
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sarah: I hope you had an enjoyable meal with friends. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this interview leads to new opportunities. :star:

    RV Rita: I was also a horse-crazy little girl. As you may have noticed, I never actually grew out of that phase. Now I’m a horse crazy old woman. Win! :wink: I'm also a grandkid crazy grandma. I don’t get to see mine often enough, but I love having them. :heart:

    Heather: We had a skype call from our son, daughter in law and grandson. He is sooooo cute! It was a lovely visit. Skype was not working just right, but we managed to have a good visit despite a few problems. :flowerforyou:

    Allie: I’m so glad your employer let you know that you are valued. That is wonderful. :heart:

    Machka: I loved the Chronicles of Narnia. I read them to my children once upon a time. We all loved them. My children are grown with children of their own. I wonder when they will read them to their children. Their children are still a bit too young to appreciate Narnia. :heart: I’ve also been a longtime fan of Arthur Ransome’s books about the Swallows and Amazons :bigsmile:

    Today was a good day. I had a great yoga class, did some shopping for groceries with DH, and had a skype session with DS and DDIL, and our wonderful baby grandson. I am happy!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 394 Member

    KJ (Kelly), shhhh! Don't tell my friends, neighbors or kids but I envy your snow! However, I think there should be a natural law that it's not allowed to snow on cement, blacktop or any road or sidewalk. However, living in a mountainside, if the snow drops below 1209 feet I can look up and see it frosting the cedar and hemlock and pine above us! So lacy and lovely! And when it's dancing in the air I want to dance with it!

    Lisa in AR! Thank you for reminding me of all the great Callahan's Saloon books. Funny, and sometimes just a little eerie! Spider Robinson is fun.

    Jan110144 - Nope. I was 75 last March so I have you beat, but you're a great deal fitter than I. And Annie is just lovely!

    Sharon near Seattle
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hurray I have caught up!

    Loved hearing about all the different books read, I don't read now as much as I used to, but I like mysteries and who dun its lol. I've read lots of Linwood Barclay books. Another author I like is Pamela Hartshorne, she writes books about York (where I live) they are time travel mystery novels flitting between old and modern York. It's fun picturing old York as she describes it with the streets/houses as they used to be and then back into the present day. I've read two of her books and really enjoyed them.

    I also read the Chronicles of Narnia when I was at school and loved them.

    Heather so glad you have finally moved and are busy settling into your new home, and also looking after your grandchildren. Busy but a happy time for you.

    I'm another one that needs to get back on the exercise waggon, I've really lapsed in that area and I'm quite cross with myself, I should have more time now that I am not working! I'm still trying to work out a routine for being at home. I have been busy decluttering and rearranging furniture etc but feel a bit overwhelmed with it all.

    I'm sure I'll get there, just need a bit more planning. I go to see my parents everyday to take the morning papers and check that they are okay.

    I'll try to keep up with you, but for now I need to log my food (another task I have let lapse)

    Take care everyone

    Love Viv UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Hi all,
    Kids playing happily and quietly together at "camping".
    Max playing building with DH.
    DH off in a minute with Max to take him to his computer coding club.
    The other grandparents will be arriving soon after that. DH comes back.
    Then we go home to greet the window man.
    A good job well done. :smiley:

    Janetr - I wish I lived in the US so I could buy your beautiful ornaments. <3

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Morning ladies~
    I am up at the butt crack of dawn :p woke up at 4 , and having tea....working 7:30-1 today then will find out of my brother needs help at dads house...this will be the last haul before we close...
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,588 Member
    Finally got out into the neglected garden yesterday. The red leaf lettuce has finally bolted and boy is it bitter! I'll let it be and hope it re-seeds itself. It was happy in that spot and lasted all summer and fall. Started some seeds in the garage under growlights, really like having my own lettuce and only supplement as needed from the farmers' market.

