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Keto diet = good or bad



  • zeejane03
    zeejane03 Posts: 993 Member
    With the recent discovery of 'keto crotch' it's a no from me.

    Ha, was coming here to see if anyone dared to post about this lol.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Is Keto good or bad? The answer is, as with most things is, it depends...
  • magnusthenerd
    magnusthenerd Posts: 1,207 Member

    Sure, sure, and nobody has ever tried to monetize the ketogenic diet.

    It is fallacious reasoning on both sides. Pay somebody as much money as you want to say the Earth is an oblate spheroid and they're still correct. Pay them nothing to say the Earth is flat, and they're still wrong.

    As a heuristic though, I don't find it worth my time to take something presented by Dr. Fung as anything but questionable. I'd rather anyone using him as a source pull the actual study Fung cites and if they can do that, I'll look at that - probably finding it misrepresented or an oddity in terms of the literature.

    To clarify, I wouldn't doubt what someone was saying simply because they manage to make a living saying it. I'm just saying it's ridiculous to attribute bad motives to WW simply because people are attempting to make money from it while ignoring that half the pre-made coffee drinks in the US seem to be full of butter and MCT oil. WW is a big business, keto is also making a lot of money for a lot of people.

    Fung would be a great example of someone who seemingly perfected the art of monetizing his BS.

    I'd agree it is certainly is inconsistent inference.
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