What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • CoffeeNstilettos
    CoffeeNstilettos Posts: 2,593 Member
    I was planning a rest day but I did yoga and going for a walk later.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 11,213 Member
    Thursday is cardio only, no weights, so an hour on the elliptical doing hill work.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,763 Member
    Treadmill run today, for stress management.
    7km in just under 48 minutes, 8.8kph. Felt quite hard, especially the last few km. Humidity, TOM and/or allergies? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Runalyze says my vo2max improved, but might be because my HR is lower during that time of month (resting HR supposedly 43 today according to my Garmin!).
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,986 Member
    Bike ride, a little over 20 miles, easy pace on hybrid bike, 10.6mph moving average. Some Z3, but mostly below. Low 80s, not so humid, light breeze = pleasanter ride.
    Cause accountability…

    …45 min cycling, 1 mile (streak run), back/bi day
    …stretching cause old

    @MissAtomicBomb238 🤣🤣🤣 stretching because it helps muscles recover right?? 🤣🤣 age is just a number. Also coming from someone who stretches everyday now (for the last 3 months that is 😁😁)

    Age is a number. And yes recovery and all that. But danggggg…I’m creaky.

    WOD: 45 minutes (15 minutes warm up run and 30 minutes of speed work- 30sec all out/ 90 sec running recovery for 15 then 45 all out/ 75 recovery for 10 then 1:1 for 5.)

    Walking body weight lunges and planks

    Stretching for the recovery aka being old

    @MissAtomicBomb238, maybe proceed with caution when it comes to claims about aging in this group: If that's you in your profile photo, you look like a Mere Youth to me. (I'm not the only 60+ person hanging out here, either, with others close behind chronologically.) Do we need to check IDs at the door? 😉😆🤣

    Your workouts look excellent though (go, you!), so anything you need to do to make that go well is worth doing. 👍
    Lietchi wrote: »
    So why are planks on the hands easier...? I'm gonna bring it up with the pilates coach for sure. I'm very curious!

    Isn't it just a matter of physics? The angle of your body is different: planks on your hands (presumably with stretched arms?) probably mean more weight on your feet and therefore less core implication?

    That would make sense to me. Same argument as push-up progressions?

    For sure, my wrists and even shoulders tend to be stressed before core in front planks. (Rowing, especially sculling, does a decent job of building core strength in that plane, IME. I'm a lot weaker in side plank. I can do them, but only more briefly. Front plank with foot raise is achievable, side plank with foot raise is very punitive. I don't know how long I can front plank, though: I get bored, and there's a diminishing return on basic planks, so I'd usually switch to rolling planks, one arm/one leg, or some other progression, maybe other exercise.)
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,890 Member
    Quick spin b4 werk. Which is another 50+km of cycling

  • Got in 40 strength (upper body and core) plus 60 minute run today 😁😁🏋🏻‍♂️🤗
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,031 Member
    edited August 2022
    I seem to have COVID, so no workouts for me. It's a bit annoying, as I had scuba diving holiday booked on Sunday. I was supposed to fly to Narvik in the Arctic Circle in Norway. I suspect I picked the lurgy up at my Dad's meemorial; quite a few people have tested positive.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,986 Member
    drmwc wrote: »
    I seem to have COVID, so no workouts for me. It's a bit annoying, as I had scuba diving holiday booked on Sunday. I was supposed to fly to Narvik in the Arctic Circle in Norway. I suspect I picked the lurgy up at my Dad's meemorial; quite a few people have tested positive.

    Oh, man, I'm so sorry, @drmwc! Wishing you no or mild symptoms, and a speedy recovery: Your fitness level ought to help with that. Let us know how you're doing, OK?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,986 Member
    Unimaginative, I guess: About 6500m rowing 2 seat in the quad again, shorter than usual because - apparently? - today's bow rower, who hasn't bowed much this season, was worried about getting too close to the bridges at either end, so called weigh enough and spun the boat quite a way from both bridges. We did some nice power 10s along the way, though, in pleasant weather, and got the splits down by 30" or more from our starting pace each time, which was good.

    This despite what seemed to be an organized demo of two fancy, shiny new pontoon boats doing circuits from the public boat launch . . . while ignoring the standard US default "keep right" traffic pattern for such waterways, plus making an unpredictable turn into our path at one point (we should have the right of way, as a human-powered, less maneuverable craft). WTF, people who ought to know better?
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hope you feel better soon Matt!

    Did my normal Friday -- supersets and then a rowing interval. I try to do either a fast piece or a longer endurance piece on my two hard rowing interval days, which coincide with my lifting days. Since I did a short sprint on Tuesday, I figured I'd do a longer interval session today.

