
:) Welcome to the friendliest, most supportive thread you'll ever find. The title says "Women Ages 50+" but all women are welcome.

:) It helps me to check in with this thread every day for the friendship and support that has been so helpful on my weight loss journey.

If you had any goals or resolutions for January, how did you do?
Do you have any goals or resolutions for February that you'd like to share?

Resolutions for February:
*return to my daily meditation practice
*return to SWSY

Resolutions for January (with end of the month comments)
*get over my cold (successful)
*continue with good habits (logging food and exercise, drinking water, posting on this thread)--great

81824br5uyrfrsr.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,116 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Thank you Barbie!

    College Station, TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Machka, dear heart, I hope she is wrong! I had a collar bone that was broken dismissed as merely bruised, and dealt with that aftermath, because no X-ray was done. Hopefully she is overblowing the issue. You could use a break (and I don't mean a bone, but a respite) from bad news.

    Good news on my side--next week Tuesday, I'll be first surgery of the day, at 7 a.m., which is always a good thing, fewer delays and a rested surgeon (one hopes). My husband, the workaholic, has decided to take the two days off with me and be there for me in the hospital--I'm mildly stunned about that. He's not really that guy, he shows his love in different ways than personal care, and it's nice to see him do this with no pressure from me, not even subtle pressure. And... the driving restriction is only for two weeks, when I expected it to be more like four to six weeks.

    Unfortunately, my nickname for the physical therapist is in charge is "Old Yeller." She was four feet from me and yelling throughout the pre-op education class. Fairly sure she's not the in-home PT person, which is a good thing. Not fond of people who yell at me.

    Corey built a fire for me before he left, as today is our most bitter cold day, and it's lovely. Going to go do my pre-op exercises in front of it.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR

    I hope your surgery goes very well and that you have a quick recovery. :heart:

    My husband encountered a couple PTs who pushed him and nagged at him more than he was ready for ... it did not go well. Fortunately, they shifted him over to PTs who were much more gentle and that went a lot better. He's seeing one now for his vestibular disorder issues who is great. He's so impressed and says he is feeling much better ... less dizzy when he does certain things. If you get a good one, they're wonderful. :)

    I'm planning to take it fairly easy this weekend. I was going to try cycling because my PT (who discovered all this with my hip) reluctantly said I might be able to cycle a little tiny bit, but I am tired, and I do have lots of sit-down paperwork stuff to do, and my hip and leg do feel better when I'm not exercising these days, so I might just give the hip and leg a rest.

    In answer to a couple other questions:

    My PT has recommended a bone density scan, but first we'll do this MRI.

    I am not on ant-inflammatories because there is some evidence they inhibit bone growth/healing. So I'm on Panadol.

    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Let's see...about my MIL. Yes, we finally got her safely moved into a beautiful assisted living center. She is in the "memory unit" of the center. She has her own "apartment" that is basically a 20x20 room with bed, room for dresser and a couple of recliners, tv, closet, sink, mini fridge, cupboards and bathroom. She is able to bring in her own furniture, artwork, etc. We had it all set up for her by the time she moved in. She picked out what she wanted to bring with her. As of right now, she is happy and content to be there and seems at peace with the idea. The center is set up like a little "village" and within one building there are seven restaurants, a grocery store, a gift shop, a clothing shop, a movie theater, an art room, mechanical shop room, exercise room, chapel... She is wears a tracker for the memory unit, and is allowed to move about the entire place. Their bracelet "tracker" helps the staff keep track of them and they can also be scanned if they want to purchase anything.

    My grandmother was in a similar type of place in Lower Mainland BC for a little over a year until she started to deteriorate. It was really nice. She had a little L-shaped studio apartment, with the bed in the short arm of the L and the living/kitchen in the long arm of the L. They had a large dining room where they could eat with others, or they could have evening meals ordered up to the room. I think the rest of the meals were up to them, so she had bread for a sandwich, cereal, milk, etc. in her little kitchen.

