

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,552 Member
    stats for the day

    too lazy to list total cal 477
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,347 Member
    Tracey – the new president gets voted in in March at the general meeting which is the second Wednesday of the month. Then there is the board meeting for the new and the old board the fourth Wednesday.

    The new webmaster is building a new database for the website because the one the old webmaster made is slowly not working. Anyway, he keeps telling me over and over how he can’t have 2 people with the same email in this database. Finally, Vince wrote that what he should do is create a bogus email for the people who we either don’t have an email for or who share one with their spouse/significant other. I honestly don’t know why he couldn’t think of this. But whatever...

    At least he did take away from me the ability to edit the website. I don’t want that. If there’s a problem, I’d always be wondering if it was me who did something. I don’t want that. Give me the features I need and I’m happy. And that’s what I have

    Margaret – I don’t have problems with my knee or my feet. I do sometimes feel some pulling in my lower back and I’m sure that’s from my tight hamstrings. Great that you’re not in pain

    Rebecca – so happy for you

    Katie – we just got the NC Quick Pass. The website says that it covers EZPass, Epass, Peach Pass. I didn’t know NC or GA had any toll roads! Weird about that ticket. Let us know if you find out anything about it

    Barbie – a compression fracture – oh no! Vince has that, too.

    Michele in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Barbie Sending prayers and good thoughts tonight for you. Hugs!!

    Janetr OKC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2018
    Barbie. Darn it! Hope your back heals quickly. No wonder it's been so agonizing.
    And I do love that beautiful black leather chair. Such a handsome piece of furniture.

    Katla. I'm imagining you having a wonderful time with your visiting family!

    Pip. I had to laugh a little bit about you calling yourself lazy. Not an adjective I would associate with you...

    NYKaren I love penguins! Darned MFP changed jack.*kitten* penguins to *kitten* penguins. LOL!

    Karen in Virginia
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,889 Member
    M and Michelle do you have any problems with your knee or feet? When I went to my PT for my knee he commented that my tight ham strings contributed to the problems with my knee and can cause foot problems too. I also occasionally do have issues with my feet too. Knee is much better. I continue to do exercises for it and losing the weight has helped. I still need to be careful. It reminds me with a twinge when I move wrong. Constant pain is gone! Yeah!
    :heart: Margaret

    I have arthritis in both feet. I've been to see a podiatrist recently and do exercises for that just about every day. I'll likely also be getting orthotics.

    M in Oz

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,216 Member
    edited August 2018
    I do feet, pelvic floor, back, core, knee, hip, face, neck, quads, hamstrings, biceps, triceps etc etc every day. It has worked miracles. Especially for my knee which has an off centre patella. It used to cripple me and I lost most of my strength in that leg. Now it occasionally protests, but I am able to run and dance carefully on it. I never would have thought that possible. Targeted exercises can be truly life changing. My DH has cured his back pain from a curvature.

    The removal guy came to give us a new quote. He seems to think he can move the three exercise machines without dismantling them. They are huge, long and heavy. The alternative is to use a specialist company to come and take them apart and reassemble them in the new place. That would obviously be expensive. Our stairs have a big turn in them, but he thinks they can manage. We are waiting to see if he can lower his previous quote.

    We are going out for lunch together to a pub a short drive away. This is just to reconnect after four days of cricket. I will try not to mention the phone call he hasn't made to the solicitor. >:)
    I will have dinner for lunch so I won't have to cook much tonight.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,288 Member
    Oh Barbie - I'm so sorry! Gentle hugs our fearless leader. I will keep you in my prayers. I know when hubs was given pain meds after he had his gall bladder out last summer, the nurse told me to make him take a stool softener while he took them and for 5 days after he stopped taking them. He fought me on it, but he took them. He thought since he only took 3 pain pills (I also followed her advice and made him take the pain pills for 24 hours), he didn't need the stool softeners.

