
  • cariwaldick
    cariwaldick Posts: 189 Member
    Machka in Oz—I look at my online resources as you do—a way to keep them safe from fires and floods. I love physical pictures, keepsakes, and things that are real and tangible. But I back up as much as I can on my computer. If I ever need to grab and go, this laptop is easier to carry than my boxes of photos, and stacks of writings. Today when you can save to the cloud, it's even better. I keep a few hand-written recipes that were given to me, and a few cookbooks. I can find them online, but those sites don't have the specifics, like my grandma advising not to scrape the side of the pot because of “the bitters.”
    Oh, and I too am grateful for indoor plumbing!

    Michelle in NC—Oh no! Corelle is all or nothing. It either bounces without a mark, or shatters. I love mine, and I always worry about dropping it now that my kitchen is granite and tile.

    Heather in UK—Sorry you're having to deal with all those annoyances. They may seem minor, but they can steal the joy out of your days. You want to be settled and moving forward, but it's one thing after another. Curious, what do you write?

    Grandmallie—Having enough to share with someone who doesn't have much is one of my greatest blessings. Growing up I was one of those, so it feels wonderful to be able to share, and give back.

    Penny at the North Pole—I loved your pictures! It's so nice to read about people whose lives are so different from mine. Norway is one of those places I'd love to visit. I envy your sense of direction—I get lost in my own neighborhood.

    Thank you ladies for all the sweet birthday wishes. I went out to lunch, and didn't overdo it. After using food to celebrate for so long, this is a milestone for me. At this point I'm confident I can handle Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. I'm kicking around the idea of hosting a cookie exchange with the ladies from church. I'm imagining who would like my share of the cookies. My DFIL is the only in the house who isn't dieting now.

    Gratitude calendar day 13—abilities: Driving. I'm so grateful I can drive, and I've got a car I love. I spoke with my mom last night, and she's unable to walk without a walker, and she can't drive anymore. She loses track of time and day, being alone for long periods. She lives with my brother, but he's driving and working long hours, so she sleeps a lot. I've considered having her move here with me, but I don't think she'd come. She's near all the family, and especially the great-grands.

    Mobility is so important! I need to stay on track so I can keep it. In talking to my mom, I discovered my grandma died at 57, and my grandpa died years before her at 54. I remember Grandma was always sedentary, and she had early heart issues a decade before she died. Now my mom is having health problems, osteoporosis, and everything that comes from being shut in. She's only 17 years older than me! If it's in my power, I'm going to live much longer than my genetics indicate. More importantly, I'm going to work so that longer life is worth living!

    Cari in N. Texas
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2018
    Kim: I am so glad you posted! Thank you for checking in. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Moving is bound to create unexpected expenses. I hope things settle down for you in the near future. :star:

    Machka: I definitely live in a Fahrenheit world. Having freezing = 0 makes sense, but changing systems is a huge challenge. :ohwell:

    Viv: I remember bits about your husband’s illness from when you were with us before. What a hard thing to face. I’m glad you’re back with us again. :flowerforyou:

    Penny: We had a skype visit with our son and daughter in law this week. It was great and we appreciated it very much. :star: I am also a Hobbit fan.

    Lisa: Good luck with your job search. I think you handled the kitty situation well and it will go in your favor. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: Keeping my fingers crossed that the home purchase goes well. :star:

    Hair cut today. Yay!!!! I am in serious need.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • mjschmitzmojo
    mjschmitzmojo Posts: 22 Member
    Happy Tuesday Morning everyone,

    Had an amazing weekend with the hubby and kids celebrating hubby’s 60th birthday month. Yes he gets the whole month because you only turn 60 once and I get a birthday month every year from my hubby and kids. It was awesome getting away as a family and we all had a great time.

    # 10 Taste most grateful for is chocolate, I love the taste of chocolate
    # 11 Favorite Holiday is Christmas, love watching my kids, nephews and niece open gifts, spend time with one another and have family all together
    # 12 texture is soft cuddly blanket for snuggling up on the couch with a good book and a glass of wine or cup of tea
    # 13 Ability to be so flexible at my age, many people in their upper years don’t stay limber and have a hard time getting around.

