December 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Okay guys, keep me accountable please!

    I am going to a Yin yoga class tonight and doing strength training with kettlebells tomorrow morning. I have been seriously slacking on the cross training. It has been MONTHS since I have touched a weight. Someone please yell at me if I make lame excuses when I check in tomorrow.

    If you sprain an ankle or something like that, a "lame" excuse would be acceptable. But do try not to trip over the kettlebells.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,415 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @orphia the conclusion of the study. "These discoveries may explain why shoes with more cushioning do not protect against impact-related running injuries."

    It is one study. And one must remember to run in what works best for ones self. I personally need minimal cushion. Overly cushioned shoes do cause me to over stride, run too fast for my ability and allow my glutes to turn off. But that's me. Others without my issues, may have no problems with the cushion. My retired dentist runs Boston, Chicago etc and loves the overly cushioned shoes.
    @orphia - I did read the study and saw the same conclusions that @elise4270 saw. I wear 0 drop shoes because they feel the most natural for my stride. I do not run in shoes with no cushion (the super minimalist, have to feel every bump or stone) but I cannot run in shoes that feel like marshmallows on my feet. I struggle with every step and I have tried several varieties.

    I am going to see an ortho doc who treats runners and appreciates that people want to run, regardless of how 'old' they are. Hopefully I can pick his brain for recommendations so I don't end up with another stress fracture as the podiatrist is convinced will happen if I run. Also someone asked a while back if I had had a bone density and I had one in October - I just don't have the results from my doctor but I am sure if something were wrong she would have notified me.

  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited December 2018
    Today I got to run 4.25 miles around my home lake and then a nice four-block loop with Iggy. I hadn’t been feeling it after the long weekend but the sun was calling to me, so out I went. I somehow managed to start off way too fast with an almost sub-10 minute mile and each mile was slower than that one and more work than it needed to be as a result, but so it goes. I haven’t been watching my pace much since it’s gotten cold but I should try to at least keep it slow for that first mile to let myself warm up. The news is predicting high 30s to low 40s the next couple of days, so I’m going to have to do my best to hit that.

    @girlinahat: To each their own - I’ve never been one to get upset when other people don’t like the same things I do, or vice versa, so long as they aren’t jerks about it (I’ll just say that 50 Shades never appealed to me whatsoever and leave it at that). I love His Dark Materials, but I don't think they're nearly as dark as Grimm. They’re in direct conversation with C.S. Lewis so of course they hit on a lot of religious philosophy, but I can’t say that I would consider them especially “dark”. Actually part of what I like about the early Potter books is the twisted Roald Dahl-esque feel, especially the parts with the Dursleys. Neil Gaiman’s mid-grade and YA stuff hits a similar feel, especially Coraline. ETA: For a really dark and twisted YA fantasy series, I highly recommend Kristin Cashore's "Graceling" and its two sequels. Woof.

    December Total: 35.56 miles

    2019 Races! (italics under consideration)
    January 26: Securian 10K
    February 16: Half Fast 10K ($20 price jump 1/30)
    March 23: Hot Dash 10Mi
    April 27: Get In Gear Half or 10K ($5 price jump 12/31, 1/31)
    May 4: Door County Half Marathon, Peninsula State Park, WI (if no half in April and no WY trip in June) ($5 price jump 12/31, 2/28)

    May 22: ESTRS Lebanon 10K (registration open 1/1/19)
    June 1: Hospital Hill Half Marathon, Kansas City OR Grand Teton Half, Jackson WY
    June 12: ESTRS French 5K
    June 29: Lift Bridge 10K
    July 10: ESTRS Lebanon 7Mi
    July 17: Torchlight 5K
    July 27: St. Croix Crossing Half
    August 3: Minnesota Half Marathon 10Mi OR
    August 7: ESTRS SLP 5Mi OR
    August 10: Gopher to Badger 10K