    Rye - I hope you made it home last night. Cute kitty!! I had a maintenance delayed flight out of Tulsa back to Houston years ago that they told me would fly no matter how late it was because the plane was needed the next morning in Houston or it would disrupt a kajillion other flights. Most of the people bailed on the flight, I think there were like 8 of us when we finally flew out at 2 AM. I drove by my office at 4 AM and called and left my boss a voice mail telling him to check the time stamp on the call, I was driving by his office and would be late coming in the next day. I showed up around 9 and he was laughing at me for my creative way to call in sleepy.

    Lisa - Safe travels! I don't envy you all that driving. I think I have said before I would happily never drive again. Think I can find somewhere to live affordably on 5 acres with no close neighbors in the middle of a city with stuff in walking distance and uber available? Yeah, me either :smiley: I hope your trip accomplishes what you need it to and you are able to destress when you get home to Egg and Corey (sp?).

    Wendy - Oh my goodness! The baby seal would have been so fun to see. I'm glad you are experienced enough you were able to stay on Mani.

    Karen - LOL on the **kitten** police.

    NYKaren - Can't wait to see more pics. Stay safe and have an amazing time.

    Kim - Glad business is going well and you have been able to save some money. I agree with whoever said $400 for tires!?!? I wish. I just put tires on my car and it was $1100. To be fair, hubs did it, I just get to drive with the shiny new tires on my car. I tell him that's why I have a boy, to take care of those kind of things.

    Beth - Prayers continue for your son. I hope things are going well.

    Machka - I'm glad you were able to get the tip of the iceberg chipped away. Creative way to get things taken care of. I would imagine that it was too much personal information to want it spread around at the library. I can completely understand why you couldn't do it at home.

    Hugs ladies! Have a great Thursday (or Friday depending on where you are and when you read this). I have to call in for a meeting today that I shouldn't have to sit in on but hey, if they want to pay me to listen to mindless drivel, so be it. I'm debating whether to go the grocery store today or tomorrow. Such big decisions for me today :blush:

    Okie in the TX Hill Country where it is still hitting 100 degrees every day.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,830 Member
    Barbie, that at least explains the terrible pain you've been suffering. Now you have a starting point to begin researching what you can do to help your body heal and how to reverse the osteoporosis. (Weakening bones, losing calcium) My research points to the countries where dairy consumption is the highest also have the highest osteo. The books I've been reading say the body will rob calcium from the bones in order to alkalanise the body, so the secret is to eat an alkaline producing diet so that your bones won't be robbed of the calcium they need. That's what I remember off the top of my head about osteo but I'm sure there is tons of info you can dig up with a little searching, use phrases like 'how to reverse osteo' and 'best diet for osteo' and 'how to regenerate bone'. Meat is very acid forming, veggies are alkalanising. My mum has degeneration between the bones of her spine and I found out that the body can regenerate that cushion if you eat certain foods...I believe lentils were on the "regenerating" list. I'll look for it. I had it on the front of my fridge for ages...

    Yes! This is what I was thinking when I saw Barbie's diagnosis! You know now, and have a plan of how to heal and get yourself back on your feet and dancing again! Barbie- So sorry for your pain and I know this diagnosis may get you down, but I know you can do this! You are such a strong woman! Sending healing thoughts your way and prayers for strength and patience for you, as you heal! By the way! I read the Yum Yum Dim Sum book that you sent me to the kids on Monday (China)! They loved it and had me read it a couple more times through out the day! I can't wait to read the other, Nosh, tomorrow when we study Isreal!

    Good morning all! Welcome to the U.S.A. ! lol Yes, boring. But The kids are young and everything is still new to them. Today, we will be making our Statue of Liberty crowns and torches and will write our own saying for the plaque on our statue. It should be interesting to see what the kids come up with instead of or in addition to " Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" I must say, reading up on the U.S. (yes, I study) and teaching the kids today is going to be difficult. I found myself just heartbroken as I prepped for today. (A little political here) I love my country; but I think I love it for what it CAN and SHOULD be, rather than what it is right now. It is a little like being in love with a man who needs to change and waiting to see if he will. :'( Ah well, we will talk about the U.S. in little bites of information with little words and should be just fine!

