October 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    10/01 - 10 miles
    10/02 - 0 miles
    10/03 - 11 miles
    10/04 - 9 miles
    10/05 - 0
    10/06 - 12? Forgot to start watch *grumble*
    10/07 - 0
    10/08 - 15.5
    10/09 - 0 - had to take Jeep for inspection instead
    10/10 - 0 miles - Driving
    10/11 = 12.5 in the rain

    Upcoming Races:

    Harvest 10 Miler - November 2018

    Steel Challange 5k - May 2019
    Pittsburgh Marathon - May 2019
    Glacier Ridge 50k Trail Race - May 2019

    --More as I find them - need to find a nice trail race

    2021 - Disney World Dopey! (if can raise funds)

    2019 GOAL: Knock a full hour off my 50k time at Glacier Ridge.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @amymoreorless - Thanks for sharing!
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    10/1 - lifted
    10/2 - 2.4 miles - W7D1 of C25k. Ran for 25 minutes straight :-o
    10/4 - lifted
    10/5- 2.5 miles - W7D2.
    10/6- lifted/went on "hike" (with 2 year old, we didn't get far), rode bikes - good day
    10/9-torrential downpour, didn't get to run :( plus my basement flooded, woopee
    10/11- 2.2 miles W7D3

    Since I'm doing C25k, it has you walk 5 minutes as a warm up, but since it's getting a little cold outside, I decided to do a little warm up inside like squats/lunges/jumped around a little bit so I could just run straight out the front door. It was fine I think.

    I passed by a group of three guys running with head lamps. At that point I looked down at myself and realized I was wearing head to toe gray. What do you all use when running at dark? Is a reflective arm band thing good enough? Should I get a light of some sort? I've seen a guy running with just a circular blinking light clipped onto his shirt before. I run in well-lit areas if that makes a difference.

    I've been experimenting with different things for visibility. I've tried out three high-vis safety vests and not liked any of them - I found them distracting and hard to fit well (one size fits none). I try and buy clothing in bright, reflective colors when I can, but have sometimes struggled with that, especially with pants and heavier tops. I ran a night race where they gave away head lamps but I haven't tried running with it again - I didn't love how it effected my posture. I think my favorite so far has been taking the "free" reflective bands that came with the vests I didn't return and wrapping them around my arms and legs. I'm guessing how comfortable and secure that is would depend on your anatomy and running form, but they're pretty adjustable so there are lots of options. The picture below is from after a 6.5 mile run a couple of days ago - I didn't have to adjust them at all once I got going, although I did make sure to line them up so the parts where they fastened were facing away from my body, and one of them did snag my cheap leggings a little. I've gone out with just arm bands before but I like the idea of spreading out the visibility to different moving parts of me.

    Picture below the cut:

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited October 2018
    @MegaMooseEsq that's mostly what i look like too. and i have a baseball hat with a 4 led lights. i've seen brim lights too. my dogs leashes are reflective. 2 dogs have reflective collars. the dog leash belt is reflective too. and i have a "vest" that is more like suspenders that clips at my natural waist and is fully adjustable (see photo)

    on my christmas list is a beanie made with reflective thread
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    10/1 - lifted
    10/2 - 2.4 miles - W7D1 of C25k. Ran for 25 minutes straight :-o
    10/4 - lifted
    10/5- 2.5 miles - W7D2.
    10/6- lifted/went on "hike" (with 2 year old, we didn't get far), rode bikes - good day
    10/9-torrential downpour, didn't get to run :( plus my basement flooded, woopee
    10/11- 2.2 miles W7D3

    Since I'm doing C25k, it has you walk 5 minutes as a warm up, but since it's getting a little cold outside, I decided to do a little warm up inside like squats/lunges/jumped around a little bit so I could just run straight out the front door. It was fine I think.

    I passed by a group of three guys running with head lamps. At that point I looked down at myself and realized I was wearing head to toe gray. What do you all use when running at dark? Is a reflective arm band thing good enough? Should I get a light of some sort? I've seen a guy running with just a circular blinking light clipped onto his shirt before. I run in well-lit areas if that makes a difference.

    I run in well lit areas in a high vis vest, the kind construction workers wear. It was cheap and it breathes. There is a guy who often runs the same path in the morning, he has a headlamp. I've spoken to work mates who drive past me in the morning, and they prefer the high vis vest - can be seen a long way away. The headlamp is just confusing. And given my goal is to be seen, I'll stick with that.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I bought rechargeable clip on lights but turns out I don't have a place to clip it. So what I do is use the bike mount (I think its silicon? ) and wear it like a ring. So basically made myself a knuckle light.

    Plus my hydration vest has reflective stuff on it.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    That's a significant change. What happened to increase her time by half an hour??
    @Avidkeo I don't know - it sounds like there were other people who had time corrections also. She is down in the Phoenix, Arizona area right now doing some R&R plus mountain biking with friends so I won't see her for at least another 2 weeks. So wish I had done a screen shot of it when it showed the 3:27:27. I have done HM's with her and chased her to a 2:12:xx HM so to drop a 3:27:27 for a full would have been an amazing accomplishment. She has had a good year with lots of Ultra's so HM and M are shorties for her right now.

