September 2018 Running Challenge



  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    mostly, i worry about owis and distracted drivers.

    I read this as "owls" and was composing a response about aggressive birds until I re-read. Heh oops. That said, birds really can be jerks.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    mostly, i worry about owis and distracted drivers.

    I read this as "owls" and was composing a response about aggressive birds until I re-read. Heh oops. That said, birds really can be jerks.

    redwings and canada geese can get very aggressive over their nesting sites
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @MegaMooseEsq I also think drivers get into a certain belief that they are the only ones out. This morning I was running and saw a car not even slow down for a stop sign. Just blew right through. Yes at 430 am there aren't a lot of cars but I see this happen at this intersection all hours of the day. It's like they think only they matter and everyone else will stop for them. And you don't want to honk or flip them off because they probably have a gun. Ahhh the wild west.

    @mbaker566 I was in Milwaukee a few years ago. I was telling my DH ok the hotel we picked isn't the best neighborhood. We get there and I'm all wait... are we in the right spot? Saw the rave eagles ballroom and was like yup but this is not what it looked like 10 years ago.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,114 Member
    September goal: 85 miles

    9/2: 7 miles
    9/4: 4.5 miles
    9/5: 4.5 miles
    9/6: 5.5 miles
    9/9: 7.5 miles
    9/10: 2.1 miles
    9/11: 5 miles
    9/12: 4.8 miles
    9/13: 4.7 miles
    9/16: 8.2 miles
    9/18: 4.7 miles
    9/19: 5 miles
    9/20: 4.3 miles

    67.8/85 miles completed

    I ran 4.3 miles this morning. It was a good run. I feel like my pace has improved a lot lately. I felt like I was slow starting out, but my first mile was actually pretty good. This humidity is getting old though. The temperature wasn't too bad and it actually felt pretty nice for about the first .25 mile, but once I got warmed up the humidity became more and more uncomfortable. I'm sure it won't be long before I am complaining about the cold, but I am pretty tired of the heat so for now I am looking forward to cooler weather.

    @RunRachelleRun I would be so scared if someone followed me while I was running. I carry pepper spray when I run. I am most concerned about loose dogs, although we do have our share of addicts who wander the streets. I don't see a lot of them early in the morning, but I do see them occasionally. I do run with music, but I only wear one earbud and when it is dark I run on a sidewalk along a well lit road. I live in a pretty small town so I know a lot of people and I feel safe when I'm out running. We don't have bears around here so really dogs, skunks and snakes are the main things I worry about. If I lived somewhere like @rheddmobile I would not run by myself and I would carry a gun. But I think that driving somewhere else to run is the best decision in that situation. I do have a licence to carry and I have been looking for a compact hand gun that I could carry while running. I know my husband would feel better if I had it with me but I will have to find the right holster for that.


    2018 races:
    5/19/18: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon - 2:43:59.7. - 2nd place AG
    11/10/18: Wags & Whiskers 5K
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »

    @RunRachelleRun I would be so scared if someone followed me while I was running. I carry pepper spray when I run. I am most concerned about loose dogs, although we do have our share of addicts who wander the streets. I don't see a lot of them early in the morning, but I do see them occasionally. I do run with music, but I only wear one earbud and when it is dark I run on a sidewalk along a well lit road. I live in a pretty small town so I know a lot of people and I feel safe when I'm out running. We don't have bears around here so really dogs, skunks and snakes are the main things I worry about. If I lived somewhere like @rheddmobile I would not run by myself and I would carry a gun. But I think that driving somewhere else to run is the best decision in that situation. I do have a licence to carry and I have been looking for a compact hand gun that I could carry while running. I know my husband would feel better if I had it with me but I will have to find the right holster for that.

    i personally like the walthers. they fit my hand the best. they have a ccp meant for ccw.
    i've seen a few holsters that look like a flipbelt. i've never tried any on yet
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    Thanks for the advice, ladies. I am so glad we don't have the gun issue here in Canada. I can't imagine running with one or having to worry about one being used on me. I had to look up what ccp and ccw meant. I believe you can only get a gun license here for hunting rifles and shotguns.

    Do you just hook the pepper spray on your waist @kgirlhart or do you carry it in your hand?

