

  • jacquelinej67
    jacquelinej67 Posts: 7 Member
    CSW 10/8: 164
    10/15: 164
    10/22: 159.8
    10/29: 161.6
    11/5: 161.6
    11/13: 160.6
    11/20: 159.8
    11/27: 160.8
    CGW: 152
    Last week I was on vacation, I had a nice time, stayed busy but I wasn’t the best at tracking. I know my life style is changing because when I didn’t make the best decisions or over ate, I felt miserable. Finally at 51 my mothers warning is making sense 😉
    This week focus is getting back on track.
  • MoStacy
    MoStacy Posts: 98 Member
    Starting Weight: 171.3 lbs
    Goal weight: 125 lbs

    Oct 08 - 171.3
    Oct 15 -171
    Oct 22 - 170.5
    Oct 29 - 169.7

    Nov 05 - 165.4
    Nov 12 - 164.7
    Nov 19 - 163.2 (worried about the after Thanksgiving weigh-in)
    Nov 26 - 167.4 (Ugh) Going to focus on increased movement, minimize holiday cheats...

    Dec 03 -
    Dec 10 -
    Dec 17 -
    Dec 24 -
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,417 Member
    Happy Friday everyone. Oh my gosh what a week, but it's almost over! Just a reminder to weigh in on Monday and let's make December strong!!

    We had our work Christmas party yesterday. I just had a couple of treats and of course a glass of wine and a rye and diet coke (yum!) but otherwise all my food choice were excellent. Today I am craving sugar..(from my treats) but it will be gone by tomorrow...I'm sure of it!

    OK...now to get serious and lose 5 lbs before the end of the year!!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,417 Member
    Reminder: weigh in tomorrow. Let’s have a great day today and see if we can get the scales moving!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,417 Member
    Week 6 Weight In!! Updated weight and goals for this week!

    CW: 153.8
    GW: 144
    Challenge Weight Loss to achieve: 9.8 lbs

    10/15/18: 152.8 (1 lb loss!)
    10/22/18: 152.2 (1/2 lb loss!)
    10/29/18: 155.6 (oops - hoping it's just water weight)
    11/05/18: 152.6 (back on track!)
    11/19/18: 155.6 (back up but was traveling over the weekend)
    11/26/18: 152.8
    12/03/18: 152.8 - I'm disappointed that I've only lost 1 lb this whole challenge...but on the other side if I wasn't trying how much would I have gained? I always gain between Thanksgiving into the winter. At least I am staying stable this year!

    Week 1 Challenges to over come:
    Absolutely NO buying anything downstairs at our little shop. NOTHING!!!!!!
    Keep my carbs at net 40 grams max. I follow a low carb lifestyle and I need to become more consistent

    Week 2 Challenges to over come:
    This week I'm going to work more on "moving more". I've been lazy for quite a while. I need to be more consistent getting in 10,000+ steps a day.
    Keep working on Week 1 challenges!

    Week 3 Challenges to over come:
    Two things I want to work on this week...one is finding some sort of distraction for when I feel hungry and just automatically reach for food. I need to either get up and walk or go get a drink of water! Second, this is my last week of yoga (paying) so I need to start doing yoga consistently at home. So starting this week 5/7 days I'll be doing at least 15 minutes of yoga.

    Week 4 Challenges to over come:
    Besides all the challenges above I'm still struggling to do, this week I am giving up dairy. I am beginning to wonder if dairy is bothering me...we shall see :)

    Week 5 Challenges - this week I'm just going to keep it simple. Simple low carb meals, get my steps in, do some yoga! Just stay on track!

    Week 6 Challenge - just stay on plan on Thursday! Keep my carbs as low as I can!

    Week 7 Challenge - Now is the count down to Christmas and the end of the year. I need to stop bouncing all over the place and start moving downwards! This week is to stay consistent with food and exercise and water! Thursday! Keep my carbs as low as I can!

    Week 8 Challenge - KEEP TRYING! :)
  • amagus
    amagus Posts: 71 Member
    edited December 2018
    Scale has been broken, need to get a new one so I am making that my current week action.
    CW:??? Year End GW:150 GW:145

  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    edited December 2018
    salleewins wrote: »

    1. I will look for lean protein with veggies or the salad with protein or just a vegetable salad with lemon and decaf coffee when out with client or friends. The challenge will be when and if I go home for 5 days with relatives at Christmas. I have planned the Christmas dinner. I hope they like my healthy choices??? Oh oh forgot the dessert. I have time to figure it out. There is so much junk food in town. How do I deal with it the rest of the days????????? For one thing, I won't be there as long as usual, if I go, lol. My thought so far is to have some favorites, expect a massive sodium related gain, but make a plan each day. I can limit to pizza, which I can't get that flavor at home. The rest of the choices I don't care as much about. So I am picking something I really want. Ok thanks for letting me think it out as I write!