    @mbaker566 In the first picture of your new foster he/she looked so calm, looked like he was standing at the door with the leash on waiting to go for a run/walk. 2nd picture after the escape & destruction - relaxing with a Who Me? expression naw you must be mistaken I didn't do that.

    @shanaber That doggy cone collar looks inflatable - definitely need Antennas and some LED flashing lights for the Halloween Walk about.

    @Orphia @Elise4270 Will be looking at the holes in the sheet when I get home tonight and setting my alarm clock to wake up at weird times for a headlight run.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Sitting here before going to club practice this evening, catching up on posts.

    24 (or 26.2) hour run for Dennis: I'll be running some time Sunday, but my schedule is such that I can't easily predict when. So I have not signed up. Running Boston 2019 for Dennis will have to be good enough.

    Running in the rain: Checked the forecast. I have a 15K race Saturday morning. Forecast says 90% chance of rain Saturday, low 40, high 53. Sounds like Boston 2018, though I doubt it will rain that hard. The 3 or 4 miles along Lake Ontario might be reminiscent of Boston, particularly with the forecast calling for a west or WNW wind to drive whatever rain there is into my face; but it's only 9.3 miles. Shouldn't be a problem.
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,129 Member
    06/10 3.17 miles
    10/10 3.19 miles
    11/10 3.19 miles

    Its the calm before the storm this evening, lovely mild evening and clear skys. Hard to believe were going to get blasted by 80 mph winds and rain in a few hours


  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited October 2018

    Wasn't gonna run this morning d/t remnants of Michael hitting us and all that. Rolled out of bed at 0515 to the steady drumbeat of droplets on the roof, but no lightning. Dressed in my usual t-shirt and running shorts with a UA lightweight long sleeved top and a running hat(can't remember who first suggested this for the rain runs, but thank you) and proceeded to my usual running area by work. About halfway there the wind took a tree down as I was passing it, thought I had moved far enough out of the way, but alas I have to replace a headlight assembly. I truly lucked out as the car was still driveable and I was wholly unhurt. Got to the gym, climbed out and sprinkling but the wind had picked up, still no lightning. Reminded myself that races are not stopped d/t rain so needed to get the run in (thank you @PastorVincent , @Avidkeo and @MobyCarp , etc...). Started off all wrong, first step of the run was in a huge puddle I missed in the dark, at what I thought was a middling pace for the first mile to warm-up. The lap pace on the app said 12:15 for the first mile and I thought huh, that wasn't so bad. Miles 2 and 3 were 11:08 and 11:31 respectively, then back to the 12: for miles 4 and 5, 12:18 and 12:27. The end of my run this morning was by a huge puddle, picture 2-3 inches deep and about 15 feet long. Figured I was about to go inside anyways and was mostly soaked, as the rain and wind both picked up markedly during the jaunt, so I stomped and kicked through the puddle, making a general mess of myself. It felt great. Trying to decide a distance for long slow run on Saturday and need some advice. 2 weeks out from HM, did 12miles 2 weeks ago and 9 miles last week, so I was thinking of somewhere in between @ 10-11 miles but not sure. Next week will be Monday hills, Tuesday 5, Wednesday lift/quick 1+ miler, Thursday 5, Friday lift/no run or zippy 1+miler if time, Saturday 6-7, and Sunday rest.

    ETA: ticker

    You had a tree come down on your car while you were driving to your running place, and you still ran?? I bow to you, that is impressive. I would have probably turned around and gone back home! I have to say stomping through the puddle sounds like fun!

    I'm no expert, but 2 weeks out you could do 10-11 miles. I'm doing 20k (12.5 miles) 2 weeks before mine according to training plan.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    OMG that is incredible. Way to go Nike.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,679 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    @eleanorhawkins it's 5:15am, blowing a gale and pouring with rain. And I'm supposed to do 12k. No shame if I cut it short right? 😂

    Get out there woman!!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    @eleanorhawkins it's 5:15am, blowing a gale and pouring with rain. And I'm supposed to do 12k. No shame if I cut it short right? 😂

    Get out there woman!!

    Went, rain stopped by the time I went out, so 12k in an annoying wind that kept changing direction, grrr
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,679 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    @eleanorhawkins it's 5:15am, blowing a gale and pouring with rain. And I'm supposed to do 12k. No shame if I cut it short right? 😂

    Get out there woman!!

    Went, rain stopped by the time I went out, so 12k in an annoying wind that kept changing direction, grrr

    Good you. I went out at 6am. It sounded really stormy from my bed but when I went out the door it was merely blustery with the occasional very light shower. Too easy to turn over - the weather always sounds worse than it is!