October 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    QM race report?

    Weather was perfect at the start, clear mid-low 50's (50F=10C) very light breeze.

    Miles 1-2 were fine. Did not feel strong, tried so hard to rein it in but i was surrounded by strong runners, not the walkers that stage incorrectly. So i hung in there, tried to find the pace screen on my watch, that was still set up for interval training... Gave up, just tried to go by breathing.

    Mile 3-4 it became clear that i would not run this without pain. Mile 4 walked a bit and had a full strength Gatorade (great race venue, but i did expect 1/2 water).

    Mile 5. Plauged with left ITB pain and right hip pain, i tried to talk myself up. But every step hurt more than the last. 5.80 walked some more.

    Made it to 6 miles and struggled overcoming the bodily resistance. Last bit it became evident, I really do need that next appointment with the doc. I kept catching myself holding my breath, somehow hoping it'd help with the pain. It did not.

    Made it across the finish line. Awesome medal, btw I'll have to add a pic to Strava, i was so pained rum dum that i had no joy in completing this race. Then guilt for not being able to hold the memory of @KeepRunningFatboy . Eating danishes also did not help trick the brain from processing the crybaby knee/itb.

    As of now, I'm crossing all my races off. Well, Hawaii is still on. I can do 2 mile relays. And im cutting my runs back to 2-3 miles.

    Waited on Eric to finish the half. Froze. Stiffened up. Shuffled half way back to the hotel before Eric caught up to me and offered to get the car so i didn't have to walk another block. I'm in sad sad shape. Hot shower and bath, hot coffee i felt better. Right hip is cranky. Left itb is horrid. I'll fetch the ice pack soon.

    As you may have noticed on Strava, i placed 2nd AG. Eric 1st AG. I just have no happy in it since it seems I'm done racing/runnin for a while.... again.. or again and again... Or is it again, again and again... (Yes overly dramatic poor me).

    Tldr eh, go on to the next post.

    Sorry, it sucked, but man, still nailed an age group placement? You're A BEAST!

    Get better, and then you can get back out there.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »

    @MobyCarp - I am in complete and total awe that you can a full marathon just 2 weeks ago and you've jumped right back in with more races. My hat is off to you!

    Channeling @PastorVincent - What I did there is probably not the best thing for a random MFP member to try. It worked out well this time, but . . .

    In 2016, I ran Boston then turned around and ran Flower City Half 6 days later. Result: Lots of couch time.

    In 2017, I ran Boston the turned around and ran a PR 10K 13 days later: Result: I got away with it, but it set back Boston recovery by about a week.

    In early 2018, I ran Boston then turned around and ran the same 10K as 2017 13 days later, but made no effort to make it a PR. Result: I got away with it, no PR, my team didn't make the podium as it could have if I'd pushed for a minute faster finish, and I'm totally OK with hurting the team's result to reduce my chance of injury.

    So it really took me 3 tries to learn how to understand what my body is telling me in marathon recovery. This time, I didn't decide to run the races until after my body indicated that I could run a race, though perhaps not an "A" race. It wasn't really as simple as deciding, I'm going to run a marathon then run a bunch of other races. It was more like deciding, I'm going to run a marathon with the major goal of finishing uninjured and having an easy recovery; then see how well I'm doing versus that goal before committing to the races after the marathon.

    Yeah, seriously. Please do not do as I do. I push all kinds of limits and break all kinds of rules. Most of which I never post here for I know most would get hurt if they did what I did.

    Thing is I am smarter about it than it seems. When I ran the 50k 6 days after a Marathon PR, I was prepared to DNS if I was not feeling up to it. I have DNS several races over the years. I am pretty good about paying attention to warning signs (most of the time) so I can push a bit harder and know when to back off.
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    @Elise4270 AG place despite the pain🤯. /hug so next year after recovering you will PR this one right :D
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @MegaMooseEsq Costco in Canada sells fleece-lined Mondetta tights. I've found them pretty good down to about -8 to -10C (colder than that and I need another layer).
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    October Goal: 100 miles
    10/1: planned rest day
    10/2: 4.5 miles
    10/3: 9 miles
    10/4: 5.5 miles
    10/5: 7 miles
    10/6: cross train ditched for rest
    10/7: 3 miles
    10/8: planned rest
    10/9: rest until cleared by NP
    10/10: 10 miles
    10/11: 7 miles
    10/12: 5 miles
    10/13: 4.5 miles
    10/14: impromptu rest
    Total: 55.5 miles

    November - 5 mile Bare Bones Turkey Trot (22nd)
    December -

    January - Frosty 5k
    February - Run for the Chocolate 5k
    March - Penguin in the Park 5k
    April - Lake Sara Dam 5k
    May - Run Through the Jungle 5k
    June - French Fried 5k
    July - Firecracker 5k
    August - Happy Birthday to Me virtual 10k
    September 7th - 5k Glow Run
    October - Illinois Homecoming 5k
  • Michelle9912
    Michelle9912 Posts: 18 Member
    Glad your ok. Life happens there will be plenty of days to run
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    Sorry, guys, didn't run for dennis. Car accident took precedence. I'm fine, car not great.

    nooooo hugs!!! car accidents suck
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited October 2018
    This is the most awesome coffee mug I have ever beheld! It was given to me by my awesome baby sister on the day I performed her wedding! Consider the bar raised for all future wedding gifts. :smiley:
    (click through and see both sides!)

    That is an awesome mug! Didn't your sister wear purple? What a groovy bride!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    How are we going?

    I finished the Melbourne Marathon! That was brutal!! So warm!! :s:D My throat started constricting at 25 km and I had to walk a lot after that, and it became just a matter of trying to finish and staying out of Accident & Emergency. :D

    The first half went great, and I stuck to my conservative pace, not getting carried away. Quick loo stop at 20 km. But it was getting warm. People’s were saying there was lots of pollen. I don't get asthma but I've had types of exercise asthma (it’s a thing, I’ve read about it) now twice. If I walked/ran, I was OK, but my throat was constricted when I talked, and for a while when talking after I finished. It was hard to breathe through my mouth when running after a while.

    It got to about 24 degrees Celsius by the time I was done. I’ve only run in 10 degrees or less for the last 7 months. Out of 7,000 starters, 6,300 finished. I was in the back of the pack, and was interested to see all ages and sizes around me. I've never had to walk in a race, so this was humbling. Marathon number 3 if you count my 50 km. Proud to have finished at all.

    Well done! Exercise induced asthma is absolutely a thing. I think half the world's athletes have it. I get it. Wasn't really able to run more than a km before my chest got tight and I would be wheezing. Fortunately my running buddy is a GP and she recognised it. A couple of puffs of salbutamol before going for a run, and I'm sweet, and the difference is amazing. I went from walk/run 5k for weeks to running 5k complete within a week of having an inhaler. Definitely worth asking your Dr about it.

    @Avidkeo Thanks so much for writing that for me! You're so nice. Yes, my chest was tight, and I see today my heartrate was 195 at that point when it first hit me. Good to know it can be managed. I was worrying about running again soon.

    I've got an appointment tomorrow.

    Of course! That's why we are all here. Often it helps knowing it's not all in your head. Good luck at your appt and I hope they recognise it. At the very least ask for a salbutamol inhaler and see if that improves things. It has very few risks (actually none that I'm aware of but all medications come with risks lol). Technically you probably best to have tests such as spirometry, but ask if you can try an inhaler before your next runs to see if it helps. One thing to be aware of, not every one responds to salbutamol. Good luck!