
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    edited November 2018
    trucker743 wrote: »
    Machka, you’re long overdue in my opinion. I know how to do it with hubby is a problem. Do you have farmstead vacations there, or ranch stays? Somewhere you don’t have to cook, but the stress of eating out every meal is gone sounds like a possibility perhaps.

    It's actually finding the time that's the problem.

    I'm working my way through my uni courses as fast as I can, so I ended up taking a spring course which I'm in right now.

    Plus my work is starting to give me more and more jobs to do. Someone left and I'm getting a lot of his work now.

    Plus the people controlling my husband's life want to have meetings and exchange emails and make phone calls all the time. We actually took 5 days (a long weekend + 2 extra days) to go up north to host a couple cycling events and get a little bit of a break at the end of October ... (that just gave me a taste for it!) ... and even though one of them knew we were going away, she kept emailing me insisting I call her ... even on the long weekend day! :angry: I ignored her, but if we were to go away for a couple weeks, I think she'd have a fit.

    However, at some point I am going to have to say ... that's it ... we're going on holiday!! Probably around Christmas or early January. Enjoy the summer a bit. :sunglasses:

    If we could get over to the mainland, that would be even better! There are several places I'd love to go!! But it would have to be a short flight ... I don't think my husband would tolerate a long flight. We could think about the ferry, but I'm not sure how that would go either. It's 12 hours and if the seas are a bit rough, he might not be able to tolerate that very well. I have to load up with gravol and ginger even if the water is relatively calm.

    Machka in Oz

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) The water heater closet has been completely rebuilt and the water heater put back. We have water now and will have hot water in time for showers in the morning. These guys are amazing. They worked until long past dark so we wouldn't have to be without water for more than one day.

    :)Machka, finding the time and place for a vacation sounds very challenging. I wish you the best in finding what will be good for you and your husband.

    <3 Barbie in NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Did one segment of 10 Minute Solution Butt Lift DVD, held my plank for 3 minutes, then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do the Extreme Makeover the Workout DVD.

    Cari – unfortunately, Vince isn’t much on traveling, either. He’s definitely more of a homebody. Maybe that’s one of the reasons I so want to keep the condo. I love getting away. Happy Birthday

    Viv – (crying for you)

    M – Some people will go to any extremes to get protein in their conditioner!!! I agree with KJ – God made soap and water for a reason!

    Carol in GA – it was raining heavily here, too. And cold. I had to get my winter coat out of the closet (boo)

    When we went to see Jess’ school, that was the first time I ever saw a sign “tsunami evacuation route”.

    Barbie – that was so nice of the guys to work long hours so that you could have water.

    I took some pumpkin brownies to the gals at mahjongg, and on the way into the house, I dropped the plate. The bad news is that it was Corelleware so it shattered all over the place. The good news is that this happened in the garage.

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Lisa – Excellent!!!!

    Allie -I know you have wondered if you were valued at work, so glad to hear you are! Hold that close to get through the tough moments

    Machka – vacations are critical I can’t afford much, but even a day that I designate as vacation – with no phone, and nothing I don’t want to do, can be helpful.

    Everyone who asked sorry I worried you! I went away for the weekend, but as the house would be empty, I choose not to share, and then the place I was the internet was down so I could not check in! Rori – thanks for telling everyone that I was not in the fire zone!!!!

    Rori was right I live 180 miles from the Camp or Paradise fire, have 8 families of friends that were impacted – 6 have lost everything (but each other) and 2 may have houses still, but all are evacuated. Between them all there are 2 dogs and 6 cats that are un-accounted for. It is all very stressful, and an additional stress that at this time FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is being forbidden to help – it’s political! But the 6,000 + people affected do not need politics; they need help with emergency shelter, short term loans for temporary housing, car replacement, clothes and medical care. We are all stepping up in any little way we can.

    I was down the coast in a town called Morro Bay for the weekend (3 days), right on the water – so nice, but closer to the Malibu fires – Morro Bay had good air quality which was an improvement over home, we are still being told to limit outside time for the rest of the week. I was visiting a friend that lives down there, and it was a delight, too much food, but as it turned out the scale this morning only showed a ½ pound gain, that can be gone in no time.