    Great idea @RunsonEspresso. I should find a self-defense class. That would improve my confidence. And I need to figure out that Garmin tracking that @sarahthes mentioned so my husband could see where I am.

    1.98 miles today C25K Week 5 Day 2 (8 min runs, 5 min walks)

    MTD 15.58 / 25 miles

    Next up, 20 mins on Saturday. Then, I understand from Dr. Google that standard advice is to take 14 days off after my surgery (wide excision on back) on Wednesday. Bah. Just as things are ramping up again. I will have three more runs before that (Sat, Mon, and Wed). So, assuming I succeed with the 20 mins on Saturday, do I stick with the C25K schedule after? It goes back to 5, 8, and 10 min run sections with walk breaks. Or should I attempt to do the 20-mins straight twice more while I can, in an attempt to help it stick into my muscle memory before the break? I'd love to be able to pick up close to where I leave off.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,114 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    kgirlhart wrote: »

    @RunRachelleRun I would be so scared if someone followed me while I was running. I carry pepper spray when I run. I am most concerned about loose dogs, although we do have our share of addicts who wander the streets. I don't see a lot of them early in the morning, but I do see them occasionally. I do run with music, but I only wear one earbud and when it is dark I run on a sidewalk along a well lit road. I live in a pretty small town so I know a lot of people and I feel safe when I'm out running. We don't have bears around here so really dogs, skunks and snakes are the main things I worry about. If I lived somewhere like @rheddmobile I would not run by myself and I would carry a gun. But I think that driving somewhere else to run is the best decision in that situation. I do have a licence to carry and I have been looking for a compact hand gun that I could carry while running. I know my husband would feel better if I had it with me but I will have to find the right holster for that.

    i personally like the walthers. they fit my hand the best. they have a ccp meant for ccw.
    i've seen a few holsters that look like a flipbelt. i've never tried any on yet

    I haven't really looked at any walthers yet, but I will check them out. I'm kind of leaning toward a Sig Saur P938. I use a flipbelt and I like it a lot, so I was thinking that one of the belly band holsters may be what I need.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,114 Member
    edited September 2018
    Thanks for the advice, ladies. I am so glad we don't have the gun issue here in Canada. I can't imagine running with one or having to worry about one being used on me. I had to look up what ccp and ccw meant. I believe you can only get a gun license here for hunting rifles and shotguns.

    Do you just hook the pepper spray on your waist @kgirlhart or do you carry it in your hand?

    Great idea @RunsonEspresso. I should find a self-defense class. That would improve my confidence. And I need to figure out that Garmin tracking that @sarahthes mentioned so my husband could see where I am.

    1.98 miles today C25K Week 5 Day 2 (8 min runs, 5 min walks)

    MTD 15.58 / 25 miles

    Next up, 20 mins on Saturday. Then, I understand from Dr. Google that standard advice is to take 14 days off after my surgery (wide excision on back) on Wednesday. Bah. Just as things are ramping up again. I will have three more runs before that (Sat, Mon, and Wed). So, assuming I succeed with the 20 mins on Saturday, do I stick with the C25K schedule after? It goes back to 5, 8, and 10 min run sections with walk breaks. Or should I attempt to do the 20-mins straight twice more while I can, in an attempt to help it stick into my muscle memory before the break? I'd love to be able to pick up close to where I leave off.

    I have one that I carry in my hand. I got it on Amazon.
    SABRE RED Pepper Gel Spray - Police Strength - Runner with Adjustable Hand Strap (Max Protection - 35 bursts, up to 5x's More)
    by SABRE RED
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,525 Member

    This is it....I abandoned all hope this morning. It is going to be unbearably hot and humid forever. I am doomed to live the rest of my life a sweaty mess.

    Highs still in the 90s and humidity hovering above 98 (million)%, since forever and ever. Is a low temp somewhere in the 60s too much to ask for at the end of September?!? Come on, Mother Nature.

    AMEN Sister!!!
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    This is it....I abandoned all hope this morning. It is going to be unbearably hot and humid forever. I am doomed to live the rest of my life a sweaty mess.

    Highs still in the 90s and humidity hovering above 98 (million)%, since forever and ever. Is a low temp somewhere in the 60s too much to ask for at the end of September?!? Come on, Mother Nature.

