What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    edited July 2022
    Did 186 minutes on my Elliptical for 13.25 miles this AM. Then did 5 sets of 20 reps of 90+ lbs on the leg press. And 10 lb bicep curls and tri-cep kickbacks with dumbbells.

  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,006 Member
    edited July 2022
    Final day of diving. We did the wreck of the Rosehill, 30m; 45 minute dive. It was the first time I had done this. It was nice. There were loads of conger in the boilers; stacks of fish; and a few lobster. The rest of the wreck is quite broken up. We went in a search for the gun, but went to the wrong end. (I think the gun is at the stern, and we went to the pointy end. But I may have that the wrong way around.)

    There were three of us on the dive (one rebreather dive; and me and another on twinsets.) We were the first in; a surface faff caused another rebreather diver to initially solo dive. He found us; some complicated hand gestures led to our rebreather diver joining him; so we ended the dive with just two of us. I had 4 minutes of deco, but my buddy had more. So we were at 6m for about 10 minutes.

    The second dive was the Scylla. 20m; 50 minutes. It was lovely. We swam I side the wreck for a bit, and then enjoyed the wildlife on the top decks; which are really reefy these days. My drysuot flooded on this five, but it was good for the other 5 of the trip.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Joined a friend who is racing with us this coming weekend for a last open water swim. Beautiful calm conditions on a crystal clear lake.

    I ground out a slow 2000yds, while my friend, the dolphin, glided along for 3300 effortless yards. She was a competitive swimmer in college and her form and swim fitness are still great.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    Too tired to explain, we did The Chief
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    I did 190 minutes on the Elliptical for 13.76 miles this AM. Also did Leg presses, 5 sets of 20 @ 100+ lbs today. (Don't know how much the incline sled/bar weighs. It's also a angled shoulder/squat press too) Used the double cable pulley system for Lat pull downs 2 sets of 10 with 50 lbs. And double bicep curls, 2 sets of 10 with 50 lbs, then 2 sets of 10 bicep dumbbell curls with 10 lbs and same number of sets with Tri-cep kickbacks with the same dumbbell. Need to add to my repertoire. Need to cut the grass today. Off tomorrow yet. Nice break from work. And getting extra workout time in. Hopefully adding in the weights will kick start something for me. Or at least tone me up!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,097 Member
    Today, the usual 7k-ish rowing bow in the double.

    Rest day Sunday, forgot to post on Saturday.

    Saturday was a short row: A couple of women from my now-disbanded breast cancer survivors team came to guest-row with us at the club, after not having rowed for a couple of seasons. (I felt some trepidation about how it would go, especially since they were mostly used to sweep rowing - one oar per person - vs. sculling - two oars per person . . . obviously, the bladework is different.)

    My most frequent double partner (who was also part of the old team) went out in the quad with them, she in stroke and me in bow, our guests in the middle 2 seats. It was a little shorter row than usual, as we took some extra breaks since they're not as conditioned to rowing now, especially in the heat - around 5.5k, more or less. It went really well, though.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2022
    Took last two days off. Did some yardwork on Sunday and had guests over yesterday for the 4th and cooked all day.

    Back at it today with my new lifting routine (30 reps X 5 sets of compound shoulders, legs and chest), then it was a hard row again -- 10 X 199m with 1 minute recovery. Finished this time at a 1:45 pace, which I'm happy with. Paced it much better than the failed effort last week (on Friday). Started out at 1:48 and most of the rest were 1:45 until the last one and that was 1:43 pace, so well executed (for me). Finished with 20 minutes or so, really easy, on the LateralX.

    Not sure why the one club picked 199 meters, an odd number. Each club gets a turn at picking the monthly challenge. Typically, there's some meaning behind the number but I'm not sure what it was.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I overdid it during the chief yesterday so I decided to "take it easy" today. And I did take it fairly easy at the 10 min emom of 2 parallel squat power snatches. I built up to about 70% of my 1RM but my 1RM is outdated and limited by fear.

    Then we went for a heavy single snatch balance + overhead squat. The coach wanted us to work on our 'snappiness' so I did a bunch of snatch balances by themselves at various weights, then moved to do the actual combo. I was so tired, I decided to try one more weight at the end, not realising I'd never done such a heavy overhead squat. So I got a new 1RM while injured and taking it easy...