    allie "tired of being fat" I'm finally at that point too. We can do this!
    Miss Kelly I want to come play. Puhleeeeze?
    Lisa "I'm never going to be a person who likes to be scared" ditto. Couldn't sleep after seeing The Shining, ended up going up stairs and camping out with my BFF. In early days, I'd watch scary movies with Joe, but I was v. uncomfortable. After he got me to watch the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and said "That's the BEST" I said "Fine! That means I never have to see any more." Basta,
    Lanette thanks for the stovetop fan link and tip. Who knew? "...appreciate where I am right now" amen Sister!
    Jan Welcome and WOW!
    Welcome allarounddice and DiabeticDer. Please let us know what you want to be called and your general location.
    Lisa more grant writing, less fundraising and no more plane flights?? Woo HOO! You've got this, girl!
    Margaret con grats on the accepted offer!
    Heather bet all those Bea and Max activities burned any extra calories... ;)
    Terri gorgeous secret garden! Like Karen in VA and Janetr I'm wishing myself there.
    Rita LOL! Somehow I always thought the gray's death ray guns would not need bullets.
    Sharon some years after I quit smoking, I had such a vivid smoking dream that when I awoke, I jumped up and tore open my purse to reassure myself it held no packs. Don't think BarbieCat's dogs are in danger of Mr Big Cat, she lives around more people than Joe and I do. If we could have snow without icy sidewalks, you could count me IN! :
    Felicia ditto about snoring vs too quiet. It makes Joe crazy but I frequently prod him awake when his snoring stops ;)
    Cari con VERY gratulations on going from diabetic to pre-!
    Paige you have the right idea on how to work in exercise by hiking. For me the key is to find activities that are fun for me, then I'm more likely to do them. That having been said, I'm learning that doing some of the less fun (weight training) exercises make it easier to dance, walk, play with dogs, etc.
    Machka thank you so much for the gratitude calendar and your thoughtful questions. You are an inspiration!

    yet another #8 favorite book A Wrinkle in Time (wild nights are my glory)
    #9 grateful to be living on Cape Ferrelo in the quiet, peaceful, woods above the sea. People come from all over the world to see the views I get just driving in to town.
    #10 that first sip... of tea in the morning, of cold beer on a warm afternoon. Aaaaah! I'm a sweet AND salty gal ;) Do not like metallic tastes, do like the savory, sour and even the bitter but salty/sweet is best!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 9/9, 60 g protein 7/9, rx/vits 9/9, meditate 8/9, knee exercises 9/9, play with Tumble 5/9, core 3/8, SWSY UP 3/8, SWSY LOW 2/8, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 7/9.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Whoops, I’m a little behind with posting. Can I combine gratitude for a place and a taste? No surprise hear ladies, a gorgeous cup of coffee enjoyed on my back porch! Ahhh, I’m so predictable :p

    DH and I are on a spontaneous weekend getaway in dc, a place we both love for the metro, the museums and the food! No plans in place, just a chance to change our daily routines and also reconnect before the holidays. We do our best talking on long car rides—always have!

    Good lucklisa, I think you’re a shoe in!

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,818 Member
    edited November 2018
    Allie It is good to know that your efforts in work are appreciated.
    Lisa in Arkansas My old machine was a pain to move about, and sounded like a tractor. Lol! The new one has an extension table and is a joy to use. I have a 'hobbies' room, but Hubster was slowly filling it with computer stuff, so I am fighting my corner now that I have the new machine. So happy that things are going well with you, and that you are settling in. Good luck with the interview.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    Past Novembers:
    Nov-15 … 660.21 km (410.23 miles) = 60 hours 41 min
    Nov-16 … 403 km (250.4 miles) = 52 hours 16 min
    Nov-17 … 427.0 km (265.3 miles) = 50 hours 4 min

    Thursday, 1 November 2018 ... 1.8 km walking + 6 flights of 20 stairs
    Friday, 2 November 2018 ... 2.3 km walking + 4 flights of 20 stairs
    Saturday, 3 November 2018 ... 7.7 km running + 13.45 km cycling indoors with Zwift
    Sunday, 4 November 2018 ... 21.22 km cycling indoors with Zwift + 7 flights of 20 stairs + 10 min weightlifting
    Monday, 5 November 2018 ... 2.6 km walking + 14 flights of 20 stairs
    Tuesday, 6 November 2018 ... 4.2 km walking + 4 flights of 20 stairs
    Wednesday, 7 November 2018 ... 2.4 km walking + 14 flights of 20 stairs

