Gender specific peeeeeves



  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    ChaelAZ wrote: »
    Getting ready...for going to a lake or camping.

    I'll admit in my teens and early 20's I use to take my whole make up bag. Now I just take my shower bag and moisturizer. No make up, no hair products or dryer. Once my hair is air dried it's up in a pony anyway.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    ChaelAZ wrote: »
    -Men who find the need to brag about money, belongings or the size of their Richard
    -When friendliness is used as an opening to flirt or be inappropriate
    -Men who talk poorly about their exes

    Hey bby! I was out in my Porche last week (One of the things my btiochy ex didn't get in the divorce) going to swanky hotel in Millan, and right after I rolled out some hundies to tip the vallet I was thinking you should be here with me. Just to hang as friends, of course because I think you're super nice and stuff (though you do have a nice butt lol. :) ). Anyway, I was at some really ridiculously expensive restaraunt listening to the guy next to me trying to impress the girl he was obviously dating, trying to brag about how amazing he was in bed and I was, like, who is this guy trying to impress, right? It's fricken sad the lengths (not, like, "long" lengths, like *ahem* some of us. lol. :p ) guys will go to trying to get a girl interested. It's totes redonkulus! Anyway, was just hanging on this amazing beach now thinking you should be here with me so we could chill and talk.


  • ChaelAZ
    ChaelAZ Posts: 2,240 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    ChaelAZ wrote: »
    -Men who find the need to brag about money, belongings or the size of their Richard
    -When friendliness is used as an opening to flirt or be inappropriate
    -Men who talk poorly about their exes

    Hey bby! I was out in my Porche last week (One of the things my btiochy ex didn't get in the divorce) going to swanky hotel in Millan, and right after I rolled out some hundies to tip the vallet I was thinking you should be here with me. Just to hang as friends, of course because I think you're super nice and stuff (though you do have a nice butt lol. :) ). Anyway, I was at some really ridiculously expensive restaraunt listening to the guy next to me trying to impress the girl he was obviously dating, trying to brag about how amazing he was in bed and I was, like, who is this guy trying to impress, right? It's fricken sad the lengths (not, like, "long" lengths, like *ahem* some of us. lol. :p ) guys will go to trying to get a girl interested. It's totes redonkulus! Anyway, was just hanging on this amazing beach now thinking you should be here with me so we could chill and talk.



  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    when they use the idea of "wanderlust" to justify being an unreliable self centered person who is bad with money.

    just because you read "on the road" once doesn't make you an old soul, Becky ffs.
  • slessofme
    slessofme Posts: 7,739 Member
    shaf238 wrote: »
    "Does this make me look fat?"

    Oh boy, sometimes women have to tiptoe around this question with other women too. I've learned to respond with something like "if it draped a little differently or was shorter/longer". I learned to shift the question to " is this complimentary to my body".
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    slessofme wrote: »
    shaf238 wrote: »
    "Does this make me look fat?"

    Oh boy, sometimes women have to tiptoe around this question with other women too. I've learned to respond with something like "if it draped a little differently or was shorter/longer". I learned to shift the question to " is this complimentary to my body".
    I've got to the point now where I'll give a simple yes or no :)
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    edited August 2018
    -Men who find the need to brag about money, belongings or the size of their Richard
    -When friendliness is used as an opening to flirt or be inappropriate
    -Men who talk poorly about their exes

    That just about summarises most guys... :o

    I disagree, but perhaps I have been lucky with the majority of men I’ve spoken too.

    Here’s the thing.

    If someone is bragging about things/money then it’s fair to assume that they would think it’s of interest to me. It isn’t. I’m interested in the person I’m talking to, not their bank statements. I make my own money and need not for anyone to take care of me. Second if he needs to brag about Richard it’s probably because Richard is small. I shouldn’t have to not be friendly. Men and women should be able to converse without him taking my friendliness as an open invite to flirt. If I’m being overly friendly I get it, but then everyone’s ideas of overly friendly is different and this is a war I will not win. Talking poorly about exes is disrespectful and a big red flag for it’s a chance I could one day be their ex and they will be talking of me just the same. And the last point well I don’t think I need to explain why hypocrisy is on the list.