    Also while the coach was imparting his wisdom upon us he called us die-hard crossfitters 😂😂😂

    Tomorrow I am taking it easy. Everyone else will be doing the benchmark wod crossfit total but I am on strict no deadlift orders imparted by myself, don't feel comfortable doing shoulder presses right now, and can only do parallel backsquats and at 75 or 80% of my 1RM at most, so not the right workout for me tomorrow. I'm gonna do my back routine instead. I'm gonna be stuck at home all day waiting for my new work phone to arrive so I'll be losing my mind.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    I did 190 minutes on the Elliptical for 13.6 miles this AM. Also did Leg presses, 5 sets of 20 @ 100+ lbs today. (Don't know how much the incline sled/bar weighs. It's also a angled shoulder/squat press too) Used the double cable pulley system for Lat pull downs 2 sets of 20 with 50 lbs. And double bicep curls, 2 sets of 20 with 50 lbs, then 2 sets of 20 bicep dumbbell curls with 10 lbs and same number of sets with Tri-cep kickbacks with the same dumbbell. Need to add to my repertoire. Nice 5 day break from work. Back tomorrow and off Friday, work Saturday and off Sunday. Hopefully adding in the weights will kick start something for me. Or at least tone me up!

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,143 Member
    Yesterday after work was leg day: squats, RDL, leg extends/curls, and step-ups.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    Today was a lesson in restraint as the group was doing a fun workout and I was doing my back routine but I spiced it up by adding more bike. And by spiced up I mean made it even more boring. But I do feel my quads now so hey.
    Tomorrow's a forced day off with maybe some walking and friday's workout looks pretty awful but we'll see. I did have a good time chatting afterward with someone I hadn't seen in a while so we hung out for over an hour outside the gym and we decided we'll go play squash together sometime when my back is healed.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Boring steady state work on rower and then Assault Bike. 2:22 pace on rower @ 21 SPM. Right at 10 meters per stroke average. HR just slightly over 75% max at the end (something I try to cap) -- not bad considering it's hot outside.
  • TeacupK
    TeacupK Posts: 2 Member
    Mostly train aerial silks, straps or Lyra but when I work out at home I love Heather Robertson’s 12 week fitness series on YouTube.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,097 Member
    Yesterday, rowing got rained out (group went out for coffee instead!). I had errands and stuff the rest of the day, so just took it as an unplanned rest day, which I think was beneficial.

    Today, another bike ride, just 22.8 miles this time, moving average 11mph, all but 5:25 Z2 and below.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,143 Member
    Pull day: pullups, BB rows, BB shrugs, Cable rows, face pulls, cable hammer curls. Plus walking the mile to the hospital to pick up my wife's truck which got left there.
  • Countandsubtract
    Countandsubtract Posts: 276 Member
    Core and leg day
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    Yesterday I had a work bbq and I had to walk less than I expected but we did play jeu de boulles for an hour 😂 it was a lot of fun. I walked maybe 30 min total so I'm considering it a rest day.

    Today I did 20 power snatches at 25kg (touch-and-go but not unbroken), 200m running, 30 kipping knee raises, 200m running, and 20 power snatches at 25kg in 14:51.
    The running was a big experiment as I haven't run more than 100m in a day since I hurt my ankle (dec 2018) but the first 300m felt good and the last 100m hurt but the little jumps from the power snatches kinda helped with the pain.
    The knee raises took the longest and I ripped my palms in multiple places, despite the bar I hung from being taped. I did sets of 5, 4 and 3 and started off with some beat swings. I've always been scared of kipping stuff so this was an adrenaline rush and the first time I did this much so I'm very happy.
    My power snatches were a hybrid between power snatches from the floor and hang power snatches but that's okay because my back needs that right now.

    I typically don't mention the warming up and cooling down/stretching/accessories we do but it hit me when I did my back routine for the 10th time that our warm ups or accessories can be someone else's full workout. Makes it really cool that people can have such great results with persistence and patience and more reps at lower weights. I'm not patient and I have too much energy so I need the dramatic stuff we do but it's cool that it's enough, you know?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,097 Member
    edited July 2022
    Rowed the usual 7k-ish in bow of the double, nice flat water but really muggy (hot/humid, no breeze at all), so kept it on the extra-easy-pace side, except for one burst where we were passing the single that was out with us and didn't want to be playing dodge-boats across a wide area of the river if we passed slowly.

    (It's mildly annoying to row with another boat close ahead of you that's just passed you, because you are facing away from that boat, and need to keep checking "behind" you to make sure they haven't stopped or something. Traveling backwards makes things weird.)

    There was a brief foray into Z4, and a few minutes Z3, but mostly Z2 and below.

    That'll be it for today, as formal exercise.