    Skimmed over the last 12 pages of posts that I missed being off of the thread since Friday.
    Many have mentioned leg cramping - here is some info from MAYO clinic regarding leg cramping:

    Although the risk of getting night leg cramps increases with
    age, it's often difficult to pinpoint the cause. In fact,
    these cramps often occur for no known reason.
    Dehydration, prolonged sitting, or not getting enough
    potassium, calcium or magnesium in your diet can be associated
    with leg cramps.
    So can certain medications - including
    diuretics, beta blockers and other blood pressure drugs.
    Staying hydrated — Drinking water and
    other liquids throughout the day can keep you from becoming
    dehydrated. It can also help your muscles contract and relax more
    easily. It's especially important to replenish your fluids
    when engaging in physical activity and to continue drinking water
    and other liquids after being active.
    Stretching before bed — If you have
    night leg cramps, it's a good idea to stretch before turning
    in for the night.
    Doing light exercise — Riding a
    stationary bike for a few minutes before bedtime may help prevent
    cramps while you're sleeping.
    Choosing the right shoes — Wearing
    shoes that have proper support may help prevent leg cramps.
    Untucking the covers — Loosen or untuck
    the bedsheets and other covers at the foot of your bed.

    Pipcd34 - beautiful pictures of your dog, so sweet. Awesome job running the marathon.
    Heather - sounds like you really have your hands full, hope your hubby feels better soon, as for the wine, if I lived by you I would visit to help you get rid of the wine. LOL
    Janetr OKC - your ornaments are beautiful
    Cariwaldick - thanks for the recipe
    Paige - I walk on my afternoon break at work with a Co-worker who needs the exercise more than I do, and my husband is very supportive he will start dinner while I am exercising and I finish it up. This way I get my exercise in, he is helping out and we eat dinner together. Try doing 10 minutes a few times a day that is better than nothing. Take it one day at a time, try not to look at the big number but the daily number. It is also ok to let yourself have a favorite once in a while depriving yourself makes you resent the tracking days. We usually have pizza on Friday nights my no cooking day with our adult children and I do have cocktails on the weekends so I am diligent during the week and allow myself a couple of off days. I do exercise a lot so that could be why I don’t gain on these days. I have lot 37 lbs.so far and would like to lose at least another 5 if not 10 or more.
    Ssarge2 - awesome on the clothes change I too went from an extremely tight 14 (should have been a 16 but refused to buy them) to a 10 or 12 depending on the style. I would like to be down to an 8 or 10 but still proud of my accomplishments so far as you should be. Also leg cramping while your sleeping is a lack of water, you should be drinking a glass of water before bedtime.
    Grandmallie - you can do this, once you get motivated and start you will keep it up because of how much better you will feel exercising.
    Rebecca - congrats on the Grandbaby
    Kim - glad to see you are safe and sound, and glad you got a nice little get away.
    Welcome to all the newbies - not listing names in case I overlooked one skimming over all the posts I missed, been off since Friday.
    Hope all of you have a wonderful week


    Jo - Windy City Chgo

  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    Good morning ladies.....well they are calling for the first flakes of snow here in our part of Ontario...quite early this year...hope this isn't the way winter already. It lasts long enough already as it is..usually into March, last year into April. So time for hubby to get the tires changed to winter. I am finally getting over the flu bug I picked up last wed. chest has almost cleared up and the coughing not as bad. Feels like this year's strain is more on the tiredness rather than congestion...still feel really tired just walking from room to room. Something is definitely going around here as daughter visited my mom (whose 91) on Sun. and she has a cold then after talking with her..... my brother and sister-in-law are also sick. the only one who seems to be healthy is my hubby...so he's going to check on Mom today. Getting my appetite back slowly and still hoping the 6 lbs. I lost during this flu will stay off. I've started my weight loss goal on Oct. 25th and it's a novel way of losing some weight but since I've had no success in the past...I will take anything I can. LOL We live across from a recreation centre with pool complex and they have a smaller "leisure" pool only 4 feet deep warm but not too warm where a lot of us seniors go to do excercises. Hubby and I have been going religiously since early October and I am itching to go but worried about adding to the flu I am finishing now...so we are going to wait until Thursday and see how I feel. this is the only place where I can move around freely in the water and my back feels great and not painful and I jog and in turn walk in the water for a solid half hr. Any more than that and getting out unto "land" is painfully difficult. My hubby walks the pool for his arthritic knees and finds this helps him. Well that's it for me...going to try to get some excercise by some housework in the condo and I am sure a nap will be called for shortly after that. LOL I am trying to learn to pace myself...everything does not have to be done in one day Mary from Ontario, Canada
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Heather - that's just lovely... I am in love with stained glass, and the bowls look lovely there. :)
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    kelly I admire your ability to "flip"--I think you are a genius at it! The ability I'm most grateful for is my musical ability--though I am no Istzak Perlman, I can carry a tune on the fiddle and can teach it better than that! It saved my life as a young person and set me on a trajectory that I never expected, but am I ever grateful for it.