    November Gratitude’s
    1. Smell = clean dog
    2. Technology = smart phone
    3. Color = sunrise
    4. Food = herbal tea
    5. Sound = silence, but heard the coyotes talking, and loved hearing them
    6. Nature = the waves
    7. Memories = I think one of my favorite memories, is a conglomerate of memories – in the summer when I was a kid – Dad and I would go out to the grass to “pull weeds” we would pull a few, but really we would look at the clouds and point out the things we saw, or make up stories about were the airplanes were going overhead, who was in them… We were not in a flight path but way way high you would see a plane occasionally. And sometimes a small plane those were even more fun to make up stories about.
    8. Book – oh so many I love – but the harry potter series as my god-son and I got them together and read them and talked about them almost every night
    9. Place – I think the Grand Canyon – I did a 10 day rafting trip down the river for my 50th birthday and it was a life changing event and helped me grow and believe in myself enough to face coming home and being laid off 10 days later.
    10. Taste – sweet or salty – for me it is always sweet! But favorite taste is my mom’s marinara sauce with meatballs, it cooks all day, and I could smell it from the corner of our street and knew one of my favorite dinners was that night
    11. Holiday – tough one, I have a love of Christmas but it is also the day I was beaten by my domestic abuser so it has mixed memories…
    12. Texture – I love cashmere
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Re Tsunamis: They are a worst case scenerio that has been brought up off & on since the horrible earthquake & tsunami that struck Japan a few years ago. Stuff washed up on the California, Oregon & Washington coasts & our state started emergency planning. The effort seems to be on a back burner at this time, but is brought up eveey once in a while.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    edited November 2018
    Hi all,
    Woke up early worrying about money. :/ I don't have the problems I know some of you have, though I have been there in the past, but I don't like this feeling of impotence I have. The move cleaned out all DH's extra fund that he feels comfortable about spending.
    I am grateful for all that I have and I feel very lucky. Seeing the fire damage in Paradise breaks my heart. My only annoyance is that I can't pay for the things I would like to do and would make a difference to the way the house works.
    I feel bad about letting such a small thing annoy me, but I suppose it's about autonomy. Anyway, rather than fret about it, I decided to get up and talk to all of you.

    The man is coming in at 8.30 to mend the electric double socket next to my bed. I may sneak in a question about the panic button. He's not an alarm guy, but he may have more knowledge than I have!

    The power will be cut off to those sockets for a while, so the exercise machines, apart from the rower, may be out of action. DH is a routine type of guy, so that won't please him. I may be able to get out for a jog sometime today. Apart from the Parkrun, I haven't had a run since I've been here. :o:'( Too many boxes to open!!!

    It's passing through my head whether to cancel the spring cruise. We have paid a substantial deposit and that would annoy DH, but we did book it when we were in a hiatus about the move and had decided to give up trying. It was a way of cheering ourselves up! We could definitely use the money . Plus I'm sure we could find masses of fun things to do around here! I might just float the idea, very delicately, near DH.
    The reason why we decided to get back into moving mode was because the ex neighbour had applied for planning permission to build on the land he had retained when he sold the house. Two houses ! That started us on the second leg of our journey. During that process the permission was refused, but we still wanted to move. We have just had a redirected letter to say that he is appealing the decision. Phew!
    Out just in time. :D

    Thanks for listening to my moaning. I do know how lucky I am, believe me.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    edited November 2018
    Hi all,
    Woke up early worrying about money. :/ I don't have the problems I know some of you have, though I have been there in the past, but I don't like this feeling of impotence I have. The move cleaned out all DH's extra fund that he feels comfortable about spending.
    I am grateful for all that I have and I feel very lucky. Seeing the fire damage in Paradise breaks my heart. My only annoyance is that I can't pay for the things I would like to do and would make a difference to the way the house works.
    I feel bad about letting such a small thing annoy me, but I suppose it's about autonomy. Anyway, rather than fret about it, I decided to get up and talk to all of you.

    Well, it is drawing close to the Christmas season ... is there any chance you could pick up part-time work at a shop for the Christmas season?

    I, and several other people I know, have done that from time to time. It can be fun with all the Christmas shoppers ... and can provide a bit of extra cash.

    And there is probably a little twinge of buyer's remorse going on. I feel that way any time I spend more than about $500.00.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    edited November 2018
    Kellly & Machka When a bird deposits on your head it is good luck? ok... :#:#:#:D:D

    Karen in Virginia
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Regarding the "luck" of the bird droppings:
    I've always heard that it is good luck to be dropped on by a bird, and it was finally explained when we went to Scotland.

    Back in the old days, people didn't have indoor plumbing, even in cities like Edinburgh. So they used a "pot" in their room. Every so often, they'd toss the contents of the pot out of the window into the streets. Therefore, if you were walking along, and a bird dropped on you ... you considered yourself very lucky it wasn't something much worse.

