

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Did Jari love’s Extra Ripped DVD then used the elliptical for an hour doing an inline workout. The plan for tomorrow is to do 10MS Tone Trouble Zones DVD

    After exercise laid out by the pool and then went to friend’s of ours house.

    M – I’m so happy you got into a tutorial

    Michele who is trying to get caught up
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) There were four new students in my line dance class this morning along with several who were returning after weeks or months. It was fun and challenging with lots of laughter. I wanted to spend the afternoon relaxing but I've put off vacuuming for so long that I had to get it done. Jake used to do the vacuuming but now his health won't let him, so it's my job. He helped by comforting the dogs who are always terrified by the vacuum. The cat always hides under the bed.

    :) Another comment about counting steps and step counters. I have two step counters that are with me all the time. I carry my Omron step counter in my pocket all day and it's the one I use to keep track of my steps and let me know when I've gotten to 10,000 steps. My phone has a step counter and I usually have it in my pocket but sometimes it's on the table plugged in so it doesn't count all my steps. I participate in a step challenge through an app on my phone. Most days, the number of steps on the two step counters are way different from each other. The phone seems to be more sensitive to the steps I take while dancing so even though it's not with me for short periods of the day, it often has a higher number than the pedometer that's in my pocket all the time. Right now there's a difference of more than 4,000 steps between the two.

    <3 Barbie
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    At Evandale Tas watching the Pennyfarthing National Championships!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,809 Member
  • PurpleSparkles85
    PurpleSparkles85 Posts: 44 Member
    my struggles with step counters—
    I have such a terrible time with step counters, I can’t wear one on my wrist because they are so inaccurate. It might still be something about me, but I’m Polish, and I talk with my hands so much they count it as steps. I usually wear it on my ankle. Right now that one has a broken strap. I have some that I can wear at my waist, but if they’re too sensitive they over count. I quit using the one in my phone because I don’t keep my phone on me in the house.

    Trying to get the DVD player to work, but all of those different remote got me so crazy, I gave up. Who needs 4 different remotes to get the thing going? Like they say, sometimes more is not better, it’s just more.

    Have a good evening, all.

    Kathy in KY
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    edited February 2019
    Slowly catching up but still about 3 pages behind.
    Need to stop reading now as time is getting on. Need to get my exercise in o:) (before I make an excuse and say it is too late, need to get on with the housework)

    Heather what is the book called that you are reading about end of life? Think I need to be more prepared for my dad. I hope you manage to get to see your cancer friend and glad that you have support from your other friends via the WhatsApp group.

    Pip hope you have gone to see your GP by now, sounds like we are all a little concerned.

    Michele I've said it many times, but you amaze me with your energy, you never seem to stop.

    Better get on, Iots to do. I have my grandson staying over, need to get him up and breakfasted before we can go to the shops.

    Take care, love to everyone and hugs to those in need <3

    Viv UK
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Machka: Regarding tutorials—can you make arrangements to arrive at work early or stay late once a semester so that you can register and sign up for classes a bit earlier? :huh:

    Sure ... if I knew they were opening the tutorials when they did.

    Most of the time, they tell us that the tutorials will open at 8am on the Tuesday of the week before classes start. 8am, I'm there, waiting. The system opens ... and immediately crashes. About 15 minutes later we get an email saying that they hope the system will be up again at 10am. I've got to be at work at 10am, so I bring my laptop into work and fire it up at 10am. The system opens ... and immediately crashes. About 15 minutes later we get an email saying they hope the system will be up again at 2pm. Finally at some point on Wednesday afternoon the system is up long enough for us to register.

    Last year I was on holiday when I was signing up for the Semester 1 class, and was sitting at train stations and rest stops when we were cycling trying to get on.

    This year they surprised me with an email saying they wouldn't open the registration until Tuesday of the week of classes (next week). And then, with no warning at all, they opened the registration on Thursday ... 5 days early!! The tutorials opened and filled immediately. So we were told that they'd open more first thing on Friday ... but they didn't open till 2 pm.