    Tough getting up and out to work today, I had to stop and write down a very basic and specific set of goals to accomplish and glad I did, I'm headed to goal #4 which is going to the gym after work to destress and feel better about putting off the clean up that is ahead of me, goal #5 and #6 can wait til I burn a few extra calories. ;)

    For all those tackling renovations and moves.....So stressful, just remember that some things can wait, it doesn't have to be exactly perfect, just safe and workable. i think moving/buying a house is one of the top 3 stressors a person can go through, so take it easy on yourselves <3o:)

  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Good morning!

    Sitting here while the glass company is replacing a panel of glass on the roof of the greenhouse.
    A piece of laminated glass was $275 and labor was $324! Ouch. That includes all other materials needed such as wood, metal strips, etc. Water has gotten in there and leaves too so it’s a mess. It’s going to be sunny tomorrow, so I plan to get out there and clean it out real good. It’s connected to the house, so it’s something we need to maintain. We will have to do it if and when we sell this house one day.
    I’ll be happy to move my ferns, geraniums and amaryllis down there over the winter. I can start seeds too early on.

    Heather I know what you are talking about when you refer to your DH and money. My DH always gets a sick look on his face and complains. I always pay 1/3 of the share too!

    Tsunamis and Earthquakes Anyone on the west cost should take it seriously and have an emergency bag right by your door ready to go. (Even for fires too)
    If you wanting a nightly report and weekly forecast go to YouTube channel Dutchsinse. Dutch has forecast a 6 magnitude between LA and San Diego this week. There had been some slow-slips among the faults parallel to the San Andreas fault. I hope he’s wrong but he’s right 80% of the time.

    It’s sunny today in Hot Springs but really cold!! About 35f. I think I start a fire!

    #12 - Texture. My Coonhound’s ears. They are so soft! I love petting her ears! She’s barking at me in her demand to go out to check out the men working on the greenhouse. Oh Dolly!!

    #13 - Abilities. I have great organizational skills too. I kept my desk and files so organized, people at work always mentioned it!
    Here at home I keep organized except my back keeps me from cleaning up the garage, but my intentions are to rent a dumpster to do some major cleaning. There’s a big box about 3’ square in the basement that I would like to haul out of there for the trash.
    I want to trash a bunch of files too.
    My DM lived with us when we moved here and the garage (2-car) was packed full. Now that she moved out and then passed it’s still a mess. It was never straightened out. I had back surgery and my DH didn’t want to mess with my stuff!!

    I’m trying to think of Christmas gifts where I don’t have to spend a lot of money. I just can’t spend like I have in the past. My girlfriend suggested making gifts. I went to Hobby Lobby and looked at fleece fabric. I thought I would make blankets but the fabrics are $10 and up a yard. They are cheaper to buy and ship free. I’m still thinking!!

    That’s it! I kind of rambled on!
    Have a good day!

    Dana In Arkansas
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    edited November 2018
    Abilities - I have lots. :o:o:o:o
    The one that surprises me is my ability to visualise the logistics required for planning. I never saw myself that way, but it appears that I can walk myself through a situation ahead of time and see exactly what needs to be done. I only know this is exceptional because I have discovered other people can't do it. Including DH. Many things I anticipated during the move clearly didn't occur to him. Earlier in life I considered myself chaotic, but that was clearly a result of my family situation. My natural bent is to be able to assess possibilities in advance. I should be a wedding organiser!!!! I am a very good visualiser.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    PS - Cari, I have written many things all my life. Short stories, novels, plays, tv, theatre productions, radio scripts, poems etc. The thing I am most known for is my children's books. Recently I have published on Amazon a very old novel and the first volume of my memoir. If you go on Amazon and type in Heather Eyles you will come up with a selection. The novel and the memoir are what I would describe as 'adult reading'.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I love the corner in your new home. More photos will be welcome as you are ready to share. :heart:

    We spent the morning getting our hair cut. We both go to Jodi, and think she does an excellent job cutting our hair. :smiley: Then we loaded our car to take donations to the food bank and empty glass containers to the recycle station. Now we are cozy at home. It is a beautiful day, but chilly.

