March 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    edited March 2019
    @MobyCarp congrats on a nicely run race that shows how prepared you are for Boston. I'm excited for you. How cool to have Meb as a pacer and to run past him. A friend of mine was just posting that in the Atlanta half marathon she was in a few years ago Meb started last and earned $1 for charity for every runner he passed along the way. He raised $23,000. :smiley:

    @HonuNui congrats on your 10K - I did that "wake up and go run an unplanned race" once for a 10k too (and my only 10k race so far). Having no pre-race expectations or jitters was great.

    @simcon1 and @eleanorhawkins congrats on you 5Ks!!

    This is way in the future (October 2020) but I'm considering doing the I-35 Challenge Kansas City and Des Moines either half or full marathons. You can do any combo, and my friend is planning the full-full combo to get two of her 50 states in. I would do the half-half most likely. Anyone done the I-35? Or just the KC or DSM races? I'm mainly interested because I have friends and family in both places and to support my friend. Not sure how I'd train in terms of having one as a goal race or just trying to survive both. I kind of wish it was this fall because it would be a great goal to work towards now but my friend's marathon schedule is booked way out (she has a 5 year plan to finish the rest of her states). Who are my midwesterners? @7lenny7, @midwesterner (LOL), @kristinegift (former Iowan, right?).
  • zeesparrow
    zeesparrow Posts: 348 Member
    Congrats to all who raced this weekend!

    @workaholic_nurse Yikes! That looks and sounds like a horrible wreck. I hope you don't feel too beat up today, and your injuries heal quickly. Sorry about the car (and cows) though.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    edited March 2019
    @workaholic_nurse WOW! So glad you weren't hurt any worse than you were. So sorry about your car. Hopefully your insurance will help you get a new one!

    @MobyCarp Great run! Congratulations on your AG 2nd place - esp. when you weren't really trying to win. That's amazing.

    @kgirlhart Great pictures of your run. A lot of you have such picturesque places to run. I mostly go up and down my driveway. I may need to change that. LOL

    @simcon1 Great race! I hope you find the Garmin works for you. I love mine.

    @eleanorhawkins Great race! One perk of being single is that I don't have issues with family about my running/races. Hope you figure that out so that everyone wins.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    edited March 2019
    I am fine, some bumps and bruises. The vehicle as you can see is not. The worst part of this is not the accident itself, but the fact that I only had 4 more months to go to pay it off.😖

    Oh no! I'm so glad you were not hurt any worse than what you were!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @workaholic_nurse i'm glad you are ok
    @katharmonic I'm in Wisconsin, so is Julie(can't remember her exact screen name

    congrats to all racers
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,124 Member
    This leaves me with two things to consider. The third and final race in the series is a 7km. It was scheduled for the 28th of April, but then the government here decided to call elections for that day, so it's been moved forward to the 31st of March, just 2 weeks away. My easy gradual training plan would have had me ready for a 7km on 28/04. For 31/03 it calls for 5.6km, so just under a mile less than the race. So, considering his lordship's bitching, if my daughter wants to do it for the T-shirt (you have to finish all 3 in the series to get that) I am going to have to walk it with her and let him run (then I will feel justified in bitching myself when he passes out after a couple of miles or DNF or ends up walking even slower than us!). My quandry is, is it fair to try and force her to do some sort of run/walk combination in the hopes she can complete the whole thing that way and I won't come in dead last, or should I just write this one off, walk for my T-shirt and refuse to take them to races with me from now on?
    Oh the joys of families.