    Wasn't feeling going out too, too hard today (lift was tough enough), so I thought I would do a hard 10K restricted rate row (at 20 SPM) and then quickly changed my mind :D . Quit at five minutes in and then switched it to a 5 minute X 5 interval/one minute rest @ 20 Strokes per minute. Averaged around 2:09 for the set on pace. Hard enough for today. Around 450 calories burned, just on the rowing part today, in around 33 minutes. HR during the five minute sets was around 85% to 86% max.
  • 15822
    15822 Posts: 269 Member
    Today on my intended rest day I realised I must have clicked on the wrong pickup location for a package I ordered, so that's a 8 KM brisk walk on the books.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Easy paced shakeout swim before tomorrow's triathlon relay. Roughly 1500 lazy yards and had the lake to myself. Saw an eagle grab a trout for breakfast, but otherwise it was perfect stillness.

    Roughly 25 tri club friends will be at the race, so it'll be more of a social affair than real performance test for me.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 14,101 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    9k coached row in bow of the double, with a 21 y/o (petite but mighty!) rowing stroke.

    We had a mini-adventure. Though I steered wide of the bank on the corner where the fishing docks are, one guy had left two rods unattended with lines far, far out into the river. We can't see the lines from the water at all . . . so we caught both lines, dragged the rods (that were propped up on shore unattended) into the river, got ourselves well entangled. Various untangling and rod retrieval activities ensued. Coach came up in his launch to support if needed. Fortunately, everyone was reasonably good humored about it, and all ended well.

    Did the rods get back to their owner? I bet the shell was the biggest thing that person ever caught.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,031 Member
    edited August 2022
    Thanks Anne and Mike! I feel fine, maybe a bit more tired than normal, but basically asymptomatic so far.

    I read a book in my garden today, and got bored. So I campused up and down my climbing wall a bit. Not exercising is hard.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,763 Member
    Yesterday: after a stressful work day, I 'vegged out' in front of the TV. Nothing but some stretching: all the running I've been doing seems to have made my hips quite stiff. I wouldn't dare to claim age as the reason for my stretching 😛

    Today a treadmill run: 6km in 41min27, easy steady state run after the first few minutes of getting into my rhythm.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,986 Member
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    9k coached row in bow of the double, with a 21 y/o (petite but mighty!) rowing stroke.

    We had a mini-adventure. Though I steered wide of the bank on the corner where the fishing docks are, one guy had left two rods unattended with lines far, far out into the river. We can't see the lines from the water at all . . . so we caught both lines, dragged the rods (that were propped up on shore unattended) into the river, got ourselves well entangled. Various untangling and rod retrieval activities ensued. Coach came up in his launch to support if needed. Fortunately, everyone was reasonably good humored about it, and all ended well.

    Did the rods get back to their owner? I bet the shell was the biggest thing that person ever caught.

    @mtaratoot, yes they did. Apologies for leaving that ambiguous. We untangled, and he was able to use a remaining on-shore rod to nab the lines, pull the rods back up to the fishing docks. (The "fishing docks" are more like a planked, railed deck area at the edge of the river, not a classic dock hanging out over the water.) We may've been a big'un, but I don't think he was happy with that "catch", even though he was very civil over it. Plenty of blame to go around, I think.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,986 Member
    Another Saturday, another row in the quad, back in bow seat. Since I was bow, I incrementally increased the power 10s. Anytime we had a clear line, I called "10 (strokes) power, 15 easy", so we got in quite a few 10s. We had someone from last year's learn-to-row class in 2 seat, and she'd never done power pieces, but we explained the concept (more oomph, no intentional spm increase . . . though spm goes up on its own). She did great. Our stroke (the Big 10 champion rower) felt we were releasing before her, so we worked on getting length through layback plus full arm range going into the finish.

    This afternoon, solo arm-bending, some garden-walking, and a few vague dancing motions at the local art's council's beer tasting/live music event. That's exercise, kinda, isn't it? 😉 Personal best: Greenbush Brother Benjamin. 😋 (Beautiful copper color, high IBU, kinda high ABV . . . small samples!)

    @mtaratoot, that looks like a fun trip. Some of those people have nice boats, too!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 14,101 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    @mtaratoot, that looks like a fun trip. Some of those people have nice boats, too!

    The only night we didn't camp on private property (a farm), we stayed in a large city park. As it turns out, it's 0.5 miles from my house, so I didn't tent that night. I walked home, dropped some things off, watered bonsai and shiitake logs, then biked back down for supper and visitation, then back home. We put all our boats in a big grassy circle where folks drive around to use the boat ramp. I was chatting with one of the other volunteers and asked, "Not current value, but retail value - what do you think we're looking at in this little place." We agreed it was probably no less than $300,000 worth of boats based on RETAIL value. My 35 year old beat-up Advantage ain't worth what a new one is, but boy it sure was fun looking at all those boats.