    It's chaos! :astonished:

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    At Evandale Tas watching the Pennyfarthing National Championships!

    Saturday -- My husband and I went to the Evandale Pennyfarthing Championships today to watch the races. Always good! :)

    And then we went for a ride of our own. :)

    Gorgeous day!! 26C, sunny, not too much wind.

    Distance: 23.05km
    Elevation: 76m
    Moving Time: 1:24:10
    Elapsed Time: 1:29:01
    Speed: Avg: 16.4km/h | Max: 32.0km/h

    Machka in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    Barbie: Re food: I keep frozen veg/meat in the freezer, and I freeze leftovers for lunches. Waste not! Want not! 😂 We just had a some of our Christmas turkey and stuffing + fresh veg on Thursday when my daughter was here. I had enough turkey left over to make sandwiches for yesterday. We garden organically so compost most of our vegetable waste. Also, our local council composts all food waste as well, so very little goes into landfill from our house.
    Machka: What a fiasco! Glad you managed to get a place in the end.
    Pip: Good to see you well on the mend.
    Kayla: Good to know that the leak is fixed. Gird your 'lions' for the contest with the water Board!

    ☘️ Irish Terri
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,802 Member
    good morning ladies~
    I am up and having water.. trying to fast until 9 am, I have to do something... I am eating, but I guess not enough calories, and not enough fat.. so my body is just holding onto the weight,, which I am none to happy about..working 7:30-1 today.. then will pick up a few groceries.. and come home and clean
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Kathy in KY – I hear ya about the remotes. With me I just want an on/off switch. With vince you have to turn this on one remote, then this on another, etc etc. But that’s just me.

    Katla – I always say “woo hoo” here so that people know that I’m excited for them. I know that there’s something about the “woo hoo” on here and I don’t want anyone to think that I’m not happy for them. So I write it here and don’t ever use that button. As a matter of fact, I very seldom use any of the buttons on the bottom. So glad to hear the water leak is fixed.

    Irish Terry – sometimes I make so much food for Christmas that I freeze it and Vince is having left-over Christmas dinner in April! That’s not unusual at all.

    Going to go to the clubhouse to exercise now.

    Michele in the FL unfortunately not for long enough
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Has anyone seen the cartoon "Dustin" today? the father is in the gym and is looking at the sign that says "Please limit time on cardio machines to 30 minutes. He looks at the trainer and says "that's per week, right?"

    I just thought that was cute.

    Michele who plans to lay by the pool today
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited February 2019
    On a whole other subject, that of food waste - buying a vacuum bag machine has more than paid for itself over the years, and in fact we're on our second one, as we wore the first one completely out. So, we can buy meat in bulk to save money, and as someone else said, package it up in serving sizes that make more sense for us. My husband has also gotten into canning food of late, right now more pickling than canning, but the principles are often the same.

    However, separating food into smaller serving sizes has not been possible with our 25-year-old son living with us, as we're cooking a lot more to begin with. He leaves in three weeks, and we fully expect our food bill to drop somewhere on the order of $300 a month. Love that boy, but he's not cheap. :)

    The vacuum bagger is also useful for dry leftovers, if not for wet, so we use it for that. And, when my husband's cooking for just the two of us, he often cooks enough for two meals deliberately, and we freeze the leftovers, or he takes them to work the next few days. We very, very seldom throw any food away.

    Still making good progress with the knee - was able to step up with the new knee onto a ten-inch step yesterday, and repeat 15 times. Paid for it later, but it's progress!

    The weather here didn't get anywhere near as bad as they expected last night, and the wind and tornado weather appears to be skimming to the south and east of us, so we're fine up here on our little mountain. A possible thunderstorm is due to wander through around 9 or 10 a.m., and then by this afternoon, we're supposed to be sunny and 60 degrees. Looking forward to some sunshine.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR