March 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Hey all, I had a question for the group that I think got buried in the weekend race reports (congratulations all!) - I've been planning my race schedule for this year since late 2018 but have found myself hesitant to actually pull the trigger and register too far in advance. My issue is that I keep getting caught up in the "what-ifs" - what if I get pregnant/sick/injured and can't run, what if the weather is a disaster, and so on. Does anyone have any tips for sucking it up and accepting that I can't control everything? How far in advance do you feel comfortable registering for events?

    A race registration is not a binding contract that says you will run or suffer horrible consequences. You plan the best you can, and if something happens, adjust. I registered for the Pittsburgh Marathon nearly a year in advance because the price difference is HUGE. over $100 per person.

    If something happens, and we can not make it, then it is a sunk cost by then. Just move on and try again next time. :)
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    Hey all, I had a question for the group that I think got buried in the weekend race reports (congratulations all!) - I've been planning my race schedule for this year since late 2018 but have found myself hesitant to actually pull the trigger and register too far in advance. My issue is that I keep getting caught up in the "what-ifs" - what if I get pregnant/sick/injured and can't run, what if the weather is a disaster, and so on. Does anyone have any tips for sucking it up and accepting that I can't control everything? How far in advance do you feel comfortable registering for events?

    Pretty sure you know how to control this ^^^ ;) And if you can't, well just set your priorities.
    As for the other possible life events, just try to be as careful and smart as you can, and be confident you will make the race.

    Haha, true. :smile:
    Hey all, I had a question for the group that I think got buried in the weekend race reports (congratulations all!) - I've been planning my race schedule for this year since late 2018 but have found myself hesitant to actually pull the trigger and register too far in advance. My issue is that I keep getting caught up in the "what-ifs" - what if I get pregnant/sick/injured and can't run, what if the weather is a disaster, and so on. Does anyone have any tips for sucking it up and accepting that I can't control everything? How far in advance do you feel comfortable registering for events?

    I find registering early makes me stay accountable and not come up with excuses to skip on the training. When I got injured that led to me having to DNS one local race (was upset about it but it cost something like 3€ to sign up so no huge loss) and having to pull out from the half marathon that is actually next Saturday. THAT I was pretty upset about, but I got 60% of my inscription fee back (sadly they couldn't just change my 2019 inscription to 2020 as I think a lot of races can/will) but I'll be signing up for next years as soon as registrations open.
    Getting pregnant... as long as there are no special concerns I understand doctors are happy with you continuing to do what you have been doing, so if that is running and/or racing and you feel ok doing so, no reason not to. I've seen very pregnant runners at races. Some even swear it makes labour easier ;-)
    Weather... well I probably wouldn't sign up for something that was very likely to happen in horrific weather, but from the pictures we see in this group I think it would have to be VERY extreme to stop a race being runable.
    Sick/injured... nothing you can do about that, but we can't spend our lives constantly fretting over the what ifs.

    I definitely want to continue running if I get pregnant, assuming it doesn’t make me miserable. The weather thing is tough - my DNS last month was largely weather-related, and the half marathon I’m thinking about doing in July was canceled last year because of heat. Minnesota isn’t exactly forgiving where weather is concerned. I’m sure I’m just stressing myself out unnecessarily about things I can’t control - I struggle with being decisive sometimes.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Today is a planned rest day. Not sure if I will run or not later. :wink: Probably not. Lots of stuffs to get done.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    benbowers wrote: »
    8 mile run this evening out by the moonlit sea.

    55 for the month.😁

    Knockin' 'em down!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    03/01/19 :::: 2.9 :::: 2.9
    03/02/19 :::: 5.5 :::: 8.4
    03/03/19 :::: 0.0 :::: 8.4
    03/04/19 :::: 3.1 :::: 11.4
    03/05/19 :::: 2.0 :::: 13.5
    03/06/19 :::: 3.3 :::: 16.8
    03/07/19 :::: 0.0 :::: 16.8
    03/08/19 :::: 3.1 :::: 19.9
    03/09/19 :::: 4.1 :::: 24.0
    03/10/19 :::: 0.0 :::: 24.0
    03/11/19 :::: 4.3 :::: 28.3
    03/12/19 :::: 2.3 :::: 30.6
    03/13/19 :::: 3.0 :::: 33.6
    03/14/19 :::: 3.9 :::: 37.5
    03/15/19 :::: 3.1 :::: 40.6
    03/16/19 :::: 5.0 :::: 45.6
    03/17/19 :::: 3.1 :::: 48.7
    03/18/19 :::: 3.5 :::: 52.1

    Tonight's speedwork was a ladder workout of 1-2-3-2-1 minute intervals with 90 sec rest between. With warm-up, cool-down and 4 sprints (strides I guess), it was about 3.5 miles for me. It felt like I hadn't run in ages. I'm really feeling that my mileage has been down for the past 4 weeks.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,102 Member
    Back from spring break and getting back on schedule! We had a great time and it was nice to get out of town for a bit. I love traveling, even if just for a night or 2 here and there. When I sat down and looked at my calendar over the next several months, I will be going somewhere that requires at least 1 night in a hotel every month until September this year! Then again in October and November. Luckily my family also likes to travel, but my husband and daughter get tired of it sooner than I do. There are a couple of trips in there that I am doing alone, so they get a bit of a break!

    I am not even going to try to catch up on the 350+ comments from last week. I did skim a few recent pages to make sure I wasn’t woefully out of touch!

    This week is fantastically springy - about 70F and sunny. I have another 10k race this Saturday, so not pushing it too hard this week but trying to get the rust knocked off. My knees ached a little today when I got started but that worked itself out soon enough. Just a bit stiff from almost 1.5 weeks of no running.

    3/2: 6.5 miles
    3/4: 2.4 miles
    3/7: 3.7 miles
    3/18: 2.5 miles

    March total: 15.1 miles
    March goal: 35 miles

    2019 Races:

    Piney Woods Trailfest 5k - 2/2/2019 29.23
    Rodeo Run 10k - 2/23/2019 1:03.12
    Run Houston! Minute Maid Park 10k - 3/23/2019 registered
    Brazos Bend 50 10k - 4/6/2019 registered
    El Chupacabra de Houston 10k (night trail run) - 8/2019
    TWRC Run Wild Run Free 5k - 9/2019
    10 for Texas 10 Miler - 10/2019 registration opens Jan 2019
    Wine and Dine half marathon - 11/3/2019

    Run the Year 2019 - Team Five for Nineteen