    September 8: Sioux Falls Half Marathon
    September 21: Surly Trail Loppet 7Mi
    October 5: TCM 10K or 10Mi
    November: Undecided Half?
    November 28: Turkey Trot St. Paul 10K
    December: Undecided 10K
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited December 2018
    LadySaton wrote: »
    @MegaMooseEsq I don’t have Pandemic Legacy yet, but I do have Pandemic and one of the expansions and it’s frequently in rotation on game days. Plus it’s one that the husband and I will pull out even if it’s just us. I also have it for iOS and find it a good way to pass time in waiting rooms. The couple we play with just gave me Betrayal at House on the Hill for Christmas (early gift exchange) and we played for the first time on Saturday. It was really fun, but the player that turned traitor didn’t read his rules very well and unintentionally cheated. So we all made a mental note to read the rules really well if you are the traitor because there’s no one to help catch mistakes!

    Betrayal is a great game, but some of the scenarios are definitely more balanced than others! We've had more than one game that ended in a draw because of a rules goof. My husband and I have played both Betrayal and Pandemic as a two-person game many times - for Pandemic we jointly control four characters, while in Betrayal we each control 3 to start and then split to heroes/traitor. I really enjoyed Legacy season one (we just started season two but it looks good so far - season one was a little easy for us but two is looking to be a good deal tougher). It is definitely a good one to do with a fixed group if possible because of the serial nature of it.

    ETA: The couple we played Season One with put together this awesome shadowbox with the finished board as a housewarming present. That'll be going in the room of requirements for sure once we finish unpacking.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,415 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    well, there is run universal but no potter specific run.
    but it might be the next best thing. minion 5k

    @mbaker566 - I was going to mention that one. I just saw an ad for it over the weekend. I am trying to convince my husband to walk it while I run it. I have never been to Universal Studios, embarrassed to say I have never read Harry Potter (it is on my list though) but I do love me a minion!
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    For dark, definitely not kids stuff I enjoy Ted Dekker's Circle series. Was dark enough I didn't want to read during night shift doing home care. Some religious overtones but, meh, what doesn't these days. Where does the schizophrenic mind go when the body sleeps?

    @MegaMooseEsq will have to check out the series you mentioned.
  • LadySaton
    LadySaton Posts: 500 Member
    @MegaMooseEsq The uneven nature of the different scenarios was something I noticed when I was reading comments on the game while verifying how certain rules worked. I look forward to playing through more of the stories though. And I may just take the plunge and buy PLegacy. Part of me wants to get our strategy improved first. 😂 I’ve never played a Legacy game and it feels very _permanent_ so to speak. Lovely shadow box, well thought out gift for sure!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    For dark, definitely not kids stuff I enjoy Ted Dekker's Circle series. Was dark enough I didn't want to read during night shift doing home care. Some religious overtones but, meh, what doesn't these days. Where does the schizophrenic mind go when the body sleeps?

    @MegaMooseEsq will have to check out the series you mentioned.

    I enjoy Ted. I thought the dark materials were too antagonistic.
    I found dekker thru Frank Peretti
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    12/1 - 7mph for 1 hour @ 4% grade
    12/2 - 7 miles
    12/3 - 7mph for 1 hour @ 4% grade
    12/4 - 0 KM
    12/5 - 12 miles
    12/6 - Cookies
    12/7 - 12 miles
    12/8 - Christmas Party
    12/9 - Game Night
    12/10 - 7 miles
    12/11 - 7 miles
    12/12 - Work Dinner
    12/13 - 12 miles
    12/14 - 12 miles
    12/15 - 0 KM
    12/16 - 10.5 miles
    12/17 - 13.1 miles

    Upcoming Races
    Steel Challange 5k - May 2019
    Pittsburgh Marathon - May 2019
    Glacier Ridge 50k Trail Race - May 2019

    2021 - Disney World Dopey! (if can raise funds)

    2019 GOAL: Knock a full hour off my 50k time at Glacier Ridge.
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    7 miles this evening. Felt really good for a change. Usually the run after a long run is horrible. Not sure what the difference was today, but I'll just enjoy it.