    I agree you should ask her if she wants to run some of it. Depending on her age and how fit she is from other activities, she may be able to run more than you think. My daughter (10) really likes to run but doesn't have a lot of time to train due to other sports. But she gets out every now and then with me and could easily walk/run that distance. Probably more tun than walk. If she is interested, she may surprise you!
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    This leaves me with two things to consider. The third and final race in the series is a 7km. It was scheduled for the 28th of April, but then the government here decided to call elections for that day, so it's been moved forward to the 31st of March, just 2 weeks away. My easy gradual training plan would have had me ready for a 7km on 28/04. For 31/03 it calls for 5.6km, so just under a mile less than the race. So, considering his lordship's bitching, if my daughter wants to do it for the T-shirt (you have to finish all 3 in the series to get that) I am going to have to walk it with her and let him run (then I will feel justified in bitching myself when he passes out after a couple of miles or DNF or ends up walking even slower than us!). My quandry is, is it fair to try and force her to do some sort of run/walk combination in the hopes she can complete the whole thing that way and I won't come in dead last, or should I just write this one off, walk for my T-shirt and refuse to take them to races with me from now on?
    Oh the joys of families.

    I agree you should ask her if she wants to run some of it. Depending on her age and how fit she is from other activities, she may be able to run more than you think. My daughter (10) really likes to run but doesn't have a lot of time to train due to other sports. But she gets out every now and then with me and could easily walk/run that distance. Probably more tun than walk. If she is interested, she may surprise you!

    Trouble is she's at that age where they know everything (13.5). She can walk it perfectly well, in fact I've been making her walk a lot recently as we're doing a week's hiking holiday along the final 120km or so of the Portuguese variant of the Camino de Santiago at Easter. She could run/walk it perfectly well IF she's listen. BUT she insists on trying to run flat out, gets winded after a couple of minutes then pretends to be dying the rest of the way. Voicing how much she hates running as loudly as possible in the meantime. I really don't know why her father insisted we all sign up for this thing. But then I told her it was ok, that I understand if she doesn't want to do the last one and she said she wants to go. Argh! lol.
    @quilteryoyo believe me there are a lot of times I wish I WAS single.
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    1st - v.easy 5km (43 mins)
    4th - v.easy 5km (42 mins)
    8th - v.easy 5km
    11th - easy 5km (37 mins)
    16th - easy 5km (36 mins)
    18th - was meant to be an easy 5k but didn't feel easy at all! Probably due to new physio exercises I did on Saturday (pistol squats & jumping squats) (38mins)

    Total 30 km
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the ideas, insight, etc.
    @simcon1 the problem here is mostly that she doesn't like running or really want to run. She likes the idea of races but not the actual doing of them. We've both wanted to try colour/mud/obstacle runs but there's always been some kind of catch. This year for example there was a colour run in a nearby city yesterday, but we had already signed up for the local series. Now I want to do a Mud& Chocolate, dammit!
    @shanaber I actually left her behind half way through the first in the series last month (after dearest husband had flatly refused to walk with her and run on ahead, hence me asking him very nicely to walk with her this time). She suffers with anxiety and (possibly true, possibly just to guilt-trip me) told em afterwards that she got really upset after I'd left her along and felt like she was going to have a panic attack and a random woman had to calm her down. No idea if it's true or an exageration or what, but no, I wouldn't feel at all happy having her do it alone. She has asked some friends if they'd walk it with her, but these kids act like they're being tortured if anyone makes them walk a mile. I despair for kids these days. Actually that was part of the reason for me whole lifestyle change, to try and set a better example for her.
    @MegaMooseEsq I feel exactly the same, but then it's the two of us who have to put up with his kitten behaviour afterwards.

    I am most definitely not racing with them again. Trouble is, I'm pretty sure I've said that more than once before about many things (including going on vacations) and I end up caving in and hoping the fairytale happy families thing will come true for some stupid reason. But no, no more races.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the ideas, insight, etc.
    @simcon1 the problem here is mostly that she doesn't like running or really want to run. She likes the idea of races but not the actual doing of them. We've both wanted to try colour/mud/obstacle runs but there's always been some kind of catch. This year for example there was a colour run in a nearby city yesterday, but we had already signed up for the local series. Now I want to do a Mud& Chocolate, dammit!
    @shanaber I actually left her behind half way through the first in the series last month (after dearest husband had flatly refused to walk with her and run on ahead, hence me asking him very nicely to walk with her this time). She suffers with anxiety and (possibly true, possibly just to guilt-trip me) told em afterwards that she got really upset after I'd left her along and felt like she was going to have a panic attack and a random woman had to calm her down. No idea if it's true or an exageration or what, but no, I wouldn't feel at all happy having her do it alone. She has asked some friends if they'd walk it with her, but these kids act like they're being tortured if anyone makes them walk a mile. I despair for kids these days. Actually that was part of the reason for me whole lifestyle change, to try and set a better example for her.
    @MegaMooseEsq I feel exactly the same, but then it's the two of us who have to put up with his kitten behaviour afterwards.