    Definitely more kayaks than canoes. Us canoe paddlers are special ;)

    The fellow I was talking with about how much that boat pile was worth is on the board of the organization that ran the trip, and his vocation is in the outdoor recreation industry. He was paddling a graphite version of the same hull I have in glass. Super light. Very nice. When I win the lottery I'll buy one. Oh. Yeah. I guess I have to buy a ticket first.
  • MissAtomicBomb238
    MissAtomicBomb238 Posts: 65 Member
    @AnnPT77 haha you’re right. I’m getting g used to leaving my 30s. I have roughly 340 days until I hit 40 and it’s sort of a reckoning for me.

    Workout- zone 2 run which involved a lot of walking breaks since the humidity drove up my heart rate 😭

    90 minutes of rock climbing and bouldering today. This is a new obsession…
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 11,213 Member
    Yesterday was full-body day:

    Elliptical - 5km hills

    Weights - Full body

    Deadlifts, hack squat, DB press, DB row, front/side/rear lateral raises, DB curls, lying DB extensions

    In addition it was grocery day, so pushing a cart laden with enough food to feed a household of 9 humans plus 10 animals for an hour, then wrapping up the day with a half hour walk of one of said animals around the neighborhood.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,763 Member
    edited August 2022
    Today was long run day: 13km in 90 minutes. 11km @ 8.6kph and 2km @ 9.1kph.
    I could have gone longer, but I was late starting my run after playing some card games with my BF and letting him use the treadmill first.

    There's a local run in my town in a month: 5, 10 and 15k. I'm hesitating. I want to get rid of a traumatic memory: a 5k run years and years ago which failed miserably, and in hindsight I should never have signed up for. But precisely that memory and being very introverted (there's a reason I usually run on my treadmill in my garage) are holding me back: the run is during a 3 day festival, lots and lots of people watching. I still have some time to think about it and see what the weather will be (I'm not good with heat).
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,986 Member
    Lietchi wrote: »
    Today was long run day: 13km in 90 minutes. 11km @ 8.6kph and 2km @ 9.1kph.
    I could have gone longer, but I was late starting my run after playing some card games with my BF and letting him use the treadmill first.

    There's a local run in my town in a month: 5, 10 and 15k. I'm hesitating. I want to get rid of a traumatic memory: a 5k run years and years ago which failed miserably, and in hindsight I should never have signed up for. But precisely that memory and being very introverted (there's a reason I usually run on my treadmill in my garage) are holding me back: the run is during a 3 day festival, lots and lots of people watching. I still have some time to think about it and see what the weather will be (I'm not good with heat).

    @lietchi - I know you know this, but I want to underscore it. It's a festival. Those people are mostly festival-ing. They may even be on the sidelines cheering. But they're not watching you. Conquer the demons of the past. It'll be empowering, I betcha.

    P.S. Obligatory on-topic (?) content: Today is my weekly rest day. 😉

    This upcoming week, I'm (maybe) trying to hit 40k in some combination of on-water rowing, machine rowing, stationary biking . . . but I don't want to give up any outdoor biking to do it. This is for the Concept 2 Dog Days of Summer Challenge: 4 weeks in August, 10k first week, then increasing 10k each week to 40k in week 4. If weather holds, I'll have 3 days, 25-30 or so miles (40-50km), of outdoor biking in the mix, probably - but it doesn't count. Weeks 1-3 were automagic, given my normal on-water rowing schedule and decent enough weather to do it. (I got lucky with weather so far.) Week 4 . . . we'll see. I don't love rowing machine/stationary bike in Summer when there are better options. 🤷‍♀️
  • MissAtomicBomb238
    MissAtomicBomb238 Posts: 65 Member
    65 minute long run. That’s all.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 14,101 Member
    Cleaning and organizing gear after the canoe trip.

    Preparing the raft and gear for the Rogue River trip.
  • corcorcor
    corcorcor Posts: 1 Member
    I did a mile on the treadmill and hit some abs and arms.
  • TicTacToo
    TicTacToo Posts: 76 Member
    edited August 2022
    An hour of Masters swim training. I can't yet keep up with the intermediate group, but I'm nearly there.

    Warm up with fins...
    200m own choice
    200m freestyle (I only did 100m)
    2 X 50 drill, 50 swim own choice

    Main set...
    6 X 100m free @ 2:30 (lol, in my dreams! I managed 5 X 100)
    50m easy
    5 X 100m free @ 2.10 (I did 4 X 100, nowhere near times)
    100m easy
    4 X 100m free @ 2.05 (I noped out of that and did 2 X 100m kick instead)

    Cool down...
    2 X 100m easy

    My total: 1950m with half a litre of my sweat added to the pool water

    When I started training 8 weeks ago I could only swim 1km in an hour so I'm nearly twice as good as I used to be!