    I am having a great time knitting a baby blanket for our niece's daughter. The baby is due in March. She asked for blue, and I'm about ¼ of the way so far. I knitted baby blankets for each of my grandchildren as they came along. I'm enjoying the time spent on this one.

    Katla with 45 degree chill in Beautiful NW Oregon.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    We :::::::
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
    Heather stunning window and surrounding art!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,588 Member
    Rough night, prunes and extra greens not working, finally gave in and took a dulcolax. Up and down all night. Thought the bright side of really emptying the gut would be a favorable "movement" on the scales. What? UP 1.1 lbs?? What's up with THAT???

    Lanette Oh NOOO Dr. Google, not rotator cuff? No overhead reaching for sure! After sprinkling lime on the soil, do you water it in? Is it safe for pets to walk on?
    Sharon great Sam story. Thanks!
    Felicia on which floor of your building do you work? Under desks and in door frames are the recommended shelters, outside is danger of being crushed by falling objects, inside you can perhaps survive in a structural space until dug out. I was at work in downtown San Francsico during the Loma Prieta earthquack in 1989. The bay bridge was out as were the phones. Sheltered with a friend overnight. Hitched a ride with another friend north across the Golden Gate, then south west accross the Richmond San Rafel bridges to get home the next day. Got home to find Joe and the pets all ok, a miracle as we lived just over a block from the collapsed Nimitz freeway. Something to be said for capping the brick foundations of our hundred year old Queen Anne. If it does hit while you're at work, you'll be surprised and gratified at how people exert themselves to help one another. You're right. We've been told to expect to camp at home. Have a generator to run the pump that brings our water up from the creek and some but not enough food. Really need to organize hardcopies of important paperwork into plastic bag in emergency pack and thumb drive in Joe's van.
    Barbie love the penguin eggs! The mold spread problem is one of the fears that keeps me from pushing Joe to letting me remodel the kitchen. Here's hoping that if you or Jake had any sinus or breathing issues, this expensive and inconvenient fix will make them GONE. Glad the guys worked so hard and late for you. If you and Jake were complaining negative folk, bet they wouldn't have tried so hard. Well done!
    Carol please send some of your rain west. We need it!
    Sarah Oregon emergency experts tell us the Cascadia fault is past due for a big one. Big earthquakes make big tsunamis. But Like Felicia I don't THINK I think about it much... but then again...
    Machka thank you SO much for the lucky to be bird pooped upon explanation! Absolutely take a LONG holiday over Christmas and New Year's. Perhaps even the nuisance caller might appreciate having the holidays "off" ;)
    Michele there are a couple of Tsunami evacuation route signs between where we live and where I go to church ;)
    Kim FEMA is being forbidden to help?!? Is there a news link to this story?
    Karen in VA enjoy having the house to yourself. Aaahhh!
    Penny "beautiful veils of drifting snow that dance over the frozen ground" Love your way with words!
    Lisa what company wouldn't want you with your flexibility, fast thinking, resourcefulness and humor? Well done!
    Kristingjertsen sounds like a realistic plan. Good job.
    Cari pics to cloud, yes, good idea. personal documents :noway: I'm too mistrusting for that. Thanks for the mobility reminder, was leaning more toward mental or life skill abilities... you've got me thinking.
    Dana thanks for the Dutchsinse info but if I want to sleep, I'll put off watching til the morning ;)

    Oops time slipped by!
    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 11/12, 60 g protein 9/12, rx/vits 11/12, meditate 11/12, knee exercises 12/12, play with Tumble 6/12, core 3/8, SWSY UP 3/8, SWSY LOW 2/8, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 9/12.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    I have caught up to start on page 33, but just don't have time to finish catching up right now. Will have to do it later tonight or tomorrow.

    10 Taste - I love the taste of a good roast beef dinner. It is my favourite.
    11 Holiday - I love Christmas Day because it is the one day of the year the stores close and it is so peaceful. My family is around and I talk to long distance family.
    12 Texture - I love my husband's face when he is freshly shaved. It is a rare treat for me so I am very thankful for it when I get it.

