoulders and squeeze my shoulder blades down and back like when doing lat pulldowns or something similar.

    08/02......3.85.......3.85 - +Strength Training


    My completed and upcoming races. Let me know if you will be running them too.
    02/04/18 - Surf City Half Marathon
    05/05/18 - Cinco de Miles 5k
    07/22/18 - San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon

    12/15/18 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
    02/03/19 - Surf City Half Marathon
    05/11/19 - Santa Barbara Wine Country Half Marathon
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    No run tonight, more unpacking. Yay!
  • LaDispute57
    LaDispute57 Posts: 371 Member
    Upcoming Races:
    August 25, 2018 Bubble Run 5K (Pittsburgh, PA)
    October 20, 2018 Sinnemahone Ultra MarathonTrail Run 50K (Emporium, PA)

    So is that a no on Two Face?

    That is not a no... Lol... I just need time to get online to register

    If you show there is a slightly used bag of Berry Tailwind in it for you. :lol:

  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited August 2018

    A question I meant to ask a while ago: does anyone ever get a sensation of pressure between their shoulders after a long or hard run? It’s happened to me a couple of times now and it’s a little unsettling, though not exactly painful. The first time it happened was immediately after a longer run maybe a month ago and it actually felt like something was pushing me from behind. It only lasted a minute that time but lingered this morning.

    Missed this until I saw @MobyCarp 's great reply. Yes, it has happened to me. Things that I know first hand that cause it:

    1) Too much tension in your back. Relax!
    2) Too much tension in your arms. Relax!
    3) Running hunched over
    4) Running face down.
    5) Weak core muscles

    Try these things...

    1) RELAX
    2) lift up your chin as you run and look more forward instead of down
    3) RELAX
    4) Push your shoulders a little back
    5) RELAX
    6) Lean forward at the waist no the next
    7) RELAX
    8) Do not forget to breathe!
    9) RELAX
    10) ETA: Make sure your arms swing straight forward and are not crossing in front of you.

    At least do the odd ones... ;)

    Haha, I think you and @MobyCarp and @shanaber are right about it being tension, which is funny because one big benefit I've gotten since starting running is a reduction in tension-related back and shoulder pain. I've come full-circle! In any case, I've generally been pretty aware of the importance of good posture while running so I don't think I'm running hunched or face down, and I think my core muscles are probably in reasonably good shape. My arms do have a tendency to want to swing in front of me but I'm working on it. I'll definitely pay more attention to my arms and back, especially when I'm running faster - I bet I was clenching right up during those sprints this morning. That might also explain why it hasn't been happening every time I run. Thanks!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member

    A question I meant to ask a while ago: does anyone ever get a sensation of pressure between their shoulders after a long or hard run? It’s happened to me a couple of times now and it’s a little unsettling, though not exactly painful. The first time it happened was immediately after a longer run maybe a month ago and it actually felt like something was pushing me from behind. It only lasted a minute that time but lingered this morning.

    Missed this until I saw @MobyCarp 's great reply. Yes, it has happened to me. Things that I know first hand that cause it:

    1) Too much tension in your back. Relax!
    2) Too much tension in your arms. Relax!
    3) Running hunched over
    4) Running face down.
    5) Weak core muscles

    Try these things...

    1) RELAX
    2) lift up your chin as you run and look more forward instead of down
    3) RELAX
    4) Push your shoulders a little back
    5) RELAX
    6) Lean forward at the waist no the next
    7) RELAX
    8) Do not forget to breathe!
    9) RELAX
    10) ETA: Make sure your arms swing straight forward and are not crossing in front of you.

    At least do the odd ones... ;)

    Haha, I think you and @MobyCarp and @shanaber are right about it being tension, which is funny because one big benefit I've gotten since starting running is a reduction in tension-related back and shoulder pain. I've come full-circle! In any case, I've generally been pretty aware of the importance of good posture while running so I don't think I'm running hunched or face down, and I think my core muscles are probably in reasonably good shape. My arms do have a tendency to want to swing in front of me but I'm working on it. I'll definitely pay more attention to my arms and back, especially when I'm running faster - I bet I was clenching right up during those sprints this morning. That might also explain why it hasn't been happening every time I run. Thanks!

    Keep in mind, your legs follow your arms. If your arms are crossing, then your stride is also and that will cause need and lower back problems. Everything is connected. :)
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Woof, it looks like I made the right call running earlier and spoke too soon about how nice the weather has been - it is back in the 80s and pretty muggy. It’s looking like I might have to postpone my long run this week - the weather forecast is showing thunderstorms all day tomorrow, and my husband is out of town so I won’t have an easy rescue if I misjudge a dry spell. I have a 9AM conference for my side-gig tomorrow (grading bar exams) and don’t want to be pressed for time so had planned on running in the PM. Ah well - planning my runs is almost as much fun as running them!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Great information @MobyCarp ! I admit the monthly question is often something i personally am trying ro work out in my running balance and hope others have or could use the information too. So end of month, beginning of month 🤷 As one of our running gurus, feel free to pose questions, stir our newbie brains, as you wish.

    My experience with the macros.
    I try to keep carbs under 100g a day
    Protein 70-80g+. Target is more than 70.
    Fat. Whatever is left.
    I think days before i run i could possibly up the carbs. I am between ramping miles/longer running segments and rehabbing smart. If i overeat carbs i will set myself up for overindulgence and weight gain. My goal is to keep all carbs fruit and vegetables. No grains.
    I think i should reread the Fitzgerald book. And get serious about the running exercises.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    I went looking for a video that @Stoshew71 posted a long while back on arm swing and stride length... Couldn't find it but found one from a group that provided training techniques in the run up to the SF Marathon. This is a pretty good video on arm swing and how to keep your body in the proper alignment. It also has drills and stretches for range of motion (shoulders and arms).

    Also while I was looking in our community pages I found these the @Stoshew71 posted on hot weather running techniques. Since most all of us are running in the heat (other than you all in Australia) I thought they were timely and good reminders for all of us:
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber I always take food as well. I'll probably stop at a starbucks or dunkin on the way home. I do need to try the new dunkin gf brownie. I've heard mixed reviews.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @PastorVincent & @ AprilRN10 Thank you so much for the birthday wishes.

    You are all very impressive with your running.

    8/1- 2 mile walk on the treadmill
    8/3 - 2 mile walk outside

    The rain stopped and it turned out to be a beautiful afternoon, so after I got home from work, I took a nice walk up and down my driveway (it is .25 miles long).
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @shanaber Thanks for the birthday wishes.