    You described yesterday's weather/run perfectly and I would have had more of the same today but today is my non-run/gym day!! The record high for yesterday was 95 in 1954 and was forecasted to be 94, but I know my phone showed 95 w/ heat index of 101.

    However, a nice cool front is coming in tonight and tomorrow is supposed to be a 20 degree temp change, so should be nice for my long run on Sat!! Looking further ahead, I'm seeing lows in the 40s and highs in the low 60s!!

    Hopefully Texas will get some relief soon.
  • travelling_lots
    travelling_lots Posts: 377 Member
    Seems more things are coming up niw a days. No matter what time of day the runs or walks are.

    I always drive around first counting the km, trees, drive ways, parked cars (vans), construction areas, everything. I don't leave anything to chance. But even when you think you know you have been cautious and careful. You just never know who else is doing the same for other reasons and you may end up still at the wrong place and wrong time.
    The area were I'm out niw has an issue with skunks and foxes some random chayotees but it's good.

    GTA of greater Vancouver has changed in the last 20 years but the crime is not as bad as greater Toronto.

    @RunRachelleRun what area are you in? I used to drive out to Richmond for my running, a lot easier in every way. Are you originally from Vancouver?

    Also for @kgirlhart pepper spray is a good idea BUT
    A few things here:
    - you have to know how to use it,
    - -must be aware of how different attackers would react if peppered sprayed.
    - Some may not react as you think and may just infuriate them and come back at you with a vengeance and who knows what the result. Or Ie: you pepper spray someone and by accident he gets hit by a car who do you think would be at fault there if he dies?
    - Also pepper spray is illegal
    - Plus remember your attacker if arrested can also file charges on you for that attack

    Yes, a lot of things to think about. Before getting pepper spray, if you do I would say be extremely sure it's going to be used on a wild animal in self defence only.

    I'm very sorry to put all that information out for you guys but
    -just do your homework on your routes,
    -try to run with a run buddy if possible,
    -if you run with music you can actually hear if a car sneaks up behind you.
    -always let someone know your route (and don't take same one each time) what time you leave and get home.
    - Always check when going home your not picking up strays following you either. What doesn't happen then , could be setting opportunity for a next time.
    - Carry a whistle, and always a head lamp after sundown same rules as when cars need to have their driving lights on for visibility.
    But most important have fun after taken all the safety points best you can. And hopefully nothing will ever happen just my suggestion. It's basically how I do things.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    edited September 2018
    rusgolden wrote: »
    This is it....I abandoned all hope this morning. It is going to be unbearably hot and humid forever. I am doomed to live the rest of my life a sweaty mess.

    Highs still in the 90s and humidity hovering above 98 (million)%, since forever and ever. Is a low temp somewhere in the 60s too much to ask for at the end of September?!? Come on, Mother Nature.

    You described yesterday's weather/run perfectly and I would have had more of the same today but today is my non-run/gym day!! The record high for yesterday was 95 in 1954 and was forecasted to be 94, but I know my phone showed 95 w/ heat index of 101.

    However, a nice cool front is coming in tonight and tomorrow is supposed to be a 20 degree temp change, so should be nice for my long run on Sat!! Looking further ahead, I'm seeing lows in the 40s and highs in the low 60s!!

    Hopefully Texas will get some relief soon.

    @rusgolden Gasp! You are right! I just checked the weather for Saturday. A low of 66 degrees!!!!! :) Oh, that makes me happy. There is an 80% chance of rain but if it is 66 degrees my butt is going out for a really wet AND NOT HOT run. Hooray!

    I am not seeing any 40 degree weather but that is normal. We don't normally see the temperature dip that low until December (if we are lucky).
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    rusgolden wrote: »
    This is it....I abandoned all hope this morning. It is going to be unbearably hot and humid forever. I am doomed to live the rest of my life a sweaty mess.

    Highs still in the 90s and humidity hovering above 98 (million)%, since forever and ever. Is a low temp somewhere in the 60s too much to ask for at the end of September?!? Come on, Mother Nature.

    You described yesterday's weather/run perfectly and I would have had more of the same today but today is my non-run/gym day!! The record high for yesterday was 95 in 1954 and was forecasted to be 94, but I know my phone showed 95 w/ heat index of 101.

    However, a nice cool front is coming in tonight and tomorrow is supposed to be a 20 degree temp change, so should be nice for my long run on Sat!! Looking further ahead, I'm seeing lows in the 40s and highs in the low 60s!!