    Your MIL's place sounds bigger, with a few more features. That's really good. :)

    I am still sending out resumes and praying I get a call soon on something. EI just is not enough to pay the bills.

    Tracey in a snowy, but warmer Edmonton

    I hope something comes up for you soon. :heart:

    lhscapil wrote: »
    Heading to the doc this morning to get allergy shots plus have her take a look at a spot on my nose which is quite small but grows and continually red and kind of flakes off. I'm sure it's nothing but both my dad and my grandmother had skin cancers on their noses so if all it needs right now is a touch of dry ice, I reckon now's the time. She might just tell me to keep an eye on it and do nothing which is OK too. I have the first appointment in the morning before the really sick people arrive. B)

    When I was in there last week, my nurse said she never gets flu shots, doesn't believe in them for HER. Since it's a private clinic, the docs don't pressure the employees. I thought that was interesting.

    SW WA State

    When I was getting my allergy shots, my Dr always did them early, before all the really sick people arrived too. :)

    And yes, do get your nose checked.

    I got a flu shot last winter for the first time in years, and for the first time in years, I didn't get much of a flu in August/September like I usually do. It was enough to make me think I'll do it again this coming winter.

    I decided to get it because I was in the hospital every day visiting my husband. They had given one to him and then strongly hinted I should get one too.

    Machka in Oz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    :)Michele, I love all your ideas for the shower. You are so creative.

    :)Rori, congrats on the car.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    I will figure out my wins for January and goals for February in the morning. Thank you Barbie for starting our new month!
    Prayers, hugs, high fives!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    edited February 2019
    Machka9 wrote: »
    January Highlights:
    -- Completing my first half-marathon
    -- Seeing my husband cross the line after jog-walking a 5K
    -- A holiday at last!!
    -- Meeting my step son

    February is a month of unknowns:
    -- MRI on hip to determine what's wrong
    -- Neurosurgeon regarding brain cyst
    -- Uni begins again toward the end of Feb
    -- Heaps of paperwork to catch up on
    -- And ongoing changes with my husband's situation

    Machka in Oz

    2019 Monthly January Stats
    Walking Distance (km): 102.9
    Walking Time (min): 1127.3
    Cycling Distance (km): 138.7
    Cycling Time (min): 446.7
    Flights of Stairs Climbed Number: 60.0
    Flights of Stairs Climbed Time (min): 48.0

    Total Distance (km): 241.6
    Total Distance (miles): 150.1
    Total Time (min): 1622.0
    Total Time (hr): 27:01:59
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Thank you, Barbie, for making this place for us even when you weren't feeling up to snuff, and thank you all for being here. I don't respond to everything or everyone, and much as I love y'all, not sure I could. I did try at the beginning, until it got overwhelming, and I'm fairly sure there weren't as many people five years ago as there are now! Well, April will be five years. And no, my MFP streak doesn't show it, but I had to change usernames.

    My January goal was to lose weight again this year (I lost 35 pounds last year), and I'm actually one pound lighter this morning than I was at the beginning of January, at 181 pounds. Too bad I can't count the five pounds that I've lost at least three times this month and put them right back on! :smiley: But... I'm lighter than I was at the beginning of January, and I'll take that.

    My word of the year is/was "respect," and I've found it interesting how many times it's occurred to me and (possibly) changed my behavior across the course of this month. I'm thinking it's definitely the right head-space for me this year. Respect for myself, respect for others, respect for the process. It's been quite beneficial.

    - the new car sounds fun, glad you found the one you wanted!

    Heather - glad you're feeling better!

    Machka - you're in the space I hate to be in most - where the unknowns start piling up. I hope the resolutions to all are positive and easily resolved wherever possible. It has to make your husband feel good that he was able to help you out by getting some assistance for you (the cane). I'm glad that, moment by moment, inch by inch, you're getting your partner back.

    My February goal - get through the knee surgery and make it to March lighter (even if it's only a pound!) and stronger, faster, and in less pain.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR