August Self-Care Challenge



  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    Had a great weekend of self-care, lots of yoga (I do Yoga with Adriene), mindfulness (I use Headspace app), walking, gardening, reading, watching Game of Thrones, eating outdoors and just generally enjoying the weekend, almost sorry it's nearly over, could get used to this haha :smile:

    I hope you're all finding time for yourselves this weekend and loving/caring for yourselves :star:
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Aug 4: relaxing day and a nice time walking with my husband

    Aug 5: after waking, meditated/relaxed to two playings of my favorite guided meditation...later in day: coloring book fun (helped me over missing a family member) & some gripping reading

  • pjmfitforme
    pjmfitforme Posts: 161 Member
    Did meditation again today-felt wonderful
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Yesterday I was a marshal half-way up a mountain for a 50 km trail ultra. Did it last year too, and I love seeing all the awesome runners, taking their photo, and cheering them on.

    Today I made the most of starting a week off work and did a half marathon around and out of town.

    I also finished the Future Learn course I was telling you about.
  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,854 Member
    I went on a walk today and cleaned up the house some
  • pjmfitforme
    pjmfitforme Posts: 161 Member
    I am hoping to swim a little in my pool today. I had bunion surgery 2 weeks ago. I have a cast cover to put over my foot. Looking forward to floating for a little while
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    so far so good... Day 7 and I've been completing both Revolution & Creativity practices of yoga each day (Yoga with Adriene), Headspace's Creativity Pack and walking a minimum of 2 miles a day. I am feeling tired and under the weather, but I have uni work to do, so will push on and try to be kind to myself, whilst also attempting to be productive... let's see how this goes!

    Hope you're all finding time for yourselves :heart:
  • pjmfitforme
    pjmfitforme Posts: 161 Member
    I did meditation again today. Really liking it and need to make it a habit
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    10 km run.

    Went to an art exhibition, "The Philosophy of Doubt". Nice.

    Did a drawing of my son on my iPad. Very happy with it.

    Did a pen drawing on paper. Parts of it were OK, but mostly it sucked. Glad I tried though.

    In a few minutes I'm going on a car trip to drop off some photos at an Art & Photography Show.
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    10 km run.

    Went to an art exhibition, "The Philosophy of Doubt". Nice.

    Ohhh sounds interesting & how inspiring too
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    HatherM wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    10 km run.

    Went to an art exhibition, "The Philosophy of Doubt". Nice.

    Ohhh sounds interesting & how inspiring too

    Thanks, it really was!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Aug 6 - Netflix

    Aug 7 - continued working on my art project - a wonderful seesaw of “oh I wrecked it to oh good I figured out a way to make it better to oh my gosh this is awesome and then whoops I wrecked it...” repeat hehe very pleased, 45 mins

    Went to the library!!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Aug 6 - Netflix

    Aug 7 - continued working on my art project - a wonderful seesaw of “oh I wrecked it to oh good I figured out a way to make it better to oh my gosh this is awesome and then whoops I wrecked it...” repeat hehe very pleased, 45 mins

    Went to the library!!

    I love the library! It’s my happy place. And it’s like shopping for free. I turned in my summer reading program form (felt like a happy child) and received a free Chipotle meal coupon and raffles tickets for the grand prize.
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,505 Member
    Hello I am joining this thread. I see some familiar faces here! Hi everyone!
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    As part of my uni dissertation I am looking at self-care, and it made me interested what do YOU class as self-care for yourself? How do you look after yourself?

    I'll go first... I have always struggled with relaxing, and was put off 'self-care' for years as it sounded expensive, or something unattainable for me. Now I see it as listening to my body, if I need a break or time off doing something then do that, trying not to give myself a hard time or feel guilty for it. I personally class my yoga and Headspace as my 'me-time' each morning, because I'm doing that for me and it makes me feel better about myself and sets me up for a better day than without it :smile:
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,140 Member
    RubyRed427 wrote: »
    Aug 6 - Netflix

    Aug 7 - continued working on my art project - a wonderful seesaw of “oh I wrecked it to oh good I figured out a way to make it better to oh my gosh this is awesome and then whoops I wrecked it...” repeat hehe very pleased, 45 mins

    Went to the library!!

    I love the library! It’s my happy place. And it’s like shopping for free. I turned in my summer reading program form (felt like a happy child) and received a free Chipotle meal coupon and raffles tickets for the grand prize.

    Perfect description: shopping for free AND no guilt if I don’t read it all AND no clutter/no recycling (magazines are awesome at library!!!)
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,140 Member
    HatherM wrote: »
    As part of my uni dissertation I am looking at self-care, and it made me interested what do YOU class as self-care for yourself? How do you look after yourself?

    I'll go first... I have always struggled with relaxing, and was put off 'self-care' for years as it sounded expensive, or something unattainable for me. Now I see it as listening to my body, if I need a break or time off doing something then do that, trying not to give myself a hard time or feel guilty for it. I personally class my yoga and Headspace as my 'me-time' each morning, because I'm doing that for me and it makes me feel better about myself and sets me up for a better day than without it :smile:

    Yes, a question this group has led me to ask myself as well!

    Stage 1: At first, I counted meal prep, decluttering, etc but after a month, I decided that these were really more productivity motivated.

    So, I started to think about what would really make me feel cared for. Breakfast outside was the first one (thanks to @rheddmobile) and that led to bubble baths, reading a magazine, lotion on feet, etc.

    Stage 3: I decided what would be self-care is making art, writing, being out in nature, going on field trips/seeing friends, and reading books.

    Stage 4: current transformation of Self-Care: a deeper classification of Stage 3.
    These things make me happy...

    1. Incubation/Gathering inspiration: nature, reading, field trips/museums, internet searches, favorite artists, learning about new art media. Learning.

    2. Ideation/Experimenting/Playing with ideas, images, text: doodling, idea sketching, imagining, experimenting, journal writing, brainstorming, & doing art or writing in a non- or semi-planned state. Playing.

    3. Creating: making a piece of art, writing an essay or piece of fiction. Committing. Persevering. Focusing on Process. Growing.

    4. Rejuvenating/Relaxing: coloring, petting cat, baths, Netflix, calling a friend, taking a stroll, reading for pleasure, iPhone apps. Resting.
  • Sunarian
    Sunarian Posts: 18 Member
    I listened to some binaural beats to relax.