

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,881 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,349 Member
    Heather UK: I like the quote that Barbie wrote! Don't allow the opinions of this woman to dictate what you do. Your DDILs mother has no idea of what your goals and aspirations might be, and wouldn't understand them if she did. You are not crazy! You have the right to live your life however you choose, without allowing this woman bring your energy down. Later: Looking at your photo, I think that there any be a touch of the the 'green eyed devil' in her comments. You look fantastic.

    ☘️ Terri ☘️
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,349 Member
    edited March 2019
    Finally caught up with reading posts, but have run out of time to comment.

    Spent yesterday in Dublin. My art Group and a few others had a 1200 noon tour slot booked for the Canaletto exhibition of Paintings from the Royal collection at Buckingham Palace. The guide was very informative. We dandered round Dublin for a few hours after lunch (15000+ Steps! and 8 miles on Fitbit for the day 😂) before getting the train back to Belfast, tired but happy!

    This morning DH and I are off out to get our weekly groceries.

    Word for 2019 is CHOICE with a different word chosen for each month.
    The word for February was PROGRESSION

    I did make some progress on my quest for more toned muscles. However, it meant that the scale stalled.
    February Goals:
    • log food/stay under goal ✅
    • 9000 steps a day✅
    • 60+ minutes intentional exercise daily✅
    • Lose 5 lbs ❌ 1.5lbs down.
    • Complete Weeks 2-5 of 10 week Boditrax course ✅(Week 5 completed on Friday)
    My word for March is ACCEPTANCE
    I am still working on accepting that there are trade-offs that we have to make from time to time.
    Note to self: Focus on strength/flexibility/stamina. Trust the CI/CO Process to take care of the weight loss!

    March Goals
    • Log food/stay under goal (19/19)
    • 9000 steps a day (19/1 I will need to increase this as I am going to Croatia on a walking holiday in early may.
    • 60+ minutes intentional exercise daily (19/19)
    • Weigh less at the end than now Moving in the right direction, but slowly.
    • Complete Weeks 6-10 of 10 week Boditrax course (Wk6,7,8 completed)

    ☘️ Irish Terri
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Irish Terri love your monthly word and goals. Your trip to Dublin sounds very active and fun, my favorite kind of trip

    Busy busy times, keeping up with journaling and meal prep but not getting in steps - that’s on me and will take it one day at a time. My calorie intake is so routine that I am staying in maintenance weight for now.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    KJ - Many, many congrats on your second grandchild to be. <3 Joy of joys. I have never known a first child, especially one of two and a half, who didn't have a very hard time when a new baby arrived! :o Agony!
    Yes, Edie is the 'people person' in the family. Bea was making her presence felt and shrieking about what she wanted (Paw Patrol) It was Edie's turn to choose what's on tv. First she suggested Bea went to another room to watch, but that wouldn't work for us, because we were meant to be babysitting. Then, of her own accord, she set her up with Paw Patrol on the iPad so she could sit with us. She's only 5. :D<3
    Max played games on the laptop half an hour past the time he was allowed. I'm afraid we let him as it was easier for us. As soon as he heard his parents come home he closed it down and ran into the playroom to sit in front of the tv as if he had been there all the time. We didn't tell on him. I find myself wondering what goes on in their little heads. :laugh:

    DH's younger daughter had an operation for prolapsed piles a few weeks ago. She is still off work and uncomfortable. She has been staying with her mum and sister. Now she is back home, DH is going up to London to see her tomorrow. Driving. He's hoping there will be a parking spot at the apartment. :o

    I'm going to yoga again this afternoon, but I'm wondering if I will continue. I really wanted a group where I can get to know people and the style of yoga isn't my thing. I do some yoga at home every day, so it's more a social thing I'm missing. I will give it this one more go. Otherwise I would be running, which would be much more fun!

    Going to book the Swing social night for Sunday evening. Plus I must get going on booking for the Brighton Festival and Fringe. There are a few things we fancy. Masses of choice - hundreds of things! Most of May.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    Heather take care of Max – those are tough thoughts for an 8 year old. So I checked on Lamb neck filet (I’d never heard of that) I would need to special order with a week lead time at my local shop and it would between $40-50 USD (30-37 pound sterling) that is really pricy for me.

    Snowflake – beautiful!