    There used to be a guy here who has been back multiple times I learned recently who would talk about his big house and all these fancy parties his horrible wife dragged him to. He never mentioned the "bits" so I'd have to assume they were average. But I dunno, the guy was 60 and trying to win over internet women bragging about his wealth while still working. My dad retired at 53 after working hard to give us a great life. I'd be more impressed hearing about that. My dad was comfortable and this "wealthy" guy had nothing
  • Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings
    Way too many pillows on the bed and the struggle to actually get any of them.

    Those are for decoration, just like all the towels in every bathroom! Don't touch!
  • ChaelAZ
    ChaelAZ Posts: 2,240 Member
    Haha! First off this made my morning. Second, I knew a guy who carried on just like this. It’s safe to say we don’t speak anymore.

    Well cheers chica. Glad to brighten your day a bit.

  • covetthycarbs
    covetthycarbs Posts: 300 Member
    It irritates me when men blow their noses so loudly. Almost as if they are about to force their brain matter into the tissue.
  • Misty_1375
    Misty_1375 Posts: 759 Member
    km8907 wrote: »
    LMNOP55 wrote: »
    LMNOP55 wrote: »
    -Men who find the need to brag about money, belongings or the size of their Richard
    -When friendliness is used as an opening to flirt or be inappropriate
    -Men who talk poorly about their exes

    I hear ya, Meg. The other day I was reviewing my 401(k), trying to figure out if $3MM was enough to retire at 59.5 and this guy came into my office ranting about his ex. I was like "whoa, bro! I don't need to hear that! My ex is a beotch herself, always whining about this and that so don't tell me your problems"

    Well it pissed him off and he kicked me right in my 12" dong region. Hurt like a sumbitch. Fortunately my Maserati has cooling seats.

    If u have 3.3 mil and own a maserati ur doing it wrong

    But my Maserati does 185.

    So does my Fiat if I dropped it out of a plane.

    I just busted out laughing at this. People in the office looked at me all weird
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    It irritates me when men blow their noses so loudly. Almost as if they are about to force their brain matter into the tissue.

    So we DO know each other.
    It irritates me when men blow their noses so loudly. Almost as if they are about to force their brain matter into the tissue.

    this also sounds super familiar. and sneezes too loud. If you sneezes make me jump out of my skin you are doing it wrong

    Hi there. Mine rattle windows. People send me "Bless you" texts from the far reaches of the office when I let one go.
  • Svanel
    Svanel Posts: 6,255 Member
    shaf238 wrote: »
    "Does this make me look fat?"

    I don't ask. If I like something enough, I'll wear it. :)
  • Svanel
    Svanel Posts: 6,255 Member
    Jealousy. It's a deal breaker.
    When you're being polite and they read it as flirting.
    Not cleaning up after themselves. General laziness.
    They eat more take out than home cooked meals. I understand the convenience but sometimes it's nice to have a nice home cooked meal. Gotta know how to cook.
    Their idea of waking up early is waking up at 1pm. Unless you work nights, no.
    Constant mention of money. I don't care. I make my own. I sustain my lifestyle.
    Lack of manners.
  • Misty_1375
    Misty_1375 Posts: 759 Member
    shaf238 wrote: »
    slessofme wrote: »
    shaf238 wrote: »
    "Does this make me look fat?"

    Oh boy, sometimes women have to tiptoe around this question with other women too. I've learned to respond with something like "if it draped a little differently or was shorter/longer". I learned to shift the question to " is this complimentary to my body".
    I've got to the point now where I'll give a simple yes or no :)

    You're very brave my friend
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    There was a comment about ‘macho’..... my peeve is women who don’t understand a man sometimes has to be a man. No one should WANT to fight. But if you must, you need to know how.

  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    There was a comment about ‘macho’..... my peeve is women who don’t understand a man sometimes has to be a man. No one should WANT to fight. But if you must, you need to know how.

    There's a difference though between defending yourself or protecting somebody vs those loud mouth guys who just wanna start sht for the sake of starting sht, just to throw punches or belittle somebody.