
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited November 2018
    Machka On my ballot we elected a U.S. Senator from Virginia, a Congresswoman to represent our district in the U.S. House of Representatives, & a County Attorney General. We also voted on 2 State level issues concerning exemptions from Personal Property Tax. So we voted on federal, state, district, and county issues for my locality. Obviously the district & county issues are going to vary depending on where a voter lives, but the election for Senator & the PPTax proposals were on every ballot in the state. <3
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 394 Member
    Penny at NP - I love the Arctic area up at Inuvik, NWT, Canada in summer - except the mosquitoes. But they love me. I really want to visit there in winter to see the aurora more than the pale excuse we get for it once or twice s year here in WA State, USA. On really cold days when I was at college (-20 F) the air had a clarity and snap to it that was amazing. I’ve never had that experience since. I think I would enjoy a life like yours for a month or two summer and winter. I’d not want to miss out spectacular bloom time in spring and leaves in autumn, though

    Sharon, near Seattle

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2018
    Heather: I am glad that your move is going so well. I agree that retirement is grand. I love your happy posts. :bigsmile: I hope you find just the right Christmas tree for your new home. I’m growing 2 of my own. They are Alberta Spruce trees, and they live in pots in the yard most of the year. They come into the garage in early December to help them acclimatize, and then come right into the house. The larger one is 4 feet tall, including the pot it is planted in, and has the place of honor on a lovely carved trunk in front of the living room window. Luckily, they are very slow growing and tolerate coming in and out of the house in winter. Yay!!! The small one goes on a plant stand at the top of the stairs. It is only a couple of feet tall, including the pot. I also have many smaller artificial trees that go here and there in the house. :star:

    Wendy: I am so glad that you let us know you’re okay and working on balance in your life. I’ll be happy to hear from you whenever you are able to stop in. :heart:

    Pip: Love the photo. It looks like Kirby is nearing the finish line. WTG!!! :bigsmile:

    Lanette: I think I missed giving you happy birthday wishes. I hope this turns out to be an excellent year for you. :flowerforyou: I just looked at my weather forecast, and we could have a low of 33F on Friday night. Days seem to be in the low to mid 50s. I’m guessing that you’re at a higher altitude than we are. According to my phone app, I’m at 28 feet above sea level, sitting at my computer on the ground floor of our house. :heart:

    This is election night, and Oregon is a vote by mail state. We voted several days ago. There is a ballot box at the Court House parking lot, and we dropped our ballots in there rather than mailing them through the post office. It was easier for us. People have been sending in their ballots for a while. Thanks to the vote by mail system in Oregon, I already know who has been elected. According to the local newspaper office, my preferred candidates in county & local races won! Yay!!! State offices have been reported on TV, and I’m happy with the choice for Governor as well. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,584 Member
    Karen in VA "practically a party..." I just love the stories of your mother. What a warm heart she had to open her home to that girl, and how generously she was repaid!
    Barbie glad Jake's surgery went well.
    Rebecca great workout, shame about the sauna. Maybe next time bring a clean shirt for after?
    Felicia ditto what you said about Oregon's approach to encourage voting. "started drinking early" LOL!
    Sue in WA LOVE the look on Nessa's face, it says it all!

    Welcome Sarah, Paige, Cheryl in FL. Cheryl you're right NOW is the best time to start.

    #7 favorite memory... hmm... that will take some thought.

    Had to do two Leslie Sansome miles to get my minimum steps in. A little sore from yesterday's SWSY, expect to be more so tomorrow, but it's good to feel like I've done something ;)


    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 6/6, 60 g protein 4/6, rx/vits 6/6, meditate 5/6, knee exercises 6/6, play with Tumble 4/6, core 2/8, SWSY UP 2/8, SWSY LOW 1/8, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 4/6.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Good Morning Ladies~
    I am up and having my tea,working 12-6 today and feeding my DFIL and walk the boys..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    I have been out of the loop the past week. In process of helping DS#1 to find and buy a house. Offer was made yesterday on a home, so waiting to hear back. I did tell him as a buyer as much as he likes the house show that you will walk away if the seller is unreasonable. Process does seem much more complicated than when we bought 30 years ago.

    DH lost in the election. He decided to run for one of our house position in our state. I did not say much about this because I too try to keep politics out of this site.

    I know all the things going on here have got me distracted. I am misplacing things that I usually do not. So I am easily saying NO to anything extra.

    I am ready to just have some time to paint and and to rest. Allie a cup of tea :drinker: sounds lovely

    We have a coating of snow on the ground today.

    Today is Zumba, voice lesson, and choir.

    Lanette belated birthday wishes from me too!

    :heart: Margaret

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Down with my DFIL oh Lord he is soooo funny today which is a good thing.. appreciate the good days...
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Ohhh ... you ladies are making me cry this morning with the memories you're grateful for ... I'll be back later
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Lanette Dana - it was Janetr's birthday, lol. And her granddaughter's precious note. I'm still a youngster trailing a year or two behind you I think. B):D
    OOPS! Sorry both of you!

    Janet Sorry I mess that up!!
    I hope you had a wonderful day!

    Dana in Arkansas
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,583 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Thank you for the belated birthday wishes. It was in September and that's all I'll divulge, lol. For those of you into astrology, I was born at 2:23 pm Central time and have lots of planets in my 8th house. Danged if I can recall the significance of all this. :p It was a phase maybe 30-40 years ago. ENTJ's/INTJ's are enthralled by patterns and prediction up to a point, so the possibility of events and behavior dictated by astrology was something I HAD to delve into B) .

    Barbie - I admire your calm attitude with the kitchen remodel and hope it all goes per schedule. There are always unforeseen surprises it seems. I've been seeing the contractor's van parked at the neighbors house across the street for the past month. Home Depot did deliver new appliances for them last week. They are doing an "all out" kitchen remodel and I'm sure will be lovely once its done. They do a lot of entertaining.

    Lisa - thank you for sharing that sweet memory of your mother.

    Katla - we are at around 600 ft above sea level here in the foothills, so when the weatherman says snow above 500 feet we generally see some.

    There were 2 things that interested me in this election, and they were both local. One was the possibility of changing our form of county government from 3 commissioners to an elected county executive with elected council members. It failed.

    The other was expansion of public transit service which currently serves our 2 most populated cities to service into small outlying towns-ranging from 30 to 60 miles one way from higher populated manufacturing areas. Proponents of the new service (which would have raised taxes) said citizens could use it to commute to work and also seniors would benefit. Opponents pointed out it would be underfunded from day one and there wasn't the need at this time. Somehow, the need was currently being met which was true. It also failed.

    Decluttering one drawer/shelf/container at a time is really going well. And keeping me from grazing due to boredom, so two wins right there.

    Time to get on with the day. Have a good one!

    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    Hi, I'm Cindy (age 55)...I've been on MFP almost a month now. I've lost about 15 lbs so far...but I've still got a long way to go. I started at 273 and my ultimate goal is 135. So far I haven't been too hungry, but yesterday I was starving almost all day long. I see my weight loss doctor tomorrow for my first monthly check-up as well as my first resting metabolic rate test. That should be interesting. I was originally prescribed Qsymia but I have taken myself off of the medication as I didn't like how it made me feel (plus I don't want a crutch)....that's probably why my hunger was so bad yesterday.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    :) Love reading about everyone's memories! Mine would be my grandmother's smile and twinkling blue eyes when she greeted me after working all day.

    Carol in Georgia