    Dana – yes Levi is a springer spaniel

    Pip – you are amazing

    Machka - You are the strongest, most organized person I know – and DH’s doctor and 6 weeks is my new hero!

    Pat – OH my – you are lucky to have not ended up with a more serious injury

    Allie – thinking of you!

    So I interviewed for my gardener job yesterday with the potential new company, it was a pretty casual conversation. I was under impressed with the management folks that interviewed me. They knew they were interviewing me and while they had a list of questions for the other staff titles, told me right up that they “did bother coming up with specific questions” So I needed to answer the science teacher questions… I garden, not teach, and specially not science. Thank goodness it was more of group management questions, I am a strong believer in if everyone is busy they don’t have time to be getting in trouble.

    The timing of this is that as of May 31 I am laid off, but the new company just turned in the response to the RFP (request for proposal) to take over - and the expectation is that it will take 2-3 months to reach a decision - So May 19 or later, and then we’ll get offer letters (and they don’t pay as well or have the benefits we are used to) But on June 1 there has to be staff up and running for the camp that starts then. There are 17 of us affected and they need 9 to get through the summer. I know 3 have already found new jobs, 2 others have 2nd interviews coming up. This new company may find it hard to make this work. From what I have heard they really have NO idea what they are walking into.

    Oh well, I’ll get it or I won’t, there’s a list of folks wanting me to garden for them, and I am working hard on my yard to get it in shape and putting in more raised beds to add to the food production.

    Kim from N. California

    Awwww thanks. ::::head down, kicking the dirt, hands behind my back:::::
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    edited March 2019
    got rejection email from the interview yesterday..will keep on, keeping on

    So sorry, it wasn’t meant to be
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    This is interesting for anyone interested in fiber. Checked my last couple wks & need to do much better.Glad I track fiber.

    https://www.vox.com/2019/3/20/18214505/fiber-diet-weight-loss Pat in Oh
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Pat ~ I am very bad about getting fiber. :/
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,801 Member
    Rebecca - we love pay cheque to pay cheque too it’s not the easiest way to live for sure. It’s wonderful your son will help out. I hope you find the perfect spot and can be there for a long time.

    Kim - I hope you get the position or more gardening clients that will make up the difference. Losing the benefits will be a huge loss though I imagine. More so in the States than here in Canada from my understanding.

    Terri - your day yesterday sounds wonderful. I have never been to Ireland but it’s one of my favourite settings in books and movies. It is on top of my list if I ever can afford to travel.

    Allie - so sorry for the rejection email. I hope you find something soon.

    Heather - your grandchildren are lovely. I had to laugh at Max running to the tv when his parents returned. I don’t tell on my Grandchildren either, we have a “what happens at Grammie’s stays at Grammie’s” rule. However, both of them have been known to tell on themselves and each other. We always try to stop it and our daughter just shakes her head.

    Barbara - I need to look at a HRM, my daughter just bought one and loves it!
    Mind you if I bought one, I would need to move much more!

    I am hoping to hear about the job one way or the other this week. I have found a couple more to apply for, but it would be really nice to just start working and have this all over with!

    Today I am taking Lauryn and Michaela to the bridal store to have Michaela sized for her flower girl dress. She grows so fast, Lauryn is scared this is too early but it’s the deadline they have been given. Since Christmas Michaela has gone up two dress sizes. She is 3 and is now wearing size 5, she is very tall.

    I’m off to go do some tidying.
    Tracey In Edmonton
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lisa: Interesting book. If you decide to read it, Let us know what you think of it. :flowerfoyou:

    Allie: Good luck! I know the right situation is out there and hope you find it soon. :heart:

    Connie from OK: I am so sorry you’ve had so many health challenges. You have found an excellent group of supportive women. I hope you will be back regularly. :star:

    JJroth: Welcome! :bigsmile:

    Heather: I’m sorry to hear about DH’s daughter’s health problem. I hope the visit with her goes well and perking doesn’t create any problems. :star:

    We had our dog treated for an infection in his rear quarters and the infection has reemerged. The fee to see the vet today will be $80, and we have to wait in the office to work him in. Not thrilled. :grumble:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited March 2019
    Katla Is the infection your doggie has in his anal glands? Those can be aggravatingly recurrent.

    Allie Sorry for the job rejection. Their loss.