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Keto diet = good or bad



  • Wow... I’m so happy for you. You have blessed your whole family! You actually sound a lot like me. I too was in constant pain and bad health. I could barely walk because of the pain in both knees and Lowe back. Just like my stomach problems, the doctors couldn’t find a reason for the pain. I felt so old. Now, I run around and feel wonderful. I rejoice every single day now. I wish you continued success!!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    zeejane03 wrote: »
    Wow, so much misinformation about this way of eating.. Everyone’s giving their opinion but they don’t really know what they’re talking about.

    Keto is a very personalized way of eating, so it does look different for different people. However, there are some principles that must be understood to be successful. Unfortunately, most who attempt it, do so without the research. It is NOT a diet of deprivation!!

    My family is celebrating our 1-year “ketoversary” today and it has been the best year. I’ve lost 83 lbs. All together (7 of us) my family has lost over 300 lbs. so far. We all eat differently - we go by what our body needs. It is the easiest thing I’ve ever done. The only hard part was overcoming my sugar addiction (took 2 weeks cold turkey) and “unlearning” all the garbage nutritional info I’ve been taught. No calorie tracking. No deprivation. Incredible health.

    In fact, what made it so easy for us to follow was how good we felt, so quickly! All of our numbers improved and my husband was off his blood pressure and cholesterol meds within 2 months. My 16-year-old son’s allergies are gone (unless he consumes too many carbs). My horrible acid reflux and stomach problems were gone within two weeks. I was a very old 56 year old and now I’m a very young 57 year old. Eating Keto gave me the energy to get up and go. I got a very active job after two months and now I am more energetic than the twenty-somethings I work with. In fact, I watch them move around sluggishly, complaining about how they feel, saying they could never give up their carbs.

    So many of you say that you prefer calories in/calories out... but people can’t maintain that... they just slow down their metabolism. I’ve been effortlessly maintaining my weight loss since October and I feel like I eat just what I want.

    Before you knock it, you should do some research.

    You've only been maintaining since October, so a few months. Most people regain their losses within two years, so get back with us in a few years and then we'll talk.

    I'm coming up on 6 years of maintenance (being mindful of calories in/calories out), and I know the odds are still stacked against me, since I have 40+ years of maintenance ahead of me.

    You're still in the honeymoon phase of weight loss. Maintenance is for 20, 30, 40+ years and most people fail at it, regardless of what plan they're following/what plan they used to lose weight.

    Exactly. I've been maintaining since 2015, but I still feel like it's relatively early days. I want to be at a healthy weight for the rest of my life, this is a game where the decades count . . . not the months.

    QFT. You know, this is one of the reasons I actually love going to the dentist. My hygienist has maintained a 75 pound loss for 30 years, including through two pregnancies. She watched my lose my weight, and enjoys our discussions as much as I do. I'm so thankful to her for all of her insights.

    Wow, that's an amazing success story!
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