    NYKaren - Why are the penguins- Kitten penguins? I am not sure if you really don't like them, or if they are some type of penguin that has a perceived bad word in the beginning of their name...???

    Penny and Ginger- So nice to see you both!

    Okie and Lanette- Yes! Stand tall tall girls! Amazon women, unite! One thing that I noticed about being tall. My weight came on slowly and dispersed itself so evenly over my body, that it was very easy to ignore the fact that my weight was getting out of control. Did you find this to be true, for you?

    gotta fly! Kids arriving! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,607 Member
    Good Day ladies!

    Kelly Maybe one of these days I can see a nutritionist, but for now, I just use MFP set up for macros. It has me set at 20% protein, 30% fat, and 50% carbs. Only about once a week do I actually hit the goal. Most days my fats are more the 50% and carbs 30%. Am looking forward to getting some real menu changes this fall/winter when life slows down. ;)

    Touching toes....umh....no....knees...ugh!.....arthritis....yes...When I fell a few years ago at work onto the concrete floor from a full out move, I did further damage to my knees. After the MRI, they recommended PT. When my therapist was working with me, I asked her why the exercises for the hips. She explained the connection, and said that many people who had knee replacements in the past, still had issues until hip replacements years later. The hips work in direct correlation with the knees. I really need to get off my @$$ and do my exercises. My masseuse would appreciate it too. I am only 5'2" also. My baby sister and brother are both 5'10". Funny story is that my sister always wanted to be short and cute like me growing up and I always wanted to be tall and elegant like her! I love heels and always feel more feminine and stand up straighter when wearing them. My job doesn't allow for that, so tennis shoes or clogs are the norm. (The customers would love to see me in my favorite outfits, I am sure, as it is dresses and heels-;) ) They double take when they see me out of the shop-LOL!

    Okay ladies, I know I have work to do. I NEED to exercise, stretch, and figure out the eating thing. I reckon I need a swift kick in the right direction. The nice thing about vacation is I do lots of walking while looking at cars which helps compensate for eating out. We try to eat something for breakfast and usually only eat one meal out at around 3. Snacky stuffs in the evening. Usually there is more alcohol involved once back at cabin. Need to remember water. Not a lot of public restrooms while out walking though.....I am looking forward to the relaxing.

    So grandfather clock is fixed!!!! Yay!!!! Will need to see if my daughter will come over once a week and wind it for us. Don't want it to stop while we are gone. Hot tub still leaking, still haven't heard anything from Hot Springs-rrrrr! Maybe will get a chance to tear into it next weekend. My husband isn't keen on it, but with new garage door and gutters, I really don't feel like spending several thousand on a hot tub. I need to go ahead and change the filters and add chemicals. Might as well use it until I empty it.

    Sister in law told us yesterday that she won't be at work much for next two weeks so that she can help her husband at part of his business before we leave......grrr! I can grumble all I want but the reality is she is usually only there about 50% of the time anyway....So no surprise.....When we are gone she has to be there the whole time, but then again, apparently she leaves early more often than not if not busy. I always manage to get done what I can and take the rest with me. Work isn't so bad when done sitting on a deck in your bathrobe, looking out at the mountains and listening to the Dollywood train in the morning. I only work in the mornings, then play the rest of day. :)

    Have a blessed day!

    Welcome everyone new!
    Hugs to those in need!
    Safe travels to those not at home!
    Encouragement to those struggling in any areas!
    SMILES for all of YOU!!!!!!

    Kylia in Ohio
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,607 Member
    Barbie- Hugs (gently) At least you have a diagnosis so that you can begin the healing process.

    Wendy- would have loved to see a seal, but scary about horse spooking. I got thrown several years ago, broke 4 ribs, took awhile before I sat in a saddle again. Bought turmeric at store. Need to look at your post to see how to use. Put it in eggs for supper last night.....not bad....will figure this out. ;)

    Machka- LOVE the creativeness on getting a handle on stuffs! Remember to BREATH!

    Later lovely ladies!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,830 Member
    Saw the penguin explanation by KarenVA :p:p Forgot about those! lol Have fun!