What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • rldeclercq4
    rldeclercq4 Posts: 269 Member
    Bicep curls
    Tricep extensions
    4.5 mile run
  • RunnerGirl238
    RunnerGirl238 Posts: 448 Member
    6 mile tempo.
    Warm for mile 1 and 2
    10k race pace 3, 4, 5,6

    Sun salutations and Warrior yoga sequences
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited June 2019
    Lifted over lunch: Squat 85 kgs, bench 60 kgs, both for 3 sets of 5. These would have been very light for be a few months ago, but I have lost 15 kgs since then.

    Indoor rowed in the evening - 25 minutes at 2.18 pace. I'm slow at this, but the pace is gradually creeping up
  • dlbohl1991
    dlbohl1991 Posts: 786 Member
    Back day today! Gonna focus on some lat and trap work and then at least 10 minutes of vigorous cardio
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    edited June 2019
    6/18/2019 - in my office starting at 4:10 pm - 102F degrees outdoors and too hot, for me, to do it outdoors today -

    Superset of bar dips x 5 plus two-hand KB swings with 24kg KB x 15 every 1:30 - completed 20 rounds, 100 bar dips and 300 two-hand KB swings, in 29:10 - average HR = 138 bpm (77 percent) maximum HR = 155 bpm (86 percent) total 318 calories. Notes: bar dips had good depth and top lockout, were easy. Could have gone faster than every 1:30 but this pace was good for today. Don't have to kill it every day, something I need to work on.

    Oh, might as well show off the results of my no direct ab/core workouts, age 64 year old man who sits for a living, an ongoing work in progress.


  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    edited June 2019
    drmwc wrote: »
    Lifted over lunch: Squat 85 kgs, bench 60 kgs, both for 3 sets of 5. These would have been very light for be a few months ago, but I have lost 15 kgs since then.

    Indoor rowed in the evening - 25 minutes at 2.18 pace. I'm slow at this, but the pace is gradually creeping up

    Know what you mean about "used to" - I did StrongLifts about 6-7 years ago and accomplished some one rep max lifts that were impressive for me. I realize there's some flyweight female Olympic lifter in China who warms up with what used to be my best. Now I'm sailing in a different direction but have the pleasant memories of yesteryear accomplishments. Good job today, keep marching forward!

  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    Deadlifts 1x6, 2x8
    Kinesis pulldown 3x10
    Kinesis shoulder press 3x10
    Dumbbell curls 1x12
    Weighted sit-ups 2x12
  • kds10
    kds10 Posts: 452 Member
    1 hour kickboxing
    45 minute walk with dog
    1 hour hike with some incline
  • dvmmcw3094
    dvmmcw3094 Posts: 107 Member
    400m @ 5mph
    400m @ 6mph
    Repeat X 5
    3 miles- 33 minutes.
    Wanting to do a couple of 10Ks at the end of August- working on improving my speed. Goal will be under an hour.
  • dvmmcw3094
    dvmmcw3094 Posts: 107 Member
    I may have missed an earlier post, but what is no direct ab/core workouts? Abs are my weak spot and traditional exercises leave me sore but with not much to show for it.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    edited June 2019

    6am speed/sprint session with PT. Really good session despite the doms

    Mile warm up run down to gym

    5/3/1 bench- deload week plus
    5x10@27.5kg paused reps
    5x10@20kg close grip
    3x10@7kg dumbbell flies
    3x10@8kg incline dumbbell press

    Quick cardio/ab blast
    500m row 50 sit ups
    400m row 40 sit ups
    300m row 30 sit ups
    200m row 20 sit ups
    100m row 10 sit ups

    Piyo 1hr class, 3rd class now and think I'm starting to learn the routines
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    30 minute row today (6200 meters exactly, so pretty slow) and then 25 minutes on the Assault Bike, also slow.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,026 Member
    18,000 steps and 80 minutes' bouldering. Now I am hungry.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    6/19/2019 - lunch hour at local park and pleasant 82F degrees -

    #1 = double KB complex with pair of 20kg KB - (swing, clean, rack squat, overhead press) for 5 rounds - 5 reps each for rounds 1-4 except only 4 reps overhead press round 4 and 3 reps each for round 5 - completed in 11:31.

    #2 = walk 2 laps around park perimeter = 2.09 miles In 37:09.
  • Finafoshizzle93
    Finafoshizzle93 Posts: 157 Member
    30 min elliptical

    14 alternating arm curls
    14 reverse fly’s

    16 med ball slams
    20 tricep kick backs

    12 chest pulls
    12 front raises

    16x 30 sec sprint/30 sec walk
    10 min walk cooldown
    Foam roll
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    dvmmcw3094 wrote: »
    I may have missed an earlier post, but what is no direct ab/core workouts? Abs are my weak spot and traditional exercises leave me sore but with not much to show for it.

    I mean my workouts don’t include any sit-ups, crunches, v-ups, knee lifts or any other exercises generally understood as primarily ab/core exercises.

    Indirectly, those muscles get worked by the other exercises I do.
  • skippygolunks
    skippygolunks Posts: 24 Member
    Walked dogs 25 minutes. Cardio Hit 20 minutes Free weights 30 minutes.
    I am doing a six week shred, this is day 3.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    Add on to yesterday's (6/18) reported spin class: Miscellaneous rowing and boat-carrying while helping with learn-to-row class.

    Today (6/19), 7k-ish steady state row in the AM, more learn-to-row class rowing/boat-carrying tonight.

    I'm boring, but not at all bored. ;)
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    I walked my dog and fixed the first zone of the drip irrigation, 11 more zones to go. It is a hot mess.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,236 MFP Moderator
    Yesterday was martial arts class (floor work - I'm covered in rug burns, but it was fun). Today is (hopefully) going to be a lengthy bike ride.