    Tracey enjoying +10 Degrees celcius Edmonton!
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Felicia on which floor of your building do you work? Under desks and in door frames are the recommended shelters, outside is danger of being crushed by falling objects, inside you can perhaps survive in a structural space until dug out. I was at work in downtown San Francsico during the Loma Prieta earthquack in 1989. The bay bridge was out as were the phones. Sheltered with a friend overnight. Hitched a ride with another friend north across the Golden Gate, then south west accross the Richmond San Rafel bridges to get home the next day. Got home to find Joe and the pets all ok, a miracle as we lived just over a block from the collapsed Nimitz freeway. Something to be said for capping the brick foundations of our hundred year old Queen Anne. If it does hit while you're at work, you'll be surprised and gratified at how people exert themselves to help one another. You're right. We've been told to expect to camp at home. Have a generator to run the pump that brings our water up from the creek and some but not enough food. Really need to organize hardcopies of important paperwork into plastic bag in emergency pack and thumb drive in Joe's van.

    I work on the "4th" floor, which is really the second floor because the building is on the side of a hill. So while I have to climb four flights of stairs, the ground outside my window is just one floor away. Does that make sense?

    I have weighed that in my calculation. Where I sit in the building, there is one floor below me and one floor above me. Since we're not on the coast, maybe the rocking and rolling won't be so bad here? I have only been in a 5 quake before, and the building swayed, but there was no real visible damage. (Although you have to wonder what swaying even at 5 does to 100 year old masonry.)

    It is encouraging that you fared well in 1989 -- that was truly horrible.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member
    Barbara AHMOD - we let nature water the lime in. I don't think it hurts pet's feet at all. Of course quick moss killer is something like "iron man" which has iron and really kills it quickly, but does nothing to improve the soil quality like lime does tho it's slower acting. A person could probably use both. Wow, you really were in the midst of the big shake up for the Loma Prieta earthquake!

    Our area had the "Nisqually" quake in 2001, I was on the top floor of the old courthouse at the 911 center. The dispatchers dove under their consoles and it was a weird time as cell towers got out of alignment and we were getting 911 calls for Seattle 100 miles away. I wasn't too worried since we were on top the sandwich :# but told them to stay put and I went down the stairs. Saw some cracks in the masonry. Structural engineers arrived quickly and pronounced the building safe, just a few cosmetic things. When we got home (30 miles away) the only damage we had was one crooked picture on the wall!

    We are kind of "preppers" in that we try to have plenty of food and water squirreled away. Have propane gas, high quality water filter in case we'd need to draw drinking water from a creek. We don't intend to bug out unless the house is totally destroyed by and earthquake. Even then I think DH's shop would make it fine. Main concern is all the crap that would topple from shelves here in the house. Hey, that's quick declutter, lol.

    - glad you are OK, those fires are just horrible. I thought FEMA didn't kick into action until a request for federal disaster assistance was made by a governor. I just checked a news website that said Gov Brown made the request on Sunday and it was granted on Monday.

    Our experience with FEMA is they send out a bunch of guys to assess the damage, help people fill out forms for low interest loans, etc., at least that's the way it worked here in WA during the floods we've been through. In our cases the holdup for getting FEMA going was getting damage reporting done to local officials who sent it to the state who tallied it all up to determine the amount, then the request was made. Also, a lot of the FEMA staff might still be down at the hurricane site in Florida right now. When we had a destructive flood in 2007 (I-5 was closed for days!) it took FEMA well over a week to arrive. The FEMA staff is often retired folks who are called in when there's a disaster or, in WA state, current employees who can be spared from our Dept of Emergency Management.

    Even for small events, the paperwork is tremendous. I can only imagine what kind of chaos local authorities who are trying to figure out dollar amounts, who has insurance and who doesn't, etc. are trying to make sense of at the scenes of these fires.

    I'm assuming that's the way FEMA still works, but maybe not if they were somehow forbidden to help?

    - glad you got that nasty mold cleaned up and are put back together. I agree, kudos to that construction crew!

    SW WA State
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Carol I have been thinking of you & DrKatieBug and other Georgians. As DrKatie mentioned, your ballot was a hot mess this time, and now you have the Governor race not yet decided! Our forefathers were wise to make our democratic processes complicated and slow in the case of close races, but it gets tedious.

    #13 Ability. Since I was a pre-teen, I have had profound gratitude for the ability to read. I also have very good spatial abilities.

    Karen in VIrginia