    Thursday, 8 November 2018 ... 1.8 km walking + 4 flights of 20 stairs
    Friday, 9 November 2018 ... 5.6 km walking + 6 flights of 20 stairs
    Saturday, 10 November 2018 ... 0.5 km walking + 3.6 km running + 16.41 km cycling indoors with Zwift + 10 min weightlifting

    2018 Monthly November
    Walking Distance (km): 32.4
    Walking Time (min): 348.8
    Cycling Distance (km): 51.1
    Cycling Time (min): 164.3
    Stairs Climbed Number: 59.0
    Stairs Climbed Time (min): 47.2
    Other Distance: 0.0
    Other Time: 20.0

    Total Distance (km): 83.5
    Total Distance (miles): 51.9
    Total Time (min): 580.2
    Total Time (hr): 9:40:13
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    ssarge2 wrote: »
    Started KETO first week in september as a last resort at losing 30 lbs since nothing else worked. happy to report that I've now lost as of 11-10-18 14 lbs. the only issue I have with it are the cramps I get in my legs and feet at night, so it really ruins my sleep. I think I've narrowed it down to coffee. seems that if I stop drinking coffee at around noon - and take my vitamins - it's much better. still not sure that's it. I've been doing a lot of research and the general consensus is that dehydration from keto could be the culprite since it throws off your electrolyte balance. I try to drink lots of water, but feel I need to add something else. Since on the diet - I'm rarely hungry so I've done the intermittent fasting. stop eating at about 1-3 pm and don't eat again until the next morning.
    Sounds to me like you may need more sodium. I eat a daily banana and still get cramps if my sodium falls to low. I know a banana is probably more carbs than you want to spend on helping your leg cramps, but maybe avocado will work for you and it will help with fat intake. Try adding some sodium if you are eating mostly (or all) whole foods and not adding salt. Pickle juice is a quick way to get some sodium in when cramps are happening.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies. We find it very helpful if you will sign each of your posts with what you would like to be called (a real name or a nickname) and a location (as general or specific as you would like). There are a lot of us and if we see a name and location each time, we are more likely to keep up with who is who.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • paigern82
    paigern82 Posts: 30 Member
    Lanette - Thank you - I looked up SWSY and don't seem to have any leaders in my area - are there videos?

    Barbie - thank for the suggestions. I do think fitting in bits and pieces as you can is a great idea. I have really been thinking about it - it takes me about an hour to get ready in the morning - If I gave myself 30 more minutes, I could get some exercise in. And, like you, I could walk the dog for 30 minutes after work. That would be an hour a day!

    Machka - Good job on working on your Master's degree. Thanks for the suggestions - fitting it in little by little seems to be the key. There is a treadmill at work - I could use that during short breaks throughout the day - 10 or 15 minutes each. That would be good for my brain too.

    Michele - thanks. I think that is going to be me too.

    What I have successfully integrated is that I do some sort of squats or leg lifts while I brush my teeth. I have made a dance playlist - love to dance around the house and I can definitely work up a sweat - and get a great emotional abuse because it is music I love and that is transforming..

    Viv - let's get going, girl

    Barbara - Thanks for the encouragement....I'm the same way - gotten to the age of "if it ain't fun, I ain't doing it!" lol

    Ok guys - how do you do those spoiler show/hide thingies??

    SSarge - you are correct. Ketosis can make you very dehydrated and throw off some pretty vital electrolytes. It also makes your body acidotic - which is not in good balance. Please be careful with that diet. Great job with your weight loss though!

    Jan - I have to take notes on Notepad as I read - that is the only way I can keep up!!

    Working a few hours today - but going to see a Movie with my BFF. Going to start "getting ready" for the day 30 minutes early so that I can fit some sort of exercise in and will start walking Chloe the Wonder Dog in the evening for 30 minutes (if it is raining, I'll give her a quick walk and then come home and dance) - thanks for the inspiration ladies

    Paige from North GA Mountains