    Also, the streets were in a terrible state in those days with what was being tossed out windows, animals, etc. So when a man laid down his cloak to let a lady walk ... that was why. And it's also why men walk on the curb side of the sidewalk, and let the ladies walk on the inside. You were less likely to be hit by the contents of a pot if you were close to the wall, and also less likely to be splashed by goodness knows what as well.

    Or so I've been told. :grin:

    Makes a person thankful for indoor plumbing.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    edited November 2018
    Today, I ran.

    The temp was 29°C out there (84.2°F, for those who use the old system). :)

    Distance: 4.30km
    Elevation: 52m
    Moving Time: 30:28
    Elapsed Time: 31:43
    Pace: 7:05/km

    There was a minute there when I stopped to stretch ... and I slowed to a walk briefly at one point. It was a bit warm out there.

    Plus there was quite a bit of walking too ... like 3 km down to the beach and back with my husband. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    slept well. I have today off maybe, Mary wasn't feeling well but wanted to make sure I was around in case she called out of work and was staying home..If she is ok then I will be doing my usual and getting the dogs out, it will be pouring rain all day,, and then feeding my DFIL , doing laundry and getting a Christmas List together... I have donated 60 dollars to sponsor a family for Thanksgiving... I might not have everything but have enough to share with someone who doesn't have much..
    have to pick up some onions as I am making creamed onions for the Thanksgiving pot luck...those were one of my grandpa's favorites , so will be remembering him as I make them..
    Cant wait to go to Cape Cod...with dear Doris... it is one of my favorite places on earth...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    edited November 2018
    I've spent a very good morning doing some more sorting out. The guy fixed the socket really quickly, so that was good.

    I only did 400 exercise because I'm hoping to go out for a run.

    Then DH tackled the wine mountain in the garage. Around a 100 bottles! Plus various special whiskys etc. etc. We have found racks and spaces for most of it. As you know, I have cut down a lot on my alcohol consumption, so we won't need to buy any wine for quite a while. :laugh:
    While he was doing that I tackled the cake making equipment mountain. :o:o:o I have managed to root out some tins for the metal dump. Made a bit of sense of other stuff and I have advertised my icing cutters on the Hove recycling site. Still got too much stuff, but I have found storage for them. I hope to make cookies with the grandchildren, so have kept cutters they might like.
    It's a good feeling when you master chaos!
    I just don't think I will be doing so much domestic stuff now we are here. It was a diversion for me, living in the countryside, and I was mainly doing it when I was finding it difficult to write. (I am a writer) My life here will be very different.

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Just seen your post, Penny. You always make me feel very nostalgic. For the new people, I visited Penny in Svalbard 18 months ago on a cruise. She and her husband hosted us wonderfully for a day. We have since fallen in love with Scandinavia.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Correction - it was two and a half years ago that we visited Penny. How time flies!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
    edited November 2018
    Lisa I love how you handled your mishap.

    We go for our inspection today. I have a good feeling about this home. We were blinded by how well the other home looked that we offered for. I have a feeling the one we offered on and the owner declined our offer is rethinking she wished she had countered. I expected her to counter and she refused, so we moved forward to another property. This home we are getting into the home stretch has a better floor plan, an extra lot that we can build an addition if need be, and a two car garage. It also has a safer route to the park our son wants to use. I realize now homes for sale often put on their best face and can distract you from what is a hidden gem. Closing is in two weeks.

    One of the hardest shocks is you breathe and there is another fee. Also just submitting an offer takes 60 pages and 30 signatures. Good grief. I do think I am doing a good job minimizing the fees. I am insisting on Title insurance. Another fee. It is worth it given this home comes with an empty lot. Our lawyer reminded me that when the built The Mall of America here they did not get title insurance. Appears they built on someone land. It was quite costly to get it straightened out. Especially since this home has an extra lot title insurance is a no brainer.

    I am starting to sleep better too.

    :heart: Margaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    I agree, Lisa. Tiny, tiny things in the great scheme of things.

    The Good. Today I went out for my first independent run in the two weeks I've been living here. I went round by the little park, crossed down to the seafront past the fish market and ran along the prom. Beautiful day. I had to wear my running sunglasses. I ran down to the Italian ice cream shop (which also does AMAZING seafood homemade pasta) and then turned round to come home, with a three minute loo stop. Altogether, taking off the loo stop, I ran for 58 minutes. Over my 5k. :D:p
    It took 19 minutes to run back from the restaurant, when Google says it's 26 mins walk. (I run very slowly)

    So, a good day after all. And DH found some Christmas ribbons and labels. :)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    PS Some of the houses around the little park have wonderful stained glass windows, floor to ceiling. They must be for a hall and landing. Truly stunning.
    I didn't wear my headphones as I usually do because everything was so interesting.