    Hopefully Texas will get some relief soon.

    @rusgolden Gasp! You are right! I just checked the weather for Saturday. A low of 66 degrees!!!!! :) Oh, that makes me happy. There is an 80% chance of rain but if it is 66 degrees my butt is going out for a really wet AND NOT HOT run. Hooray!

    I am not seeing any 40 degree weather but that is normal. We don't normally see the temperature dip that low until December (if we are lucky).

    Maybe your 66 degrees is why we are getting 5 cm (2") of snow...
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,114 Member
    @travelling_lots I do know how to use pepper spray and it is not illegal in the US to carry pepper spray although some states may have restrictions on the size or strength of the spray.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,114 Member
    rusgolden wrote: »
    This is it....I abandoned all hope this morning. It is going to be unbearably hot and humid forever. I am doomed to live the rest of my life a sweaty mess.

    Highs still in the 90s and humidity hovering above 98 (million)%, since forever and ever. Is a low temp somewhere in the 60s too much to ask for at the end of September?!? Come on, Mother Nature.

    You described yesterday's weather/run perfectly and I would have had more of the same today but today is my non-run/gym day!! The record high for yesterday was 95 in 1954 and was forecasted to be 94, but I know my phone showed 95 w/ heat index of 101.

    However, a nice cool front is coming in tonight and tomorrow is supposed to be a 20 degree temp change, so should be nice for my long run on Sat!! Looking further ahead, I'm seeing lows in the 40s and highs in the low 60s!!

    Hopefully Texas will get some relief soon.

    @rusgolden Gasp! You are right! I just checked the weather for Saturday. A low of 66 degrees!!!!! :) Oh, that makes me happy. There is an 80% chance of rain but if it is 66 degrees my butt is going out for a really wet AND NOT HOT run. Hooray!

    I am not seeing any 40 degree weather but that is normal. We don't normally see the temperature dip that low until December (if we are lucky).

    I'm showing we may get some lows of 57 next week. And highs in the 70's.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    kgirlhart wrote: »

    @RunRachelleRun I would be so scared if someone followed me while I was running. I carry pepper spray when I run. I am most concerned about loose dogs, although we do have our share of addicts who wander the streets. I don't see a lot of them early in the morning, but I do see them occasionally. I do run with music, but I only wear one earbud and when it is dark I run on a sidewalk along a well lit road. I live in a pretty small town so I know a lot of people and I feel safe when I'm out running. We don't have bears around here so really dogs, skunks and snakes are the main things I worry about. If I lived somewhere like @rheddmobile I would not run by myself and I would carry a gun. But I think that driving somewhere else to run is the best decision in that situation. I do have a licence to carry and I have been looking for a compact hand gun that I could carry while running. I know my husband would feel better if I had it with me but I will have to find the right holster for that.

    i personally like the walthers. they fit my hand the best. they have a ccp meant for ccw.
    i've seen a few holsters that look like a flipbelt. i've never tried any on yet

    I haven't really looked at any walthers yet, but I will check them out. I'm kind of leaning toward a Sig Saur P938. I use a flipbelt and I like it a lot, so I was thinking that one of the belly band holsters may be what I need.

    i'm not sure about your experience but if you are interested check local gun shops. one near me has self defense class with ccw to learn not to be disarmed. also combat in close quarters, and other such classes that i would take if i had a ccw

    is it something i want to do and to need to know? absolutely not, but if it's you or me...i will defend myself
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    While decidedly not female, no offense to the wonderful ladies here, concealed carry is not unusual for me when I run. I have 2-3 different weapons and a fanny pack holster that works great for quick access. For my first run in any area, if legal with my GA permit, I will almost always be carrying. The biggest reminder I have for people that choose to carry (no matter the firearm, holster type, or non-lethal spray) is to practice. Being unable to access the weapon quickly or utilize it effectively can turn what should be an asset for you into a weapon for the aggressor.

    3.4 miles this morning, 5k with a cool down walk. Splits 11:41, 10:43, 10:31. As with our Texas runners, I feel that humidity and temps make me sound like a broken record with temps usually in the 70's but humidity in the 96-98% range, I am sopping wet even after short runs. Tomorrow is upper body circuit and then local 5k on Saturday.