    2. Doing pretty well with not over stressing myself.

    3. I ended up being over calories some days more than I have wanted. I developed a new plan that started today to put in a couple of protein bars among other things, to satisfy treat cravings and also help reach my goals better.

    4. Did OK on working on the quality of sleep. Can't find my sleep mask, which would really help. If I don't work the next day sometimes want to have caffeine past 2 pm. Oh well, it could be worse.

    5. I should be able to back my calories down about 100, cuz I am not losing fast enough and I keep throwing my hands up in the air. I should be able to be closer to 1300-1400 with new plan (net after exercise).

    6. Doing great with getting water in.

    7. Keeping up with non-food related activities. Will be able to make a girl's date this week as well.

    8. Started a home exercise program so I can get exercise done at home or the gym. My body is getting toned and the aerobic aspect getting done. Needed to spend more time in recovery, with increased water weight from it and not weigh every day. I make a decision to weigh or not each morning and I am getting ok with that.

  • mamananette
    mamananette Posts: 12 Member
    I missed last week's weigh-in because I just couldn't make myself look. I'm calling it my cheat week. This week I was right back on track though. Now I still weigh 150. I may not hit that goal of 145 by the end of the year, but I'll definitely keep trying.
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    12 Week Challenge

    Starting Weight: 165 lbs
    Goal weight: 155 lbs

    Oct 08 - 165
    Oct 15 -161.5
    Oct 22 - 166
    Oct 29 - 166

    Nov 05 - 166
    Nov 12 - 170
    Nov 19 - 170.4
    Nov 26 - no tracking

    Dec 03 - 168.6 lbs
    Dec 10 -
    Dec 17 -
    Dec 24
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    SW- challenge: 185.00
    GW- challenge: 175.00 (mostly Oct-Nov)
    CW - this week: 175.0

    (scale only measures half pounds)
    10/08/18: 185.0
    10/15/18: 183.0
    10/22/18: 183.5
    10/28/18 180.5
    11/05/18 178.00
    11/12/18 176.5
    11/19/18 174.5
    11/26/18 173.5
    12/03/18 175.0........... down 10 lbs overall

    On vacation this week and next. I'm really struggling with eating out. Next week will be a bit easier location wise as there are more fitness options. Just trying to avoid gaining back
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,417 Member
    I missed last week's weigh-in because I just couldn't make myself look. I'm calling it my cheat week. This week I was right back on track though. Now I still weigh 150. I may not hit that goal of 145 by the end of the year, but I'll definitely keep trying.

    definitely keep trying :)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,417 Member
    Hope everyone has a good Friday and weekend and remember to weigh in on Monday!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,417 Member
    Week 6 Weight In!! Updated weight and goals for this week!

    CW: 153.8
    GW: 144
    Challenge Weight Loss to achieve: 9.8 lbs

    10/15/18: 152.8 (1 lb loss!)
    10/22/18: 152.2 (1/2 lb loss!)
    10/29/18: 155.6 (oops - hoping it's just water weight)
    11/05/18: 152.6 (back on track!)
    11/19/18: 155.6 (back up but was traveling over the weekend)
    11/26/18: 152.8
    12/03/18: 152.8 - I'm disappointed that I've only lost 1 lb this whole challenge...but on the other side if I wasn't trying how much would I have gained? I always gain between Thanksgiving into the winter. At least I am staying stable this year!
    12/10/18: 152.6 - BUT....my clothes are fitting better and I definitely look slimmer. I don't have a lot of loss so I know that's why I've been bouncing all over the place, my goal is to get back into my size 8 pants and I need to be around 144 lbs. I'm in size 10 right now and they are comfortable..not tight anymore!

    Week 1 Challenges to over come:
    Absolutely NO buying anything downstairs at our little shop. NOTHING!!!!!!
    Keep my carbs at net 40 grams max. I follow a low carb lifestyle and I need to become more consistent

    Week 2 Challenges to over come:
    This week I'm going to work more on "moving more". I've been lazy for quite a while. I need to be more consistent getting in 10,000+ steps a day.
    Keep working on Week 1 challenges!