    I am most definitely not racing with them again. Trouble is, I'm pretty sure I've said that more than once before about many things (including going on vacations) and I end up caving in and hoping the fairytale happy families thing will come true for some stupid reason. But no, no more races.

    *hugs* Not having kids yet, I can't entirely relate, but I do get the impulse to want to keep things smooth as possible. Just make sure you're not always sacrificing your own needs (easier said than done, maybe).
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Hey all, I had a question for the group that I think got buried in the weekend race reports (congratulations all!) - I've been planning my race schedule for this year since late 2018 but have found myself hesitant to actually pull the trigger and register too far in advance. My issue is that I keep getting caught up in the "what-ifs" - what if I get pregnant/sick/injured and can't run, what if the weather is a disaster, and so on. Does anyone have any tips for sucking it up and accepting that I can't control everything? How far in advance do you feel comfortable registering for events?
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited March 2019
    @MegaMooseEsq i sign up for my annual half every year as soon as registration opens (race=may, registartion=october). i usually book the hotel the day i leave (the monday after the race)

    i am not accepting of most things but i love the area so i don't mind if i miss the race. i'll limp around and enjoy good food. maybe volunteer.
    after this full, i'll decide in the next six months if i'll do another full or do a 50k and sign up if my bank account allows
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Hey all, I had a question for the group that I think got buried in the weekend race reports (congratulations all!) - I've been planning my race schedule for this year since late 2018 but have found myself hesitant to actually pull the trigger and register too far in advance. My issue is that I keep getting caught up in the "what-ifs" - what if I get pregnant/sick/injured and can't run, what if the weather is a disaster, and so on. Does anyone have any tips for sucking it up and accepting that I can't control everything? How far in advance do you feel comfortable registering for events?

    Pretty sure you know how to control this ^^^ ;) And if you can't, well just set your priorities.
    As for the other possible life events, just try to be as careful and smart as you can, and be confident you will make the race.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Hey all, I had a question for the group that I think got buried in the weekend race reports (congratulations all!) - I've been planning my race schedule for this year since late 2018 but have found myself hesitant to actually pull the trigger and register too far in advance. My issue is that I keep getting caught up in the "what-ifs" - what if I get pregnant/sick/injured and can't run, what if the weather is a disaster, and so on. Does anyone have any tips for sucking it up and accepting that I can't control everything? How far in advance do you feel comfortable registering for events?

    I find registering early makes me stay accountable and not come up with excuses to skip on the training. When I got injured that led to me having to DNS one local race (was upset about it but it cost something like 3€ to sign up so no huge loss) and having to pull out from the half marathon that is actually next Saturday. THAT I was pretty upset about, but I got 60% of my inscription fee back (sadly they couldn't just change my 2019 inscription to 2020 as I think a lot of races can/will) but I'll be signing up for next years as soon as registrations open.
    Getting pregnant... as long as there are no special concerns I understand doctors are happy with you continuing to do what you have been doing, so if that is running and/or racing and you feel ok doing so, no reason not to. I've seen very pregnant runners at races. Some even swear it makes labour easier ;-)
    Weather... well I probably wouldn't sign up for something that was very likely to happen in horrific weather, but from the pictures we see in this group I think it would have to be VERY extreme to stop a race being runable.
    Sick/injured... nothing you can do about that, but we can't spend our lives constantly fretting over the what ifs.