    There was a recent discussion about running in the dark and reflective gear and/or bright clothes. Well I don't really bother with that as I rarely run in the street or cross busy intersections. And I feel I am very aware of drivers and can dodge them if needed. Well, I had to cross an intersection tonight, but didn't have any close I thought. When I walked through the door, my wife lit into me, saying "I almost hit you crossing _____ Rd. What are you doing running in all dark clothes!" I know I looked both ways and didn't think there were any cars even close. So I guess I'll start wearing some flashing lights and reflective gear from now on. Yeesh.

    As a wife... when I tell my husband I almost hit something, I may have a tendency to exaggerate a bit (especially if she's concerned about your safety). But that wouldn't explain you not even seeing her. Are you both sure it was you?
    Of course I'm not trying to enable you running in dark clothes and no lights. Even if it just gave her some peace of mind, it would probably be worth wearing something to increase visibility.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,415 Member
    @elise4270 - I too am overly self-conscious at my doctor's office (any doctor honestly) it is why I have 'white coat' syndrome and my normally normal BP goes off the charts... Once I see said doctor I am fine and my BP is perfect - even better than perfect.... also I don't shave my legs any more. I do go once in a while to have them 'sugared' (it is awesome!) and honestly don't have much hair on my legs any longer. I did go and get a pedicure before I went to the podiatrist though - ha!

    Love the pig - I think he is a runner and has a quarter squeezed in there! Go glutes!
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I can not believe y'all are not any fun entertaining me at the docs office. I threw out some funny stuff. (Well i thought so) It all worked out. I was his first appointment after lunch and he had my favorite PA in training, we had a great visit. I clipped my nails, took/put on rosecea med so I'm a bit more human. I do not like the feeling after shaving, so I'ma be a yeti.

    I can not be the only one that is overly self conscious at the docs office.

    Of course not necessarily running related. The toe is probably fungal. Sent a clipping to the lab, oh someone there's gonna be stoked. The constant ringing in my ear is mearly my brain trying to escape and crying for help. Or it could be that I get to see a specialist in January for an alternate diagnosis along the thought of a neurosensory issue. I hope its terminal. Ah heck, least its another day off work. Probably nothing but noisy work and old age. Yay.

    I have had tooo much candy the last few days. Dd made candy at paternal grandmothers/dads (hehe ya he live w mama). Oh wait. My kid still lives w me. :neutral: its the candy. I'll settle down after a steak. Whis cookin''?

    @MobyCarp @PastorVincent a chair won't fit in my shower. And if it did, I'd 1- probably drown looking up at the shower head or 2- stand up on it and fall off allowing my brain to escape its confinement. See?
    Haha! Gottcha :smiley: really thought i was gonna share a shower pic, eh?

    Thank you for that lovely visual! :D I'm going for my run now.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @orphia the conclusion of the study. "These discoveries may explain why shoes with more cushioning do not protect against impact-related running injuries."

    It is one study. And one must remember to run in what works best for ones self. I personally need minimal cushion. Overly cushioned shoes do cause me to over stride, run too fast for my ability and allow my glutes to turn off. But that's me. Others without my issues, may have no problems with the cushion. My retired dentist runs Boston, Chicago etc and loves the overly cushioned shoes.
    @orphia - I did read the study and saw the same conclusions that @elise4270 saw. I wear 0 drop shoes because they feel the most natural for my stride. I do not run in shoes with no cushion (the super minimalist, have to feel every bump or stone) but I cannot run in shoes that feel like marshmallows on my feet. I struggle with every step and I have tried several varieties.

    I am going to see an ortho doc who treats runners and appreciates that people want to run, regardless of how 'old' they are. Hopefully I can pick his brain for recommendations so I don't end up with another stress fracture as the podiatrist is convinced will happen if I run. Also someone asked a while back if I had had a bone density and I had one in October - I just don't have the results from my doctor but I am sure if something were wrong she would have notified me.

    Yes, I agree, I can't run with shoes that feel like marshmallows ie maximalist as in the study, nor do I like minimalist, nor stability/support shoes. Neutral shoes with regular cushioning is fine for me.

    We were born to run and we were born to make tools to make life bearable. :smile:

    I'm a worrier, so I'd ring about the bone density results just in case they got overlooked. :smiley: That's great about seeing the orthopedic doctor! Let us know how you go!