    Week 3 Challenges to over come:
    Two things I want to work on this week...one is finding some sort of distraction for when I feel hungry and just automatically reach for food. I need to either get up and walk or go get a drink of water! Second, this is my last week of yoga (paying) so I need to start doing yoga consistently at home. So starting this week 5/7 days I'll be doing at least 15 minutes of yoga.

    Week 4 Challenges to over come:
    Besides all the challenges above I'm still struggling to do, this week I am giving up dairy. I am beginning to wonder if dairy is bothering me...we shall see :)

    Week 5 Challenges - this week I'm just going to keep it simple. Simple low carb meals, get my steps in, do some yoga! Just stay on track!

    Week 6 Challenge - just stay on plan on Thursday! Keep my carbs as low as I can!

    Week 7 Challenge - Now is the count down to Christmas and the end of the year. I need to stop bouncing all over the place and start moving downwards! This week is to stay consistent with food and exercise and water! Thursday! Keep my carbs as low as I can!

    Week 8 Challenge - KEEP TRYING! :)

    Repeat week 8 :)
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    No change this week. Still on vacation so i'll take it!

    Home by the weekend when i'll be back to trying to lose.

    Have a great week!
  • nancym30
    nancym30 Posts: 27 Member
    Challenge SW 163; CW 157.8; new GW for end of year 155.
    Last December I was at my lowest in several decades, having lost nearly 60 pounds. I've kept all but 10 of that off, so I am very happy with that. I bought a warm new coat last year and I refuse to grow out of it. That helps keep me on track, its cold here and I gave away all of my bigger coats. :wink:
    I still do best when I plan and track my food, mfp really helps, so does my habit tracker. I finally realize I find it much easier to keep track and get on the scale, instead of not knowing and feeling out of control.
    Thanks again Carlsoda for organizing, and to everyone for posting on the challenge. It helps me to read how you are doing. Inspiring! We deserve to take care of and love ourselves!
  • Hyacinth_Hippo
    Hyacinth_Hippo Posts: 51 Member
    I haven't checked-in in a while... oops


    10/25/18: 218.2
    11/20/18: 217.4
    12/04/18: 219.2
    12/10/18: 213.8

    GW: 165
    Challenge Goal Weight: 205

    I don't think I will make my goal of 205, but I'm going to keep trying -anything under 210 would be a big win for me anyways!

    The habits i need to work on for this week are 1. meal prep 2. logging everything 3. DRINK WATER!
  • Liftinglex
    Liftinglex Posts: 49 Member
    I’m back after a two week break 😅 well kinda I’ve been consistent just not here ! Well I’m weighing in at 138 -2 pounds from my challenge goal weight!

    SW: 150
    CGW: 140
    CW: 138
    UGW: 135

    This weeks goal is no after dinner snacking !!
  • mamananette
    mamananette Posts: 12 Member
    :D I'm finally at 149 after plateauing at 150 for 5 weeks! Yay!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,417 Member
    :D I'm finally at 149 after plateauing at 150 for 5 weeks! Yay!

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,417 Member
    Week 6 Weight In!! Updated weight and goals for this week!

    CW: 153.8
    GW: 144
    Challenge Weight Loss to achieve: 9.8 lbs

    10/15/18: 152.8 (1 lb loss!)
    10/22/18: 152.2 (1/2 lb loss!)
    10/29/18: 155.6 (oops - hoping it's just water weight)
    11/05/18: 152.6 (back on track!)
    11/19/18: 155.6 (back up but was traveling over the weekend)
    11/26/18: 152.8
    12/03/18: 152.8
    12/10/18: 152.6
    12/17/18: 151.6

    Well...not much progress on the weight side of things, but boy I have been eating super good now for the last 7 weeks. No bingeing on sugary/carby foods at all. And my consumption of diet pop has dropped! I still enjoy a natural sugar free cola flavored beverage (zevia), but hardly any diet pepsi with the bad artificial sweeteners in it. So I'm calling this a huge win for me!

    Two more weeks of weigh in's and I'll set you free :) What are you plans to get through the holidays? I'm working on mine this week and will be baking healthy and unhealthy treats next weekend with the grandkids. Healthy for me & hubs to eat, unhealthy (sugar cookies) for the kiddos!