August Self-Care Challenge



  • donimfp
    donimfp Posts: 795 Member
    @RubyRed427, how funny! Who knew burned crab legs would smell like our house smelled when my cat used to sit too close to the stove and singe her tail. Glad you enjoyed them, though.

    I'm making a summer minestrone today with lots of farmers market veggies. Also using another Korean face mask. I think I'm becoming addicted to those. As Helen Mirren said about the face cream she does the ads for . . . they probably do "'eff'-all", (British slang for "nothing"), but they sure do feel good.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Thanks you two for the mirth!!
    My self-care, funnily enough, is for someone else! Decluttering, cleaning, labeling hubby’s shelves, workbench, tools/car supplies as a surprise for him!!!
    Feels awesome :)
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member
    edited August 2018
    But be careful what you wish for. :joy::joy::joy:
  • donimfp
    donimfp Posts: 795 Member
    That is so awesome, @RubyRed427. Any time you are inclined to share your work, please do. I loved seeing yours and @Orphia’s, and I’m sure I’m not alone.

    My self care today was taking it easy after a horrible night of insomnia. I did yoga, took a nice nap, and even managed a workout at 5 pm but a pretty gentle one.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,140 Member
    edited August 2018
    My self-care today was meeting someone I used to work with kind of in a different department for the past 11 to 12 years I always loved her but we were both so focused on our work so I contacted her and I took her to lunch (I didn’t eat out) water was great at Whole Foods and we had a fabulous time and got to know each other’s families some things we love and things that were struggling with it was awesome
  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,854 Member
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    edited August 2018
    Did a portrait of a person in a FB running group I'm in last night. I'm enjoying doing these, using my iPad Pro, Apple Pencil, and the Procreate app.

    I use a photo as a background, then add a transparent blank layer and I draw my lines on it. Then I select the layer I've drawn, and paste it onto a new white background.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member
    edited August 2018
    Orphia wrote: »
    Did a portrait of a person in a FB running group I'm in last night. I'm enjoying doing these, using my iPad Pro, Apple Pencil, and the Procreate app.

    I use a photo as a background, then add a transparent blank layer and I draw my lines on it. Then I select the layer I've drawn, and paste it onto a new white background.

    :heart: your descriptions of what you're doing in art. I've been exploring making art on my iPad, too. It's very exciting to see the new possibilities.

    I took an Intuitive Colour workshop with one of our local artists last month. Most inspiring thing I have done this summer. I'm so looking forward to sharing it with my Art Group next semester.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,076 Member
    RubyRed427 wrote: »
    I hope you don’t get tired of me talking about painting. I had painting class last night as usual. But today after work, I decided to continue painting what I started last night. I usually don’t do that- i just wait until class to paint. I didnt turn on music or any tv. No one was home. And I just painted... a country scene with laundry hanging on a line.

    The painting sounds beautiful, Julie! Would love to see it if you're comfortable sharing. 🎨
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member
    edited August 2018
    My self-care today was to visit one of the well-loved places of my youth, while doing a favour for one of my grandsons. The exterior of the college in the centre of Belfast (which I studied in after I left school) is a listed building, but several years ago it was converted into apartments for students. My grandson has been living in it for the past year. This week he asked us to help him move into his new accommodation for this semester at Queen's University. It was wonderful to see that they had preserved so much of the old building, while squeezing in modern student accommodation and facilities. Both my husband and I have fond memories of our time spent in this wonderful building.
  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,854 Member
    Some alone time and reading! Yay
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,140 Member
    When to fabric store, let lord at all the fabric, buttons, etc. Perused the pattern books!!! Wrote down the ones I liked for Labor Day Sale :)

    Met two very inspiring ladies (Mom 82 & daughter 60, one of 14 troubled foster teens the Mom raised (and still is for a few of them.) A really wonderful time. Daughter has lost 30lbs in last 2 months (gastric band), and was there to make some smaller clothes, like me :)

    Bought two books on fashion illustration/art. SUPER EXCITED!!!! And a beautiful button for a “thin” jacket of mine!!
  • donimfp
    donimfp Posts: 795 Member
    OMG @RubyRed427! Amazing! You obviously have real talent. It must be so gratifying to create something like that. From a total art ignoramus (in terms of execution, not appreciation) I’m most amazed by that sky.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,196 Member
    @donimfp It is such good therapy for me at this stage of my life. I feel like one door in my life closed (happily) and another more positive , satisfying door opened. thanks for your kind words. Xo
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @RubyRed427 I love how you've captured the wind moving the washing! :heart:
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Did a portrait of a person in a FB running group I'm in last night. I'm enjoying doing these, using my iPad Pro, Apple Pencil, and the Procreate app.

    I use a photo as a background, then add a transparent blank layer and I draw my lines on it. Then I select the layer I've drawn, and paste it onto a new white background.

    Since there was a request, here's an example of another one I did last night. I really enjoy doing these so much!
